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Everything posted by 5aq1b

  1. So after arguing with them over the phone I got a brand new Nexus from them. It came with Android 4.2 however I've just updated to 5.0.1. Everything seems OK so far *touch wood*.
  2. Thank you I'll explore this avenue. Great reply & many thanks again. I'll look into purchasing the cables too. Just to let you know, I booted into recovery and wiped the cache, and devlik cache however this made no difference to the headphone issue. I also downgraded to KitKat and again, didn't fix the headphones I have now upgraded back to Lollipop. Headphone issue remains.
  3. Thanks mate. I should have checked here before phoning Google this morning. They have arranged for another replacement (refurb) to be sent out but I haven't went through with the process yet. So my latest Nexus which I have in my hand came from Google last week with KitKat on it. I upgraded to Lollipop and didn't notice any problems other than the headphone jack not working, however I'm not sure if that was down to the firmware upgrade or not. Yes I am charging from mains using the USB port. I wasn't aware you could charge using that other port lol. I have seen reports of slowdown and lag after upgrading to Lollipop however the only thing I experienced was no headphone sound. Was purchased using debit card from the Google website.
  4. I purchased a Nexus 10 two years ago this December and I am now on my fourth device. The 2 year warranty is almost up and I have developed another fault with the one they sent me 3 days ago (Headphone jack isn't working). Previous issues have been intermittent wifi drop outs, and slow charging. This is becoming a bit of a joke now. It's got to the point where I've not really used my device extensively and hence haven't had anything stored on the device because of the constant wipes and reset to factory settings etc. The first 2 replacements were brand new however the latest one was a refurb. I'm not really sure if I have any ground to stand on here? I need to call them tomorrow or Monday but can I demand a brand new device from them this time instead of a refurb and just hope for the best after the warranty expires?
  5. Thanks for the tips, will write a letter and see where I go from there.
  6. Thanks for the reply - however I'm not 100% sure if that was an actual offer at the time. The only reason free servicing was brought up was because I was trying to get myself a good as deal as possible (as you do). They went as low as they could on the price so I did say I wanted 2 years free servicing and the sales rep said ok.
  7. Hi guys, wondering if anyone can give me some helpful advice. I purchased an Audi last year around 8 months ago - It is an Approved Used car and I have Audi finance. I was told (verbally) that I would get free servicing. I never thought anything of this until today when I went to book a service at my local Audi garage and was told that there is no free servicing on the system. I contacted the dealer I purchased from and have been told that the finance agreement didn't include free servicing, and that I would have signed papers related to servicing when signing the finance agreement with the lady who organised it. At the point of purchase, I wasn't to know that a free servicing offer/agreement is tied in with the finance agreement. Anyway - it appears I have no leg to stand on even though I am 100% sure I was told that by a salesman. I even remember having a conversation with regards to where I can take the car to for servicing ie. does it have to be the dealer I purchase from or will any Audi dealer suffice. Also - while looking at the order form today for my car, it states that my car should have cruise control. My car definitely doesn't have cruise control and to be honest, it's not one of the extras that I thought I had and it's not something that I was looking out for however having noticed it on the order form, it's come to my attention that it's definitely not on there. Can this be used as some sort of leverage? I agree at the end of the day it's my fault for not following through with checking if I have paperwork for 2 years free servicing but a part of me just thought that it would be on the system somewhere. Talk about being naive. The sales rep is checking with the advertising company that their Audi garage use so they can check whether the control cruise was on the advert. I've not heard anything back yet but if they do say that it was't - does that change things? I know it's been 8 months and I haven't noticed the cruise control issue but surely if they're using paperwork against me to say that I can't have free servicing then surely I can do the same?
  8. I have been on the phone to DWP and their Debt Management dept and will be writing a letter to them asking for the customer statement. Will keep you guys updated.
  9. when does the time start ? From the date I receive the initial "note of overpayment" letter from DWP?
  10. Nothing official but i called them and IQOR so many times and just went round in circles.
  11. Having looked at the replies so far, im not sure what action to take next?
  12. thanks - i guess a simply worded letter will suffice?
  13. thanks - yeah I don't think i have the form anymore however on one of the occasions I was speaking to the DWP (Bradford office IIRC) the woman did mention that it sounds like there's been some sort of "official error".
  14. thanks, it's not that I can't afford it - it's just that why should I pay them back for money they paid to me knowing full well what my situation was after a thorough question and answer session and through fortnightly sheets outlining the hours I worked. Frederickson do know the amount as well as it's on their letters.
  15. Hi everyone - this thread might be a bit long and confusing so I apologise in advance Towards the end of 2010 I made a claim for jobseekers allowance. I was successful in my application and received the usual amount every fortnight in my account. During the initial Q&A over the telephone when making my claim - I made it clear to the advisor that I will be working in my dad's shop, unpaid, for less than 16 hours per week. On my sign on days i'd take along a sheet of paper outlining the hours I worked for my dad during the 2 weeks. Until one day when I went to sign on, one of the DWP staff said I'm not allowed to receive benefits because I'm working for my dad and that voluntary work only counts if working for charities etc. After that no money came into my account and I never bothered going back to sign on. On 30th Aug 2011 I received a notice of overpayment from the DWP for the amount that I received from them since the beginning of my claim. On 29th Sept I received a letter from Iqor chasing the amount. I had numerous conversations with Iqor and they kept putting the claim on hold for a week each time. I tried to speak to DWP but was going round in circles. time went on and on 2nd Dec 2011 I received a letter from Geoffrey Parker Bourne solicitors chasing the amount. I ignored it and I didnt hear anything at all until.. .7th Nov 2012! This time it's a letter from Frederickson International chasing the same amount. I keep receiving phone calls from them but I am ignoring them altogether until I seek advice from you guys. I have just received a letter on 20th Nov 2011 stating that Debt must be paid within 7 days, It's a "Letter Before Action" letter. Can my credit rating be affected by this as I have spent years repairing it and i've only just recently now been able to take out phone contracts and apply for credit cards successfully etc. What do I say to Frederickson? I see a draft letter here in this thread: http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?116083-Help-with-fighting-Fredrickson-International-Ltd Shall I use this? Looking forward to the replies!
  16. Hi - I upgraded my contract on Orange last October/November time and opted for the new Blackberry Bold 9900 handset. Since that time, I've had 4 handsets due to differnt faults and now my latest one has a couple of slightly niggling faults such as the tracker moving up by itself and a couple of the keys not lighting up when in the dark. It's getting a bit pathetic and tiring as I have to backup and restore everything everytime I receive a new handset. Is there anything I can say to Orange that I wish to receive a different handset? I tried this after 2 handsets and they said I can go for a differnt Blackberry - the model which is one down from this. I shouldn't have to go for that because of the length of contract and the amount i'm paying and the amount i've paid them over the past 6 or 7 years. Should I call them or write them a formal letter?
  17. Just received this reply via email: Thank you for your letter in connection with the issue of the above Penalty Charge Notice. Please accept my apologies for the delay in responding. I would advise you that the matter has been fully investigated and I can confirm that the Civil Enforcement Officer did not record all the required information when issuing the above Notice. In view of this I am pleased to confirm that the Penalty Charge Notice has been cancelled. Thank you for contacting me and I am pleased to be of assistance to you. HAPPY DAYS
  18. hi - i appealed this ages ago and i've still not heard anything back. I've chased it up 3 times and i keep getting told that it's still under review!
  19. I've purchased a fridge from M&S in July 2011 and it packed in the other day. I called up M&S and they gave me the number for Hotpoint customer services who in turn sent out an engineer. I purchased an extra 5 year warranty plan when i bought the fridge. The engineer came out and has said that ants have got into the fridge and blown it. They now want to charge £100 for a call out as it's not covered under accidental damage and they also insist that i buy the required part from them. Shouldn't m&s be dealing with this as it's less than a year old?
  20. What if the signs next to the pay meter displayed them? Does it have to be on the entrance?
  21. Not that clear i'm afraid... hxxp://s18.postimage.org/98cyckq2f/Pershore_Street.jpg
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