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Everything posted by ladybird17

  1. I would phone up Royal Mail re. track & trace not showing up. That's what you paid for, after all. How did you pay for the SAR?
  2. new levels of fines have just imposed relating to complaints, so it should be automatic. with regards the moorcroft situation, the debt remains - it just cannot be enforced. You could certainly try & get all the money back - this scenario has been discussed on some length on this site. A lot of posters will give you their views on what is "morally" correct. IMHO - morals are not up for debate on here, they are everyone's own personal business. So it's your choice. You could most certainly get any penalties back, if you don't want to go for the whole lot.
  3. welcome to the (very large & rapidly expanding) club!!
  4. That's fine - whatever you say!! I merely came on this saying are we sure it's a criminal offence, not civil? I was then told there is no such thing as a civil offence - even though this is mentioned on statute. I gave excerpts from various bodies citing civil offences, but was till told there is no such thing. Then I was told you can't be imprisoned for civil offences - and yet Prison Orders quite clearly set out treatment of civil offenders who are imprisoned. I've been told I don't understand the law and I shouldn't be arguing about things I don't know about. I've received abusive PM's, which IMHO have no place whatsoever on a forum site. All because I questioned posters on their opinions and asked them to prove their point - which so far, despite a lot of pointless ranting and raving, none of them have done. It can be a criminal offence, a civil offence or offences against mankind for all I care - and I thank you Peter and others who have supported me and taken the time & trouble to try & help out on this. The flowers would still be nice though Peter:D )
  5. we are now 3 -4 Three TS officers saying not criminal, 4 saying it is!
  6. thanks jaxads, I tried to get money out of an ATM with my nectar card! It's the same as when I'm sitting watching the tv and the phone rings and I pick it up & wonder why it's still ringing only to find I'm trying to answer with the remote control.
  7. far be it from me to start with the pins Peter , but I'm not sure I do. 17.1.3 as an isolated stand alone clause certainly makes it look that way, but if you read through the remainder, I think that clause relates to treatment of civil offenders who have yet to be so. But note that I say " I think". I would never be as dogmatic to tell you you're wrong when I cannot prove that you are. When I run out of library books, I shall turn to the Prison Sentencing Manual for a little light bed-time reading!
  8. Thanks Peter - however the HMPS sentencing manual goes further than just your highlighting........... Terms served for civil offences are not reduced by police custody or remand time. and Annex 1..... EARLY RELEASE OF CIVIL PRISONERS......
  9. Morning mincie, - I think Gordon Brown is putting all the £1's towards his pension.
  10. ss_collins - you are reading the original CCA in which it states 15p. This has been amended and now stands at £1. And the section of the Act under which you CCA is the one applicable to your circumstances, ...credit, loan, hp etc.
  11. you're ok Steve, this is the "get your head bitten off" thread!
  12. so what does this mean then? . for prisoners committed for a civil offence or in default of a fine....... if you are saying you can't be imprisoned for a civil offence?
  13. and for what it's worth, this as well... It is worth noting that a prisoner can be serving a lengthy sentence as a result of defaulting on a confiscation order where the sum is significant. The prisoner is still classed as a civil prisoner and should receive the appropriate rights and privileges.....
  14. Yes, I know I said I wouldn't comment again, and I'm sure someone will come along and tell me I'm wrong, and assuming that I am wrong, can someone tell me what this means, taken from HMPS Prison Orders: "Information on sentence calculation, payment of fines etc. for prisoners committed for a civil offence or in default of a fine can be found in the Sentence Calculation Manual, chapters 16 and 17."
  15. if you have a loan with a bank you can CCA them dave.
  16. yes, I was listening to you Peter, but not making any further comments on this thread.
  17. Yes, well I obviously know that Laiste! What is was pointing out that contrary to your earlier post that CCA's don't mention interest rates on late charges - I have one that does indeed state this.
  18. yes I see your point Laiste, however it is not late charges per se that are unlawful - it's just the amount they charge. So for example, you could argue that if they charged you the true cost, i.e. tuppence halfpenny;) then they are justified in charging interest on that, because they have told you they are going to. (devil's advocating here) I agree that the amount of interest is not stipulated. But of course from another angle, in effect what they are saying is we are going to add unlawful penalty charges onto your account, and to rub salt into the wound, we are even going to charge you interest on them!
  19. i can point you (if I can find it!) to another spreadhseet to which you can add contractual. Let me know if you want it, or if you are happy to stick with what you've done!
  20. yes, but if you go to court and lose - then they can still add the interest - but that's not the point I was raising really - what I am saying is that on one of my agreements it DOES say that they will charge interest on late payments
  21. Laiste...please correct me if I am misunderstanding you, but I have a CCA here in front of me and, quote "We will continue to charge interest on any late payments both before and after any court judgment"
  22. I wasn't suggesting Stonelaughter that it was quiet through embarassment! I meant I couldn't argue any further as there was no one to argue with:) I'm just very confused that I am told by a barrister that of course there are civil offences; the matter of civil offences is brought up in the Lords and thus reported in Hansard. There are a multitude of published excerpts that highlight civil offences and yet there seems to be something of an intransigent insistence that I'm wrong. I don't mind being wrong - perish the thought that i can be right ALL the time;) - but I want to be PROVED wong!
  23. Don't know whether we'll see Pers aound much today Corn. It's the 3rd Saturday in the month and this is normally his day for hanging around Dover Docks with the feather boa and the stilletos.
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