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Everything posted by suzieblooz

  1. Well according to The Mythbusters they did. They set up experiments to blow every conspirency theory out of the water. Anyway NASA were trying to beat Russia to the moon, so if it was impossible to get there, then the Russians would have known it and would have been quick to tell the world it was a set up. I'd love to go to see Cape Canaveral and everything to do with the space missions. Once I'm debt free (10 months whoo hoo :grin:) it'll be top priority for a holiday.
  2. Thanks for that link DMD Sure beats 'chick lit' for some holiday reading
  3. Please tell me this is for real - I'm a bit of an anorak when it comes to Mercury/Gemini/Apollo space missions. I'd LOVE one of these books.
  4. Glad to hear it. It will be a weight off your shoulders once you get everything sorted out with them. It takes a wee while to get everything up and running but it's well worth it. Take care - Suz
  5. Yes, yes, yes without a doubt, go with Payplan. They do not charge you any fees, so all your money goes towards paying off your debts. I've been with them for 3.5 years and highly recommend them. There is also CCCS, they are free as well. Payplan: Debt Management Plans, Free Debt Management Company and IVAs | Debt Advice | Payplan or phone 0800 716 239 CCCS: CCCS - Free Debt Advice from the UK's Leading Debt Charity They will not be open until Tuesday because of the bank holiday. Keep us updated with how you get on.
  6. GE Money have been taken over by Sandanter, which could explain why their name has disappeared off the credit report.
  7. You mean like this Book.....'It's impossible' by Brian Cant (he of playschool fame!) Film... 'Let me do it' by James Caan Song...'Will I, Won't I' by Brian May Film....'No Way' by Walt Disney (maybe only Scottish caggers will get that one:p)
  8. Thanks for the reply Prolix. It was bought from a main Ford dealer. I know she won't get anything out of the dealer, I was more asking out of curiousity as my last 3 cars(Mazdas) were all over 10 years old and I've never had problems like that, just the usual exhaust & wear and tear problems. I thought with a younger car she'd have less problems, not more! I think you may be right about the previous owner, when we went to change the wheel, the spare was so buckled it was undrivable. She's decided to trade it in at the end of the year and go for a Mazda instead.
  9. My daughter bought an '04 KA 10 months ago. It only had 29000 on the clock. However 3 weeks ago the steering rack needed replaced which cost her over £500. It passed it's MOT last week,then 2 days ago,the front spring broke and burst her tyre,narrowly missing the brake pipe. Thankfully she was reversing out the drive at the time and not on the road. Understandably she's now worried about driving it in case of more problems. Should these faults occur in a 5 year old car with low mileage? According to the dealer she's just been unlucky. Is this the case, or is this the norm with 5 year old cars?
  10. keep us updated, will watch with interest. Once your money is going elsewhere it will make such a difference. They were taking £500 a month off me in charges at one point, that was nearly all my wages. Once I opened a new account I was amazed at how easy it was to manage my money. Be prepared - Halifax will get nasty over the outstanding amount on your account. Don't speak to them on the phone, put everything in writing. Do an income and expenditure sheet so they can see you are offering a realistic amount to them, and definitely use the hardship route. They will add interest and charges for months, but will eventually get the message and stop. At least this puts you in control of your money, not them.
  11. I have had nothing but grief and hassle off this company for 4 years. I phoned them a couple of months back as they claimed they hadn't received my income & expenditure forms even though Payplan has sent them 4 times and I'd sent them 3 times. They wrote nasty letters taking me off my repayment programme and set a firm of solictors on me (been paying them faithfully for 3.5 years through a DMP). So I phoned and prepared for the usual fight to make them listen...........how shocked was I to be put through to a decent human being who immediately put me back on the repayment programme, agreed the income & expenditure sheets should have been received, took the info over the phone and couldn't have been more helpful. What's happened the the real GE Money, have they been taken over by aliens, or have they finally realised there is more chance of getting their money back if they actually work with their customers rather than trying to bully them into submission? Long may it last
  12. Go and open a basic account at another bank or Post Office (not Lloyds or Bank of Scotland as they are part of Halifax). Get your benefits paid in there then Halifax can't touch them and you will have money to live on. Your Halifax account will continue to accrue charges, but you can try to reclaim the charges under hardship/ come to a repayment arrangement with them that you can afford. The important thing is to get your money somewhere Halifax can't get it, then you can sort the rest out from there.
  13. I've got £120 charges on my account, they told me that on the phone. Trouble is I'll need to SAR them for statements to then reclaim these charges. I'm just gonna wait till my balance is just above the charge amount and see if they'll accept a F&F. Magda, good luck in court.
  14. Think I got it now. Sorry saintly, didn't see your piccies, you must have posted while I was trying to work out what to do!
  15. sounds like a siamese cat?? (tried to add a picture but it didn't work)
  16. The good thing about this is it proves there is no such thing as a blacklisted address. I thought they would have taken one look at the surname and address and run for the hills! My credit rating is that battered I couldn't even get an online insurance quote for the car, had to renew with existing provider.
  17. I know, I loved that shop. Gutted when it shut down. Suppose the modern equivilent would be New Look. Are we showing our age here
  18. Thats exactly what she's going to do Lula, keep one, with a small limit and use it to buy her petrol, then pay it off every month. The bank will probably get bored with her as she won't be making them any money in interest and late payment fees, and take it off her anyway As for the sensible part, definitely more so than I was at that age too. Had a Chelsea Girl card, Style card and a Visa, and worked in the centre of Glasgow, so got to shop every lunch time so I can speak from experience when I lecture her LOL.
  19. Ah Bookie, the voice of reason! Good thinking. Can't promise much on the grouch front though, she is a teenager still, grouch is in the parent contract:D
  20. She doesn't have an overdraft, shopaholic she may be, but she checks her balance before she spends, so that way is good with money. The only thing she has now that will build a credit rating is a contract for her mobile. She saved up and bought her car outright, so doesn't have any loans either. I can see how the credit cards could help, but I have visions of her running amok in Topshop/New Look and blowing the limit in one trip. At the end of last month she has a choice between another pair of shoes or putting petrol in her car, shoes won, she cadged lifts to work for a week
  21. Cutting them up will be part of the lecture, but as she & her boyfriend are thinking about a mortgage in a couple of years, the building your credit record is very attractive to her. Am trying to convince her it could wreck her credit record just as easily, but to her, I'm just grumpy old mum. Luckily her boyfriend isn't too keen on credit cards either so he could be the key, as he refused any from his bank.
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