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  1. Dear All, My neighbour plans to do a side extension which is only 90cm away from my side wall. I wrote to them in Nov. 2018, however they did not reply to me. Today I noticed they had started to take down some solid fences to prepare for the building work. What should I do now for their ignorance? Should I start to take formal process and take them to court? The are not easily approachable (this is why I write to them instead of speaking to them in person). (the letter is attached) Any advice would be appreciated! Thank you. ----------- Dear xxx We hope you are well. The County Council has informed us that you have planning permission granted to extend your property. I have been advised to check if The Party Wall Act is applicable to your building work. I have no objection of your building work whatsoever, of course. However, I believe that we may need to have a party wall agreement in place according to The Party Wall Act 1996 Section 6 (3 / 6m). Please bear with me if this is already under your consideration. It’d be great if you could let me know the following at your earliest convenience: When would you like to start your building work The depth of the foundation of your extension When you could provide a party wall notice We are happy to discuss appointing an independent party wall surveyor to make sure everything is fine. Surveyor Mr xxx has been recommended to us: .... .... For your information, I have enclosed a copy of the relevant section of the Act. I look forward to hearing from you soon. With best wishes
  2. Usio Energy are the latest electric supplier to cease trading with Ofgem awarding First Utility all their current customers. https://www.usioenergy.com/
  3. I've just received an award by CEDR (Centre for Effective Dispute Resolution) against CIGA for the removal of Cavity Wall Insulation which was installed in 2012. I've had horrendous problems with damp since and put a claim in myself. Also been awarded redecoration costs and an award for poor customer service. My query was relating to the redecoration costs, the award states mould treatment, repainting and repapering. Some of the plaster on the walls has crumbled with the damp, will they sort the walls out before they paper over them. Also the bathroom which is another area where damp has been a problem has tiles on it, as the award states repapering will they not do this area. Damp is in the electricity meter cupboard, will they make this safe? I know it sounds like I might be worrying over nothing however the way I've been treated by CIGA to date has given me reason to be concerned. Thanks Dex
  4. A new wall rendering and other exterior building works company FISHER RANDALL LTD is now trading. I sincerely hope that they are a good company and that customers who use their services get a good deal and that everyone benefits out of it. However, potential customers should realise that the director of this company is Micah Shaw who is the son of Harvill Shaw who has run a succession of wall rendering companies whose business model seems to have been to go into liquidation every two or three years leaving a lot of very unhappy customers behind with no redress. Harvill Shaw has been the subject of various pieces in the press and recently did some time in prison – probably because of his activities. The sole director of the new company FISHER RANDALL LTD , Micah Shaw was the director of one of Harvill's previous companies – but we aren't sure whether that was a genuine directorship or simply some kind of shield. As I have said, maybe this new company is under the genuine leadership Micah Shaw and hopefully it will trade properly, provide a good service, stand by its product, make good honest profits for its owners and its employees – as well as building up a reputation for high quality service and satisfied customers. However, we think it's important to bring this to people's attention. There were too many innocent victims of the previous operations. The repA_10639694_515-091524-14078366_1.pdf https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/investigate-caught-in-a-web-of-lies-510928 http://www.worcsregservices.gov.uk/news/2015/guilty-conman-jailed-for-two-years.aspx http://committee.cityofworcester.gov.uk/documents/g3966/Public%20reports%20pack%2022nd-Jun-2016%2016.30%20Worcestershire%20Regulatory%20Services%20Board.pdf?T=10 Thanks to Cagger: Chrisy for this information Pages from Public reports pack 22062016 1630 Worcestershire Regulatory Services Board.pdf
  5. Hi all ,Someone knocked on the front door tonight offering a free survey for any damp walls after cavity wall insulation since we have had the walls insulated a few years ago damp has got a grip in both upstairs bedrooms , they seem to be offering a no win no fee service . Apparently the problem has been mentioned in the house of commons and could be the next PPI , anyone got any views , heres the link to the MP's comments. Thanks Andy. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-politics-39602540
  6. The main chaos was all about the cowboy builder to ask the facilitating payment fraud just after the garden wall he demolished in his plan. Make long story short ( go to the paragraph 14 ) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Claim Case registered in March 2014. * However, Halifax assigned its panel*claims management company (LAS) 7 July 2014 handle my case. * on 7*July 2014 The loss assessors provided by LAS confirmed the two hours*appointment commencing at*4pm,*10 July 2014. * LAS emailed me with offer*£65.01*(they actively*already deducted the excess fee). This amount is very unreasonable, and I had rejected it and made request to fix the damaged. Later on, they made second offer £523.97,*I rejected it again*because I just want the damaged got fixed. * I complained to Halifax about the surveyor*non-professional behaviours because I was been advised this is essential two hours slot appointment, but*he came late nearly*1 hours, and work less than 30 minutes then leave the job without some damaged check such as leaking in shed. * On 12 August 2014, I had contacted Halifax to have follow up my complaint, and requested of another company to have re-assessment, and I had clearly request to fix the damaged by insurance and disagreed LAS suggestion to use the claim case to make a money. I also make encounter offer another £500 back to Halifax to have damaged fixed. (voice recording: Call162644.wav) * I had requested to send me the official letter if they unable to fix, then I can escalate this to ombudsman. I contacted them. However, they had no response and even no setup the complaint. * On 20 Nov 2014, I had contacted Halifax home insurance and insisted insurer to fix it, and disagree their intention to close the case. ** Insurer had closed my case, I complaint they should not close the case without my consent and should not ignored my request to keep it open until getting fix the damaged. * Finally, Halifax appointed the beta-coveXX to do the survey becasue they know they are in wrong position. I had received the email from*Beta-coveXX's Inspection and Claim reported in 25 Jan 2016, and contacted with Beta-coveXX(Mandy) about the details of*repair tasks, and she sent me the three documents which are*authorization Mandate,*Conditions of Work and*Approval Letter Nick on*27 Jan 2016. In 25 Feb 2016, I had returned three documents with signature and*with bank*cheque (22Feb2016-slip.jpg) by post to*Beta-coveXX after all parties*( Halifax/ Beta-coveXX and I) had clarified the work details. I found the cheque bank in at 26 March 2016.* * During the period from January 2016 to February 2016 , I would like emphasis that I decided to give up some tasks such as shed roof felt and its leaking*rather than reach an*impasse that Halifax only*accepted the full wall cover, and the rest of building tasks they had "successfully" avoid responsibility. * In Mid March 2016,*I was given the*Beta-coveXX staff (Pxx) mobile number to find out*when the work schedule commencing. Original work was*scheduled in early May 2016, however Pxx contacted me in late*April 2016*about the brick type issue*which*he cannot source it (this first type was proposed in 21 April 2016 with proposal date), and he requested to have second type of brick option which I had confirmed in 28 April 2016. Therefore, the schedule were finally*postpone to 25*July 2016 ( 5 days work). I had chasing*up him about the work schedule since Mid March 2016. In afternoon of 25 July 2016, after Beta-coveXX staff completed the few hours wall brick demolish, and Pxx asked £160+vat for brick release from sheffield if I want them to continue tomorrow work. I complaint this to halifax and claim team staff had struggled for an hour and finally agreed to pay it. * In 26 July 2016, I found no brick delivery, and no man to resume the work. In 28 July 2016, I contacted Beta-coveXX, they tried to be disappeared. Finally, Halifax transfer my call to talk to them and find out they had not placed the order before 26 July 2016, now told me the delivery will only take few days. Finally, I was been told this is available 9 August 2016, wasting 14 days.* * I had complaint the poor qualities of service provided Beta-coveXX, and cheating behaviour. I also requested*Halifax appoint another company to carry out the job.*Also reported the no wall causing the two*trespassing cases*issue, and requested to have temporarily wall built and cctv. However, Complaint Manager Mxx Wxxx decided to give me £100 but I*made encounter-offer to Halifax £200 (double of their compensation), and at least re-insist the temporarily wall and or cctv. However Mxx Wxxx insisted close my case and ignore my request to keep the case open until the damaged get fix. The same request I had made to Stuart, however he rejected it. * Complaint Manager ( Sxx Rxx) confirmed he*took*the decision from Personal Claim Consultant report to provide the his final decision letter. * Personal Claim Consultant( Dxx Txx) confirmed he took*the survey report from Regent Group to create his report*.* * Regent Group (Rxxx) confirmed he do “NO TEST”. He rejected to accept the £523 pounds to take over the rebuild work, and said non-sense offer. * My original complaint setup is 26 July 2016, which handled by Mxx Wxxx and she insisted to ignore my request to keep the case open and deliberate to close the case. When I complaint this again, Sxx Rxx setup as NEW case for same complaint to take advantage of 8 weeks rule setup and not accept my request to re-open the original case. During Sxx Rxx time off, I was advised to they can do the investigation more than 8 weeks, and I am not allow to put this case further (Ombudsman) until they finished the case. Finally, they took 12 weeks to issue the report to me. In fact, Mxx Wxxx, Sxx Rxx and Dxx Txx they had taken their holiday plan and leave my case aside. * The extra entities and process such as*Personal*Claim*Consultant and Regent Group, which is redundant, and interference the case.* The location of wall is now open, but*I was been*advised*by claim team staff*I have to*accompany*with Personal Consultant and Survey company*(appointed*Regent Group), otherwise dismissed my case. This caused me wasted two half days off. * In 17*Nov 2016,*Jxx from Claim department actively*proposed me to have cash*settlement by using my own*constructor, provided me the website by email**as well*as guide to find the contractors to*fulfil*their*cash settlement request (Voice Recording*from 16:34).*She understood this is difficult to find the contractor in the wintertime, and fully aware it might take 6 months and agreed this can be last to*April 2017 to have solution. * In 21 Nov 2016, *Jxx confirmed only one quotation need*(voice recording from*9:39); She confirmed Halifax cannot provided*a settlement offer even they had*estimate( voice recording from12:55). * In 31 Jan 2017, all in sudden Jxx*can make up a settlement offer and set the offer only 5 days(, then close case at 6 *Feb 2017 if I not responded.*I had responded*to her email sent on 5 Feb 2015*with quotation they requested, which fulfil what she promised in the phone (17 and 21 Nov 2016).However, afterwards Katie( help Jxx) responded she would*close*my case if they had not heard from me next 14 working days.*Next response that is final response from Natasha agreed to follow my decision the case escalate to Financial Ombudsman. The whole case last nearly 3 years.* Ombudsman response, they offered me £19XX + brick delivery is fair. It is usual the Halifax can have better rate from their business parter Beta-coveXX, the total is £39xx is lower than your quotes. Deduct the brick cost which is £18XX, the rest is £19XX...correct. Ombudsman reckoned the delay causing down to me because I had not contacted them for a while. I am going to response to Ombudsman, and request them to have review the document because the investigator have preconceived opinions which caused the ombudsman believe I actively ask for cash settlement, and I had not pay the excess, and delay the case myself. Just before ombudsman write the final decision letter, the investigator still ask me had you paid the excess( your duty)? Can I use the following ground to challenge ombudsman decision? (1)reasonable time to fix? (2)reasonable skill to fix? (3) make up premier brick cost under the business partnership? which is 1.4 times higher than the retails price you can walk-in to pay, and using this cost figure to reduce the amount you can have to fix it yourself. (4)reasonable business behaviour in Halifax to make the different offers for the same wall repairing, in my case, firstly offer me £65, then £523 and now £19xx + brick/block you fix it yourself. (5)reasonable behaviour to force customer to accept the offer otherwise close my case without notification. (6)reasonable to close my case even I had insisted to leave it open everytime they asked? (7)reasonable to sub contract the work to another contractor and this contractor to subcontract again to another one-man band without my consent/ notification? Pxx is not staff of Beta-coveXX, and the man demolished the wall is got the contract from Pxx. What I want it is only Halifax assign the repairing work to another builder to fix it. Much appreciated if you can give me the advice or your point of view. thank you!
  7. Hi All, would really appreciate some advice on the following that happened about three weeks ago now. I reversed my car into the entrance of a car park to a block of flats (during the day on a cloudy/rainy day), I could see the low level wall (about a foot high), but I did not see the rusty coloured metal room support joist beam that had been upended and placed at the end of the wall. There are no reflectors on it, it is not painted a bright colour, it is there to stop people hitting the wall - which it does very well indeed. However, it left a big hole in my bumper, and my car is currently being repaired at a cost of over £300 (using a second hand bumper). I believe this is an illegal piece of street furniture that runs next to a public footpath and road, and would like to make a claim against the land owners. I would also like it to be removed, as I fear that if someone tripped and fell onto this and hit their head, it could possibly cause life changing injuries or even death. I am not going through my insurance company as this will increase my premiums (which is who the land owners have told me to go through). am I now left with what do I do now? Even if I do not get a penny, I would hate to think of someone falling on to it and would like to know if the Highways Agency could help me. Many thanks - Sarah
  8. Hi there, I am putting up a small extension on the back of our house, 3x3 metres with a pitched roof above it the pitch goes on to the party wall and our neighbour was looking at building out the same on his side at a later date. we started work a good few months ago and the roof has finally gone on this weekend but only structurally. After signing all the drawings saying it looked good and we can build the work on the cavity line he now said he wants a box gutter putting in, in advance for when he does his work (prob never happen) he had some damaged guttering on his side that had a temporary repair in it and when we started removing the guttering on our side it came off about 12- 18 inches on his side where the cast iron had been cracked. I know i have to make good any damage but can i not just stick the piece in. Is there any restrictions of when i can work on the house as he has said i should not be allowed to work sundays.....pretty hard to do as i cannot always work in the week at home. when putting the foundations in we also lifted up some cracked concrete on his side and did some small damage to other parts, i said i would re concrete the damaged bit but his whole drive and back area is already cracked and damaged.... is there a timescale to repair what i have done?
  9. Having taken up residence in my new home, and being currently an empty shell, I have a blank canvas to work with It seems i have one wall with that horrid artex type wall paper with all the dimples, the remaining walls are the normal vinyl type that you can wipe down. I prefer not to rent a steamer so the good old elbow grease is the order of the day with a scraper I have been told to score the paper with a scraper then use fabric conditioner in a spray bottle. And Decorators out there with the best methods with minimal fuss??
  10. http://www.msn.com/en-gb/money/markets/british-man-held-over-%C2%A3500bn-wall-street-flash-crash/ar-AAbtv4n?ocid=mailsignoutmd With the way technology has changed the markets, it does not take much to trigger a major finance market crash. Better security is needed as this could be exploited by foreign states, terrorist groups and hackers, who might wish to cause harm to western economies.
  11. Hey guys, hope someone can give us some reassurance here. We've rented a new house. The back garden has a wall connected to a gate that is wide enough to let a car through, and part of the garden is used to store a car (LL used to store his boat there apparently). In the high winds overnight the gate and wall have blown down and slammed into the back of the car we're storing there atm, smashing the rear light and ruining the bumper. Are we right in thinking it's the LL's responsibility for the damage to our car, as well as securing the garden again?
  12. Hi all can anyone help please? My horrible neighbour submitted plans to build a HUGE extension in 2013. At the time I protested to the council, but it largely fell on deaf ears, although they agreed to reduce the outer wall by 6 inches! This year a party wall agreement was put in place and work began on 1st August. However, the very 1st night my guttering was ripped away and rain poured in. There were also dirty rivers of liquid streaming down the walls (that had just been painted) and other damage. The following day, we spoke to one of the builders who looked at the damage, admitted liability and agreed to replace the guttering first, then do the other repairs. We have not seen him since! Things are now much worse, our fence has been completely trashed and there is further damage to the property. The house is also covered in brick dust. The neighbour wont speak to us and has moved into a house his wife owns next door but one! We keep being told it will be put right at the end - but we are having to live with all the noise and stress of this and every day more damage seems to be occuring. What can we do? The surveyor said we have no proof of what the builder said and has virtually called us liars. He even suggested that we get the repairs done ourselves! Any advice would be welcome, thanks in advance.
  13. Hello – I hope this is the correct place to seek advice regarding a Party Wall dispute. Any help greatly appreciated! To cut a long story short, our neighbours recently employed a loft conversion company to build a dormer conversion. We expressed some concerns about the nature and timing of the work but they went ahead anyway, without a signed Party Wall Agreement (PWA) and without allowing the 2 months notice etc. Because we raised concerns, the builders decided that they would change the structure of the conversion so that there would be no need for the PWA (even though it had already been issued for us to sign). The building work began and shortly afterwards, after very heavy drilling and chiselling on the Party Wall, the builders drilled through the wall into our property. Apart from the drill hole and plaster damage, there are cracks extending from the drill hole and cracks in the wall and adjoining ceiling caused by their heavy hammering on the single skin wall. The builder has admitted liability for damaging our property but is now disputing the quotes we have provided for the repairs and repainting but he seems reluctant to go through his Public Liability insurers as we have requested. He now wants to enter our property to inspect the damage but we do not want him in our home. My question is: are we legally obliged to allow him access to our house? We would prefer to go through the insurance claim process with loss adjusters etc We don't want anything more to do with the builder himself. Many thanks!
  14. Cut and pasted from my facebook to save typing out again. chap from around the back says my tree is damaging his wall and he wants me to chop it down, I said its a mature tree and been there for years and is a benefit to everyone, it cleans the air, brings wildlife into our gardens it looks beautiful and I like it. He said it doesn't matter its under threat anyway there is a disease that is killing Ash trees, I said then its our duty to protect it. He said ok just needed to let you know, the ace I never mentioned is its not my tree its growing on his land just leaning over mine because it knows he hates it, permission to enter my land to remove it is denied and the small portion on my side has permission to remain, not sure why you would build a wall on a tree anyway, don't know how it will stand up in court and cant afford to fight or have it chopped down. The tree is on his side of the original border fence, even the original fence netting is still on my side, [ATTACH=CONFIG]46298[/ATTACH] The issue I have is if he decides to charge me for the damage to the wall I am quite happy to make him aware that the tree is on his side and he must pay for it, I would like to keep the tree because it is a beautiful tree and makes the view from my house very pleasant compared to a poorly build breeze block wall, If I refuse him access to remove the tree can I be liable for the cost of the repair of the wall, can I refuse for him to have the tree taken down because some of it is on my land without risking any penalty? haven't received an official complaint yet but just wanted to be prepared. Cheers Steve
  15. hi guys wanting a bit of advice if possible , my son moved into a flat in january 2013 and struggled getting furniture up the stairs, ,that was the only route , after a lot of messing around , turning and twisting , it had to go up by hook or by crook , it was only a 2 seater settee when we finally got it up there was damage to the ceiling , plaster board was broken, now after speaking to the neighbours below, they said every tennant has had the same problem, the last tenant was only in 6 months as she had to swap her double bed for a single bed because it wouldnt go up the stairs we have bought plaster board , but the landlord never told any of the tennants about this i just dont think its fair that we have to fix this, it will now cost for someone to do it, as they are wanting to move out for a different place, the flat is not in good repair do you think their is anyway we could get the landlord to do it . .oh and the landlord happens to be my boss who i currently work for:|
  16. Hi all, I wanted to make people aware of my current situation, and possibly find out if others have experienced the same. Last year I received a leaflet from my local council (Southampton City Council) advising homeowners to take advantage of totally free insulation. I initially was reticent about using someone that my local council recommended, and therefore my first application was via Sainsbury's Energy, with the work being carried out by British Gas. I should add that my application was in before the deadline of 31/10/2012. The earliest survey they could carry out would be February of this year, so I looked at my local council's offering again. They had teamed up with a company called the Environment Centre, which arranged a survey within a few weeks via another company they had partnered with called the Snug Network. The survey was carried out, and it was confirmed on my the report that the cost would be nil - nothing to pay at all. By earlier this week I still hadn't heard anything so I gave the Snug Network a call via the number on the survey form. I was advised that my free insulation was no longer free and that I would be required to pay £315 if I wanted the work completed. I was told that their funding partners, British Gas, have withdrawn their funding. It's all pretty complex, so I called British Gas to find out more. In my case, they are looking to reinstate my previous application through Sainsbury's Energy, but personally I don't think this is fair on other customers who had been encouraged to use the Environment Centre/Snug Network. I don't blame the Environment Centre one bit, the very nice person I have spoken to there has been very helpful and apologetic, and is still trying to unravel the problem. From what I have learned so far, Ofgem had warned the big 6 about not meeting targets on reducing carbon emissions and threatened fines of up to 10% annual turnover if these were not met by 31/12/2012, though any work carried out after this date would be taken into account. So, it seems a little odd that the Snug Network has had it's funding withdrawn by British Gas. It would be good to hear if anyone else has experienced this. The media hasn't shown any interest, and a call to Ofgem was put through to the Energy Savings Trust helpline, and they didn't want to know. TIA.
  17. Hi I have been trying to get cavity wall insulation in grandad's house for years now through the various grants and every time the company offering it comes up with an excuse to avoid doing it because the house is larger than the average. I need to know who I can go to so I can get this organised for my grandad, he qualifies for the grants on every ground there and so does my grandmother. Any help would be great Thanks
  18. Hello all, Can anyone help i have a nieghbour who i dont get on with.my nieghbour owns land and property around mine landlocked i need to do repairs to a gutter thats causing damp in my property.i went to see what work needs doing but got chased of by two of them cursing at me the wall is a party wal do i have the right to repair without writing to him, i have easements and quasi easements.
  19. Hello, Wall rendering solutions, previously called render exterior wall coatings (in 2011) did the rendering in my house (Nov 2011)which went wrong - render started flaking, missing around pipes and other places. This happened within 2 weeks after finishing job. Also as the wrong window protection was put on the windows, the crew left a sticky glue on the windows and damages marble window sills. All was reported to the director of the company , He promised to correct it. After many promises he never came and resolved the issues. In Feb this year all letters sent to the company started to coming back to me. I called MD and asked for the new address - he again said to me the one that was not occupied by him. Then I found in Google that MD changed the name of the company and more that he does it EVERY/ EVERY SECOND or TWICE A YEAR. I was shocked what I found. In the meantime I contacted trading standards, went to cab and found out that the only way is to take him to the court... Until now he has not sorted the problems, all stays on promises. He offers 25 years of warrenty that is uselless so be carefull, my advice. Before you choose the company check the history - this is what I learned from this bad experience, from the company that now says that is no 1 in the uk!!!...
  20. Hi, this is my first post, not sure if I'm posting in the right section? I had cavity wall insulation done on my house in April 2011, after signing up following a cold call at my door from a very persuasive salesman (I know, mistake no.1). The work was completed ok so far as I know, but since then I have been unable to get any paperwork or the promised 25 year guarantee from the installers. The company is registered with CIGA as an approved installer. I have contacted the company on numerous occasions, to be told that my property will be included in the next batch of applications to CIGA, or will be fast tracked, or the guarantee has already been applied for. Subsequent calls to CIGA show no record of any such application having been made. The last communication I have from the company is a letter from December 2011 apologising for the oversight in not applying for it. Now when I ring the phone just goes to voicemail and emails remain unanswered. CIGA say they cannot help me. I want to put my property on the market, and obviously without a guarantee there is no proof the work has been done. Can anyone suggest what I should do next please? Many thanks.
  21. A van driver collided his vehicle into my garden wall last week, and I'd be grateful for any advice. I wasn't present when it happened, but the Police attended the incident, and kindly left a leaflet* giving the driver, vehicle and insurance details; the driver also claimed that the vehicle's owner was the director of the building company that he worked for and the director will arrange for repairs, and I have his contact information as well. The Police completed a collision report, and I also have the incident and collision reference no., and have taken pictures of the damage. I received a letter from the Police saying that there will be no criminal prosecution, but have confirmed* the vehicle driver details. I only had the garden wall built a few years ago and the repairs can't be more than £3-400 (I intend to get new written quotes for the repairs). I've tried contacting the director of the building company and he says that he's waiting for his insurance company. My questions are: 1. a) If the director of the building company does not repair the damaged wall or offer compensation either directly or through his insurance, should I just make a civil claim, i.e. using the small claims track (MCOL)? b) If 'yes' to a), although the vehicle driver's details have been confirmed, is there any way of confirming the vehicle owner's details (as I don't think the public have access to these details via the DVLA), or should I just go with what the Police wrote in the collision leaflet*? c) As an alternative to a), should I sue the company instead? d) As an alternative to a), should I sue the vehicle's driver instead? 2. I'm aware that the advice given by insurers is that I need to inform my house insurance of the collision, even though I'm not at fault and unlikely to be claiming, as I don't want premiums to go up. Is it a wise move not to inform them? 3. How long does this type of car insurance claim usually take (ball park figures)? Thanks in advance.
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