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Everything posted by abo999

  1. Asking on behalf of a friend, he works four days per week, monday to thursday. Can his employer change this as a one-off to tuesday to friday, to avoid a bank holiday (so he still works four days instead of three)? If so, how much notice do they have to give?
  2. Sorry I may be missing something, but which statements and what might they show?
  3. Do I really need to SAR them? Correct me if I'm wrong as things may be different but when I went after my credit card companies I SAR'd them to get hold of the signed t&c's. But NatWest have already admitted to me in a letter that they cannot find the PPI agreement.
  4. I took out my mortgage a few years ago with NatWest and was sold PPI along with the mortgage (you need insurance for us to sell you the mortgage etc. etc.). I've taken the first step in asking for my agreement; they have just written back telling me that they cannot find it as it was older than their 7 year document retention policy. Just wondering where to take it next basically. I successfully reclaimed my bank charges a few years ago thanks to the helpful advice given on here and was hoping you could point me in the right direction once again
  5. Oops, forgot to mention: I've not received a CCJ relating to this, just the agreement to pay the lower amount.
  6. Ok here is my story: Took two loans out; one in 1992 and one in 1993. When I left Uni they were both deferred for a few years, up until about 2000. Then I was earning more money than the deferrment threshold so I started paying them off at the prescribed monthly amount. Then, hard times landed; I was still earning more than the deferrment amount but due to circumstances (long story, involves owning a house in 'smacksville', forced to move out, two mortgages due to needing to buy house to raise offspring away from terror, house in smacksville destroyed by junkies but still paying the mortgage on it etc. etc.) we got into financial difficulties and are now going through the CCS to pay off creditors, the SLC being one of them. They're currently being paid at about £7 a month. I'm not too sure on what my rights are here; can I submit a CCA? I've tried browsing about the FAQ but couldn't really find what I'm looking for. Can anyone supply some help, or a link etc.?
  7. If they do the same as with me, you'll get a cheque payable to 'FLUFFIES' in a/c 00xxxxxx, so you'll get a cheque, but can only pay it into the account specified. So the bank gets their money back, but at least your overdraft is cleared.
  8. Continue with the LBA as per your timescales. Imagine what the bank would do if they wrote to you threatening court action (some legitimate reason, maybe), and you replied to them saying it'd be 6 to 8 weeks before you could consider a response. Do you think they'd wait?
  9. Well, that didn't take long! The guy had a look at the sofas, agreed they were knackered, asked what we wanted to do, and accepted our request for them to be collected, the finance cancelled and deposit refunded... They'll be collected next week and deposit refunded to the bank as it was paid by debit card. Hopefully everything will go smoothly
  10. Ok, following a conversation with the branch earlier we've got a guy from there coming round to inspect the sofa on his way home from work. I'll post the result of that later...
  11. Just drop into your local police station, walk up to the desk and tell them you wish to report a crime.
  12. My experience with Vodafone so far: I've often had to call them twice to get something done e.g. take off the insurance that I never asked for in the first place, and the network has been cack to be honest; having to try seven or eight times to get through to my wife on *many* occasions, just silence when ringing out from my phone, poor handover from 3G to 2G when on a call, refusal of the phone to hand over to 2G despite the 3G coverage dropping out etc. etc. My wife's phone is just the same, as is my mother and father in law's phones (different model and manufacturer). Just bad, I wish I'd never moved off Orange to be honest; I only really did that because Orange laid me off lol
  13. Here's a tip; change your profile so as not to include your full address and postcode!!!
  14. Is there a geographical number for Ed Doolan, so I can enter it into saynoto0870.com?
  15. Sorry... Another thing: since we've nowhere else to store them, I've had to put our old sofas on the drive while we wait for the council to collect them (which I guess I'll have to cancel now...). I've covered them with a tarpaulin, but it's raining and some water has got underneath... I guess we're going to have to use these sofas again now, probably for a few weeks while things get sorted out.
  16. Blitz: that's awesome, thank you. It'll be nice to be able to refer to the specific points of the SOGA when the chap comes round tomorrow, in case he tries it on
  17. Thanks Alphageek, I'd just spotted the thread and it makes interesting reading, especially 'if the goods are not of satisfactory quality the Sale of Goods Act gives consumers a reasonable time in which to reject goods and claim a full refund' which is what I'm after. I'll keep an eye on how you get on. What have they been like to deal with generally?
  18. Just to add to this; I'm really interested in getting a refund of my deposit and goods returned to be honest. Now I've had chance to do 'things' like have a proper sit on them, move them about etc. etc. I feel that the overall build quality is poor and that a replacement will be just as bad. We should have just gone to Barker and Stonehouse like we were going to. The fruitwood bed we bought from them many years ago is still as sturdy as when we got it...
  19. Hi there! Today our new sofas arrived from SCS having waited a few weeks as you do. When the delivery guys had installed them in the living room they asked me to sign the sheet to say I'd checked the goods and all is ok, so I gave them the once over, sat on them etc. and all seemed fine so I signed the form and off they went. I got back on with my work in my office. Later today, I had cause to put my hand down the side of the sofa (the leather cushions are stitched to the base) and found that part of the material lining is ripped, and I can feel sharp nails or screws sticking out - the pointy end, not the heads. Not good when we've got a three year old with inquisitive hands. Of course, this prompted us to have a very close inspection of the rest of the sofas; it seems that although one of the arms is visually identical to the others it sags in the middle if you press on it, and it feels like one of the wooden bars inside is broken. It's hard to describe but if you feel it and compare with the other arms you can tell something is wrong. We've spoken to SCS who tell us we have seven days to reject the goods; they have a chap coming to the house tomorrow to inspect them so I'd like to be in possession of my rights. 1. I've had a peek at the Sale and Supply of Goods Act and can't see anything about timescales for rejecting goods. Is seven days correct, or are SCS coming up with this themselves? 2. Since I've signed the form when the delivery men dropped the sofas off, have I affected my right to reject the goods? 3. We paid a deposit when we ordered the sofas. Are we entitled to a complete refund of this deposit when we reject? 4. Anything else we should be aware of? Many thanks!
  20. It sounds like they'll owe you more than you owe them. Go for it, put te account into dispute as mentioned, and get your money back.
  21. Ah it's ok, I can wait as long as is necessary. I just find it annoying when Halifax settled so quickly Thanks for the info, I'll have a look at that thread now
  22. Bah, I'm bored with this now, how long does it take to come up with a court date??? I might just give up! (just kidding)... Can anyone tell me when this big court case involving Nat West is set for? Is it in the near future?
  23. Don't forget, the SAR isn't just for statements; it's for everything they hold about you. If you don't receive it, they haven't fulfilled their obligation under the DPA.
  24. I'm pretty sure there is a spreadsheet on the forum somewhere. I didn't go for the contractual interest but they settled really early, so I didn't need to use it.
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