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Everything posted by popejp

  1. Can this be used in my case ? as the claimants costs are disproporiontate to mine ??? Urgent Help needed I settle a claim out of court regarding a dispute about a property, as im aware usually if you settle your liable to the costs my total legal fees where £3500 me thinking the claimants would be similar ish turns out to be £20000 after doing some reasearch on the forum I asked for a breakdown in costs and got an e mail today and its now £22095.53 , I wrote to claimants solicitor asking them to be fair and the fact the claimant did alot to progress the case on the 14th October 2013, I have till 13/12/2013 to reply, Im penniless now Ive re mortgaged to pay claiment £47,000 the max i could get was £50000 so the surplus of £3000 was to pay claimants solicitor Ive filled in and income/expenditure form and I only have £150 a month to spare and I havent included my food in that, can someone advice on what I need to do as I can prove im skint and aint got the money anymore to hire a solicitor only thing ive got is as ive had to re mortgageicon as buy to let as my wages where nt good enough to raise the funds Ive got £60,000 positive equity in the house, if anyone interesting in helping i can send the rest of the bill of costs its 33 pages by private message, if anyone can please help i will be very greatful million thanks in advance John
  2. Urgent Help needed I settle a claim out of court regarding a dispute about a property, as im aware usually if you settle your liable to the costs my total legal fees where £3500 me thinking the claimants would be similar ish turns out to be £20000 after doing some reasearch on the forum I asked for a breakdown in costs and got an e mail today and its now £22095.53 , I wrote to claimants solicitor asking them to be fair and the fact the claimant did alot to progress the case on the 14th October 2013, I have till 13/12/2013 to reply, Im penniless now Ive re mortgaged to pay claiment £47,000 the max i could get was £50000 so the surplus of £3000 was to pay claimants solicitor Ive filled in and income/expenditure form and I only have £150 a month to spare and I havent included my food in that, can someone advice on what I need to do as I can prove im skint and aint got the money anymore to hire a solicitor only thing ive got is as ive had to re mortgageicon as buy to let as my wages where nt good enough to raise the funds Ive got £60,000 positive equity in the house, if anyone interesting in helping i can send the rest of the bill of costs its 33 pages by private message, if anyone can please help i will be very greatful million thanks in advance John
  3. Urgent Help needed I settle a claim out of court regarding a dispute about a property, as im aware usually if you settle your liable to the costs my total legal fees where £3500 me thinking the claimants would be similar ish turns out to be £20000 after doing some reasearch on the forum I asked for a breakdown in costs and got an e mail today and its now £22095.53 , I wrote to claimants solicitor asking them to be fair and the fact the claimant did alot to progress the case on the 14th October 2013, I have till 13/12/2013 to reply, Im penniless now Ive re mortgaged to pay claiment £47,000 the max i could get was £50000 so the surplus of £3000 was to pay claimants solicitor Ive filled in and income/expenditure form and I only have £150 a month to spare and I havent included my food in that, can someone advice on what I need to do as I can prove im skint and aint got the money anymore to hire a solicitor only thing ive got is as ive had to re mortgage as buy to let as my wages where nt good enough to raise the funds Ive got £60,000 positive equity in the house, if anyone interesting in helping i can send the rest of the bill of costs its 33 pages by private message, if anyone can please help i will be very greatful million thanks in advance John
  4. See attachment of fathers solicitors bill and order letter Hope this helps Many thanks JOHN
  5. The defendant shall pay the claimants costs to be assessed if not agreed
  6. I wish I used this site before letting my solicitor think I had a case..... hes a break down on what has happen to me.... In 2003 I had just finished university and started a job, and my parents divorced and i was on my fathers side when all that was sorted he decided he wanted to live abroad so he went off to cyprus put tried to sell the house to me to raise aa much extra money has he could as he already had his mums will and auntie money, he got and extra £20000 on the house, but the problem was the financial advisor at the couldnt get me a sole mortgage as i didnt have enough wage slips so the solution was to put in my name and his name .... BIG MISTAKE and all over the years he always assured me the house was mine even told the whole family and friends etc and i believed him. Then 10 years later he comes back into the UK lived at mine for 7 months, in those 7 months found out he had blown all his money in cyprus and has come back in financial trouble... so in the 7 months he had got himself on benefits and manged to get a council bungalow, I helped him move etc being a great son, then 2 weeks later I got a letter from his solicitor forcing the sale of the House was SO Shocked couldnt believe my eyes, I tried to be reasonable offered him £20000 which is all i could raise by remortgaging So I went to citizen advise for legal info and they gave me a list of solicitors and I chose one that said I had a case as hes not paid a penny for 10 years toward mortgage and home improvements which totaled £70,000, in the previous years i had lodgers etc to help me with mortgage, anyway it went from solicitor to solicitor statement after statement i was paying for my solicitor and my dad was on legal aid, we went to a directional hearing and finally settled before it went to court (civil court) there was £100000 positive equity and we settled on £47000 with my fathers legal fees to be negotiated as it turns out his legal bill is a whooping £20000, I was gob smacked as mine was only £3600 how on earth that possible ???? I had to re mortgage to a buy to let to raise this £47000 by the way, really wanted to keep the house as i had done alot of work to make it my ideal home. my solicitor who I can no longer afford as im a gardener and my summers savings that get me through the winter is all gone, has asked my fathers solicitor for a breakdown of costs and im inform they have employed a 3rd party to check the figure for a percentage fee which ive yet to recieve, want to get myself prepared as im a newbie and any help will be greatful many thanks in advance JP
  7. Ive recieved the same thing today and im in the same boat as you spent an hour reading through it and im lost Come on must be someone out there that can help many thanks popejp
  8. I got same letter whats the best way of going around it? got my N24 yesterday and have to reply within 7 days in the text below any good info will be greatful popejp
  9. I got same letter whats the best way of going around it? got my N24 yesterday and have to reply within 7 days in the text below any good info will be greatful popejp
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