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Everything posted by ladybird17

  1. if you are claiming CCI you can't claim 8% on top - you can only get one or the other.
  2. Yes, for sure the burden of proof is different in a civil action to that which must be identified in a criminal action. Civil actions are usually between an individual and an organisation. All this is true. Yet those who have repeatedly told me I am wrong, there is no such thing as a civil offence have gone decidedly quiet today!
  3. well, yes, you send whichever applies to your circumstances as jw has said. Not sure what you mean about the spreadsheet with interest + 8%. Have you added contractual interest on to your claim?
  4. Unfortunately, you will probably find in their T & C's that they ARE allowed to do this. Most banks have this proviso.
  5. Divorce her BigLash and head my way- you're wasted on a wife with rhino skin. Yes, that was a welcome cokneyandy!
  6. ladybird17

    MBNA or A&L

    yeh - you can come & stir our cauldron!! I do know what you mean about doing anything pleasurable just after pay day ...there always seems to be too much month left at the end of the money!!
  7. actually cockneyandy, in my experience it is pretty much universal that men have skin like rhinos, full stop. I always find handling them with fine grade sand paper makes little differenceto the skin texture but does make life uncomfortable for them.
  8. Peter - I'm arguing the point that I have been told SEVERAL times over on this thread that there is NO SUCH THING as a civil offence. So I posted these excerpts so that the posters who maintain there is no such thing can take issue with the Lords, the Uni. of Bath Law faculty et al, and let them know that they are talking rubbish as there is no such thing as a civil offence.
  9. Whoo whoo.........!! default, ban him, shoot him, decapitate him ... sexist comment. Now BigLash - get BACK to mowing the lawn and cleaning the patio like I TOLD you to.
  10. No actually Smoothy, I don't think it would look suspicious at all! If you didn't know - then you didn't know! It's the same theory really, as what this site is all about. Before we KNEW we could claim back unlawful charges we didn't, bcause we didn't know! I just wonder if it's worth you PM'ing a Mod to see how best to adjust your claim to include these issues in it? IMHO, you have an extremely strong case if you go via the "bank taking my benefits" route. Hope this had added a bit of joy to your day! Please keep me posted on what you are going to do & what's happening, I'm really interested in this issue of those Bankers taking benefits.
  11. I'm not sure of the procedure on the BBC site - but if you have only written one letter, I would uggest you now send them the Letter Before Action in the templates section on here. The "risks" associated with filing in court are virtually nil! Because so far, no banks have stood up in court and justified their unlawful charges.
  12. ladybird17

    MBNA or A&L

    we are looking probably at it being a weekend in July - we need to plan it a bit in advance to stand a good chance of most preople being able to make it. Yes of course you are most welcome - the more the merrier!! And now that you have demonstrated your catering skills - you will HAVE to come!! (Cooks get extra drinks)
  13. I would suggest you do give them an extra few days in that case. I'm sure it won't make any difference. The courts want to see that you have given them reasonable time to deal with your claim. It's extremely doubtful that 7 days (ie., 5 working days at most - check your recorded delivery tracking number on Royal Mail webite to see when letter arrived) would be considered reasonable time.
  14. ladybird17

    MBNA or A&L

    Thanks for clicking me lazybones!!
  15. post when you have read it, I'm sure there must be mileage in it or you.
  16. Smoothy - are you up to speed on this...?...Sticky: Is the bank taking your Benefits ? (1 2 3 4 5 ... Last Page)
  17. riskman - you sent a letter giving them less time than is recommended on here, telling them you will take them to court if they don't reply. Well they haven't replied, so why are you asking us!!?? And may I ask why you only allowed them 7 days?
  18. ladybird17

    MBNA or A&L

    They certainly will be confused if you're nice to them! And in my view, in these situations, you should do whatever you feel most comfortable with. As far as CCA goes - whilst I know you only need to send one SAR - because there is only one of YOU, but sure you will need to send 3 CCA's as there are 3 accounts. Hope this helps a bit!
  19. ladybird17

    MBNA or A&L

    Hi lazybones... As I see it, if you asked for details on 3 accounts and you didn't get that, then they haven't complied with your SAR - which makes point 2 irrelevant. So... if you want to play good cop you could write back giving them a further 7 days to comply, and ask for confirmation of the date accounts 1 & 2 started, and say you are being very nice as technically they are in breach of DPA. Or if you want to play bad cop (my preferred option!) send them the DPA non-compliance letter on Monday after your post arrives, tell them on yer bike and take them to court for non-compliance. Reporting them of course to TS, ICO and uncle tom cobley.
  20. you go with whichever is the most comfortable for you penny,in the end I don't suppose it will make a jot of difference! Historically MBNA are absolute so and so's in their practices and to deal with. I really do think that they were completely unprepared for the onslaught, and their staff training must be positively abysmal, so they now have adopted the approach of using every trick in the book to delay and stall while they run around like headless chickens completely at a loss as to how to deal us all. Their knowledge of Consumer Law is about on a par with what I know about Nuclear Geophysics! Good luck - keep us posted!
  21. Crikey Dave - are you taking over the site tonight?! I can only re-iterate what has been said on all the other threads you have posted on!
  22. pretty much right lee in wales! This is their standard tactic - you could try sending them another letter & do this in one of 3 ways- if you want to be the nice guy, send them a utility bill or similar, remind them that you have already sent them £10(they've probably credited it to your account) and as a"gesture of goodwill" on your part, you expect to receive the information in 7 days, even though they are past the time limit. If you want to play the not so nice guy, write back saying they have had had no problem with your identity prior to this,as they are corresponding with you at your address, you've got the £10 so give me the stuff in 5 days, or if you feel like it, you could write & say their letter advising you they need identitiy has been superceded by your non-compliance letter and you are reporting them, where's my £10, send it back to me and go take a hike. Then take them to court for non-compliance. Personally, as a long time MBNA battler, I prefer the final option - but the choice is yours!
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