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Boris Johnson, former Prime Minister

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I understand what they are doing, and entirely support it

but not entirely sure what can come of it other than expulsion from the ECHR as a failed state - which is unlikely before a change of government and what the right wing want anyway

Simply demonstrating that it happened - and with the collusion of or at least acceptance of, politicians like Johnson 'the Liar' wont change much at all really will it


@theoldrouges of the world will still claim its the innocent and truthful  that are the conspirators, and the right wing liars that are telling the truth

'Little old lady on fox news every day this month said it was the vaccine that caused the brexit vote, global warming (which doesn't exist - look at all the ice on the road last night) and her washing machine and rabbit to die on her .. so all those doctors and studies must be conspiracy ..


On a side note,

That article still seems to present a postion that the UK has the choice of simply returning to the old EU agreement whenever it chooses,

- not against the laws of physics I suppose - but bl**dy unlikely.


The EU won't want to go through this palaver again  - and they have proven they not only dont need the UKs dodgy financial systems, or its rapidly diminishing agro or vehicle sector, they've got all the best bits already (ask Smogg and deadheadwood - they are part of it)

Simple fact that the EU's Brexit risks have vanished into thin air.


The Tory Legacy

Record high: Taxes, Immigration, Excrement in waterways, energy company/crony profits

Crumbling: Hospitals, Schools, council services, businesses and roads


If only the Govt had thrown a protective ring around care homes

with the same gusto they do around their crooked MPs

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Other than 'minor' embarrassment to Johnson et pals, What could any practical results be?


Does anyone really think that the johnsons of the world will stop being 'entertained' by oligarchs from Russia or the USA or Australia or wherever and wouldn't just hide them a bit better until another years long investigation uncovers those - and they step sideways again?


or that conspiracy 'theorists' would think that the proof of corruption is anything more than another 'EU' conspiracy even though the EHCR is NOT EU and was created with Churchill as a major driver


Edited by tobyjugg2

The Tory Legacy

Record high: Taxes, Immigration, Excrement in waterways, energy company/crony profits

Crumbling: Hospitals, Schools, council services, businesses and roads


If only the Govt had thrown a protective ring around care homes

with the same gusto they do around their crooked MPs

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Its a sad state of affairs when a UK MP,  let alone multiple MPs, ministers and a PM obviously find evidence of their corruption and  rampant lying at home let alone on the international front  'minor embarrassments' rather than a 'resign in shame and call an election requirement



Edited by tobyjugg2
  • I agree 1

The Tory Legacy

Record high: Taxes, Immigration, Excrement in waterways, energy company/crony profits

Crumbling: Hospitals, Schools, council services, businesses and roads


If only the Govt had thrown a protective ring around care homes

with the same gusto they do around their crooked MPs

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Poetic justice





Then (2016) -
"Brexit is 'essential for humanity's future'"

Now (2023) -
"Wetherspoon's is closing and selling of 39 pubs due to cost of rising food and energy costs and a lack of staff"


The Tory Legacy

Record high: Taxes, Immigration, Excrement in waterways, energy company/crony profits

Crumbling: Hospitals, Schools, council services, businesses and roads


If only the Govt had thrown a protective ring around care homes

with the same gusto they do around their crooked MPs

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i think Johnson 'the corrupt liar' misunderstood Putin here


He was probably actually threatening to release all the dirt on johnson  when Putin said "it would only take a minute" to hurt him

A missile couldn't get to the UK in a minute as they take longer than that to even launch, even from a sub

- but the internet could easily reach around the world in a minute ..


But Putin would have been taking out one of his cheapest assets



Boris Johnson has claimed that Vladimir Putin threatened to kill him in a missile attack before Russia invaded Ukraine. The former prime minister...


Edited by tobyjugg2

The Tory Legacy

Record high: Taxes, Immigration, Excrement in waterways, energy company/crony profits

Crumbling: Hospitals, Schools, council services, businesses and roads


If only the Govt had thrown a protective ring around care homes

with the same gusto they do around their crooked MPs

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  • 2 weeks later...

I think Johnson will only push for 'en-noblement (sic) of Doris and the required doners

.. as hes likely to need Doris' relatively safe seat to continue fleecing the UK population to support his expenses and self-political career


Whole 'upper house is so compromised now it needs to be gone.

The Tory Legacy

Record high: Taxes, Immigration, Excrement in waterways, energy company/crony profits

Crumbling: Hospitals, Schools, council services, businesses and roads


If only the Govt had thrown a protective ring around care homes

with the same gusto they do around their crooked MPs

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  • 3 weeks later...

So, if Johnson is found to have lied about Partys, Lied in Parliament and hence demeaned and disgraced the office of PM, will all those hes shunted into the Lords be de-enobeled?

Truss also should have any of her plans for shunting pals into the lords squashed.


That should reduce the numbers enough to remove an urgent need to get rid of the Lords entirely, if not a need to trim the useless fat


The Tory Legacy

Record high: Taxes, Immigration, Excrement in waterways, energy company/crony profits

Crumbling: Hospitals, Schools, council services, businesses and roads


If only the Govt had thrown a protective ring around care homes

with the same gusto they do around their crooked MPs

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The Tory Legacy

Record high: Taxes, Immigration, Excrement in waterways, energy company/crony profits

Crumbling: Hospitals, Schools, council services, businesses and roads


If only the Govt had thrown a protective ring around care homes

with the same gusto they do around their crooked MPs

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What for?

Services to avoiding international covid restrictions by jumping from country to country in pursuit of a haircut?

Services to the nation in showing how to NOT wear a mask


What next?

His dog for services to p*ssing all over 10 downing street and masking the smell of booze and puke

The Tory Legacy

Record high: Taxes, Immigration, Excrement in waterways, energy company/crony profits

Crumbling: Hospitals, Schools, council services, businesses and roads


If only the Govt had thrown a protective ring around care homes

with the same gusto they do around their crooked MPs

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Every single 'ennoblement of Johnson or Truss' should be reversed/blocked

The Tory Legacy

Record high: Taxes, Immigration, Excrement in waterways, energy company/crony profits

Crumbling: Hospitals, Schools, council services, businesses and roads


If only the Govt had thrown a protective ring around care homes

with the same gusto they do around their crooked MPs

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So its only taken ofcom about 11 months to issue a decision on the blatantly dishonest and misleading information presented, during which crusial period the misinformation has been spread and spread.

Which decision is buried away rather than GBnews being forced to issue headline retractions for 11 months at the start of all their news programs?


Worse than Useless twits


So how much are they being fined?





The Tory Legacy

Record high: Taxes, Immigration, Excrement in waterways, energy company/crony profits

Crumbling: Hospitals, Schools, council services, businesses and roads


If only the Govt had thrown a protective ring around care homes

with the same gusto they do around their crooked MPs

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No one has any issues whatsoever with any news service asking tough questions


Mark Steyn’s programme did nothing of the sort and his misrepresentation and outright lies .. even the Tory ruled regulator couldn't avoid .. eventually and far far to late


and Fox news and Murdoch is having to fight presenting lying crap in court

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The Tory Legacy

Record high: Taxes, Immigration, Excrement in waterways, energy company/crony profits

Crumbling: Hospitals, Schools, council services, businesses and roads


If only the Govt had thrown a protective ring around care homes

with the same gusto they do around their crooked MPs

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5 minutes ago, theoldrouge said:

Just because someone or somebody disagree with your opinion does not make their opinion either misrepresentation or lies


No but blatant misrepresenting or lying is - as they clearly did,

.. and have even eventually been found to have done by a largely ineffective politically controlled 'regulator



2 minutes ago, honeybee13 said:

Ofcom called Steyn's report misleading.


Anyone who actually simply read the referred detail could see that at the time, as is the case with most anri-vax lies

So why has it taken the regulator so long to largely do nothing in this and so many cases?




So @theoldrouge

Why dont we see apparent conspiracy nuts railing against 'suggestions' of using bleach to 'cure' covid and other real issues - often reported from the same sources you quote so often?


- or are you also just also misrepresenting/lying to suit an agenda and happy to let real issues pass?


The Tory Legacy

Record high: Taxes, Immigration, Excrement in waterways, energy company/crony profits

Crumbling: Hospitals, Schools, council services, businesses and roads


If only the Govt had thrown a protective ring around care homes

with the same gusto they do around their crooked MPs

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10 hours ago, tobyjugg2 said:



So @theoldrouge

Why dont we see apparent conspiracy nuts railing against 'suggestions' of using bleach to 'cure' covid and other real issues - often reported from the same sources you quote so often?


- or are you also just also misrepresenting/lying to suit an agenda and happy to let real issues pass?



The Tory Legacy

Record high: Taxes, Immigration, Excrement in waterways, energy company/crony profits

Crumbling: Hospitals, Schools, council services, businesses and roads


If only the Govt had thrown a protective ring around care homes

with the same gusto they do around their crooked MPs

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Seemed clear to me for some time that the BBC costs/fees should be covered by the conservative party rather than the public.

They may not be as one sided as GoBNews, or TwitTV, but just because (for example) Laura NewsBorg is a bit smoother than them, and a number of the others (even those who haven't resigned) try to be impartial despite pressure, doesn't mean she isn't biased toward her Con PoopMeisters


BBC impartiality? - is a rather sick joke

The Tory Legacy

Record high: Taxes, Immigration, Excrement in waterways, energy company/crony profits

Crumbling: Hospitals, Schools, council services, businesses and roads


If only the Govt had thrown a protective ring around care homes

with the same gusto they do around their crooked MPs

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'Theres no evidence I didn't believe it was a business meeting, just with cake, drinks, music and drunkenness  instead of an agenda, decorum and minutes.

You all know that I'm divorced from reality.



The Tory Legacy

Record high: Taxes, Immigration, Excrement in waterways, energy company/crony profits

Crumbling: Hospitals, Schools, council services, businesses and roads


If only the Govt had thrown a protective ring around care homes

with the same gusto they do around their crooked MPs

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Laura Newsborg:

Thank you for explaining that Sir, and we at the ministry of truth will ensure that those Labour types are required to prove differentltly without allowing them to use any of the video or pictorial evidence - which of course is all from other times and places.

- as apparently the new leaders dont want embarrassment on The Party or Themselves either.

Edited by tobyjugg2

The Tory Legacy

Record high: Taxes, Immigration, Excrement in waterways, energy company/crony profits

Crumbling: Hospitals, Schools, council services, businesses and roads


If only the Govt had thrown a protective ring around care homes

with the same gusto they do around their crooked MPs

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and on a very related note,

When is Cress going to be censured and her pension and golden parachute clawed back for presiding over:



Britain’s largest force accused of ‘institutional racism, misogyny and homophobia’ – but commissioner Mark Rowley refuses to use the term



Let alone covering up for Johnson

Edited by tobyjugg2

The Tory Legacy

Record high: Taxes, Immigration, Excrement in waterways, energy company/crony profits

Crumbling: Hospitals, Schools, council services, businesses and roads


If only the Govt had thrown a protective ring around care homes

with the same gusto they do around their crooked MPs

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Boris 'the Liar' Johnson says that Parliament was mislead, but it wasn't intentionally his fault

... as everyone knew he is a compulsive liar, so how was he ever to expect anyone to believe him?


Mind you, he also claims that his 'advisors' assured him he wasn't breaking his own laws ...

... as its widely known Johnson doesn't think any laws apply to him - so they would have been telling him the truth even if he is lying about them saying it.


as an aside - are these 'advisors' Johnson refers still in government?

If so, why?

Surely they should be sacked without compensation for rank incompetence

.. err like Cress was(n't) ...


Edited by tobyjugg2

The Tory Legacy

Record high: Taxes, Immigration, Excrement in waterways, energy company/crony profits

Crumbling: Hospitals, Schools, council services, businesses and roads


If only the Govt had thrown a protective ring around care homes

with the same gusto they do around their crooked MPs

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“the Committee did not identify a single document which suggested that I was informed or warned by anyone that any event at No. 10 was contrary to the Rules or Guidance”


So does that mean that every person who was fined for breaching lockdown rules, and where there is some indication that someone/anyone said or maybe implied  it wouldn't breach the rules, gets their fine returned and conviction squashed ... plus compensation for false conviction?



Although in Johnsons case it was a recommended spin line to take on the events  wasn't it


lets not forget real people were told they couldn't talk to neighbors over a fence or go for a socially distanced walk with a friend.

The Tory Legacy

Record high: Taxes, Immigration, Excrement in waterways, energy company/crony profits

Crumbling: Hospitals, Schools, council services, businesses and roads


If only the Govt had thrown a protective ring around care homes

with the same gusto they do around their crooked MPs

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'I, Boris the Liar, do solemnly swear that I told the trough, the whole trough and nothing but the trough.


.. as Simon Case says: 'I never said the rules were followed and dont know of anyone who did ..





Edited by tobyjugg2

The Tory Legacy

Record high: Taxes, Immigration, Excrement in waterways, energy company/crony profits

Crumbling: Hospitals, Schools, council services, businesses and roads


If only the Govt had thrown a protective ring around care homes

with the same gusto they do around their crooked MPs

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As he waded through the empty plates, drunken bodies and even emptier bottles and glasses,

he said to a half unconscious drunk: 'anything broken',

to which the drunk replied 'only the swing and a few tables and chairs'


So Johnson muttered 'ah - I'm assured no rules have been broken then

The Tory Legacy

Record high: Taxes, Immigration, Excrement in waterways, energy company/crony profits

Crumbling: Hospitals, Schools, council services, businesses and roads


If only the Govt had thrown a protective ring around care homes

with the same gusto they do around their crooked MPs

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Even question time



Roles were reversed for a moment on Thursday’s BBC Question Time, with host Fiona Bruce asking the audience a question. “Let’s have a show of...


The Tory Legacy

Record high: Taxes, Immigration, Excrement in waterways, energy company/crony profits

Crumbling: Hospitals, Schools, council services, businesses and roads


If only the Govt had thrown a protective ring around care homes

with the same gusto they do around their crooked MPs

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Yep, fill the studio with Boris voters - and they still cant get a hand up



The Tory Legacy

Record high: Taxes, Immigration, Excrement in waterways, energy company/crony profits

Crumbling: Hospitals, Schools, council services, businesses and roads


If only the Govt had thrown a protective ring around care homes

with the same gusto they do around their crooked MPs

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  • 6 months later...

I think everyone should be reminded very regularly what a lying corrupt piece of **** he and others were and are, lest we make the same mistakes again.

I have no doubts whatsoever he should be; like Trump; in the dock. Loong past time he was


The Tory Legacy

Record high: Taxes, Immigration, Excrement in waterways, energy company/crony profits

Crumbling: Hospitals, Schools, council services, businesses and roads


If only the Govt had thrown a protective ring around care homes

with the same gusto they do around their crooked MPs

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