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chain chick

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Everything posted by chain chick

  1. Well I got a reply saying I was wrong and section 32 1 was not applicable. So I wrote back and said yes it was. I also telephoned and said I couldn't belive that they are quibbling over £7 when the interest has gone up by £5 in the time it has taken to write to me!!!! Mental Anyway she said that the judge takes the 6 year rule very seriously and that they would defend the claim - So I said okey dokey see you in Court. I have just booked a flight though, I am going to the USA on 15.03.07 so I will be away when they are supposed to reply, so I will just have to check it when I get back.
  2. I think they are just defering as much as they can, they need to respond to me by 20/03/07 Tuesday, what date is yours?
  3. I have just had the letter that section 32 (1) doesn't apply in these cases. Oh yeah they do said I, I sent the fax and telephoned her. she must be really busy as it was engaged for a long time!!! Anyway, I said that the judge would not be overly impressed about them quibbling over £7.00 (that's how much is out of time on my claim, from the 1st Feb) It's only because they mucked about that it was late) She said that the judges take the 6 year rule very seriously. Yeah rightho said I we both know you have 14 days to put in the defence so see you in court I wanted to say... for goodness sake just pay up.......
  4. I have just had the same letter, it does not apply in this case, so I wrote back (faxed it) saying yeah it does. same as Warrih I telephoned to say that they were contesting this on £7 and in the time it had taken to write to me the interest had gone up another £5 and we know that the judge would not be impressed about them quibbling over £7. Judges take it very seriously I was told!!! I said ok we both know you have 14 days to put up a defence so see you in court!!!!
  5. Thanks for that - Well looks like it will be back to MCOL 14.03.07 for the princely sum of £75.00 - Still it serves them right, I am quite enjoying all this, I always thought it would be quite nice to be a solicitor missed my vocation !!!!
  6. I am currently at the MCOL stage, with A&L it has been acknowledged and they have till the 20th March to defend or pay me just over 4K with interest I was talking to my daughter who has just been charged £75 by HSBC (she is young and this is her first account) So I have written the Prelim and the LBA, as no joy from HSBC, they will look into it and get bck, Yeah right. So what I really wanted to know, is do HSBC close accounts like the A&L and will I have to take this all the way as I have done with my claim. £75.00 is not alot of money but she doesn't earn very much at all and it has crippled her finances this month
  7. Tealady Just take it easy - Todays thought for the day Positive thoughts bring happiness & success I am thinking of you - we are brothers in arms - we can lick them
  8. We will both just sit tight and wait for loads of dosh
  9. Hello tealady you and I are in the same boat. I must admit all this waiting is very hard. They have 15 days to respond to me. I haven't heard a thing since I wrote to them with reagrds to the 6 year business of the £10 !!!! So I check the mat every morning, just to see if my cheque has arrived !!! I will keep you upto speed - I should have a bet with you, the first one paid buys the drinks, I did this with someone else and they got paid a few days later
  10. You should not claim the Auth OD fee £5.00, but you can charge for the paid fee and the unauth OD fee. I claimed all of those !! over £3K mine have come to
  11. I have only claimed the unauth od fees. I did not charge any of the £5.00 amounts. It will probably bee a few bob without them! Mine was :o
  12. Nope not a word. Still no news is good news. they have until 20/03/07 to defend - and time is a ticking - I shouldn't have long to wait now
  13. That is great - Have a great weekend and enjoy your money
  14. Oh I like your style !!! I stuck to my guns, even though it is only £10.00 coz they have given me the ump, so now they pays the price!! When they have paid up, I am going to hit them for all the charges from before 6 years (hence why I haven't backed down on the tenner) I had the account for over 15 years. I have seen some changes in their stationary, I can tell you.
  15. Kevvy I actually received a letter along with the ackn that says I cannot claim for 1sr Feb 01 under the Limitation act 1980 I wrote back and said ' I have received your letter and have as requested enclosed full details from the 01st February 2001. As under the Limitation Act 1980 Section 32 (1) The period of limitation shall not begin until the plantiff has discovered the fraud, concealment or mistake (as the case may be) or could with reasonable diligence have discovered it... Therefore my claim stands as per the attached list of charges, Interest however is accruring at a daily rate of 0.021% and will continue to do so, until judgement or earlier payment. Therefore the amount claimed is etcetc I hope that this clarified my position yours ..... I faxed it to them and sent a hard copy to them. so I am waiting for their response
  16. I am really pleased - make sure that you get the full amount with interest upto date. Still cross that bridge when you come to it Hurrahh for you
  17. It will come in handy for us - we are going over to the USA to buy a house and it will come to nearly $8000 ha ha
  18. I had exactly the same letter - I am now at the claim stage. take no notice as youngandfree says -stick to your timetable, so not let them dictate to you. Good luck - keep us posted:p
  19. A&L will close your account, they have confirmed this in the press. It is up to you, as to wether or not it is worth it. You could get another account, however with a bad credit rating, probably not with an OD facility. I read a couple of threads which said Nat West & Co op do basic accounts, so you could get one of those
  20. Hi Dawny41 I have claimed and have been acknowledged - It's no where near as scary with people backing you up. If you have any questions just pop them on a thread and you will get people helping you out:D
  21. Emma chin up - my husband is 38 so you are waaaaaaaaaaay younger than him :o Hoover for your birthday Noooooooooooo, your husband is right! Wait till the chque comes and get something that you really want or better still something that you would never ever have brought in a million years cos it was a waste of hard earned money!!!!
  22. Hi I have sent the prelim/lba and filed MCOL and had offers and had claim acknowledged, had a letter today which states I can't go back further than 6 years, so I sent a letter back and said oh yes I can. This all has had a time span of around 6 weeks. Although I was lucky that they sent the statements to me quite quickly. A&L will take you all the way to having to make a claim. however all the posts I have read say they pay up before they turn up at Court:D With some they Acknowledge and then pay, some they muck about abit like me. Never mind it's all part of the fun I have also sent off SARS to Capital One, and am at the lba stage with HSBC (for my daughter) Good luck - Stick with it
  23. Cheers Glenn I have faxed the letter and sent a hard copy - signed for. I thought I was right, but it's nice to have someone agree (I clicked your scales & said well done)
  24. Hi No that is not true, as the charges could be deemed as unlawful as the are penalty charges. Anyway, your best bet is to pop into the FAQ bit have a quick look and then have a roam around. It will all become very clear. Any points you are not sure on - just pop up a thread and someone will lend a hand
  25. Emma I will keep my fingers crossed that you get your cheque for your birthday. I received a rubbishy letter saying that I had to re send my charges excluding the Feb 1st charge. I wrote back and said no all details are on another post. Still, Happy Birthday for Saturday (Same as my husband)
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