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Everything posted by N.P

  1. Well, do you agree or don`t you? The world can easily function properly and would be a better place without businesses like these. Let`s not forget, some people have commited suicide because of **** of the earth like these.
  2. I just came across this thread. Morecrap have had 3 of my accounts, an Egg Loan, a Lloyds TSB Credit and a Argos Card. I`ve had them on the phone and even one of their empty headed field agents at the door, and I haven`t paid them a single penny and never will. These imbeciles should be thrown on the street as they simply have no skills in life, and are incapable of getting a `real` job. These companies should be bombed to the ground, as they are totaly pointless and are a menace, to say the least.
  3. Hi fuzzy, So, it sounds like you received the same letter as I have? I never actually signed mine, I just typed my name. Like you say, it will be interesting to see what they actually come back with. They will probably have a copy of my agreement, as Argos sent me a copy, but I think it`s a microfiche, but it doesn`t look right. I think it`s a knock up. So, we shall wait and see. They do seem pretty persistent, but if they have purchased these accounts they probably will be. Catch you late bud! N.P
  4. Hi fuzzy and Help48, Looks like I`ll just have to see what they com eup with on this one. If it`s the same as the CCA Argos sent, then it looks like a fake as there is no reference to Argos or the account number at all on the agreement. There is also no reference to accounts on the bottom, where the Direct Debit mandate is. Keep watching people. N.P
  5. Afternoon people, Right, we have an update to my recent CCA request to DLC. This comes from Hillesden Securities, and not DLC who I CCA`d. I don`t have my scanner up yet, so I`ll type it out. It goes - Account Number xxxxxxxxxxxx - Formerly Home Retail Group Card Services Ltd - xxxxxxxx Thank you for you letter dated 19 January 2010 regarding the above account. I can confirm and advise the following :- I acknowledge receipt of your payment of £1 in connection with your data request under the Consumer Credit Act 1974. We are still awaiting a copy of your payment original agreement and statement of account from our client. When these become available they will be forwarded to you. If we are unable to forward a copy of the original agreement, we will be able to supply a true copy of the document which will comply with Section 77-79 of The Consumer Credit Act 1974. In the meantime please provide us with full details of the dispute to enable us to liase with our client in an attempt to resolve this matter. We have update our records to show your current address as advised. We would like to draw your attention to the recent ruling in the case of McGuffick V RBS judgement dated 6 October 2009 in relation to "what is considered enforcement"; the judgment stated that the bringing of proceedings is not enforcement. It follows that demanding payment is a step taken prior to the commencement of proceedings and therefore not considered enforcement. Whilst we may not be able to enforce the agreement until the documentation is provided, the monies remain outstanding and the underlying obligation to repay remains intact. In view of the above judgment the account will remain with our collections department for collections activity to continue. So far as your Section 10 request under the Data Protection Act is concerned, we are working under the guidance issude by the Information Commissioners office on `Filing Defaults with Credit Reference Agencies` (issued on 2 August 2007 - copy enclosed). This is intended to ensure accurate and fair reflection of default information, and allow credit grantors in the closed user group to which such data is supplied to make responsible lending decisions. Debt buyers can continue this notification process if debt sellers remove their register entries. Because we feel beleive the credit agreement in this matter is enforceable, and you are the party to the agreement, we feel we are able to continue collections activity and maintain an accurate record on your default at the Credit Reference Agencies. Should you require anything further at this point please contact me accordingly. I will update you on developments in 21 days if there are are no developments beforehand. Yours sincerley B. End Director & Data Controller. Now, I was wondering. Just exactly who are their clients if they are supposed to now own this alleged debt? They are waiting for the agreement, because they don`t have one yet. So how the hell do they know it`s enforceable? Are they going to knock one up to taste? Anyways, any comments welcome. Cioa for now. N.P
  6. Evening people, Right, another update from Lloyds TSB today. It`s an Enforcement Order served under Section 76(1) Of The Consumer Credit Act 1974). It basically states my current account is £173 overdrawn on the overdraft. It goes on on to say I have broken a part of the agreement between the Bank and myself. It states I should pay up by 17th February, by which time they will set SC&M upon me, to reclaim through the courts. Now, as I`ve mentioned before, this account is around 24 years old, from when they used to be just TSB, and they have not shown up with a copy of the original agreement and T`s & C`s. I trust that would be the agreement they mention? Also, I`ve read current accounts and overdraft are not covered by the CCA. Can I ask why, and who actually says they aren`t? Afterall, an overdraft is a running account, which is supposed to be cleared by the end of the month and gathers interest if it doesn`t. If they can issue an Enforcement Notice under the Act, then an overdraft must be regulated also. The letter also waffles on about credit references and the like, I`m sure most people reading this would have read the same nonsense? Has anyone got anything I could send? I can`t seem to lay my hands on my files at the moment. Everything is still a mess from the house move, I`m on monthly pay and I`ve ran out this month Thanks for looking people. N.P
  7. And of course, any imbecile knows, the person who copies / makes up the documents is obviously going to say they would be the same, as he or she works for the company. They wouldn`t attend if they did. Let`s face it, they`ll have all got together and got the their story together, even if it`s all lies. Bankers simply can`t be trusted. They have proved this in the past with the way they handle our money. DCA`s can`t be trusted. MP`s can`t be trusted. Everyone on earth is corrupt, even the system Courts are there to protect the Banks and Goverment, and make a fudge packer out of the little guy.
  8. They may be able to recreate them in any manner they like, but without a signature in ink, written by your own hand, it should then be thrown out. Any recreation of any document with a copied signature should be classed as fraud!
  9. How the hell can you prove something doesn`t exist, if it doesn`t exist? What a complete arse!
  10. Or, Dear Empty Heads, I appreciate your concerns regarding my finances, however, should the provided document prove to be enforceable, then I will only correspond with Lloyds TSB, so sod off and harrass some OAP.
  11. They used to say they were GBDR? I always used to start my letters to them with BJ, short for errm blow job I don`t think they ever caught on, that`s how stupid they are. They probably can`t read, that`s why you never get any sense out of them, just the same old dribble.
  12. Can I just ask what difference do online applications make? I have a Lloyds TSB Mastercard from 2004, which has PPI added. All it is, is a tick in a box, reading `Do you require Payment Protection?` Nothing else, just that line and a tick. There is no reference anywhere as to how much the PPI costs, and no other documents were supplied. This is currently with Morecrap DR, but has been around 2,364,489 DCA`s and SC&M. N.P
  13. Evening boys and girls, An update regarding my Current Account this time, as this is also mixed in with this thread, somewhere. Yesterday I received a letter from Lloyds TSB regarding my Current Account and the recent Supreme Court judgement on charges. I`m sure thousands of you have also received one? It waffles on about not paying out anymore, and reopening the account, and that they will expect to be paid the overdraft soon, or they will begin chasing it up again. They also mentioned the FOS incase we can`t come to an agreement. What I want, is ALL my charges back + interest at their own extortionate rate. They say I have broken an agreement between the Bank and myself, yet they have failed to show up with this agreement, or the Account opening form. The account is 24 years old, opened when they were TSB. So, my thinking is this - How can they say I owe them money on an Account, to which they have no Agreement, and haven`t shown up with the original T`s & C`s, when a Charge WAS called a Charge, and only £5? Won`t they also have to provied 24 years of documents to support their claim? I`m under the impression, they should keep ALL documentation up until 6 years AFTER the account has closed, for Tax and Fraud purposes. Is this correct? Won`t they need the original agreement, to show I agreed to be ripped off in the first place? I`m expecting some crap like, you agree to the T`s & C`s by using the Account, yet ALL Accounts start with some paperwork, don`t they? Any thoughts people. N.P
  14. Hi pecky1, Good to here from you again. Are Robbers Way (another stupid name!) better than Cabot? They all claim to be the best in the business.
  15. Hi Mart, JBDR hassled me for a while with an Argos account. I know how you feel, they are simply numb, as most DCA`s are. They eventually gave up the chase with me, and it was passed on another bunch of numb nuts. This account has now actually been sold, to errrrrm, another bunch of empty heads. Have you actually sent them a request for your Credit Agreement, to see what they come up with? They may have something which is totaly unenforceable, or even nothing at all. Or, they may have something legit. If you have not requested a copy, click on the link HERE and you need Letter `N`. You`ll need to include a Postal Order for £1. Don`t use a cheque and don`t sign anything. If they come back with something legit, then go for the charges to minimise your losses. Have fun. N.P
  16. Hi Lisa, As you already know by now, a number of us have received exactly the same nonsense. Just follow Fuzzybobble and I, using the CCA request with extra wording to cease and desist processing of our private data, and see what they come up with. I honestly think a company wouldn`t sell on an account if they were 100% sure of their agreement. I wish I was special at something, like these idiots N.P
  17. Claim on the basis that the judge was wrong. Millions of people say they are wrong. The banks paid back millions of pounds, why? The OFT say they are wrong. The High Court says they are wrong. The Court of Appeals says they are wrong. Looks to me like the little old man in the Supreme Court was protecting the Banks from a mass payout and bankrupting the country. Maybe, they had a back hander, maybe they were afraid of being popped off by a sniper, acting on behalf of the Banks. Lloyds TSB are chasing me for an overdraft, which includes charges, yet have failed to show up with an account opening form or agreement for the account which is 24 years old. I will not give in untill they do. I require proof I signed the agreement that they can extort money from me
  18. Hi Lisa, I hope your doing well. Damn right my fuzzy little friend, they`re getting FA off me I posted my CCA this morning, with your extra wording. I sent it recorded, just incase they blank it and try sending something to our old house.
  19. Hi Craig, Thanks for the message. To be honest, I got caught up with having to send quite a few letters to DCA`s and ended up forgetting all about this. I take it you have read this thread, and have read their response that they don`t exist? Can I just ask what problems you have had with them? Do you have your own thread started on this? Regards N.P
  20. Hi Fuzzy dude, Ok, I`ll whip that CCA off later and have it sent recorded delivery, with our new address on, so I know they have received it and don`t try anything by sending all stuff to the old house, like a claim form which I wouldn`t know about. I don`t think I actually received a DN from Argos, I can`t remember seeing one. Catch you later. N.P
  21. Evening all, Right, this morning I had another silly letter from those empty heads at DLC, or whatever they call themselves. We are still very much so, in a mess following our recent move, and my home network, including server, printer, router etc is not yet up and running again. I am simply using a PC connected to my mobile phone, for a modem. Anyways, FUZZYBOBBLE, do you copy? Could you paste up a copy of your recent CCA request and also your `cease and desist processing your private data` letter please? I have all my letters etc on my server which is still offline at the moment. I have a lot of decorating to do before I knock everything back up. Thanks in advance Anyways, my scanner is still boxed up somewhere, so the letter goes something like this - NOTICE OF DEBT RECOVERY dlc are specialist DEBT COLLECTIONS organisation. We have been instructed by our client to collect the outstanding balance on their behalf. You should read this Notice carefully, follow the instructions and reply IMMEDIATELY. If your details are incorrect or you have any queries, contact our Central Recovery Office on the above number. Should you FAIL to reply to this notice by the date specified, the action detailed below may be taken. Blah, blah, blah, Instructions to Solicitors to commence legal action, or a debt collector to visit and collect the debt personally. Customers can prevent this by contacting the above priority telephone number. WOW, my very own hotline Anyways, has anyone anything at hand to send them, untill I get fully up and running again. By the way, this letter went to our old house. We popped down today to shovel up some more stuff. Thanks all. Catch you later. N.P
  22. Don`t forget to report the caller to your local Trading Standards and also report your local Brighthouse for employing this idiot. Even if you do owe money, they must treat you with respect and not embarrass, bully and intimidate you in front of the whole street!
  23. I`m of the understanding only a Court can enforce such an entry, using registered Bailiffs? Not any old bozzo from your local ****ehouse store. Of course, there are also Police officers with a warrant.
  24. Hi Pecky and fuzzy, Good to hear from you again Pecky I hope your doing well. Fuzzy, do you have your letter handy for your cease and desist processing of your personal data? Could I whip it off ya please? Also, which template are you using for your CCA request? I think I only have old versions hanging around. Yeah, they also they stated they would bombard my credit rating also, not that I`m bothered. I don`t think any more nasties on there will make any difference Ciao for now N.P
  25. Evening boys and girls, Right, I got another letter this morning from these cranks. I don`t have amy scanner and printer sorted out yet, as we have just moved house and the place is a tip. We don`t even have a phone line, but are getting one installed next week. At the moment, I am using my mobile as a modem. Anyway, the letter goes something like this - Dear N.P You have failed to respond to our previous letter and the balance remains unpaid. Please telephone us immediately on 0844 3358498 to discuss your payment options which includes; 1. A discounted lump sum in full and final settlement. (We will then sell on the remaining balance to some other gimp who will then hassle you). 2. Monthly payments over an agreed ter,. Failure to respond to this letter may result in Legal action and additional costs may be added to your balance. Yours sincerley. K.N.O.B Jockey. Has anyone else had one of these yet? I`m thinking of sending them a letter at the weekend, stating they have been mis-sold the account and need to contact Argos for a refund, unless they can supply me with a legite CCA instead of a Photoshop forgery. N.P
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