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Everything posted by Caz1974

  1. Great letter choco......have you had a response at all yet ?
  2. Eventually only 1 month ago Natwest contacted me and after reclaiming my charges back from 3 different accounts a debt which was originally 5 grand was shrunk to just £238 after all 3 cases were claimed back. No more threatening letters,all interest is now frozen and they have agreed a payment plan of just £5 a month for the existing debt- that to me is a good result:D thankyou all for stickin with me xxxxxxx
  3. Morning Choco Ewwwwwww @ the collection centre - I would simply write to them again! and tell them that they are aware that the amount owed on this account is in duspute and as such they should be freezing all action on it! Remember all the hassle I had lastyear with them? Ewwww well eventually they froze interest and have agreed a suitable repayment plan which finally suits us both but it took 18 letters and a comprehensive complaint and around 8 months of letters to and fro. Hang in there girl you're doing well:D
  4. I agree totally - ignore the letter and wait and see if they provide your agreement. Eeeeeeek what snakes they are:)
  5. Hi ya Choco ltns n sooooooo glad you're hanging in there:D Just think of it this way if it drags on and on and onnnnnnnnnnnnnnn then the lovely interest will just pile up and up and up \o/
  6. Hi Suprise thanks for the speedy reply:D After reading a few threads about Studio lastnight I realised that the service charges were just interest cleverly disguised sheeeeeeeeeesh but I'm going to plough ahead with my claim for the admin charges and PP - I'll keep you posted and Good Luck with your claim too xxx
  7. Doh @ me well it is Friday or hmmmmmmm is it Wednesday LOL only joking \o/ thankyou x
  8. LOL I'm gonna sound really dumb but what does the FOS mean is this just an abbreviation
  9. Hi Suprise I'm in the process of trying to claim back my charges from Studio cards so far I have calculated the admin charges and the payment protection but am stuck on what to do about all the service charges which range from 36p - £12.80 odd.Did you include the service charges in your claim and also not to sound really dumb what or who are the FOS? cheers from Caz:D
  10. Hi Has anyone ever claimed back their charges from Studio cards catalogue? I found all my statements going all the way back to 2000 and am appauled to see payment protection charges ( which I wrote three times to stop paying towards as it wasn't required - luckily in with the statements were photocopies of these letters that I had sent).Strangely the payment protection charges stopped for a couple of months after each letter was sent and then re-appeared magically. The administration charges were hefty too! But what I'm a little confused about is... are the service charges reclaimable? or are they just interest hidden under a fancy wording? e.g. my service charges fluctuate from 0.36 - £12.80 they all appear on my statements as just *service charge*. Any advice on what to do about these would be greatly appreciated - in the meantime I'll crack on with my spreadsheets for the admin charges and P protection:lol:
  11. Does anyone know whether Nationwide are still closing accounts once a claim as started - I have a parachute account but am wondering if they've stopped that sillyness now:D
  12. LOL weeble you are naughty:D I like it!! come on guys let's see if they have a pre pay address \o/
  13. Large Daddy Hi and good luck I've had problems with Moorcroft for over a year and I rang BT in the end because the rates of phone calls I was getting was beyond belief and I was offered a free service for a month called "choose to refuse"! This worked wonders because everytime Moorcroft phoned I was able to block their number ( they use five or 6 different ones) and after a week they gave up trying to contact me by phone.That way I could save all their letters and keep them in a file and basically some of the stuff they sent was worded in such a way it really shouldn't and isn't allowed "court action" when there wasn't any etc. Good Luck with them they are stinkers!
  14. Just a quickie ....are you considering claiming back your unlawful charges on this account as it seems to me you might be suprised at how much it adds up to and might wipe out the debt altogether and leave you a bit to play with:D Looks like a standard letter to me btw!
  15. Basically out of all the DCA's I have dealt with trying to repay my debts over the past year Moorcroft have been the worse. Briefly reading through the threads I have noticed so many more of us out there peeved off at the same people for more or less the same reasons. I basically had a huge pile of debts and trotted off early lastyear to the CAB for some debt advice who I must say where a great help at the time. One of the debts was to Littlewoods catalogue who promptly wrote back to CAB and told them because there was no credit agreement they wouldn't be pursuing the debt ( I luckily saved this letter and filed it ) To cut a long story short Moorcroft have basically tried to pursue the same debt since from different P.O.Box numbers and addresses ranging from Stockport to Edinburgh. I always sent a brief letter pointing out Littlewoods were no longer pursuing the matter and that neither should they be by sending them back a photocopy of the letter sent to CAB.I also wrote to Littlewoods for an explanation of why Moorcroft had my details in the first place. It went quiet for 6 months then low and behold more Moorcrap letters so this week I sat and composed a letter of complaint which was straight to the point and precise and enclosed photocopied letters and replies to each of their correspondances telling them I would like a full explanation of their behaviour in this matter and also letting them know that trading standards in each of the areas which the demand letters had come from would be getting a full and comprehensive complaint about their activities. Perhaps if we all sent in a complaint to the trading standards/OFT in their local areas ...they might start cleaning up their act. I just sit and think of some of the people out there who haven't discovered CAG and are letting Moorcroft bully and threaten them and who loose sleep at night over it:(
  16. Moorcroft have been bugging me for over a year sooooooo keep at them I say:D I basically had a huge pile of debts and trotted off early lastyear to the CAB for some debt advice who I must say where a great help at the time. One of the debts was to Littlewoods catalogue who promptly wrote back to CAB and told them because there was no credit agreement they wouldn't be pursuing the debt ( I luckily saved this letter and filed it ) To cut a long story short Moorcroft have basically tried to pursue the same debt since from different P.O.Box numbers and addresses ranging from Stockport to Edinburgh. I always sent a brief letter pointing out Littlewoods were no longer pursuing the matter and that neither should they be sending a photocopy of the letter sent to CAB.I also wrote to Littlewoods for an explanation of why Moorcroft had my details in the first place. It went quiet for 6 months then low and behold more Moorcrap letters so this week I sat and composed a letter of complaint which was straight to the point and precise and enclosed photocopied letters and replies to each of their correspondances telling them I would like a full explanation of their behaviour in this matter and also letting them know that trading standards in each of the areas which the demand letters had come from would be getting a full and comprehensive complaint about their activities:D
  17. Hi ya Macca think you'll find this useful Click here: Do you need a parachute account? - The Consumer Forums
  18. Hi Brad I just read your thread and your last question is a good one and one I've been pondering over. I have also claimed twice against Nastywest and won both cases but this was lastyear and everything has changed. I've only just sent off my request for my data so am a bit behind your timescale. But I would actually carry on and send your LBA just to give them something to think about why you wait for the January OFT business. Besides it's not long now really and it will look like you've been really patient trying to wait to settle out of court which could go in your favour if you don't file a court case until after January and you never know they might even make you an out of court offer before that date. I've been endlessly reading threads since I've come back and it seems a mixed view some people are carrying on as normal and filling in N1's for their local courts and others are waiting so the decisions yours really:grin: At least if you file and your court case is stayed it will still be in the system along with many others - if the OFT's case is successful or dropped it may open the floodgates for lots of new people persuing bank charges because the media interest is high on this one ( which I'm not knocking cos it's good to hear the voice of the people) but this may slow things down even more
  19. Hi ya Hedgey .....Long time no see:p I hope you and yours are all doing well xxxx
  20. Just thought I'd let you all know that I've sent my Data request today to the Nationwide and I'll keep you all posted and be tugging your ears for advice in the near future ( fingers crossed )
  21. Oh btw yes I do think you have a chance in reclaiming if you already have all your statements you don't need to send off for the S.A.R. just add up all the charges and have a good read through this thread and others:D to give you an idea of what other people have accomplished - Good luck Kaydee!
  22. Hi The 1st thing to do is to request your statements using a S.A.R. (subject access request) same as the ones used for claiming back from the banks - just read through it and add your personal details and change the bits where it says bank to the catalogue companies name. 1. Data Protection Act, Subject Access Request letter - List of charges - The Consumer Forums
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