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Everything posted by RedVixen

  1. The police came knocking all my neighbours doors today after my next door neighbour (as far as i can tell) phoned then saying she was worried that she hadn't seen me for a week,. This was apparently sparked by a 'concerned' friend asking after my welfare, they all know exactly how I am as do all of the neighbours who actually know my name - now I got a letter from a bailiff through the door today and I have ignored all letters from this bailiff up until now (as I will be dealing with the matter another way) so i think it may be her - i am certainly very suspicious I will be talking to the neighbour that apparently made the report to find out what the person looked like Surely this is dodgy behaviour but is it against their licence conditions
  2. it would actually pay me at the moment to let a solicitor deal with the estate anyway - migth suggest that to the probate office as at least I know my expenses will be honored then
  3. All quiet which is not a good sign - I am going to ring brothers solicitors tomorrow to find out what he is playing at And also contact Cardiff Probate office for advice plus i may go and see a solicitor just in case
  4. Correction £900 was removed from my mothers bank account within 5 days of her death and 4 days before the bank was officially notified I have talked to the bank who referred me to the police who them gave me a log number and referred me back to the bank. Both say it is unlikely given the time scales that they will be able to get a result however due to the fact £900 is a lot to spend in 5 days the Bank may still refer it on to their fraud department. The plot keeps thickening There is also a a paragraph in the will that states that a beneficiary is allowed to enjoy the benefit of the property prior to sale and no timescales are given. Given I can say in all honesty I have tried my best and worked hard to get into the position where the property can be marketed I think this also weakens his case. My mother also left two cats which again I have been sole carer of since I moved down here - my brother refused to allow me to rehome them despite the fact one was clearly unhappy with having to share with my cats, but then didn't contribute to their upkeep something else that the missing funds should have covered I have just added and amount to account for this into my expenses as they are part of a larger cat household I can't provided receipts but the amount I have claimed is very conservative
  5. I have decided to go for a CPR request at the moment. I have a feeling that the solicitor has not seen the will since i have it or an original sealed I have finally tracked down the original account details from just after my mothers death It turns out there is just under £2k unaccounted for and also there were two entries of a total of £600 taken out of my mothers account after she died - I am furious now as he was down there at the time he was entitled to some but not that much especially since she had been bailing him out for years. It is the only reason he moved down there because he messed up in brum and had nowhere to go and he neglected to mention this
  6. The only item I do not hold recepits for is the bolier repair and maintenance everything else is logged and traceable. And I have complete accounts of the estate which my brother doesn't I will reply indicating what I have detailed above and I swill seprately demand full disclosure form my brother reegarding the money he spent. i didn't realise the timescales but this action is entirely vexatious as he hasn't got his onw way and always relies on other people to clean up his crap and I won't do that He has also cheated teh benefits system which I am not seriously considering reporting him for. there is no way I can afford to let him have control of the estates only major assett i will not see what I am entitled to and have fought to keep
  7. We are both co-executors of the will abd sole beneficiaries up until now my brother has not carried out any of the obligations he took upon himself as detailed above. In understand that when he agreed to look after the intial monnies that is called meddling and regardless of whether probate had been granted at that ppint he was expected to behave as if it had - i.e not spend estate moneys on himself and certainly not spend anything without referring to me first The will does ask that the house be sold but it also contains clauses which allow us to delay the sale and for one of the executors to ''enjoy the benefit' of teh assetts although the ammount of stress it has cause witht eh repo threats I can't say I am enjoying it much I want it sold I just don't want to undersell it. And I don't want to be forced out by someone who has misused estate money and then lied about it
  8. Basaically I have had a letter from a solicitor intructed by my brother which says they are going to apply for an order of possession and sale The house is part of my mothers estate, she died 3 and a half years ago,. just after her death i was told by my brother that there was no money left in the estate to put the house on the market. At this time HIPS were in place. This is not true. the initial money was placed into an account that only he had acess to as he lived in the city that she died and I didn't. When I tried to piece together the estate accounts (which my brother hadn't done) I found that there should have been over £1K available to get the ball rolling on the house sale. I have one of the bank statements and he spent it mostly at Tescos as if it was his own. I moved down as the house wasn't going to be sold soon and after a short while he also moved in after splitting up with his partner. Neither of us were working so the arrears on the mortgage built upafter 18 month and literally on the day the court papers arrived for Repo I was able to clear the arraears by using most of my PPI refund. He had moved out at this point. SInce then mortgage payments have been erratic as I have been temping but now I am in a more stable job they are slowly coming down again The only reason the estate still has the property is because of me and over £14K that I have paid out in terms of mortgage, related insurances and maintenance. My brother has done nothing but take and yet now is making this threat essentuially because I will not agree to sell quickly and cheaply way below market value. He has never been able to survive wiothout someone bailing him out and now he has run out of options The solicitor letter states that I have no intention of vacating the property when I clearly stated to my brother that I was aiming to get the house on the market Feb/Mar/April time as that is a far better time to get a property on the market. As well as preparing the house for sale I am also saving for a deposit to rent, essentially he is trying to make me homeless. He also lied about applying for probate which lead to the estate getting a £400 financial hit in legal fees as the lender got fed up of waiting for probate and took out a court order to have us declared the logal owners prior to starting repo proceedings. I had no idea this was happening as he hid the letters Not quite sure of my plan of action. So far I have decided to refute in writing the claim that I have no intention of leaving. Make a CPR request for info they will be relying on in maing this application as I can't see that any exists and making a formal request that my brother demonstrates where the £1k + was spent as he talks about obligations but despite meddling in the estate by aggreeing to look after the original cash in the bank he has failed to carry out any of is obligations previously. Any comments wouldbe much appreciated
  9. Woo Hoo Loan is now with Westcott who do have my recently reconnected land line but I just tell them that I will not go through security so give it up. I am currently almost enjoying getting more post again Credit Card has been sold to Lowell over 2 years after is was written off against by Lloyds. I think when they finally send something I think I should reply to I will send them the statement that says balance = 0000
  10. Definately time to ignore them CSL will send lots of letters with key words in bold but usually send it back to Lloyds after a few months And definately get on teh PPI case
  11. No where as clever as IMS but agree insist on all loans being considered as one claim - on mine I got an several overpayment elements added to the rebate as the loans rolled over - basically admiting that teh subsequent loan would not have been as high had PPI not been added. It all adds up
  12. Why can't I put lines inbetween paragraphs anymore? -
  13. Update time Well - Iqor on the loan - very unenthusiastic a letter every couple of months with no escalation The credit card balance however has been sold to Lowells who send letter more reguilarly - ignored so far I have more important things to worry about. Wondering if Ishould send the statement I have which lloyds produced after they wrote the credit card balance off 2 years ago. It says nothing owing One of the many things I wonder about going through all this is - if a bank has written a debt off ie no longer considers it an assett why are they apparently allowed to then sell it 2 years laters thereby collecting some sort of income against it when they have told the tax office and insurance company they have written it off. I mean if anyone else did something similar they could be accused of fraud wouldn't they? The balance they are claiming is wrong anyway but 2 years??
  14. It didn't take long with my claim but I honestly can't quite remember. I know they exceeded teh FOS stated time scales regarding calculating teh rebate in the first place but the payment was sent out very soon after I received notification
  15. Quick update They came around a few days ago while I was in - didn't answer the door and they put another letter through basically saying that if I don't pay within 24 hrs they will pass this back to their client which MAY result in further action adn a jail sentence. Interestingly the ammount claimed on that letter was less than previous ones by £75 which is what I had paid via Newports automated system at that point so no one can say wilfully not paying can they Not resting easy though until I have contact from the council though all the windows will remain closed etc
  16. Bike won't go in the living room I can't get it around the corner but it is now no longer outside the house back or front.
  17. Right the attempt to put the house on the market was October 2009 The solicitor billed me initially in December 2009 out of the blue The complaint to the solicitor was january where the reply was factually incorrect in some respects. And ignored the more salient points. Soon after the whispers about HIPS being suspended came around so I delayed. My work is a string of temprary contracts with spells of unemployment the deferred HIP was actually my only chance at the time of getting it on the market or so I thought. I now Know I could have done it much cheaper but I was not at any time formed of that the estate agent took advantage of the fact that I was stressed and under threat of repo The house never actually went on the market - it couldn't I never received the HIP It has taken them over 12 months to issue papers which has surprised me I am currently deciding what arrears to ditch in the next couple of weeks to pay for the EPC and get rid and get the whole thing over and done with.
  18. I haven't received the HIP and to my knowledge neither did the estate agent agent. I have had to delay the sale due to this as I could not afford to risk money on a nother HIP and then of course it became apparent that HIPS were potentially going to be suspended by the Tories if they got in. So no teh house hasn't sold yet but it still will be it has to be as soon as I can afford the EPC If the estate agent had not lied, and I had received the HIP, and the solicitor had not started making threats based on those lies I would not be refusing to pay for a service that I received but as I said I was never going to receive the HIP and having spoken to another estate agents tied HIPS often used to be added to the estate agent fees once a house is sold. I am prepared to risk a CCJ my credit rating is already trashed after losing full time work three years ago and is still be trashed by various DCA so I am prepared to fight because I was ripped off and I am prepared to take teh additional costs. The joint behaviour of both parties has been appauling as I said before they jumped the gun and behaved in a shocking manner before anything was confirmed
  19. The advice is appreciated but at no point did I withdraw the house from the market. The estate agent lied and the solicitor took the verbal word of teh third party over the written word of the alleged Client. The solicitor did not treat me as teh client and they did breach their own industries code of practice. I do not see why I should pay soley due to the lies of the estate agent - that is the point where this all went pear shaped. I am also not in a postition to pay - no residual income at all
  20. Back room it probably will be then - I have had to disconnect a coded door access because my idiot brother is both spineless and gullable and ignorant to turn up unannounced and if he is there when teh bailiff is despite me telling him that they are not allowed access without my permission the pratt will let him in and then I will lose my nice cycles as well
  21. No they haven't levied it but that won't stop them next time they come will it? - it is the only thing they can see at the moment the only other seizable stuff is inside and they are not getting inside - almost considering moving it into my back room - thing is he has seen it - its out the front I seriously will have to look at fixing it. It is increasingly difficult to get jobs without transport so I genuinly wil need it
  22. Second letter arrived yesterday - on my birthday stating that if I don't pay up they will reattend with a van with a view to removing goods. I haven't been able to move the bike yet but as I am on a short term contract and realistically to increase my chances of a new job I need that bike on the road as most jobs for people like me want a driving licence and access to a vehicle - could that be enought to okeep the bike. If they take it they are negatively affecting my chances of making paayments on teh debt. I am currently ahead of my schedule as just like most councils Newports doesn't stop anyone form using their automated system
  23. Initial cost £295 which is the maximum they could charge in Wales I believe plus cost currentyly ammounting to £450 The solicitor also listed the cost as ' the cost of HIPS in Wales' as if that was set by someone official The POC is signed by a trainee solicitor and given the timescales I am half wondering if they have pulled this out as a practice for teh rookie SO far defence is no contract and they haven't proved contractual obligation even after teh complaint - they went on about phone calls nothing solid, then can't properly defend an invoive as it shows or proves nothing especially since the work listed was never received - nor could it be completed without some of teh infor they requested form me
  24. The whole situation with tied HIPS was contraversial and several bdies demanded clarification including teh SRA in their code of practice that did not happen here. I half think they are doing this because inmy last conversation with the esatte agent I describe teh solicitor as a slimy pratt and funniy enough teh threats went up 3 gears form we willadd 8% to we will take you to court - again over 12 months ago now. Iam also wondering if they are hoping that I have lost the initial paper work as the one teh solicitors complaints guy sent out was missing teh bit about the grant of proabate being needed
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