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Everything posted by Zimmie

  1. I didn't watch the Brits but I'm not at all suprised about either. Cheryl Cole has a pretty face, but as far as I can see thats about it. As for Liam Gallagher, well its time that arrogant, bad mannered, self worshipping twits like him were ignored in any awards. What a role model!
  2. Thanks Danny and Jasper, I'm well too Danny apart from drowning in the sea of DCA litigation! Thanks for your replies, they do make sense. I think that my best possible course of action at the moment would be to write to CQ querying the amounts of interest they are adding, especially the £1000+ amount...no...querying is not right as they have ignored my queries before, infact they ignore everything! Formally disputing the interest as you said Jasper is a better stance. I'll get onto that. I'll also mention that they STILL haven't responded to my formal complaint from July '09. I'm also, as per GodMother, going to send off a SAR to Egg, this time asking for everything. I think it might be a tenner well spent in preparation for what CQ might do next. As soon as I can afford it I think a full SAR to CQ might make interesting reading. I can't think of anything else I can do for now, unless anyone else can. Many thanks.
  3. Hi again and thanks all for the replies, I have CCA'd Egg ( a couple of years back) and CQ just after the SD. I received a standard 2000 Egg agreement both times..copies are the same. Possibly iffy but until after PT's case who knows! The T & C were not from 2000 but the current ones. I'm not so sure about the statements either, but there again I don't know if they have to be exact copies, on the statements 'credit limit' is mentioned, and I never received any paper statements, infact after about 2 years I didn't even get e-mail notification of payment due, they just took an amount each month until my bank balance couldn't bear the strain. I did a SAR to Egg, but at the time I wasn't at all clued up, and just sent one asking for statements, they returned my cheque and sent a list of transactions for free...whoopee. There were about 4 late charges but all has been refunded to the account. There were quite a few transactions that I really didn't recognise, but they were probably due to my ex husband who I found out had been using my credit cards online. Regardless the debt is in my name. I'm loathe to stop making my token payments for fear of the exorbitant interest they will add, its excessive already and I pay monthly without fail. For each payment I make I owe them another £70...it is getting so frightening. I don't want this to go to court, firstly the stress of it which I don't need, secondly knowing my local court and how they refused to hear my view in a matter, and later totally c*cked up my divorce..then still got it wrong after my specific instructions....even forgot to put my costs forward to the Judge in my set aside hearing. So without going into detail thats 3 times they have screwed up things for me. I have no confidence in the justice sytem at all, especially at this court. I really don't want to risk getting a CCJ from CQ, I have a mortgaged property with some equity and don't want them getting a CO for an over inflated amount...over inflated by the amount of interest they add. They sent me a letter which was a payment arrangement, it stated no terms other than the monthly amount they required, the payment date (which despite me sending regularly was not received on one occasion, but was rectified within 6 days). They didn't send a DN, not time enough I guess just the threatograms. Do DCAs have to send DNs? Also if you make an arrangement to pay a DCA should you get a set of prescribed terms from them detailing what they can and will add to your account? I'm totally lost and am going to bed. Thanks all and any further comments wil be greatly appreciated. P.S. Hi Dannyboy...long time no see...hope you are well.
  4. Hi, Some of you may remember that I recently had an SD from Capquest which I got set aside with CAG help. I knew it wouldn't be the end of the matter, and of course it isn't. Brief recap: Oct 2006 Egg card debt sold to CQ, I wrote to CQ explained my circumstances and asked if they would accept a token payment, I didn't specify an amount. They replied yes and stated a monthly amount, the date it is payable, and a date for review of the payment arrangement, which is many years away. I paid them for 9 months then got a letter from HL saying I had failed to honour the arrangement (they got there dates totally wrong on this). I wrote to HL legal stating I had paid and gave dates of payments. Got another payment arrangement letter in return. I carried on paying the monthly amount. Mid 2009, I checked my online statement and noticed that they had not cashed my cheque which I always send in plenty of time so its not late. I immediately wrote and explained and sent another cheque to cover the 'lost' payment and the next months. The next day a threatogram arrived from CQ saying I had been ignoring them & not paying threatening legal action. The missing payment was received by them about 6 days late of the payment date...but when I got their statement they had for that month added over £1500 interest, this amount has changed in subsequent statement of account but remains at well over £1000. I have written several letters to CQ requesting information about interest as it was not mentioned in their original payment arrangement letter, all my letters have been ignored. The threatograms continued and I sent a letter of formal complaint....ignored. The threatograms went on, I reminded them of my complaint...ignored, then they served the SD. I sent a CCA request and another reminder of my oustanding complaint. Got a reply that they were looking into it and account on hold until resolved. Next day got a letter that they only keep correspondence for 3 months and they no longer had my letter, could I send a copy. I held back a while but eventually sent it after the set aside was through, although they did tell the court they agreed to the set aside due to them investigating the complaint. They have still not responded to my complaint. 2 days after the set aside they responded to my CCA request with a 2000 Egg agreement, a set of current T&C and a few statements from Egg and a letter telling me the account had been passed back to collections department. Throughout all of this I have continued to make the monthly payment to them. I have now received a letter advising me that they are preparing my account for litigation, and are offering me an 'amazing deal' to clear this account which I have till 23rd Feb to accept, they sent me this same 'amazing deal' shortly before the SD. The 'amazing deal' almost discounts the interest they have added over the 3 years! Please can anyone advise me of what I can do next. Does their payment arrangement letter count for anything? I really don't think I can take the stress of another court claim, I've got one ongoing at the moment, and the SD didn't help my health much! I have complained to OFT about the SD but they don't seem too bothered, hopefully they keep records of the complaints. Sorry if I've been a bit verbose! Many thanks, Zim.
  5. Blue cheese is cheese heaven, my fave is Shropshire blue...mmmm! As you say Mungypup its wonderful as a pasta sauce...espesically Gorgonzola. Stilton in a sauce goes well with broccoli...sprinkle with toasted flaked almonds before baking. Broccoli & Stilton soup is great too. Top a vegetable bake with any blue cheese and it works wonders
  6. Hey it could be worse...imagine having Fred Phelps and his family of the Westboro Baptist Church as neighbours
  7. What made me swear today was the 3 lots of Jehovah's witnesses turning up at my door. Ist was at 9.05am, I was still in bed and got up as someone was relentlessy banging my letter box, I thought that the urgency of the knocking might mean a family emergency. But no it was an elderly man, a younger woman and a child..talking about things I'm not interested in and refusing to accept that I'm not interested. 2nd was 1.40pm, another group of black suited people with child in tow...NO says I I'm not interested in your religion, but I respect what you have chosen to follow, please give me the same respect. 3rd was at 2.50pm, I was leaving the house to go and see my elderly Mum, a group of women along with the obligatory child appeared from my neighbours drive questioning me about the morals of people..incidently people I don't know as they wouldn't name these people whose morals they were whittering on about. I'm bl**dy fed up of these Jehovahs Witnesses. They must feel that where I live we are 1) all morally corrupt 2) unable to comprehend society and its problems 3) stupid 4) in need of their vitriolic ramblings 5) got nothing of any importance to do. I've made a sign for my door now, its headed POLITE NOTICE, but at the end it states that if my notice is ignored and they knock my door I will not be POLITE. Well its Sunday tomorrow, let's see how it work!
  8. Hi, this is a quick and easy recipe for delicious, light blueberry muffins. I have a blueberry tree in the garden so get a good supply for part of the year...when I don't I buy them from Asda when they are reduced in price (yeah I'm a cheapskate ) and freeze them. You can use the blueberries fresh or from frozen. 190g plain flour 2 tsps baking powder 150g caster sugar 1/2 tsp salt 1 egg 80ml vegetable oil 80ml milk 1/2 tsp vanilla extract 150g blueberries (or more if you prefer) Heat oven to 200c. Grease muffin tray or line with muffin baking cases. Sift flour and baking powder into mixing bowl. Add sugar & salt & mix well. Measure the veg oil into a measuring jug, add the milk, then the egg, mix well until egg is evenly mixed (this will look a bit yuk but carry on). Mix this into the flour and sugar, give a good stir so its all combined. Add the blueberries and mix in carefully so they don't squash or break. Spoon into the muffin tray or cases, fill to the top so they create the muffin top. Bake for about 25-30 minutes depending on your oven. You can check whether they are cooked all through by inserting a skewer into a muffin, if the skewer comes out clean, they are done. Absolutely delicious and much nicer than shop bought muffins...and they stay moist and light for about 5 days...if they last that long. Enjoy
  9. Ahh thats better, I used notepad this time. Can I pm you with the hours I claimed as I'm wary of CQ spies recognising me from my costs. Paranoid....absolutely
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