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Everything posted by caprikid

  1. Look Out for more stories like my story in the Mirror , I am just waiting on the papers getting back to me they have been talking to my local MP (Menzies Cambell ) about Gemini stealing my car . PM me for more info
  2. Any News sweet ??? never heard from you in a wee while now .
  3. Yes I agree that lot's of other people will be suffering in silence over this ,we have been lucky we came across this great site . I did get get some cash back from Log Book Loans after my story was in the papers but not near enough to comphensate all the harship and sleeples nights I have suffered. I would urge anyone who has fallen into this LBL /Gemini trap to make as much fuss as you can , Go to the papers , OFT, CIB, Police , Traiding Standards and remember if they are coming for your car ... HIDE IT !! until you get the problem sorted out because if Gemini get your car the chances are it's gone forever !! . Ohh yes Thanks sweetnsexy for all your updates and GOOD LUCK !!!
  4. The OFT are looking into LBL as we speak ,watch this space !!. I can also say that there will be more LBL / Gemini stories in the papers in the coming weeks , keep an eye out for them . There is no protection for people who get ripped of by these companies but I am sure that's about to change , The sooner the better as so many people have lost out big time because of this [problem] .
  5. I had a loan with them and the APR was 375% . silly me I WONT TAKE OUT A LOAN AGAIN WITHOUT KNOWING WHAT THE apr IS .
  6. Sorry me again I forgot to ask about the s77 , can you please explain a bit more about this I am not sure how it works . Cheers Alex
  7. Thanks for that ,I would like know for sure because I am looking into a Summary cause action and I need to know I am sure I have a good chance of winning before I go ahead . The thought of going to court on my own is a bit scary but I have decided that it is the only course of action I can take ,I am not able to get any sleep at night now I am so stressed out the thought of LBL getting away with this is driving me mad !!. I will get as much advise as I can from CAB,Trading Standards, OFT , and anyone else that has advise that might help . please let me know about the bill of sale as soon as you can . Many Thanks, Alex
  8. Hi , Would you no if the bill of sale has to be registered if I live in Scotland ,I recived a letter from LBL a while back saying that the Bill of Sale does no need to be registered because Scottish laws are different from the Laws in England . Do you know if that is true ???. Cheers Alex ,
  9. I was thinking about getting as meany people as possible together who have had there car taken by these people and also anyone that has had problems with them to go down and make some sort of protest with banners and so on . We should get the press to attend and make sure that everyone gets to know how bad these people are !! Anyone who would be intrested please send me a private massage and I will see if we can get enough people to make it worth while . Cheers Alex
  10. I also have been posting on this site fo a while now about Log Book Loans if you wan o ead my ohe poss you will see I have had lots of bother wih them . I have been to Trading standards , OFT, CAB , in fact I have been through the them all and it was a complete waste of time all I was ever told was "take them to court" but that is just no possible for me. Trading standards, OFT, Cab are just there to give advise I always thought they had some sort of powers to stop these sort of scams but they don,t !! . Just a pure waste of taxpayers money if you ask me !!. Well Done Kev !! I am glad to see someone getting the better of those people ,If there is anyone reading this who might have there cars taken by this crowd make sure you stop them or you will never see your car again !! make them take YOU to court first !!! . Alex
  11. I wish I had known about provident before I went to Log Book Loans for some cash I would rather pay 177% APR for an unsecured loan than pay the 375% I payed Log Book Loans for a loan secured on my car . Many of you that have read all the threads about Log Book Loans will know I also lost my car to them even though I never missed any payments . I now have a loan with provident , I am paying them £40.00 a week and they have been good to deal with at least they do everything by the book not like those people at Log Book Loans . So if people think %177 APR is high just think of all the people that have had the misfortune to get a loan From Log Book Loans and are paying at least 375% APR and most of them get there car taken from them without warning when they fall 2 weeks behind in there payments .
  12. Hi James , Some very sound info there , Would you think the Financial ombudsman would be able to advise/help me regarding a loan contract I have with Log Book Loans ?? I was told that the Financial Ombudsman Service only deal with High Street banks and mortgage companys do you know if this is still true ??? I was never told that the APR was 375% but it was written on the loan contract but I was stupid enough not to notice it , however there is a part on the contract that says Log Book Loans cannot take the car without a court order !!they did take it without a court order so would that be enought to contact the Financial Ombudsman about or would I be waisting my time ??. I was not made aware that the loan was any different from a normal loan I have had cars on HP before and never had any problems but my payments with Log Book Loans were almost up to date I hade payed them back more than double the amount I borrowed and they came and took my car without warning !! when I was out . Cheers Alex
  13. I wish I knew the baliffs were coming to my house to steal my car I would also have had hard and wooden waiting for them but they were chicken they came when I was out they knew I never had a clue they were coming . Don't give in to them !!! don't let them get the car make sure they go away empty handed and let them take you to the court to try and get the car make them suffer like they have done to meany on here but you need to remember they will steal the car when you are out . They are cowards they tend to come early in the morning when people are sleeping I know if they had came when I was in they would have had a big fight on there hands to get the car they should think themselves lucky I was out . They even stole money from me they lied and said they never got some payments !! I have proof the payments were sent , watch them they are a bad bunch !!!.
  14. Hi Weets, Who was it that came to your door was it a company called Gemini ??? did they get your car ?? . I had my car taken by this bunch and I recon when the car is gone you wont see it again, I would think the police would be worth a try as you have proof you paid for the car so it should belong to you . I know one thing for sure if I had a second chance to stop them taking my car I would make sure they never got ther dirty hands on it the only reason the cowards got my car was because they stole it when I was out . I hope someone on here can be more helpful I feel for you!! but I can't think of any other advise to give apart from try and stop them taking your car and also contact the police just to see if they can help . As for contacting Log Book Loans for help !! I would not waist my time... if you read some of the threads on this site you will soon see how bad they are I am amaized they are still getting away with this but it seems they are !!. The Police might just try and tell you it is a civil matter but it's not, the car belongs to you as you paid for it so If Gemin/ Log Book Loans take your car it's Thieft pure and simple !!
  15. Hi , Thanks for the advise , but I have be at traiding Standards , CAB ,my local MP (Menzies Cambell) and the police I have even been in touch with a local Sherriffs Officer they all said I had a good case but I would have to take LBL /Gemini to court on my own . The police said it was a civil matter and they would have nothing to do with it , I don't know what I can do next ???. Cheers Alex
  16. Hi Powell , I have been in touch with the Trading Standards and I let them see the bill of sale ,it was just one sheet of paper !! Trading standards said that there was nothing on the bill of sale that would make Log Book Loans the legal owners of the car I was advised to take LBL to court to get the money back I had payed into the account . Traiding Standards seem to think I would have no problem winning my case after seeing my contract and Bill of sale but as I could not afford to go to court LBL have got away with this . I phone LBL today I was told that the bill of sale dosent have to be regestered as I am in Scotland they also said as the car belongs to them via a private sale they can take any car anytime they want without a court order as the car belongs to them !!. I am cracking up with all this hassle , I am so sure I have been robbed of my car as I was not in arrears when they took it ...... Gemini just said I was in arrears so they could get the car . Its so frustraiting when I know I have been robbed and there is nothing I can do just because I cant afford to take them to court . Cheers Alex
  17. Hi Ali , I have never heard of anyone who has nothing to complain about with Log Book Loans but I take it there must be more people than you out there that have been happy with there service . I Think the problem is more to do with there agent (Gemini) It's just a shame that Look Book Loans handed my account over to Gemini after I was 1 week behind in my payments I had only had the loan for about 1 month and it was handed over to Gemini . That was when the problems started as I had to start paying my money to Gemini and as I said earlier in my last post they said they never got some of the payments through my internet banking . Gemini sent someone to my door with a default notice the charge for that alone was £250 they also added another £750 to my account when they stole my car when I was out !!! If I had knew they were coming they would never had got away with taking the car you can be sure of that . I sent a letter of to Log Book Loans the other day asking why the sales Agreement had not been registired this was there reply "It is our understandingthat under Scottish law the sales agreement being a document relating to what is in effect a private sale of the vehicle, does not require registration in the way that a bill of sale would in England " I also asked them why they had the right take my car away without a court order when it stated on my contract that a court order is needed this was there reply " I would also draw your attention to the fact, at the time the vehicle was collected, the tax disc was invalid. This is in itself a breach of our agreement and would allow for us to collect on our security regardless of the issue with missing payments to Gemini" I think Ali you should make sure your tax does not run out or Log Book Loans can get your car and You should also be glad you don't live in Scotland, at least they have to register your sales agreement down South . Is There anyone one who knows if these quotes from Log book Loans are right , I would be intrested to find out !!!. Many thanks , best of luck Ali x
  18. Hi Tom , I have tried to take them to court but as I cant get legal aid there is no point I cant afford the costs at the moment as I have been of work for the last six months an can't go back for the next six months due to illness . I am trying to put all this behind me and get on with my life now, but it's not easy me and my son went to classic car shows most weekends with the capri but since Gemini have now sold it we are missing our weekends out and I cant afford another capri . I had saved up for a long time to get that capri I was so gutted when they came and took it away without warning I have another car now but it's just not the same .
  19. Hi , I would not take a loan from Log book loans again no matter how much I needed cash , please remember those horror stories are true !!! I lost my car after I had payed log book loans back £3000 I only borrowed £600 and I was not in arrears when they stole my car . The APR on my loan was 375% I never relised at the time but I was stupid not to look at the small print on the contract , I would advise you to try and get the cash some other way I am sure there are other companys that will give you a loan against your car , Log Book Loans have made my life a living hell over the last 6 months please please don't go near them or you will regret it . If you miss one weekly payment they will hand your case over to Gemini who are even worse than Log Book Loans (if thats possible) you will be asked to start sending your payments to Gemini who will then come and get your car whether you pay them or not , they will just say they never recived your payments . I know this all sounds a bit far feched but Log Book Loans/ Gemini are getting away with this because people can't afford to take them to court so they just do what they want , I have written proof from my bank saying I had made all my payments to Gemini but as I cant afford to take Gemini to court Gemini win . £3000 and a classic car worth £1500 thats what it cost me to have a Log Book Loan of £600 plus lots of Hassle and sleeples nights ,
  20. Well said powell !!! thats good advise you have given there , this company are making lots of money out of people that can least afford it and it's about time we started fighting back !!!. The best thing anyone can do to beat them is hide the car and let lbl try and go to court to get it back they would have no chance, as any judge would not help them when he /she finds out there crazy intrest rates and the way they treat there so called costmers .
  21. Hi Torbct, Gemini will come and take your car without warning (thats what they done to me ) then they will charge you for storage I was told it was £20.00 a day even though my car was not in a compound it was just at the back of there garage . You must remember if they get your car they can charge you what they want it's not legal but they will do it anyway because they knopw most people wont bother taking them to court. I was told I would have to pay them £750 to bring my car back even though they had already charged me £250 to take it away and I had been charged £250 for them putting a default notice through my door so watch out because these charges all mount up . They will sell your car at action so they wont get it's true value and if it is in poor condition and in need of an mot they wont look for much for it so you will have to pay the balance and all there charges . I only borrowed £600 from lbl and I ended up paying them over £3000 back and they still sold my car I never found out how much they got for it . I was not in much arrears with them but the loan was coming to an end so they just said I was in arrears so they could get the car I have proof I made payments they said they never got . If I was you I would read all the post on this site about LBL/Gemini and try to get people on here to help you decide if you want to let Gemini take your car or not because if you stop them taking your car they will have to take you to court and a judge might give you some time to pay . I have tryed to seek advise about taking LBL/Gemini to court but as it would cost more than the car was worth there is not much I can do ,seek advise soon !! . Cheers And good luck
  22. I had my post removed from this tread because I made the mistake of saying to much about LBL . I am sorry if I have went overboard with this but lbl have done me a lot of harm in the past . I will say again though , anyone who is at risk of having there cars taken from them by LBL should hide the car and make LBL take them to court to get the car that way the car would have been taken legally . I hope this thread will not be deleted as I am sure I am allowed to advise people what to do as I would have done it if I had the chance again . I have delt with LBL and I know how they work so I am only trying to help people before it's to late for thrm to do anything about it . I have read the post that says that lbl are the owners of the cars , I know thats true but they should still have a warrent to get the car back I have been told by a top soilicitor that they took my car ilegally , I cannot afford to take them to court thats the only reason they got away with it .
  23. If you read my post on the "LBL LTD" tread you will see what happened to me and my car I would advise you hide your car and let them try and take you to court later if they want the car ,I would rather deal with a judge than deal with lbl as lbl just do what they want.
  24. Hi 1970 , You were lucky I was told I had to pay £750 plus the balance £1500 I had aready payed them over £1500 and I only borrowed £600. They took my capri down To Scoch Corner and sold it I was told if I wanted it back I would have to pay £750 to cover the charge for them bringing my car back I said I would come down and pick it up they said that was not allowed . Cheers Alex
  25. Hi Cosworth , Log Book Loans will send Gemini or Anlglia to collect your brothers car, they sent Gemini up to Scotland to collect my capri without warning even though I was not in arrears I had made payments they said they never got I have proof I payed the payments through internet banking . One thing you have to relise is that this company will not wait for payments they will take the car so you have to act Quick !!! . Once the car is gone there is not a lot you can do about it because it cost more to take them to court than the car is worth and they know that so they just do what they want . I was not in when they got my car or I would have stopped them I now no that they had no right to take my capri but I have tried to get them to bring it back but as I cant afford to take them to court they will get away with it . I would advise you to type Log Book Loans into the search on this site you will find more advice and info if you read all the post about this company . You will soon see how bad they are I made a huge mistake getting involved with Log Book Loans it has cost me over 3 grand plus my very nice capri . Don't let them do the same to your brother try anything you can to make sure they don't get there hands on his car . Good Luck !! and please keep us informed , Cheers Alex
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