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Everything posted by uneverdid

  1. Hi, i have spoken to the lovely Capstone this evening who have told me that my mortgage is in LIMBO ??? it is only being administered by them until a purchaser is found. After going round in circles with them i ended up asking for a copy of every single note or letter on my account. They charged me £10 for this and said it would take up to 40 days. I hope this was the right thing to do. I have had my latest statements but was shocked to see that because they are adding additional interest onto my monthly due amount because of the arrears. It meant that last month only £17 of my additional £50 paid actually came off my arrears. I AM SO CROSS THEY HAVE NOT ADVISED ME OF THIS I am now worried incase they take me to court, they have liberty to restore until Feb next year and tell the judge that im not paying £50 above my monthly payment due. Please can anyone advise me. Thankyou
  2. I really feel for you i had dealings with this nasty company and spent a whole weekend sleeping on my sofa because i thought they would come and take my car or try to enter my house. Could you not ring your council and explain the situation, they have a direct line to the bailiffs records and should be able to sort something out. I never got a response via email although when i rang it was ok. Im sorry cant offer any more help i really hope you get it sorted. Let us know how you get on.
  3. Hi Ellen, Capstone always add any charges, including solicitors fees, late payment litigation charges onto the arrears. I queried this as i thought they had to put them onto the mortgage balance but they told me what they do is correct. aaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgggggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhh just wondered if you could answer this question for me my monthly payments according to my contract are £550.38 but it has come to my attention that these payments due went up over 18 months to finally stop at £590 then went back to £550 i only noticed this today. I have queried this and they have told me its interest debit due each month and this changes IS THIS RIGHT ??? i have also noticed when they took me to court their solicitors signed the statement saying i only have 23 years left i actually have 27 so would that mean the paperwork was not valid. I have also been told that Preferred no longer exist yet i was took to court by Preferred and i still gets statements with Preferred as the letterhead. I have been told today that my mortgage is with Capstone, yet my monthly payments appear as Southern Pacific and they want me to assign my buildings insurance to Eurosail as mortgagee. Confused i am completely. Sorry for jumping in on this thread but i cant figure out how to do my own.
  4. Hi Ellen, Capstone always add any charges, including solicitors fees, late payment litigation charges onto the arrears. I queried this as i thought they had to put them onto the mortgage balance but they told me what they do is correct. aaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgggggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhh just wondered if you could answer this question for me my monthly payments according to my contract are £550.38 but it has come to my attention that these payments due went up over 18 months to finally stop at £590 then went back to £550 i only noticed this today. I have queried this and they have told me its interest debit due each month and this changes IS THIS RIGHT ??? i have also noticed when they took me to court their solicitors signed the statement saying i only have 23 years left i actually have 27 so would that mean the paperwork was not valid. I have also been told that Preferred no longer exist yet i was took to court by Preferred and i still gets statements with Preferred as the letterhead. I have been told today that my mortgage is with Capstone, yet my monthly payments appear as Southern Pacific and they want me to assign my buildings insurance to Eurosail as mortgagee. Confused i am completely. Sorry for jumping in on this thread but i cant figure out how to do my own.
  5. Hi postggj, Dubious or not nothing would surprise me anymore with certain DCA's.
  6. Hi sorry for jumping in on this, so if a company defaults your account then one month before the six years are up and it should come off your account they decide to go for a ccj does this then mean that the ccj remains on your account for a further 6 years making a possible 12 years altogether.
  7. Hi, i really would arrange an appointment as soon as possible. If you are doing nothing wrong then just do what they ask and then you can get on and not worry anymore. My friend has this happen to her yearly where she has to show them her bank statements and any other financial paperwork. She says they are usually very polite and just do what they have to do then leave. I realize why it's upset you but i think you are probably worrying about nothing. If they knock again and your daughter is semi clothed then just politely ask them to wait whilst you dress her. Hope you get sorted and can forget about it then.
  8. hi, but surely the letters littledotty gets should also state the new libor rate. Little Dotty Crapstone change their next libor rate on 1st June so perhaps you could ring and ask them to send you the new libor rates details after this date.
  9. Hi little Dotty, you need to check your original mortgage agreement when i did mine i was on fixed rate for 2 years then my new payments revert to 3.4 (i think thats right) plus the current 3 month libor rate. Fingers crossed as it stands now it means i will be £200 better off from July. I do have to remember though that if the libor goes up so does my payments. The libor rate used by Crapstone is the 3 month one with June 1st being the next rate they use. Are you back on a fixed rate or on a variable one. If so do you get regular letters informing you of the changing libor rates. N
  10. what does basis points mean, i've never come across this. I hope they don't mess about with mine, i've already made plans for my £200 savings a month lol and it doesn't include crapstone N
  11. well said enoughisenough, what rate did you get quoted out of interest N
  12. Thats odd when i queried the libor for March Crapstone told me it was 2.2% not according to this chart though. How they get away with it beggers belief mine is due to go onto libor in June so i will watch with great interest what they try and charge me
  13. hI Crapstone, i have also had solicitors costs added to my mortgage arrears and when i queried it they said it was within their rights to apply it that way !!!! so i have £1000 extra showing How i despise this company N
  14. well surprise surprise no phone call back so rang them and told them what i thought today. Again queried buildings insurance and the man said well if you'd rather put preferred as the mortgagee thats fine, eurosail is just where the funding came from WHAT FUNDING ???? I am well confused now asked them about capitilization of arrears one man said no we never do it a woman tells me they need my I & e and then they will decide if i can apply for this. I also told them i wanted to rent my house out in August, they told me that i need to apply in writing, IF they agree i will have to clear all my arrears, show them copy of tenancy agreement (maximum 6 months at a time) and they will charge me an additional 1% yippee
  15. Hi Dangermouse, it is the 3 month and that is also now at todays rate 0.87% although my rate will be the one from 1st June but to be honest i cant see it going up much. I spoke to Capstone and they said that on May 1st it was 2.05%. I think they are pretty miffed with me because i wont go on a fixed rate because obviously 2 years ago when i took out the mortgage the libor rate was about 5% so therefore my mortgage would be about 8.3% but alas they are not going to get that, not for a while yet anyway yeah yippee stuff you Capstone, Preferred, Eurosail, SPML whoever you are lol
  16. Hi all, I rang Capstone yesterday to ask why i had not received a response to my complaint dated 6th April. They didnt know. Whilst i was on the phone i also asked who my mortgage was with i was told Preferred do oh i said so thats who i need to put on my buildings insurance. YES i was told. I queried the letter id had saying i needed to put Eurosail on it and the line went quiet. So this is what i said So lets get this straight my mortgage is with Preferred, administered by Capstone, but my building belongs to Eurosail yet on my bank statements i am apparantly paying the money to SPML. Well she did not know what to say. I also queried why i had to wait till July before my monthly payment went down when my fixed rate expires on 1st June, because you always pay in arrears by 1 month. Is this true i am not sure. She also said again they would be contacting me to arrange a further fixed rate and i said i didnt want one because my mortgage was going down £200 a month anyway because of the libor rate. Oh its going up on 1st June by a lot. mmmmm really i dont think so i feel very fortunate that i will only be paying 3.30% plus libor which is currently about 1% i know it will go up in time but i am currently paying 6.84% so hopefully it will be a while before it gets back to that. I was promised a phone call back by close of business yesterday and guess what yep im still waiting ????????????????????????????
  17. I have no intention giving up, on or around p.28 of this thread i posted copies up of notice of power of attorney giving Capstone power by Preferred but i am sure these are dated after suposedly Eurosail become the mortgagee. Confused i am but a quitter i am not so fear not i will fight everything they throw at me. My fixed rate is up next month and they have asked me to go on another fixed rate with them at the same rate as now plus 1% which would make it 7.9% however at the end of my fixed my rate is only 3.79% plus the current 3 month libor rate which is currently 1.1% making a total of 4.8%. They got quite arsey (for want of a better word) with me when i said no thanks i would take my chances, they kept going on about how interest rates are going to go up rapidly within the next 6 months. I despise these peoples they prey on vulnerable people, cus lets face it we wouldnt be with them if our circumstances allowed us to go elsewhere.
  18. Hi, Well i am now completely gobsmacked and confused i too recently had a letter querying my building insurance policy. I have just read through the last few posts and went to find the letter it quotes that my building insurance should quote "note the interest of Eurosail-UK 2007-4BL as mortgagee" I only took this mortgage out in April 2007 so what is going off ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? I recently went to court but it got adjourned whilst preferred or whoever sorted out their paperwork. They then decided to go for a liberty to restore if i default again before Feb 2010. Are you saying that this was all out of order. Your comments are very much appreciated N
  19. Thankyou Ukaviator, i keep trying to start my own threads but not having much luck.
  20. Hi just to say i managed to get an advantage gold account (although i did downgrade it cuz of the monthly charge) i also managed to get a savings account with them,cheque book debit card but not a cheque guarantee card. I have several defaults for a loan and credit cards so was amazed to get these accounts. Just a quick question who are Nat West connected with just so i can make sure they dont take my money. I have defaults with HSBC, CAPITAL ONE, LITTLEWOODS CC, BARCLAY CC, LITTLEWOODS EXTRA ACCOUNT, NEXT, AND SIMPLY BE. Oh god now i feel so bad having all these defaults.
  21. hi last of the mohicans, i was just wandering the same. i've just had a comment on this thread removed it would be helpful to know which one so i can be more careful what i write. i dont actually recall which comments could be offensive.
  22. Hi guys ive been watching this thread with interest even contributing to it at times. Surely we are all on here to help each other not to criticise, i agree a debate can be healthy at times but i dont think some of the comments are necessary. Lets remember our aim and that is to be sure of our own peace of mind and not to let the Cr***y certain mortgage lenders get the better of us.
  23. Thanks Smarterchick, you've just confirmed my fears.
  24. Thanks all, I have just had another look at the POA and it states that the signatures should be witnessed and they have not been and also they are unreadable so surely the names should also be printed.
  25. Hi Joncris, if u go back a couple of pages and click on the photos ive uploaded you can read the full details. Basically it hands over responsibility to Capstone whilst retaining the right to claim it back in the future. Smarterchick, it has been slightly confusing i have tried to post up a new thread but cant figure out how to do it. I appreciate all the responses ive got although i have to say its all kinda mind boggling'.
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