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  1. He has contacted my mother and my sister via the phone and appears to have my mother's address. My sister asked him what he wanted, and it appears that he is trying to track down someone who has a similar name to me and whose wife has a similar name to my sister (although she has a different middle name). She did not give him any information about my whereabouts. It is in regard to an unpaid debt to the tune of thousands of pounds. I am still in contact with all my creditors and am not in trouble with them, and there is no way that I have incurred any debt with anyone else, so this is clearly a case of mistaken identity. The person he is looking for's last known address is a place where I have never lived. According to my sister, his manner was very intimidating, as he fired off a load of questions before he even revealed who he was. I think he is legit as he has given his number and the name of the company he's working for. Since he contacted my sister, he has repeatedly attempted to phone her, but she has now blocked his number. I do not want to be contacted by this person, as he clearly has no lawful business with me or my family. As I have long term mental health issues, the thought of the possibility of being under surveillance is somewhat distressing, although I'm keeping calm about it for the moment. I'd be grateful if someone could give me some advice on how to deal with this person, assuming he hasn't already moved on with his investigation:|
  2. From this link from The Independent: http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/un-investigator-raquel-rolnik-calls-for-governments-bedroom-tax-to-be-axed-8807678.html A United Nations special investigator called yesterday for the new 'bedroom tax' to be abolished, after hearing it was pushing some of the most vulnerable people in Britain to the point of despair and even suicide. Raquel Rolnik, the UN special rapporteur on housing and a former urban planning minister in Brazil, visited council estates, food banks and homelessness crisis centres in various parts of the UK including London, Manchester, Glasgow, Edinburgh and Belfast. She said she was “very shocked” at the effect of the spare room subsidy, or bedroom tax as opponents have described it. Under the Government's welfare reform, social tenants deemed to have more bedrooms than they need have had their housing benefit reduced since April. Ministers suggest it will save around £500 million annually as part of the deficit-reduction strategy. Article 25 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights includes housing as part of the “right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family”. In an interview with The Guardian, Rolnik said “the most vulnerable, the most fragile, the people who are on the fringes of coping with everyday life” were being hit hard by the policy. “My immediate recommendation is that the bedroom tax is abolished,” she said. More on the link.
  3. LV motor insurance have arranged for a field investigator to call at my house,i had a small accident few months ago. i was told by the insuance that they need a statement. but now im told the investigator wants to have a 2 hour interview with me. are they just wanting a statement of what happened ? thats a 10 miniute job. i suspect the investigators job is to find some loophole to not pay out. can i refuse to allow the interview investigation? i claimed for a windscreen only. the third party pedestrian is claiming for injury. its annoying because insurance company only told me they need g4s person to come and take a statement of what happened. now they want a 2 hour interview. what are your views on this
  4. After all the trails of this last year with Housing benefit, they suspended my claim in January 2012,, the asked for evidence Bank statements going back to August 2011 wich were duly handed in. 2wks later they say they know of another account in which transfers were made from, which is true but was one back in 2009 but had no funds in the account when I applied for HB and JSA and in actuality I gave them the account details, it didn't come from them, plus all of which was handed into the compliance officer. So since February i've literaly been handing in the same documents, even when they moved the goalposts and have handed in statements from the begining f my claim, inlcuding the defunct account which is closed and has had no activity. This has caused horrid problems with my landlord a housin society who tried to have me evicted back in June, that was suspended until 2nd August when I appear in court again. I feel that I'm being harrassed and they are working in conjunction with the housing society (hence why the judge through it out the last time) now the investigator who wasn't available prior intiial evction hearing has since returned 3wks ago and despite several letters/phone calls has now told me that a formal interview is planned for 24th July a mere 10 days before my next eviction hearing. Where can I go for advice I've no money will the CAB be able to have someone in court with me, I've no idea what is going to happen, I literally cannot give any more information that asked for. I've proved I don't have or never have had the excess capital the statements bear that out and yet they still persist, I fear my eviction will go through on the 2nd August and why has it taken them so lon to resolve this 7 months. Help!! thanks
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