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Everything posted by uneverdid

  1. Hi ring them and ask for a form disputing their decision. You can requests copies of all telephone conversation between yourselves and they are duty bound to provide these due to the data protection act. I am sorry i dont have the address to write to for these discs but anyone on the phone should be able to give it you. Whilst you are disputing the overpayments they are not allowed to deduct any payments from you and must reinstate your current award in full. I have been going through this for 6 months now and i am still ploughing through the discs with the phone calls on. Good Luck N
  2. Just another query all the paperwork i signed for the mortgage had Preferred on it so surely it should be them that are taking me to court not Capstone. slightly confused !!!!
  3. Hi, I am exactly the same situation, i currently have arrears of just under 3 months arrears. I arranged a payment plan of £50 plus my normal monthly payment until august then an additional £100 until the arrears are cleared. Phew i thought all sorted until a letter dropped through my door from TLT Capstones solicitors who have said yes my offer has been accepted but Capstone still want to take me to court to get a suspended possession order. Furthermore there is a form attached for me to sign saying i agree to a suspended order being granted this is because and i quote "to avoid an adjournment and the need for a straightforward 56 day possession order being made by the judge" I am sure this counts as bullying surely and i have not signed it and i am currently awaiting the court papers. Any help would be very much appreciated. N
  4. Sorry I just asked for the person in charge of council tax arrears. I am referring to Nottingham city council not sure where your council is. Wish i could be of further help. I am sure someone else will be along soon with some more advice.
  5. Hi, I was in a similar situation and B & S tried to get me to sign a walk in possession order which i refused. In the end i offered £50 a month which again they refused so i rang the head person at my local council and explained that i had offered to pay but was refused they rang B & S for me and told them to accept my offer which they had to do. So i am currently paying this amount with no further action being taken. Do not let them bully you with their scare tactics. Let us know how you get on
  6. Thanks Monksie, i was told on the phone yesterday that my complaint had gone to second stage and i would hear within 4 weeks. So heres waiting and hoping.
  7. Hi Monksie, How long in between making your complaint did you receive your offer. BM have told me that they have 4 weeks before they have to respond. Is this right? Thanks for your help
  8. WOW that would be great if it was that easy for us all. Fingers crossed it will be
  9. Hi, Yes just send it to Pendeford I am claiming for £730 which consists of unpaid dd and collections fee. Is this right can i claim for both of these, what are you going to send them first have you got your statements, i finally got mine. We will get our money back.
  10. Ah the lovely Birmingham Midshires, i have just redeemed my mortgage witgh them thank god and am about to start claiming my charges back. These include arrears letter charges and unpaid dd charges. How are you getting on with your claim
  11. Sorry but i dont know how to start my own thread can anyone help? anyway i had a barclaycard which mercers started dealing with i explained my circumstances and explained that all my other creditors had accepted my offer but barclaycard and mercers refused. Well today i had a phone call from someone called RMA who said they had brought the debt from barclaycard and i had to pay them. I asked them to put any request in writing and they said they couldn't as they were a telephone debt collection agency so i said that unless i received some paperwork i wouldnt deal with them. I also asked for a copy of my original credit agreement and the nice NOT lady told me to contact barclaycard, but i said you own the debt now so i need to deal with you and she said they couldnt provide it because they didnt have any paperwork confused i am. So i requested that she put on my account in dispute until i could get a copy of my agreement. Her answer to this was forget it we will ring you twice a day until you pay, i said i considered this as harrassment and she laughed and said they were allowed to call twice a day. So any help would be very much appreciated and i am sorry to jump in on your thread.
  12. Hi Repro how did you get on with BM I have again requested statements today and advised that if i have not received them witin 5 days i will go to the OFT. Lets see what happens now probably nothing as perusual.
  13. Well good luck with your phone call, i have had the most awful year with bm i have found them the most uncaring, spiteful company ever. I have also spent hours holding on the phone for them. I am so glad to be rid of them. Yes let me know how you get on.
  14. capitalisation usually means that you have added arrears on to the lifetime of the mortgage. I am not sure about the others. I am also having trouble with bm i have just redeemed my mortgage with them thank god but have asked for full statements for the last 3 years but they keep sending me ones just for the last year. On these statements it just says other charges with no explanation i am now going to start a claim for all the charges back. If i ever get the statements!!!
  15. well surely if you left the house 6 months ago then you dont owe that amount. I had my debt passed to bailiffs and i dont see how the council has kept some and not all ive never heard of that. Put in writing that as you are now having 3.00 took off you in respect of this bill then you have deemed that the council have took the debt back. Stick with it dont let the bailiffs bully yiou, keep copies of all letters and show them to the bailiffs if they come round. Please dont sign anything they give you though. Good luck keep us posted
  16. Hi, in the first instance i would ring them and explain your current situation. As you are on benefits im sure there is a maximum that they can expect you to pay back. Make sure they have your leaving date right and it may well be that the amount you owe is far less than what they are asking for. Good luck
  17. Im afraid i cant help regarding business rates however if these are your partners then they cant take your car for his debt. Regarding the car if it is used for work purposes even going to and from then they list in their own paperwork that they are not allowed to take it. I have had numerous problems with B and S. I also was told that the only way to stop them breaking my door down was to sign a walking possession order, i refused and rang the council and explained that i was willing to pay just couldnt afford the instalments that b and s were demanding. The council were very good and rand B and s and told them they had to accept my offer which they did although they still did try and get more out of me. Read the other threads on B and S and you will see that we are all of the same opinion that they are dreadful. i like to think of the B and S standing for B*** S*** which if now how they are referred to in my house. !!!!!!! Good luck let us know how you get on
  18. my understanding of bailiffs is that they must have a warrent and be accompanied by the police, unless you have let them in before and signed a walking possession order. sorry not responded before only just got your message Please please let us know how you got on today
  19. I questioned my bailiffs about my car. They said that if i could prove i needed the car as a means of transport to work then they couldnt take it, however he did say if the car was of a good value they could take it on the proviso that they gave you a portion of the money to purchase a cheaper car. I would write to the council or ring and ask for the main person in charge explain your situation and stress that you will soon be able to settle in full. hopes this helps. n
  20. Thanks Zoot for the advice, i have read numerous threads on bm and will complete my new mortgage first then start action. thanks nic
  21. The nice man(not) asked me a few questions about what things i had he actually said that he wouldnt even take my 14 year old daughters computer because she would need it for her educational needs. It would be interesting to ask bristow and sutor exactly what they are able to take, its worth reminding them that if you tell them an item is borrowed they have to then prove it isnt before they take them. When i rang the bailiff to tell him that the council had approved my offer his tone immediately changed and told me i must have caught them on a bad day!!! good for me though have you tried ringing your local council office tell them you want to pay but bristow and sutor wont negotiate with you, see how that goes. nic
  22. hi setmefree, i had the same problem with council tax with bristow and sutor they kept refusing to accept my offers. I then got a bailiff who was oh so very nice not he tried to tell me that if i signed his papers he would be able to set up the arrangement i wanted no chance. i rang my local council office explained what had happened and they rang the bailiffs and told them to accept what i had offered. So i am now on an affordable payment plan last 21 months. good luck with your case
  23. have already posted elsewhere, in wrong place i think. hi everyone, i really enjoy reading this site. help needed with birmingham midshires as lovely as they are mmm basically i was issued with a repossession order in april 2006 fell behind with payments when husband left and refused to pay a penny towards the mortgage despite it being in joint names. I have struggled since april 2006, i have 2 children and really dont want to lose their home. I informed bm of the circumstance right at the beginning october 2005 but they were totally unsympathetic and have continued to charge me various amounts, for arrears letters, late payment default on arrangements, also solicitors costs of £600+ what i would like to know is can i make a claim for any of these charges back and if so what is the best route to take. many thanks in advance uneverdid:-)
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