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Everything posted by suzieblooz

  1. I agree it's just a big money making sham. Have you noticed that if anything happens it's always during the adverts and they play it back, ot it's just as the programme is finishing. There's been too many live programmes recently but I thinks thats cos they want to make their cash while they can. At least Derek was entertaining which is more than can be said for the medium they've got now (can't even remember his name).
  2. Once a year you get an annual review from payplan. They ask you to do an updated income and expenditure. For the 1st 2 years my payments remained the same as my incomings and outgoings hadn't changed, this year my monthly repayment went up by £9 a month as I had slightly more disposable income. Had it been the reverse and my disposable income had gone down, then my payments would have gone down too. However as I want to pay back my debts as soon as I can I am determined my repayment amounts will only ever go up, not down. BTW I do not include my overtime as it is not guaranteed every month. Hope this helps.
  3. With a DMP the equity in your house is not taken into consideration, as you will be paying back the full amount of your debt. I know with an IVA you only pay back so much, but then if you have to use equity in your house at the end of 4 years to give them some more money and you're paying fees as well. If you take a DMP over 6 years, at £200 a month thats £14,400 paid back (as you will not be paying payplan any fees) and no worries about releasing equity from your house at the end of it. Do and income and expenditure for them but ask about the DMP option. Hope this helps.
  4. I'm not really sure about IVA's, but I do know they are not suitable for everyone. Ring payplan they will give you good advice. For me a DMP was the best option, interest still got frozen and at the end of it every penny has been paid off and I will be free of every creditor. I don't really know what happens at the end of a IVA. Keep me updated on what payplan advise. Hopefully other caggers will have experience they can share with you. Good Luck.
  5. Cook and stand well back from the oven door.......... That turkey would become a weapon of mass destruction
  6. Just checked all my cookery book, it definitely says stuff the TURKEY but do I use one bottle of voddy or 2??
  7. itsh lovely, think I'll start on one for Boxing Day - you can never have too many vodkas -oops I meant cakes. hic
  8. VODKA CHRISTMAS CAKE Ingrediants:1 cup water 1 tsp.. baking soda 1 cup sugar1 tsp.. salt 1 cup of brown sugar 2 tbl sp Lemon juice 4 large eggs 1 cup Nuts 1 bottle vodka 2 cups dried fruit Sample the vodka to check quality. Take a large bowl,check the vodka again. To be sure it is of the highest quality,pour one level cup and drink. Repeat. Turn on the electric mixer. Beat one cup of butter in a large fluffy bowl. Add one teaspoon of sugar. Beat again. At this point its best to make sure the vodka is still OK.Try another cup...just in case. Turn off the mixerer thingy. Break 2 eggs and add to the bowl and chuck in the cup of dried fruit. Pick the frigging fruit up off the floor. Mix on the turner. If the fried druit gets stuck in the beaterers just pry it loose with a drewscriver. Sample the vodka to check for tonsisticity. Next, sift two cups of salt. Or something. Check the vodka. Now shift the lemon juice and strain your nuts. Add one table. Add a spoon of sugar, or some-frigging-thing. Whatever you can find. Greash the oven. Turn the cake tin 360 degrees and try not to fall over. Don't forget to beat off the turner. Finally, throw the bowl through the window. Finish the vodka and wipe counter with the cat. CHERRY MISTMAS!
  9. If it were still Bank of Scotland I'd fight to keep it. However the moment Halifax took over it turned in to a monster. The sonner it disappears the better for me. They brought me to the verge of bankrupcy with their charges. BOS staff were lovely and when it was BOS they would at least try and help. Once the Halifax became involved they seem to make up rules to take as much money as possible from customers then, once they had taken everything they could in charges, hound you with phone calls and letters demanding repayment. I detest HBOS
  10. I've just passed a house 2 streets away that have their decorations up!! IT'S ONLY NOVEMBER They're always first with the decorations, then the guy across the road decides to compete, so by next week we should be looking at the Blackpool illuminations flashing away on the front of his house. I do like Christmas, but only at Christmas time
  11. And another http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/financial-products-write-review/155344-yes-loans-lies-lies.html just in case the first didn't convince you to leave well alone
  12. Yet more scaremongering from them. I was reassured by my case officer at Payplan when I emailed her, but how many other people don't know where to turn, and will have been terrified by this.
  13. Adamski, you asked how he knows this info. I don't know about Paulwlton, but I was contacted by one of the researchers of this programme as I have a charging order fom Creation through Greenhalghs for a Land of Leather suite. He asked for the full story, I gave him all the details, he told me it was only for info at this time, they may be back in touch. I would have willing gone in front of the camera had I been asked, as I'm soooo peed off at the way they went about the C/O. I heard no more until I saw this thread before the programme went out. Now they (Panorama) do know about CAG, as they PM'd a few from the Charging order campaign thread asking if we were willing to share our story. I'm starting to wonder if maybe they took a few stories, mixed them together and came up with an 'average' scenario and got actors to play the parts. My Land of Leather loan tripled, Greenhalghs went for a C/O, it seemed all quite familiar. This just my opinion though (there always has been a mighty big cynic in me ) I wasn't going to mention any of this as I thought maybe my story wasn't what they were looking for, but the more I read about it, and the more I think about it, the more conned I feel. Watching the programme panicked me as I didn't realize they could force the sale of your house, so god knows how it made people feel who don't know about this site and others like it. Did anyone else who was contacted by their researcher speak to them? Or did any of the cases featured involve Caggers?
  14. Not got personal experience but read this thread http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/general-debt-issues/158661-yes-loans.html , you may want to hold on to your £50.
  15. Didn't realise they had restrictions on DMPs for self employed people. Sorry, don't know the answers, have you tried Citizens Advice, or phone National Debtline on 0808 808 4000 - they may be able to help. Hope you get some answers soon Suzi
  16. Can't believe those lying ****** at Greenhalghs said they only use charging orders as a last resort when debtors don't get in touch, I paid through payplan for 2.5 years a reduced amount, never missed a payment and they got a schedule of inhibition (Scottish c/o) against me. Am now worried sick as I didn't know they could force the sale of my house.
  17. This is what you need to read http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/getting-out-debt/120603-how-get-out-debt.html. It is explains everything so much better than my attempt.
  18. Hi CaptainBob, you sound utterly desparate and I know from experience its not a nice place to be. I don't know how much I can help you with, but I'll try. You need to concentrate on the secured debt and mortgage when working out your income and expenditure. The unsecured debt (your credit cards etc) are non priority. Write down all your incoming income. For outgoings include your secured debt and mortgage and your council tax, gas electricity, food, travel, petrol, car running costs, house & car insurance, clothing(within reason) etc.Do NOT include your minimum payments to your unsecured debts in this. The amount you have left over is the amount you can offer your creditors. It may not be much. You'll need to write to them, explain the situation, include your income and expenditure and your offer. Sure, they'll kick off with late fees etc, but they can't have what you've not got. In the meantime get in touch with payplan or CCS Free Debt Management company | Debt Advice | Payplan or CCCS - Free Debt Advice from the UK's Leading Debt Charity they are FREE debt advisory companies who will be able to help you. Hopefully some one more experienced like Sequenci will be along to help. It may seem like the end of the world just now, but there is help, nobody can jail you for debt and your health is far more important especially with a family to look after. Take care Suzi
  19. I was gonna suggest mailwasher too. It's the best thing we've got, it picked up a potential virus before we downloaded the email. Definitely worth getting.
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