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  1. Thank you for your helpful replies. I can envisage at this stage that the letter will either be ignored or they will just flatly refuse. What do I need to do then to get there attention. Would I be correct in saying I need to go through ACAS first then file a claim, along with payment to my local ET?
  2. It's pretty obvious my employers don't want me back and I need to move on and upwards and away from them. How do I legally stand in claiming back accrued holiday pay? I've been off ill and obviously, unpaid since been off - Jan 2012 (or something like that as it's been so long) and although still employed my position has been temp filled. I remember a lot of people stating don't quit as holiday is been accrued. I have asked my work and to no surprise they don't reply. So how do I get the ball rolling? I presume I have to resign then request the amount/days in writing by recorded delivery with a time limit, then if they ignore take it to ET?
  3. Thanks for your replies. I did contact the house insurers legal line. After submitting various emails, etc, the person I spoke to did say they will represent me after the appeal meeting took place BUT then they came back and said there was less than a 51% chance of success. This was before the fellow worker claimed to go to a meeting and I accused my employers of trying to bully and harrass me. The ATOS Doctor asked why I did attend CBT as he was of the opinon that was like trying to mend a broken bone with a plaster. I've asked for a copy of his report so will see what that says when it arrives but a few people have stated that CBT is ok if your looking to give up smoking or diet but not very helpful for PTSD remedy. I'm not familiar with detriments. In fact up until last year, I never even knew what a greivance meant at work so it would be great if you could look into this for me please. I'm unsure if I would qualify for ESA or DLA either but judging by the other forum it looks like most peoples claims are been rejected. I was unsure whether to contact the CEO of the company and inform them that I was not happy of my dealings with the HR director and that they had lied both before and during the meeting and I have it recorded. It seems clear that they just want me to crawl away, give up and to forget about it but that justs not going to happen .......
  4. I wasn't sure whether to start a new topic and include this link but Ok, here goes but I really do feel embarassed talking about it .... I was the victim of an armed robbery at work at knife point. I was knocked out when one of them hit me over the head with something then given a kicking by both when I was down. I attended CBT sessions and then along with my Dr. diagnosed with PTSD. This year and after reading this site, I applied for an Industrial accident declaration benefit and have been awarded 15% disabled from it after attending ATOS - I won't go into my symptons. My grievance was raised because the robbers got into the building by one of the staff giving them a key they took from the site managers office. I showed evidence to the Police that they had got into the building before and stolen goods and the robbers even had the nerve to return the week after the robbery (after I returned back to work) as my works did not nothing to change locks, security, etc. When they returned that really spooked me big time and I have been unable to go anywhere near the place. The Police have said it was an inside job. The robbers were never caught and the case has been closed unless further evidence comes to light. I asked what the outcome was on the internal works investigation and was told there wasn't one and they have no idea how the key went missing. They have covered there backs quite well while either ignoring me or with misleading and false facts. I have been off work since last October and no longer paid either employee pay or SSP, only IIB. The first grievance meeting I had I recorded and when they produced there outcome, I contested it and produced a statement summary of the recording to prove the outcome was misleading and flawed. Since doing that it has been a real struggle - as expected - to get either any help or support from my employers. I have been asking them for copies of policy and procedures for months and they say they don't exist and there is no written statements concerning any policies. I caught them lieing a while ago and tried to raise another grievance as they wouldn't allow new points - they were not interested in hearing my new grievances which included that I had lost any trust and confidence for trying to bully and harrass me into a meeting with them. They claimed a fellow worker attended a meeting I was due to go to but the meeting was never confirmed and no time ever mentioned. I also asked for reasonable adjustments to be made because of my condition and for a copy of the discrimination policy - they claim they do not have one. When I asked about lone worker risk assessments they told me I should know where they are and when I said I didn't know and I asked the Director where they were, they did not know but just stated that they will be there somwhere ...... So basically, where I am sat today is. I've had two grievance meetings AND an appeal and all have been recorded. I've had three outcomes which I do not agree with and do not match what was recorded in the meetings. The last meeting, which was the appeal has cherry picked what they wanted to, dismissed my version of the minutes (there not yet aware, I recorded them) and now told me that the matter is now closed Looking back on things, I was very naive to ever think that HR were ever on my side and were there to support or help me. Lesson learned there ...... I did sign on here and another site under a different name because of the information I was looking for was needed. I was not looking to mislead anyone and it was done purely just to gain the information required to help me at each stage AND without having to try and relive what had happened by going into detail what has happened. I hope you understand this? I was also worried that someone from my works may read it and know where I was going with how I was going to try and deal with the grievance. I have probably left out lots of further information, sorry.
  5. No, I didn't tell them and that was the appeal meeting. I came close to not even going as I knew it would be hard work and they would do something like this
  6. I've had my hearing, read the minutes, asked for them to be amended supplying my own version and now received the outcome. Before the outcome, I recieved a reply to my version of the minutes stating that they will be addressed at the outcome. As expected the outcome does not uphold or support my points. In fact out of the 18 points I raised, only 4 were answered but not in my opinion honestly or accuratly and the rest were not even mentioned. My supplied version of the minutes were dismissed as inaccurate and they told me - not in accordance of how the meeting went. In their version it had me agreeing to things that were'nt even spoke about. It also states that it is the end of the process and now concluded. As I did not trust them, I recorded the entire meeting and what I included in my version of the minutes were sentences used in that meeting by both parties. Now because they have said the process is over do I raise a new grievance concerning points not answered and why there minutes were misleading and untrue? What is the best way to go forward with this?
  7. Hi, My neighbour had an accident at work last September and has been signed off work by his GP since then. He was paid employer sick pay for 4 months, then SSP. His works have sent him a form saying he is no longer entitled to SSP as the 6 months are up. He also submitted a claim for an Industrial accident and after attending an ATOS medical, was awarded 15 points and now gets £31 or something like that. Is he entitled to claim for any other benefit?
  8. Another couple of questions that I need some help with, pretty please I have requested a copy of both policy and procedures. They claim there is no copy of procedures only what is in the employee handbook. The company has got back to me today and stated that they will only hear appeal points, but they have already stated that they believe the grievance was dealt with properly and I have no points to appeal - A tactic to water down the grievance/appeal and to avoid me raising them at the meeting hoping they now don't exist? They have also stated that they are not prepared to listen to any new grievance's from the time of the grievance hearing to the appeal meeting. As they've already informed me that my appeal is not likely to be upheld, would I be able to just purely listen to what they have to say, then either attempt to raise new grievances with the info I have afterwards. Lastly, what is the procedure to dismiss someone for incapability? - This is a question for a feiend and not for me. I'll post there dilemma once they've filled me in with all the details ..... Thanks
  9. That's a fair statement. I'd like to think it could of been sorted out without having to do one. It's certainly not doing my relationship with my employers any good. Any trust and confidence has gone out the window after I caught them out telling porkies both before and after the grievance meeting. Roll on the appeal meeting for the next episode .....
  10. That's what I thought. Thanks for your help, much appreciated.
  11. Hiya, thanks again. I feel it is worth it due to why I raised the grievance in the first place. Does anyone know the answer to them not allowing me to raise a new grievance?
  12. Hi, thanks for the info and the links. So basically a policy can be of limited information and the company can more or less make the rest of it up as they go along? - which seems to be the case with me anyway. Can I raise another grievance at any time or do I have to wait for the appeal to be heard? They have basically said already that as they felt the grievance meeting was dealt with what they call properly and fairly, that it is not likely the appeal will be upheld. Are they allowed to refuse to hear further grievances raised by me and if they do refuse what should my next step be? ET1? Thanks for help so far as employent law seems so vague.
  13. I thought a policy woulld have contained more information than that. No explanation at all has been given.
  14. Hi and thanks for your quick replies. What can I do if they refuse the new points and continue to ignore and answer questions to the appeal? ET? With reference to refering it to the Director, it is the director that I am now dealing with. All the handbook states is that when you raise a grievance, it will be dealt with by a HR Manager, and if appealed then the Director will hear it and there decision is final. They say there is no grievance policy other than what I have just stated.
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