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Everything posted by Zimmie

  1. Hi Graham, so sorry to hear of your loss. A neighbour of mine was in the same situation just a year ago. He had cared for his Mother for several years and received Carer's allowance. What DWP may 'forget' to mention is that Carer's allowance continues for 8 weeks from the Sunday following the death. I realise this isn't a long term solution but may help a little in the short term. Have a look on Carers UK website. If you still have the contracts for your phone, etc, have a read through, and check if there are any clauses regarding change of circumstances or early termination of contract. If you don't have them try as DeRichleau suggests and write to them explaining your changed situation, also include your proposals for how the situation could be rectified, don't ask them for theirs. I'm not a 100% sure but I don't think that a CCA request is applicable to mobile phone contracts. Hopefully someone else can clarify this. All the best.
  2. I had a smile at that thread too GM. The OP was obviously very confused...on a thread he started in Employment Problems forum he stated he had a default registered and nearly didn't get a job because of it....then in the thread here he starts having a go at people with debts....then he claims not to have any arrears or defaults...I don't know if he really is an aspiring DCA call monkey, but he seems to have the right qualities
  3. Oh dear all these bad debtors getting defaults...tell us about yours yekrats
  4. A few songs I really dislike are: 1. Secret Smile - Semisonic (I quite liked some of their others) 2. Sailing - Rod Stewart 3. Mull of Kintyre - Sir Paul & Wings 4. Vienna - Ultravox 5. Hi Ho Silver Lining - Jeff Beck 6. Poison Arrow - ABC Plus anything by Whitney Houston, Celine Dion, Leona Lewis and the rest of the wailing voiced female singers, anything by UB40....ooohh I really don't like them...oh gosh I could go on forever! I agree about Dirty Dancing..utter tripe, I couldn't even stand to watch it to the end. Oh and An Officer & A Gentleman, a friend put it on as she thought I'd enjoy it as much as she did, after about 30 minutes I fell asleep!
  5. Fred...thanks for bringing that to my attention...haha. 'Are you going to pay this debt?' says the threat monkey One lump or two?...says the debtor in a scary sort of voice. You know...the sort of voice that suggests a DCA is outside of the law. Throw in some spooky sound effects here OMG we nearly have a film score here!
  6. Darned school kids throwing things over my fence damaging my conservatory and greenhouse....once again! And the darned head teacher who says 'there is no proof its our students'. Well there is no other secondary school around here, and if there was would they wear your blasted uniform...stupid man!
  7. Try a mouth wash of sea salt and warm water...be generous with the sea salt...maybe a tbsp of salt and just enough warm water to dissolve it. Swill around your mouth for as long as you can...no its not so nice, but it may help. Also after cleaning your teeth use a salt solution (1tsp salt to a small glass of water) dip your toothbrush in and give your teeth and gums second clean. Salt is a natural antiseptic and is good for any cuts, grazes, and dental problems. I spent years at the mercy of dental abcesses taking every antibiotic and mouthwash my dentist could think of, I guess I paid for his holidays for years with my frequent visits. Then a homeopath (yes I know) suggested I was wasting money and to just try salt. For me it worked, so it may be worth a try for you Mungypup.
  8. Seeing a sparrowhawk sitting on my fence...though I guess the sparrows weren't too impressed!
  9. Mackenzie Hall, which helps firms trace debtors as well as helping clients pay what they owe, said it dealt with about one million individual debts annually. Now that bit made me laugh....helping! Letter from Muck Hall: Dear Debtor, We realise you are a bit short of cash, so this month Arnie, our trained amoeba would like to pay this debt off for you.
  10. I shouldn't ask this...but...is that relief support:D
  11. Last night for want of something better to do I watched a programme called Revenge of the Binmen. There was a part in it about fly tipping and how workers go through the rubbish looking for clues to find out who the culprit is. The camera zoomed in on a letter that had been left in the rubbish...it was a Red threatogram! You couldn't see the content but the letter heading was clear. A nice bit of free advertising for Lowells & Red...dumped with the rubbish
  12. Thanks Steven, tbh I had a feeling it wouldn't make any difference. I do feel that WMs are showing themselves to be less than professional though. as having looked closer at the N150, it was not sent by the court, but one that was just printed off the computer...I don't even think it it the latest N150...but I may be wrong. Also their NO to 1 month stay for settlement in section A, then in section H they ask for 1 month stay! Just checked that and section H is apparently about fees...not other information....they do seem to be using an outdated form. I guess that's allowed for a DCA....lol!
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