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Everything posted by jowalshy

  1. You now when you are Catholic when someone says to you "May the force be with you" and you reply "And also with you"
  2. My Dad told me about this chap yesterday. What a muppet BBC News - Man rescued off Isle of Sheppey after sailing blunder
  3. It's going to be a bit wet this weekend down here Typical bank holiday weather
  4. Ahhh the sweet smell of rain fall on sun dried grass. Good afternoon all
  5. Well I have just found out why I lost my job. I was too confident and didn't ask enough questions. Also another member of staff said that when the boss left the office, I downed tools and played on the internet for over an hour each day. I had a 15 minute lunch break every day of which I checked my emails. I think it was just a case of me not fitting in with the others.
  6. Well that was a wasted journey. I went to collect my son from school. He comes out at 3.15pm, but you have to get there early otherwise you can't get a parking space. I arrived outside the school at approx 2.50pm. I waited until 3.10pm to walk down the school drive and into the playground where I pick my son up. My son came out and said "Mummy, what are you doing here? I'm going to my friends house for tea!" So I left the school, got into my car and drove home...alone. Doh!
  7. Aww thanks for hug Locutus xxx and thanks to all you other peeps. What can I SAR for? I've only been there for just over 2 weeks.
  8. I never believed in depression unless it was some sort of chemical imbalance (which a very god friend of mine has). That was until the beginning of this year. Basically I was bullied at work. I ended up sitting at my desk with noone talking to me and crying all the time. It got to the stage that my husband forced me to go to the doctors. I have always been a very very strong person who basically just got on with whatever life threw at me. Even in my deepest dark days of debt, I carried on. I got signed off of work and couldn't even face going outside. I would make up excuses not to go out, even to the shops. I have now been on anti depressants for three months and I beleive they helped me sort myself out. I am also hoping that they will sort out my little hiccup of losing my job earlier this evening.
  9. I was in so much shock when I got the call from the boss telling me I was no longer required I forgot to ask the reasns why. I did try and call back, but unfortunately she had left the office. I'm going in tomorrow evening to collect my things as I was told to come after office hours to do so. I will ask for the reason then.
  10. Thanks guys. I thought it was going well too. Never had any complaints etc. Can only put it down to a possible reference from my last company.
  11. Eeeeeek....just got a letter from my daughters school about the new school uniform. Blazers starting price from £28.95!!!!!!!!! partially pleated compulsory skirt from £13.95!!!!!!. Thank goodness the letter goes on to say that current pupils don't have to wear them until their current uniform wears out......Now how to stop my girls from growing or ruining the uniform they are wearing at the moment. To actually kit both my girls out in a new uniform it will cost me £118.95 each!!!!!!
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