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  1. Hi, my friend took NE to London to apply French visa for January trip. The bus arrived in London one and a half hour late because of the driver went to wrong direction (which is unbelievable!) She missed the time slot for French visa, and it is unlikely to apply visa anytime before January. (She has bought tickets and booked hotel already) I searched NE website regards of compensation, but there is not much information. She allowed one hour between coach arrival time and visa. Could she claim the foreseeable loss?
  2. Hello! A Parking Charge Notice has been issued for a car at a time when I was driving. The PCN has been issued to the car owner, and I've asked them to pass on my details. Do we need to do anything else immediately ie. withing 28 days of the date the PCN was issued to the owner? Or will a new PCN be issued to me as the driver? And another little question: the PCN says "If you were not the driver of the vehicle and you wish to provide the drivers details... please follow the instructions overleaf". But overleaf, the only instructions relate to contesting or challenging the charge. Providing the drivers details isn't really contesting, is it? Is it important? Sorry if these issues have already been adressed elsewhere, I couldn't find any threads about PCNs where the owner wasn't driving. For information: PCN issued by Smart Parking Ltd Date of contravention 14/09/2018 PCN date 11/10/2018 Parking Fee 2.pdf
  3. Hi all, Yesterday I had my classic car transported to a new storage location via an agent on Shiply and the driver damaged the car twice - once during loading and again when unloading. The first instance is a little complicated: I had forgot to tighten the anti-roll bar bolts and it had dropped down, rattling on the loading ramp. However, rather than check what the problem was, the driver heaved the car back off the ramp with such force that it inverted the ARB and crushed the chassis rails underneath. I had gone to get cash while this happened and only returned in time to see him hauling the car off the ramps. The second instance was when unloading at the other end: the driver rolled the car off the ramps and then pushed it with his backside / hip and dented the tailgate - this happened right in front of me. I didn't notice he had dented it until after he'd hurriedly left and I moved the car into the barn, so didn't get to confront him directly. I wasn't going to make any kind of fuss about the initial damage, as it was a combination of our errors that lead to it, but the dented bodywork is just unacceptable. I messaged him when I got back last night: Hi Tony, I have two big dents in the tailgate of my car from where you pushed it off the bottom of the ramp. The damage to the chassis rails I was willing to take on the chin as it was a combination of our errors that caused it, but I'm really unhappy about the bodywork damage. How do we go about making an insurance claim to cover the tailgate damage? Which seemed kind of OK to me.. I was furious but tried to be civil. His response came in three messages: 20:18 - Really, you didn't bolt the anti roll bar linkage on the car, any damage of any was caused by you not putting things back together properly. Your car damaged my truck. So please don't try this crap on with me 20:20 - What a [problem] artist 20:27 - I have just checked the cctv on my truck, there's no damage I can see done when loading or unloading your car, plus your car was covered up. I will gladly see you in court for making false insurance claims. The first two are nonsense, as I'd told him I wasn't trying to place blame on him for the damaged chassis, as the ARB should have been secured. The third is what I'd like help with, because he's claiming to have CCTV footage. I haven't yet responded, so am hoping for some advice on how to proceed first. The car was covered, but the area of tailgate he damaged was exposed, so if he does have CCTV it should show everything. I'm unsure whether I should ask for his CCTV footage, because (if it even exists) he may very well delete it. The guy clearly goes from 0-100 quickly and I don't want to ruin my chances of making a claim for the damaged bodywork by his rash decisions. Can anyone please advise how to proceed from here? His service was fully insured up to 30k according to Shiply.
  4. Just got a NIP in the post recently, 39 in a 30 zone. What's the likelihood of of avoiding 3 pts and being offered the speed awareness course? I'm clean, no points ever, in 30 years driving history. It was from Thames Valley Police in case that has a bearing. Lastly, I'm not sure if it was me or the missus at that time? We share a car and i'm 70% it was me but can't be 100% sure. Under the circumstances, I'm going to supply my details and take the punishment. Anything wrong with this approach? thanks
  5. Hi Firstly thanks in advance for help, had some very bad news yesterday and just looking for any advice In early 2018 I was driving a company vehicle and was doing 36 in a 30 zone. The prosecution notice when to the employers as the owners of the vehicle asking them to name the driver. They named me but I left the company around this time. I got a letter asking me to name the driver/if I were the driver. I have to confess I didn't respond. No doubt I have been stupid but this time coincidended with me leaving my family home and having some health issues. I later moved back into the property Because of health and money issues, I do admit I didn't respond to a couple of letters. I guess I just didn't want to face the truth and accept a fine. I got a letter yesterday saying I got taken to court last Thursday. I did not get any letter about going to court. I have been given an £800 fine and banned for 6 months. This seems incredibly harsh as I didn't have any points on my license. I accept the fine although it won't be easy to pay but the ban seems very harsh and makes life fairly difficult for me. Cheers again for any advice received, just wondered if I could appeal/defend in anyway
  6. Dear All, I’m looking for some advice please. Some time ago I had a road traffic accident. When cycling a car cut me off. I didn’t have a chance to break and hit the car, went through my handle bars and hit the ground. The driver drove off from the accident scene but the registration plates were known to the Police because one of the witnesses took photo of that car. I had many injuries and was taken to hospital. After sometime Police sent me a letter and informed me that ..."the driver of the other vehicle registration number XXXXXXX was unable to be traced"... and that I can submit a claim to MIB. I have checked DVLA records and the registration plates numbers are registered in the database and the make and color of the car matches the one that cut me off. I don't know why Police having registration plates numbers informed me that the driver is untraceable. This is a mystery to me. 1. Do you think it’s possible to handle untraced driver/personal injury MIB claim yourself or a solicitor is required ? 2. What kind of challenges will I have to face if I’ll go at it myself ? 3. Is it possible that I could receive less compensation if I go at it myself ? Many thanks for any help.
  7. 'LET DOWN BY MY COUNTRY' Hero war vet, 50, who was Prince Charles and Diana’s driver left homeless sleeping in bushes and feeding off scraps READ MORE HERE: https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/5551197/hero-war-vet-50-who-was-prince-charles-and-dianas-driver-left-homeless-sleeping-in-bushes-and-feeding-off-scraps/
  8. Hi everyone, I need some advice on behalf of a friend. He started working as a self-employed DPD franchise driver last year. It means you get the title as self-employed but essentially you drive their van, you wear their uniform, they tell you what hours to work & theres little say on your part in this. During the course of his working day, he got into an accident. The insurance companies stated that they could find nobody to be at fault for the collision and any damages were paid for. I believe the other guy who was involved in the crash had quite a high excess and as such is looking to claim this back - by taking DPD to court. This is where things get complicated. The claimant wants to sue DPD to recover costs. As such, the case is being heard in the claimants local county court because DPD are a business. DPD have told my friend he is to travel some 300 miles to this court and represent himself. My friend has had nothing from any court come through summoning him to court. We believe DPD have all the paperwork. We think DPD is trying to make him go to court on behalf of them to deal with this claim. DPD do have solicitors working on this case - we have yet to establish if they will be present on the court date. My question is, if the case is against DPD the company, does my friend need to go? when essentially he was a self employed franchise worker and not an "actual worker". Has anyone got any advice for a situation like this?
  9. Aplogies as an absolute newbie here, however I was asked to create a new thread. There is another recent thread (I can't post links, maybe someone else could as seems daft to recreate a whole heap of stuff). I am in the identical situation at the same location I have just received an identical letter from UKCPS, all details completely as the above mentioned thread (same paperwork). My wife was driving my car that day, obviously she didn't spot any signage etc. 28 minutes over a 4hr limit..... Disgusted that companies can request such 'fees', she is disabled (was parked in disabled bay, with badge on show) which has left me even more disgraced at these cowboys operate, with no extra time for disabled people.... Question is approach them & ask for 'understanding'? Dismiss? etc etc
  10. Hi guys and gals. Sorry to post a new thread but I am extremely confused about the Gladstones Letter of claim. Let me explain. My husband is the registered keeper of the vehicle and I am the main driver. We have just received a Letter before claim from Gladstones, however this is the first I have heard of this PCN. On the day in question i know I was the driver because I found a wallet and handed it in to LLOYDSTSB bank as that's where the cards were from inside it. This is probably the reason i got a ticket as i am aware i was slightly late back but not by much. When I returned to my car I had no notice of charge on it. I have rung Gladstones to tell them to direct the claim to me instead of my husband and they refused to speak to me and asked him to email them. He is doing this shortly so that i can try resolve the issue. I am concerned as to what to do now. I don't want a CCJ on my file. what should I do from here.
  11. Hi hope someone can help me here please.....I was a self employed courier driver for a local company in May 2017. I worked 7 full days for the company and i got an invoice for 4 days work which i should have been paid on 15th June but because i left on the 8th day with 8 parcels left and they had to pick their van up from my premises they have refused to pay me for any days work that i did prior. And ive looked through contract and it does not state anything at all on that. Could i send a LBA to the company requesting full 7 days payment what they owe and can i charge interest????If so where can i find a LBA template please or what steps do i take.... Thank you.
  12. Hello folks, Apologies in advance if this is the wrong sub forum for this. Please move if it's in the wrong place. This evening I hired an Uber after seeing a film in a local Cinema. The App advised me a driver was 20 minutes away, which was plenty of time to grab a takeaway to eat when I got home. The driver accepted the job and knowing the takeaway takes 9 minutes to process my order thought it would work out perfectly. 20 minutes came and went and then I had a phone call from the driver telling me he was not willing to do the job as he wanted to go back to the city he was based and was "not prepared to do the job if he had to drive 10 minutes in the opposite direction for a 7.00 Fare" Whilst I can understand the business sense in that having run my own IT Business in the past, I was left at a loss as to why he took the job to begin with and then choose to wait 20 minutes until telling me he wasn't prepared to do it. If he didn't want to do the job he should not have taken it to begin with OR told me straight away! On the phone the driver was incredibly rude and I did try and say he made an commitment and he needed to honor the journey. just like if I buy a train ticket, the rail company must get me to the destination on said ticket. However the driver was having absolutely none of it and hung up without an apology. After much frustration with the App an Uber appeared from nearby and collected me but this was some 40 minutes later and by which time my food was completely cold. As I did not have a plastic knife and folk I couldn't eat my food while waiting. Needless to say I am disappointed with having to wait nearly an hour for a 2 mile journey, and getting a cold meal and wish to make a complaint so the driver is educated not to take jobs he's not prepared to do. I also would like my account set so I don't get that driver again. However I'm struggling to find where to start with a complaint as Uber's complaints procedure seems very unclear to me. I've found a place to "Report a Serious Incident" however I wouldn't deem my issue to be serious compared to an accident in their vehicles or worse... Ideally I'd like a refund for the journey and compensation for my cold meal which amounts to 5.89 and 8.95 retrospectively. Do you think this is reasonable and where do you advise I should start please? I want to be clear I'm not after masses of compensation. However as someone who cannot drive due to disability, It is extremely frustrating to have to rely on services such as Uber or local Taxi companies who are not prepared to honor their commitments. Could anyone advise me what they think would be reasonable, give then above situation and circumstances? Thanks, Shark
  13. This doesn't relate to a specific case, but may be helpful to the many people defending claims in court. If POFA is not followed to the letter, the only party that can be the lawful defendant is the Driver. While I understand the need to refer to the Registered Keeper in the third person in all communication with the PPC and their lawyer of choice, so you don't negate the protection you have under POFA, how far are you permitted to go in court to deny that you WERE the driver? There was a case on here just last week where a judge required the defendant to state whether he/she was the driver or not. If you say not, but you know that you were (or there is a strong likelihood that you were), are you committing perjury? How do you get around this (as civil cases need only to be proven on the balance of probabilities)?
  14. The rear of our car was flashed doing 35mph in a 30mph zone by a parked up mobile van, there is only one photograph from the police as we requested photographic evidence, but it is impossible to tell who was driving at the time as there is only a small part of the top of the drivers head visible, we have no clue as to who was driving, what do we do now? Any advice would be great guys thanks
  15. Of course they did, that is how they operate, see one person use it twice in the same day and they ditch the first leave and the second arrival. It's done purposely to rip-off motorist and make illegal fat profits. http://www.msn.com/en-gb/money/news/grandad-fined-for-staying-too-long-at-mcdonalds-despite-spending-less-than-30-minutes-there/ar-AAihXWy
  16. I'm doing a online quote for renewal insurance does third party hit driver mean I got hit by a third party driver
  17. Ill try and keep this short but to the point as I see posters on here who give war and peace but when you sort the wheat from the chaff, its easy. My wife is the RK for all our vehcle (3) Sunday we were going to a football match with our son to an away game in a convoy. My wife drove to the game I, on arrival, went to a shop to get our son a drink as we hadnt got one. Roll on later (within 14 days) and we get a NIP for running a red light. I immediatley write on my wifes behalf and immediately say theres only 2 people whoicould be drivers, my wife (5f 4 9s 7lb with blonde hair) or me (5f 2 25st Short Dark Hair). We cant work out who it was as we dont know the area at all (away game) and just know I went to get a drink for my son. Please send the pic so we can work out who it was. The picture came back, rear view with nothing to identify the driver. The mirrors dont show a driver. There was a car in the pic and we went to the football match the follwoing week and asked if it was any of our parents car as if it was, it was on the way to the match so my wife. While it not being one of theres, it isnt proof either way. advised that we couldnt identify so sorry. then get a court date in my wifes name for failing to provide. appoint a solicitor who says he beleives we have done everything. we attend court. After 2 hours they had heard 3 cases with 4 more remaining, it was adjourned. The prosecution, infront of me, wife and solicitor said, if one of you wants to say it was you driving, we can just issue 3 pts and a small fine. Otherwise if you lose it could be £1200 fines, £600 costs and Vicitim Surcharge. I thought hang on, surely this is perjury in reverse. We are being asked to lie to make their life easier. then were supposed to attend again but due to illness, we couldnt and it has been adjourned again. Our solicittor wrote to us and advised that again the prosecution had advised that we could take the offer. This time its actually in writing. genuinely do not know who was driving to this day and believe we have done everything. advised from day one there was only 2 people it could be (not as if we have thrown 20 people into the hat) and just asked them to help with the pic so Im struggling how we could do more. My questions are 1. Should we take the offer or are we on strong ground not to be found guilty 2. Should we consider reporting the prosecution to someone as we are being asked to commit perjury as we do not know who was the driver.
  18. Hope someone can help here. On Saturday I was out with my brother getting fuel and he asked if he could drive my car quickly. I very stupidly said yes and drove to an area I know to have very small amounts of traffic. We swapped seats and I told him to just leave the car park and drive 100ft or so pull into a side road and turn around and come back. He took a wrong turn and ended up on a main road and I told him to just be as sensible as he can and get to the safest place to stop which entailed driving to a roundabout 100m away and taking the first exit, which is a closed road. As he did a police van slowed down to see what was happening because we were stopped. They then approached and I got out the car and explained that my brother was still a learner driver and I let him drive very briefly because he is buying the car from me in a few months time. I then said to the officer "He took a wrong turn and I told him to carefully drive to here because it was the safest place to pull over." The officers took our details and told my brother he was being reported for driving without L plates and without insurance, and I was reported for not having him on my insurance and not being old enough to supervise him. I'm 20. I asked what would happen next and the officer said that it would go to the CPS and they would decide what to do. I was issued a HORT1, with it saying to give in my insurance papers, and the officer said they had been lenient as they could of seized the car. I thanked them for that and headed on my way. This morning I went to the station with the papers and the slip and the woman thought it was strange i'd been issued one when my details were on the database. When I asked if anything more will happen or if I will get anything through the post she said "No that's it. The form will go to the officer and that's that". My Mum and Step Dad seem to think we have both gotten off lightly but i've read online that I might get something through the post still. So my questions are; 1. Who will get it worse for the offences mentioned? 2. Will my brother be unable to get a license because of this? 3. Is it possible that we have gotten off lightly here and they have been sympathetic? 4. When should I expect something through the post? 5. Should I have been issued some sort of offence code because I've had nothing and nor has my brother. And lastly, yes it was a very stupid thing to do. We are both shaken up and wouldn't dream of doing something like that ever again. It put ours and others lives in danger and it's eating me up thinking about it all.
  19. Hello again everyone. Unfortunately l have to seek help again on this site regards a PCN that happened in August 2011. I did open a thread about it in August 2011 but no longer can find it. Yesterday l received the now popular BW legal letter acting on behalf of VCS about an outstanding balance of £174.00,[ consisting of £120.00 PCN plus their clients initial legal costs of £54.00. ]. Back in August 2011, following advice from this forum and as l wasn't the driver at the time of the PCN being issued but registered keeper, we decided to ignore the threatening letters which, eventually, all threatening letters ceased. Until yesterday, 17th August, when a letter from BW legal and VCS arrived together in the same envelope dated 12 August, saying that if payment not received within 16 days court proceedings may be started. The driver of the vehicle at the time the PCN was issued has since passed away in December 2013. I have read on other posts of similar situations about sending a letter back to BW legal stating about the pre- POFA Act 2012, driver responsible and not the RK at the time of issue , but, should l also give the name of the driver at the time stating that they are now deceased and therefore can no longer pursue the payment and wish for it to be fully withdrawn ? Should l ring them and explain the situation ( which l don't want to as then they will have my phone number), or send a letter by recorded delivery ? Any help much appreciated
  20. Hi guys, my daughter had my car on holiday and overstayed her allotted 60 mins in a McD's car park, South Hayes by 25 mins. Because of this I received a parking charge notice for £100, discounted to £50 if I pay within 14 days. I live in Scotland and I am not too familiar with English Law so can someone please tell me if I have to inform them legally who was driving the vehicle? They quote paragraphs 9(2)(b) and 9(2)(f) of Schedule 4 of The Protection of Freedoms Act telling me that the driver of the vehicle has to pay this charge and that if I don't tell them who was driving then they can pursue me for the charge. Any advice on how to go about this would be welcome. Thanks. hodgsoi
  21. As the title suggests this is a warning post to drivers and their parents about car modifications. I was out the other evening and i noticed three young drivers with very heavily modified cars, with tinted window, sports exhausts etc. As they were only in their early 20's, if they had insurance with all these mods properly disclosed, it would have made the insurance very expensive. Many people carry out mods to their cars and don't even think about insurance. If you fail to notify insurers of any modifications to a standard car, you are at risk of the insurers not paying out for any accident damage to your car. If you cause damage to third party property or injury/death to a third party, whilst your insurers may pay out to the third party as a duty under Road Traffic Act, they will come after you with court action if necessary to get their money back. The third party claim might be for tens of thousands. A friend of mine crashed a heavily modified car many years ago and the car was a write off. He had not informed his insurers of some mods and took them off the car before the insurers engineer inspected. The engineer was not fooled and could see some evidence there had been previous mods, so the claim was declined. My friend argued that the engineer had no evidence the mods were on the car at the time of the accident and after months the insurers paid out. If you are a parent and have Sons/daughters who modify their cars, please do make sure they advise their insurers and have the correct insurance. If they fail to do so, they risk a very expensive lesson. E.g no cover for car damage, liability for third party damages, having insurance cancelled making insurance unaffordable for years to come. They should check whether they can get insurance, before they start spending money on modifying their cars,
  22. What's the legal position with having to declare who was driving at the time a PCN was attached to my car? The PCN was due to a ticket blowing upside down when closing the door. The correct amount was paid and I have the ticket that was purchased at the time. So far I have received a couple of letters threatening action and the fine has increased on both occasions. I have sent the standard letter requesting information about who the landowner is etc, and I have not declared who the driver is. Apologies if this is obvious but I'm relatively new to this.
  23. https://uk.news.yahoo.com/this-driver-had-his-parking-fine-overturned-after-091032871.html The most important part of the article is the last sentence from Athena;
  24. In January of this year, I was hit by another car that drove between two lanes of traffic to overtake me from the left. The car pulled out in from to me, lifting my car off the ground and damaging the front side panel and bumper. In doing so they damaged all of the side of their car. Their damage to their car starts at the top higher up and then drops down. There were no witnesses to the accident , but there are photographs of the damage, which I believe support my case. The other driver has claimed that I overtook them from the right, in doing so that I mounted a raised diver between separating me from traffic coming from the opposite direction. I do not think that the evidence supports this. However Aviva are now saying that the want to settle this as a no fault claim, unless I can provide a witness of CCTV evidence, which I can't. Worse still, the are implying that may settle the claim in favour of the other driver, unless I accept this. I have indicated that I am not willing to and would be happy to go to court on the matter. Any advice please ?
  25. Really need some advice here....I'll try to keep this as short as possible. Friday (8/4/2016) I parked on a public road near a dog park. I'm in the park and next thing I know I see someone clamping my car. After speaking to the enforcement agent (he worked for Marston Holdings) he told me that there was a warrant out for an outstanding debt which I had not paid. He looked it up and apparently someone driving my car had committed an offence on the 21st September 2015, I had been contacted to provide the driver details and had not responded so the case went to court and I was charged with failure to provide driver details to the court (HMCTS London NW). He showed me all of this on an iPad but could not tell me what the original offence was. He then said it was late (it was around 4pm on a Friday) and the office would be closed so I would have to wait until Monday to find out what the original infraction was. The unusual thing however was that on the enforcement details/warrant they had my father's information (we have the same name but it was his DOB and NI number) and he passed away in 2012! The other problem was that I moved house in 2013 and did not tell DVLA hence why I didn't see any of the letters I assume they sent to me at my old address. the overall fee was at £1400 (£961 was the original debt, £235 enforcement stage, £75 compliance stage and another £110 for the tow truck). I waited until the last minute to see if this was all legit but the tow truck came and I ended up paying the full amount I'm not sure exactly how to proceed.... I am thinking to contact Marston Holdings and ask to be sent a copy of the warrant, find out what my initial offence was and ask to see evidence of that and proceed from there. Has anyone been in a similar situation or know what I should do here? can I get my money back? Any help/replies are kindly appreciated.
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