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Everything posted by Curlyben

  1. Libby, completely celar your internet cache and try again. Tools > Internet Options > General tab > Two deletes and one clear button. Failing that go and get Firefox as it's miles better than IE.
  2. You're best off going with XP as you'll face less problems. Bear in mind that, from experience, the minimum usable spec is a P3 500 and 256 Mb RAM.
  3. OK you need to trun OFF script warning messages. In internet Explorer; Tools > Internet Options > Advanced tab > OPtions you want are under Browsing. Check Disable Script Debugging UNCheck Display a Notification About Every Scritp Error. Then Apply > OK and OK all the way out. Hope this helps
  4. I feel that they are just another name for Barclaycard's collection department, just more official sounding.
  5. Sorry to bump but I could do with some advice.
  6. OK what you need to look for is: * APR * Credit Limit * CCA statement * Cancelation rights * Payment frequency There's some other bits, but I can't remember. I'm sure someone will chip in with the whole prescribed list. For my money I'd say that this is a simple application and so does satisfy CCA. For a better understanding have a look at this monster thread: http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/general-debt/74733-credit-agreement-application.html
  7. Well if that's all you have received back then they HAVEN'T complied with your CCA request and as in CRIMINAL default. Pay them NOTHING and make sure everything is in writing, NO phone calls at all.
  8. I'm having a similar issue with these lovely people. Few years ago had a crap1 card. £200 limit, passed to Lowell at £800 !!!!!. So I received a letter from them and paid it ALL off. Now the end of last year I got another letter from Lowell saying I owe £200 for the same debt. Gave them a call and told em to naff off as it's paid. Heard nothing till last week when I got the same letter from RED collections. Now reading the small print at the bottom to find RED are Lowell, just a different name. Now luckly I found this site, so time to apply a little shoe leather to their nether regions :o:o The same goes for crap1 too. I want my £600 back and I'l going to get it PLUS interest of course
  9. 01234 is Bedford area, other than that no idea, sorry
  10. Also refer back to Gingerheid post # 11 for the whole time line. These guys are trying to frighten you.
  11. Go Sam kick 'em where it hurts Make sure you send them a copy via snail mail as well.
  12. The whole process is quite straight forward, just can be a little tricky at times. There is a massive amount of information on the site especially the FAQ's. Time to start reading: http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/faqs-please-read-these/31460-example-step-step-instructions.html
  13. Send them a non-compliance of CCA letter and go from there. This one will make them take notice. Also seems that you need to take a breath and calm down. Let THEM do all the work !! DON'T call them, everything in writing ONLY.
  14. Please don't use all CAPS as it looks like you are shouting.
  15. OK just to update. Sent off the official despute and reminder to stop calling me. Received back from Muppets a final NO, we'll give you £85, yeah right. Now I have a slight dilema. They are still adding charges to me account so I was going to draw this to their attention with a further letter, probabl LBA. So my claim has gone from £250 to £320 plus interest I know what they are going to say, but I feel it's worth a try. Any comments please.
  16. 1. NO 2. YES 3. Other charges including returned DD's, SO's and cheques. The reason behind NO on 1. is that can include any authorised overdraft interest.
  17. WoW 01264 832294 answered in 4 rings !!!
  18. Got another one to add to the list: 01264 834307
  19. They've been "adjusted". The deal is you have to post 100 words and your sig only appears ONCE in each thread. Which is fine for me as I don't have one yet
  20. Sparky, sorry to hear about your issues with PCWorld, but these guys are purley sales men and nowt else. Now as already mentioned your machine will run Vista, as the sticker says. These stickers come from Micro$oft and can only be applied on machines that can run it. Your issue is really with how Micro$oft judges which machine are allowed to have the Vista sticker. The MINIMUM specs for Vista will NOT allow it to run Areo and even the recomended ones would have problems. BTW I am a Techie also I would advise against using this shop for anything except everyday consumables. You'd be better off with Dell online, you can even talk to someone if you'd like.
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