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Everything posted by RedVixen

  1. I will try and find out what the original Liability order was for although the amount they were chasing is less that the actual order on account that once they had the liability order they decided to acknowledge all the payments I have made that year and took them of the post CCJ demand
  2. All the doors and windows are locked the only thing worth levying on is safely inside and out of view I have had nothing back via the council but the local MP wants to explore teh wider issues which is fine by me I can deal with the council and the excess fees0. . I will see about the £42.50 as why should anyone pay those fees albeit that they are legitimate when the company claiming them don't behave in a legal and legitimate way - I think any sniff of this sort of behaviour and they should lose the right to it all The previous Bailiffs they used - Swift (who I know people have similar problems to the ones I am having with Jacobs) did the two visits a few extra letters no extra charges then passed it back - I will swallow those charges because I know how crap I am with some things I am not sure how many CCJs there are anymore Jacobs just have this year - when I have spoken to someone at the council a while ago the unofficial word was - once its back with the council as long as they can see it coming down they will step back as they know there is nothing else they can do since there is no wilful avoidance - Hopefully the current contract will run into next year it would be so good to be arrears free for a change its eating up £100 a week of my income but I don't need flash phones or tellys (although my PC is so old I usually go and make a cup of tea while it is loading excel straight off the hard drive)
  3. Jacobs are chasing for council tax. I am in and out of work but for the year Jacobs are chasing for I was actually not only up to date but ahead of my payments at the time of the court hearing. However because I paid over the monthly ammount (ie it did not match exactly the monthly installment) to take into consideration previous arrears the council decided my payments were SOLEY for the previous year because of course I just LOVE having CCJs Anyway in and out of work and I am crap at paperwork. I have had a new contract since August and have been using my payment card to make payment directly to the council it amounts to about £100 per month paid in weekly installments. Jacobs did their first visits although at least one of their letter arrived by post (sadly I didn't keep the envelope) Yesterday I got a call from someone claiming to be the Jacobs Bailiff trying to sound reasonable in that he said did you know a van has been booked to take your property. my response - sorry so what, I am paying the council direct, you will not under any circumstances gain entry and I will not be paying you anything - repeated a few times as he pretended not to understand He even phoned back after a couple of minutes to ask 'are you alright' to which I reiterated what I had said previously he said he would make a note of what I had said about paying the council I get home to a letter with a printed signature allegedly from the chief bailiff Mr E Davies The balance has mysteriously gained over £200 and the letter was short on words but included the phrase removal might take place even in your absence I calmly and coldly scanned yesterdays letter plus a previous one to show the difference in balance, and sent them attached to a long email to my local councillor, MP and local rag The local councillor knows me as he used to serve on the council with my mother what will come of this I don't know When I searched for Mr E Davies on the certified Bailiff register I couldn't find him - nearest is an Ian Davies that works for Jacobs I will continue to pay the council and ignore Jacobs as much as humanly possible - I have put a notice of widthdrawal of implied rights of access The council is using our council tax money to pay thugs to bully and intimidate local residents - its just not on. I know what they can and can't do others will be terrified of them
  4. Hi NP I am still on the merry go round as well I think on credit cards PPI added is a percentage of the balance each month - whether trying to claim it back would amount to an acknowledgement of the debt and restart the SB clock I don't know. If you can dig out what the PPI percentage per month is after it could wipe most of the balance anyway by the time they have rolled out interest reductions plus the statutory PPI forum is the best place for that I suppose
  5. I have sent a letter off to the data controller - I will look at sending a SAR off when I have had a look at my budget - between jobs so £10 is a lot of money right now
  6. Thankyou I will redraft a new letter and send it off
  7. I am not worried about the DCAs - they can waste their time and money as far as I am concerned. There are no DCAs chasing the overdraft. I accept that for the overdraft the default will stay but it needs to be updated to say settled/satisfied
  8. Lloyds definitely have not sold it on yet - all DCA letters refer to operating on behalf of Lloyds
  9. No the PPI was a lot more than the debt and was rolled over 5 loans going back 10 years. by the time all the roll overs had taken place I had overpaid by 4K- The statement on the refund letter relating to it was "I have recalculated the settlement amount on loan 5 and have credited you with £4K" on top of the refunded PPI across all the loans. If they had to credit me to settle the loan it no longer exists
  10. Its has Lloyds written all over it - they have not sold the loan on
  11. I used that one as well there is one record showing on one of the CRAs but not the other two - wasn't noddle as I remember
  12. I want it sorted before my free trial runs out ideally - much to my surprise my credit rating is fair not poor and the removal of those two item may mean I can finance the qualification and memberships I need to vastly improve my career prospects Logged onto the CRAs yesterday and want to send the letter tomorrow I was going to send it to Lloyds insurance that issued the check but the data controller makes much more sense
  13. Default date 23/08/2008 Remaining Balance showing £5579 where that has come from I don't know the DCAs are chasing for £6413 - however irrelevant THEY credited me to settle the loan therefore there is no balance As far as i know no one formally closed the loan account I can only assume that it should have been closed when the PPI cheque was issued. They haven't sold the loan on it is still being chased on their behalf When I said I have checked the figures I mean that the settlement as part of the PPI refund was correct. The loan has been cleared by them Essentially one department in Lloyds has not communicated to another one My overdraft with them is also still showing but that was all charges and again they wrote that off 2 years ago as a 'gesture of goodwill' - that one has not been updated since 2009. The loan record has been updated as recently as this year
  14. Hello I have just drafted a letter Lloyds basically firmly asking them to remove the records on my credit rating for a loan that I originally took out in 2005 but after a PPI refund it turns out would probably not have happened. If it had it would have been for a much smaller amount and I maintained the loan for long enough to clear the smaller amount comfortably. Essentially in 2009 when I went to the FOS over a PPI refund Lloyds ended up crediting me just over £4000 to settle the account so it hasn't existed in any form since then It is however still showing on my credit record as a current debt and I am still being chased by debt collectors for it (not something I worry about anymore) I have checked the figures and it isn't a mistake. My questions are - can they remove the entry completely I don't want a 'settled' or 'satisfied' default as it would not have defaulted on the smaller sum given the time period that I was paying the loan Is there a specific term for this that I should be asking for and have I been reasonable in demanding that they make the amendments within 14 days of receipt of the letter, (I will send it recorded)
  15. Having looked at my credit record it would appear that Lloyds have also NOT removed entries regarding my charges laden overdraft with they settled as a gesture of good will I actually have two documents regarding the credit card which state that there was no balance over 2 years ago. Lowells have sent the CC to BCW who are getting nowhere and it appears lowell have logged 7 searches on my credit rating over the last year
  16. That is what I have just asked for - at the end of the day aside from the financial implications I would not want to be reinstated anyway. The culture there is quite toxic with managers spending all day finger pointing rather than working together - I was certainly starting to think I should be looking elsewhere before this as although my manager is one of those people you kind of like as a person he was an appallingly bad manager who the copany failed to deal with and I was never going to be able to achieve as much as in the company
  17. The thing with my manager is they already knew what he was covering up and had done for a while. Some of what was being done I would not go along with as if it came back on the company they were in big trouble. I am aware (via direct contact) that most of the directors wanted him to leave but did not seem to have the stomach to take him through only one director backs him and that is the one with the short comings who recently has been taken to task and has managed to hide this behind the under performing manager
  18. I am not expecting reinstatement - The fact that they have demoted my manager who they knew was covering things up for along time is vindication in a way. I think i just want someone to admit they have been unfair they know that legally I can't do anything but morally they are in the wrong - shame that doesn't pay the mortgage. Essentially one of the directors is trying to distract form his own short comings by making an example of someone. It is a bad move on their part as he is known to be useless by the people that matter and no one respects him. I need to make sure I get a reference basically
  19. I should point out that they are giving me a moths severance pay so in that respect they are going above their legal requirements They have employees there who have cost the company thousands due to continued incompetance yet keep their jobs because of who they are related to.
  20. Hi I was dismissed from my last job 2 weeks ago I had been there just over 6 months which I know reduces rights to unfair dismissal as I have read that they can basically just say that I am not suited to them and that they do not wish to continue with my contract if the time period is less than 12 months - however they did not do that I was called into a meeting with no notice and then told it was my appraisal I had previously let it be known to several people that when my appraisal came about I wanted an independent person there as my line manager was a very weak manager and previously my job had been done by his son and I had basically uncovered a lot of things that his son had messed up but that my manager had covered up (well they covered up for each other really) - I did not get the chance to do this. I was told that due to too many customer complaints they were not going to continue my contract the first complaint that they showed me - my only involement was scanning documents once a final inspection had been carried out by someone else. The parts had apparently arrived damaged but the damaged bits were not looked at as part of the final inspection procedure anyway. They said this was my fault as the forms I scanned had not been signed by the inspector - as the damaged bits were not part of the procedure that made not difference and also I would not have received the forms until the part had already gone out. There were a couple of other things bought up, some were mistakes I had made in the early stages having not had substantial enough training but some, although they showed up as errors on the documents I produce were due to mistakes and incorrect information made elsewhere by other people. No analysis of what the trends were - had been made Some of the problems were due to something called witness inspection where customer representatives were on site and as was previously admitted by the people responsible for dismissing me - being partly subjective on the part of the customer inspector - there were two on one project with different ideas of what they would let through and what they wouldn't. So where they claimed that there had been 100% issues with them in reality that was parttly due to the subjectivity of the witnesses and partly due to poor planning of the inspections that resulted in too much needing to be done at once - plus the previous person in my job had completely messed up and in some cases not carried out some of the work that needed to be done and it took along time to track information down. Basically a number of issues that we at least partly due to systemic problems within the company were twisted and represented as being solely due to me. And then within three days of my dismissal my line manager was demoted into the position I had just been dismissed from. I have an appeal hearing today and have asked them to clarify whether a position actually still exists for me to be reinstated into but they have refused to answer that question
  21. They seem a little slack don't they I have CSA on behalf of Westcott on behalf of Lloyds chasing theloan that was settled by lloyds as part of the PPI win nearly three years ago CSA are at the pink letter stage at the moment - haven't done the Aylesbury court bit yet but In know its coming I can't help wondering why DCAs keep agreeing to chase the same people that have ignored/fought them off multiple times before - they surely don't keep records
  22. Her letters all say magistrates court so I assume thats who she works for - had never axctually come round outside normal working hours so I have genuinely never been in anyway
  23. Westcott have sub contracted CCS to collect the loan - I am now at the point where i want to remove the loan rom my credit record rather than letting DCA waste money so I will be writing to Lloyds head honcho and including the letters from the PPI people saying they had to credit me to settle the loan and telling them to remove the info from my credit rating
  24. I think it is the bailiff the letter same day was from a bailiff - female bailiff - female 'concerned friend' and its a magistrates court Bailiff Debt is regarding CCJ in favour of a solicitor which I am getting a second opinion on having finally found a local solicitor which has a backbone - dodgy contract really and they breached it in so many ways but I could not find the info I needed to defend in time contact law is complicated and they also breached several of the core principles of the solicitors code Thing is this caused stress and worry to my neighbour who realised she hadn't seen me for a few days and probably wouldn't have worried if the concerned friend hadn't knocked the door - deceit is deceit
  25. I have just spoken to the neighbour it sounds like it was the bailiff and they definately made out that they were a friend - also said they were concerned because I hadn't responded to lots of messages they had left - also claimed to have made lots of phone calls and left messages that way which they haven't
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