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Found 4 results

  1. Hi there, In my current job I get 25 days as holidays. I know that I am entitled by law to call in sick if I feel like it without providing any kind of certificate if my sick leave doesn't exceed 7 days in a row. However, whenever I have to take a sick leave because I have a fever or something, my employer takes that day out of my holidays. This doesn't seem to be fair and I'd like to know whether it's also downright illegal. I thought that : Whenever I get a holiday I get paid normally. Whenever I get a sick day (and if I haven't exceeded the 7 days limit) I get paid normally with or without a certificate and this is not considered holiday. Is the above not correct and if it's not then could please tell what is the case in the UK ? I've read about statutory sick pay and contractual sick pay but it's not clear how they work. Regardless of the terminology, all I want to know is : How many sick days am I entitled by law in a single year without the need for a certificate, without losing any pay and without losing any of my holidays. Thanks
  2. It's pretty obvious my employers don't want me back and I need to move on and upwards and away from them. How do I legally stand in claiming back accrued holiday pay? I've been off ill and obviously, unpaid since been off - Jan 2012 (or something like that as it's been so long) and although still employed my position has been temp filled. I remember a lot of people stating don't quit as holiday is been accrued. I have asked my work and to no surprise they don't reply. So how do I get the ball rolling? I presume I have to resign then request the amount/days in writing by recorded delivery with a time limit, then if they ignore take it to ET?
  3. Hello, new here so if this is in the wrong area i'm sorry (also dyslexic so excuse my poor english) I'm here on behalf a friend, he's been off work for 2 months now with mental illness (depression and anxiety attacks) He's been given a doctors note for his sick pay but so far his work place as only paid 2 weeks worth of SSP during that time. He's gone to CAB who moved him onto the jobcentre to take the matter further. they need 5 weeks of payslips to process his claim. He didnt have any since they were never mailed to him. He managed to get hold of work to get them mailed to him but 2 weeks were missing (2 weeks which he wasn't paid SSP) so the jobcentre wont process his claim. They asked him to get his workplace to sign out a SSP1 to declare why and acknowledge they werent paying his SSP. He's sent it in but they've done nothing about it and not returned. He's gone to his local HMRC office they told, its was the wrong department and couldn't help and sent him to another one who said the same, who sent him back to the jobcentre who told him they couldn't help without a SSP1 or those payslips. so he's at home with no gas, no electric and no food. Its heartbreaking, he's given up. this hasn't helped his mental illness to the point his doctor gave a sick note for a month now. He's been give the numbers of two organizations ACAS and another one he said was more local (didnt get the name) since ACAS might not help because he's only been working there 1 year and 10 months. Were inviting him over for a week of so to try and cheer him up and lift his spirits but is there nothing else we can do? is there nothing else HE can do? he's been going from pillar to post trying to get this sorted but gets fobbed off at every turn.
  4. Hi,Does anyone have any advice on this matter.I was off sick over the christmas period with a very bad sinus infection so I ended up being unable to attend work on the Friday28th December, Monday 31st December and 2nd January 2013. I was in fact contracted to work these days 9 - 5.30pm as I had no holiday entitlement left.When I returned to work on 3rd Jan (still unwell but making a very big effort) I was informed that everyone had been allowed to go home early at 1pm on each day as things were very quiet. I was horrifed to discover at my return-to-work interview that I was going to be docked THREE FULL DAYS wages regardless of the early office closures. This amounts to £250!I checked my employment contract and discovered that I am not entitled to any sick pay within the first 12 months of my employment and I have only worked for the company for 6 months.Where do I stand?Any advice would be greatly appreciated.Joanna
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