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Everything posted by MrBump

  1. Right, next question .... I have all but four of my statements, and am keen to get stuck in, so am thinking of either just going for the charges I know about and then DPAing later, or estimating charges and adding it now. My guess is they would probably tell me pretty quickly if there are no charges on those statements. Any thoughts? Also, can anyone advise on the best spreadsheet to use please? Will using the simple credit card compound contractual one and sticking in 29.3% give me an accurate figure? Thanks in advance, Bump
  2. Just noticed the avatar ... I knew those 'free' pigs were too good to be true. Cost me about £2,000 each I reckon!
  3. read this......... Advantage Gold and Unarranged Borrowing- A guide
  4. Well done! It seems like you have them on the back foot. I'm not sure if this applies as you weren't in unauthorised O/D, but it worked for Mindzai: "In relation to your offer of settlement, I regret to inform you that I am unable to accept your offer of £1447.96 as this is not the full sum owed by your Client. I have attached a current complete schedule of charges to this letter, but I will summarise this here. Your Client owes £1162 in unlawfully levied charges. I note your assertion that overdraft interest cannot be claimed, however I assure you that interest incurred as a direct result of your Client’s unlawful charges can indeed be claimed as had your Client acted lawfully, this interest would never have been debited. The sum of interest incurred as a direct result of your Clients unlawful actions is currently £138.23. Further, you will note that my particulars of claim include contractual interest at your Client’s own unauthorised borrowing rate of 29.85% compounded from the date of each transaction until the date the claim was filed, totalling £285.11."
  5. I'd imagine the cheque-signing pen ran out of ink, but it always pays to be prepared... best of luck.
  6. Congrats! Was that with interest?
  7. God, this must be nerve-racking, good luck. Seems you're in uncharted waters, but the worst that can happen is that your success is reduced by £750 ... right? Might be an idea for peeps claiming CCI to close accounts before they have a chance to try this one? Anyway, your judge sounds like a good egg. Onwards and upwards, and more power to you.
  8. Condolencies for your loss. I have some idea of how angry you must be as I was having identical problems when my mother was terminally ill. The charges will be for 'card misuse' or somesuch, and in theory may be recoverable - I guess it could depend on who is dealing with his estate. It may well be though that as your brother is deceased there is no way to bring an action. I'm afraid I can't answer this. Anyone have any ideas?
  9. Thanks for the reply. In my t&c it says 29.3%, but everyone else seems to have gone for 29.9%. I was wondering why. I guess I'll go for the smaller amount...
  10. Hi, I'm about to send prelim to GE Capital re Frasercard charges with contractual. Everyone else seems to be applying int. at 29.9% but the actual APR seems to be 29.3%. They seem to pay out at 29.9% so should I go for that? And where are people getting that figure from? Any help much appreciated...
  11. Hello, was just wondering where you got the 29.9% figure from - my F/C T&C state 29.3%...
  12. Hello all, I'm posting my prelim on Monday for charges & compound contractual interest (about £600) - luckily I have most of my statements. I'll DPA them for the missing four after this is resolved as I'm keen to get stuck in asap. These guys are among the worst usurers of the lot in my opinion - 29.3% on purchases! If you need cheering up, see the article below. Good to see some countries are taking action; I wonder if there is a CAG in Japan? GE closes Japanese finance branches after reforms bite March 10, 2007 GENERAL Electric is closing 60 per cent of its consumer finance branches in Japan and cutting 15 per cent of its workforce to prepare for an expected sharp downturn in the industry prompted by regulatory changes. The US conglomerate said it would close 73 of 115 manned lending branches within the year and close about 200 of its 1342 automatic teller machine loan terminals operated by Lake, a Japanese consumer finance group. GE is also adopting a voluntary retirement program to cut up to 400 jobs out of 2600. The restructuring follows a decision by the Japanese Government to cut the maximum interest rate on consumer loans from 29.2 per cent to 20 per cent. Tighter regulation will also restrict the amount of loans moneylenders can provide to any one borrower. Japan's consumer finance groups have also been battered by claims of excess payments and have been forced to set aside large reserves to deal with those claims. The rise in claims follows a court ruling that has made it easier for borrowers to assert that they overpaid interest. "We are seeing the impact of excess interest payment claims. Although the new rules are only coming into effect in three years' time, we have to prepare in advance," GE said. The regulatory move and court decision, which are expected to hit the profitability of consumer finance companies, have already led the top four consumer finance groups to post an aggregate $US6.3 billion in interim net losses this year, due to an increase in reserves. Poor them! I've also got lots of other charges to get back (see below), so this will be a good claim to dip a toe in the water. Clock starts ticking on Tuesday. Watch this space... Rgds, Bump
  13. I'm about to send Prelim to them based on this: Key information about your Recognition FraserCard Below is a summary of the key features of your Recognition FraserCard Account. It is provided for your convenience and does not form part of any agreement with GE Capital Bank Limited. APRTypical 29.3% APR Variable Good luck!
  14. Is there a link to Henry's thread? I can't find it...
  15. Account number and sort code should be fine. Good luck!
  16. CONGRATULATIONS! You're an inspiration ... just starting my claim now.
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