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lee in wales

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  1. Hi Pink, If you are claiming contractual interest then you can't claim the s.69 8% interest. As far as i know it's either one or the other. I did you get any replies from your prelim ar LBA letters? i only ask as ive just sent my prelim off 4 dys ago just wondered what kind of a responce i'll get, i also sent a partial rejection letter for the amount they offered me
  2. Hi Daz, not sure with Barclays who you would complain to, however if you have sent your Prelim letter, then when the 14 days are up continue with the LBA, it is quite normal that you won't get a response from the banks,just remember stick to your timescales not theirs, good luck Lee:D
  3. Hello, now we are getting down to business:) spent today writing partial acceptance letter for the "goodwill" payment of £320, and also my prelim approach for the true amount plus interest at 22.4% full claim going in at £1,167.01. going to send that recorded delivery tomorrow. Let the battle commence Lee:D
  4. Just added it all up,£848 in total. going to spend the next couple of days swotting up again and start the next phase. Lee:D
  5. Hi all just thought i would pop in and say hello, i've been away all week and only just found out about whats happened, i hope the chat room will come back to us soon, only been online an hour and i miss it already, speak to you all soon Lee:D P.s nice peom ChloeJane
  6. hello, sent off LBA for request of SAR 8th May and also CCA requst, today i received, my statements HOORAY!!!! also by the looks of it their standard letter, saying "Their charges are fair and reasonable, and they stand by them etc. they also say i agreed to their charges in their terms and conditions etc etc and that they do value my custom so they have provided me with my statements free of charge ( however they didn't send back the cheque ) and the have offered me a goodwill payment of £320" ) so i'm going to sit down now with a highlighter pen and add up how much has been taken in charges. back soon Lee
  7. Hi Nuttybeck Welcome to the CAG The best thing to do is to start a new thread in the HSBC section and introduce yourself ther, that way you can be helped by the people who have the most experience with them, also most importantly read upon as much info as you can so you know what to expect from the banks, start here http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/faqs-please-read-these/ also read the other threads in your banks forum so you know how HSBC play ball. see here http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/hsbc-bank/ keep us all posted on your progress good luck Lee:D
  8. thanks Choppers, i am over my credit limit by about £110 so thats what it is then, saying that the £110 is made up of charges and interest. It might have been nice to receive a letter rather than a text message though. Many thanks Lee:D
  9. Hello all, just a quick one this time:) I just noticed on another thread i've been reading that they mention GVI, i take it they are a debt collection agency, i have received several text messages saying to ring GVI, i have been ignoring them because i didn't know who they were and i thought it might be a [problem] or something, if they are a DCA how can they just text me and expect a reply, when i have had no correspondence by letter by this company or even how much the debt is for, is it just me or is that a bit naughty. Lee:D
  10. Hi Choppers, sorry to jump in on your thread, i noticed you mentioned GVI, i take it they are a debt collection agency, i only ask, as i keep getting text messages saying "can you please contact GVI on this number" i have always ignored them thinking it might be a [problem] or something,
  11. Hi Jules, MBNA have missed my deadline too, time was up on Friday, so i am gonna do the same, also sending them a CCA request, i have read a lot of threads and they seem to be stalling with most people here or not sending out all the info requested, i will keep an eye on your thread as you are a lot more experienced at this than me, i will hopefully pick up some top tips:) All the best Lee:D
  12. Hi everyone again, well the news is that MBNA have missed the 40 day SAR deadline, so if they can't manage to send that to me within 40 days then that is just shocking, whats the matter with these people!!!! So the plan is now to file with the courts for the SAR, and also to send off my CCA request, gonna read up some more and sort that out over the weekend, i will be back if i need help (probably will:o ) Don't let the b*****ds grind you down Lee:D
  13. Hi Standing, sorry i havent been able to help you out with anything, working away all week can be a pain in the a**e, it looks like you are flying ahead of me now, well my story is that they have missed the 40 day deadline so it gonna be full steam ahead now, with filing with the courts for SAR, and a CCA request, its pretty shocking that they can't even get an SAR sentout 40 days Lee:D
  14. thanks again corn, you are a diamond:) i found that letter earlier, i will get that printed, and sent off, i will also read up some more on this. Lee x:D
  15. hi Corn, i havent sent a CCA request, cant remember when i took the card out, it was a few years ago, forgive me for being a bit dull, i read something about a CCA request but i thought you did that if your account had been passed onto a collection agency, i will read up some more on this, i work away all week so i wont be online now untill next weekend, i will keep you updated on a weekly basis:) thanks for the advice Lee x:D p.s. procrastinate is a lush word, i had to look up what it meant lol might try and slip it into conversation 2moro
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