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Found 3 results

  1. Hi All Bit of a long one but I will keep it as brief as possible. I recently started employment within the financial services industry. Their policy is to check new employees for CCJs. Turns out that I had one dated Feb 2008 from HMRC (tax debt) to the value of £5648. Because of this, my offer of employment was withdrawn three days after my official start date - 19th August. I contacted HMRC regarding this CCJ as I had no knowledge of it. While speaking to someone, he instantly told me this CCJ is incorrect due to a mistake on their part and in 2012 they deleted the debt and amended my tax records. He then said, that this CCJ should have been removed from my name as it was issued in error. He forwarded me to their debt management department, and they said they had no record of the 'debt' being deleted at the time but see new amendments on my tax history as of today. When asked about removing the CCJ their response was "I don't know". The first person I spoke to at HMRC is going to send me a statement detailing my tax records and that I have NO DEBT with HMRC and also a separate letter explaining the situation of what happened in regard to the CCJ. I had contacted Experian as well as Trust Online regarding this matter. After research I appears that I had to contact the courts that issued the CCJ with a N244 form and pay £80.00 to have this removed. Then after sending HMRC a letter of complaint, they replied after a long time, saying their records were incomplete but in November 2011 they updated their records (after contact with myself) and removed the debt. At that time they did not mention the CCJ. As I have said I had no idea about the CCJ. Why should I check my credit file when I know I have no debts? I have a CCJ set aside hearing on the 21st of this month. Surely if HMRC removed the debt in 2011 due to records being incomplete then should they have done something about the mysterious CCJ? Or even told me? They issued it to wrong address yet used the excuse "I was not in", yet people are easy to trace, PAYE records is a good place to start. Also I had claimed JSA and working tax credits before, during and after the whole CCJ process, so they knew EXACTLY where I lived at the time. Also, I have lost my job over this. I do not appreciate losing a 40k a year job (including benefits) through someone else's inability to keep records correct. Especially considering I have HMRC correspondence dating to the time with my correct address on it for unrelated matters. Since my name has been brought into disrepute, does this not form libel? If so, I want the salary that I have lost plus extra. I dont suffer fools lightly, especially when their mistake cost me. What do you all think?
  2. Hi, My name is James im 21 years old, and I have messed up really badly this time. I owe at least 10 different payday loan companies, various amounts between them. I messed up with the money gambling, and its not the first time this has happened, however i am determined never to gamble again now, but that is a different story. I recently had a slip which led me to losing alot of money, and carelessly taking payday loan after payday loan to gamble rather than go to work. Not only have I lost my job because of disappearing for a week, but i have also lost all the money from the loans and my final wages from work. I have no money left and I have no way of getting the money for these lenders. I owe roughly £3000 in total currently to these companies, some of which were due yesterday and some due between now and the 7th of november. My 2 biggest loans are with wonga and quickquid. I owe wonga roughly £500 and owe quickquid around £650. I also owe other lenders various amounts between £100-400, I am absolutely swamped by it all, and i really wasn't thinking properly when i was taking these out!!!!! This is what I currently owe to these payday loan companies, its the first time iv put them all together and its quite scary for me: Wonga - £500 due yesterday Quickquid - £650 due 07/11/2011 Tower Capital - £124 due date 04/11/2011 Wageday Advance - £250 due date 07/11/2011 MiniCredit - £187.50 due date 26/10/2011 Capital finance one - £207.50 was due yesterday The Loan Store (ukloanstore.co.uk) - £380 due date 07/11/2011 Early Payday Loans - £200 was due yesterday TxtLoan - £117 due date 17/10/2011 Peachy - £115 due date 13/10/2011 24/7 Moneybox - £123 due date 07/11/2011 With losing my job, im in a really bad situation, and really could do with some help and advice, because my heads a bit of a mess at the minute, and I can't see any solution to sorting this out! Any advice is very much appreciated!! I desperately need to get back on track, obviously one of the most important things for me to do is find a new job quickly!!!! But I am worried about charges I am going to incurr, What can i do!!?? Thank you.
  3. Hope you can help me?I have been working in my new job (Investment Banking) as a contractor for a year now and got offered a permanent role. When then did a 'thorough' credit check they asked to see my Credit Exeprian report which has 6 defaults on there (from when I lost my job a few years ago and couldnt keep up with repayments and STUPIDLY buried my head in the sand). Because of these defaults they have decided to withdraw the offer of a permanent role AND end my contract.I have been making regular repayments without fail for 2-3 years now on all these defaults.My questions are:a. if i manage to come to an agreement to settle the account will the default STILL STAY on my report until the 6 years is up?b. if im making regular repayments can they change the default 'level' (its at 8)?c. is there any way to get these defaults removed?I fear this is going to affect every job I try to get now... in my day the credit checks werent so stringent but it seems now times have changed.Really appreciate any advise you can give me
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