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Everything posted by jowalshy

  1. Well I hope you washed your hands afterwards Tez Victory Parade
  2. When ( I cant be bothered to flip back a page to see what the conversation is about )
  3. As it was a online fraud, Natwest have cancelled my online access. If I want online access again, I will have to re-register. I have just tried to log onto the bank site, and it has been blocked, so hopefully whoever the people who got into my account wont be able to either.
  4. The bank are investigating it at the moment and hopefully I should get my money back in about 2 to 3 days time. The chap at the bank asked if I wanted it to be reported to the police......... Errrrr yes and may they chop their heads off and dance on their graves the thieving barstewards
  5. To the person/persons who decided to hack into my bank account over the weekend and yesterday - may a thousand fleas infest your crotch and may your arms be too short to scratch Oh and thanks for leaving me with 63p for the rest of the month
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