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Found 21 results

  1. Hi I hope you can help me, on the 13/04/2018 there was a credit card trasnsaction made with Ryanair to fly from Manchester - Madrid and Madrid to Tangier Morocco on the same day. We normally travel to Morocco every summer to our home in Marrakech. We always book direct flights either from Manchester or Liverpiool. This transaction is unusual as I normally travel with my three children all aged under eleven. I immediately informed Halifax who raised a dispute against Ryair as it wasnt a fraud since the details matched. I have explanied to Ryanir and Halifax that I did not authorise nor recognise this transaction as its completely bizarre. We have an excellent record of using our credit card no issues with purchases and payments and to be honest we are planning on paying it all off very soon as we have less than £300 remaining. I am so upset and stressed as I dont want to pay for anything that I have not purchased or bought. Today Ryanair have advised Halifax they they will not refund on the grounds are as follows:- 1) Details of passengers match 2) No refund policy I have spoken to Halifax at length that the evidence provided by Ryanair does not substabtiate to the fact that it was I who booked the tickets and under their 'no refund policy' it is an easy escape route. We have prerviously booked tickets with Ryanair flying direct to Marrakech from Liverpool and London. Never once complained - however this transaction is so bizarre that firstly it is pointless booking a one way ticket to Madrid from Manchester then waiting around couple of hours to fly out from Madrid to Tangier. Now from Tangier to my hometown is further 5 hours drive to Marrkech when I could easily book direct flight to Marrakech and be there in my house within 3.5 hours from the UK. Between the connecting flights there isnt much time to explore, its a one big rush to one side of the airport to another. I say pointless because having 3 children and making them rush to one gate to another would be foolish and injustice. I have also offered the bank to check my previous travels that it will show that I have always travelled direct without any stops. I have no family, friends or flats in Madrid and Tangier and I feel that Halifax is being so unhelpful by applying pressure that I should make this payment. Please could you advice what I can do? Regards
  2. This is a bit of a technical question for long standing bank employees or other retail banking experts about the way data is sent to a customer following a DSAR. I wasn't sure which forum to post it on because it could be relevant in PPI complaints and bank charges, sorry if it should be elsewhere. my query is; why does a bank send you lists of transaction histories instead of copies of the original statements for current accounts and yet for credit card accounts they send you a full hard copy with all the original data just as you had received it years before. When I phoned the bank to ask, the clerk said that's just how they are printed from microfiche. Does anyone know why you cannot request a copy of the original current account statement? I can't imagine the banks removed all your original statement details and just retained the transactions and account number before they archived it, or did they? Thanks to whoever can explain the process
  3. hi folks, need some advice on this one, recently i have returned from spain, while out there i don't know if i lost my wallet or if someone pickpocket it, was a strange moment when someone bumped into and my friend asking what was all that about. i have hired a car from the same company for the last 8 years 2 to 3 times a year, always taking out the full insurance, and have never had a problem before dealing with them. while car was parked someone hit it causing cosmetic damage to the bumper, left his details, but he was still there when i arrived. As i had the full insurance did not have much to worry about and i also had his details, returned on the 5th checked my account on the 9th to find this company has taken £500 out of it, with no explanations at all, or if someone has hired a car with my found wallet and cards, cards were cancelled, the only way to contact record car hire is by email w hich could take unto 30 days for a reply if i am lucky, as now reading the reviews it seems to be a common thing for this company to do to people, my other problem now though is my bank will not put this into despute even though i have explained everything to them, how it could take unto 30 days to reply, no contact number, only email contact, how my cards were lost, how i had full insurance, the reviews this company are now getting, and now they have put my account into arrears, returned direct debits, so will be facing more charges from bank and those with the D/D, but the bank says as i have dealings with this company i will have to wait for their response to my email, bearing in mind this can take 30 days, and if they reply back, explaining they should not have done this, as i had the full insurance, nothing in the terms of what it could be, i.e. if it was a traffic violation etc t hen those authorities would be in touch with me and not the hire company to take monies, i have had nothing from them as to why they have taken this money, and my bank not offering to help, other than giving me an increased overdraft until i hear from the hire company, anyone able to advice on this i would be greatly appreciate it thanks
  4. Hi, I have been left rather confused by an ebay transaction recently. I have been ebay-ing for 10 years or more. Basically I won a samsung galaxy s6 edge+ spares and repairs. It had screen burn. I knew samsung would fix it under warranty and they have done. That is not issue as such. The ebay seller I got it from is a on-line cash generator type pawn shop. My hubby didn't realise that at time of bidding. I asked the seller if he'd done a Checkmend report before I paid for the phone but after I'd won it. He said 'No'. I paid for the phone and did my own Checkmend report the day I received it. The Checkmend report revealed a red Asset Watch marker. For those who don't know what a Asset Watch marker is, it means that the phone may be owned by a company and may be under a Hire Purchase agreement. The company who own the phone is Brighthouse (Checkmend contacted them on my behalf). Brighthouse's Fraud department has been in contact with me and have told me that I don't need to return the phone to them, at this time. I know that potentially that the phone could be become blocked in the future and if that happens, the Ebay seller will accept it back and I will get a refund. I am certain that the phone was not stolen and given to the Ebay pawn-broker. I guess that person who had it under Brighthouse HP agreement pawned it for cash. I am thinking should I keep phone or not ? I have done nothing wrong. I don't mind giving up the phone but Brighthouse are giving me no information. I have clearly asked Brighthouse fraud team under what circumstances would need to occur, for them to ask the phone to be returned ? I am still within the 30 days for Ebay protection and 180 days for Paypal protection. The tricky thing is that would require me to return the phone to the seller, which Brighthouse may not like as they own the phone. I don't know what to do ? Advice please. Thanks x
  5. Can any knowledgeable Cagger tell me if it is possible to initiate a chargeback on a Euro bank transfer from a UK bank account to one in the Euro zone? This is because of a retail transaction that went pear shaped and the seller is refusing to communicate.
  6. I am having problems with Virgin Media taking an unauthorised payment from my bank and making me go overdrawn. When I phoned Virgin Media last week, they did not inform me of an outstanding balance for £18.34. Today, I got a letter from my bank informing me that because Virgin Media had attempted to withdraw £18.34 I would be incurring a £10 charge. I did not authorised this payment to be made and I knew nothing about this because I received no notification from Virgin Media. I have sent an email to Virgin's Chief Executive Tom Mockridge complaining of the matter and asking for them to reimburse me the £10 charge I am expecting from my bank. I am on sickness benefits with limited funds. I'm really quite angry with this from Virgin Media, I thought it was against rules to make an unauthorised direct debit transaction.
  7. Hi, Hoping someone can explain what this may mean. Today my wife received a transaction summary statement from Santander for an old joint account but what we can't understand is she has been declared bankrupt since June15 and I've been on a TD since Dec14. The statement is on 2 sheets of A4 but it is in black and white and not the typical red we typically received in statements. It also shows the account to be in credit showing nothing other than an opening balance dated 10/15 and the net balance dated 04/16. Of course we'd love to think we had access to the few thousand pounds the balance states but we're presuming this isn't one of those "lucky windfall" moments lol. Any advice would be much appreciated. Many thanks.
  8. Hi, Started posting recently as I'm in the process of clearing a few things up. Having signed up to equifax I've noticed a default on my record from my Halifax current account. While in the USA I was using my Halifax debit card and juggling how much I had against converting it from Dollars to Pounds. Ultimately, they authorised a debit card transaction which put me overdrawn (there's no overdraft limit on the account) Because the transaction got authorised I thought I was good for the money at the time. During this situation I was also moving banks to Natwest. As a result I never used the Halifax account again since returning from the trip to the USA. It got left and now I have a default. Is there anything that I can do seeing as they authorised a debit card transaction even though there were insufficient funds? Cheers, Limelight.
  9. Howdy all! Long and short of it is, for years I had an account with Abbey National, then changed to Abbey obviously. I went to Uni and had an overdraft with them of about £1500. When I left uni I didn't have the money to pay off the overdraft, but stupidly had my pay put into another basic savings account which eventually Abbey decided to swipe £700 pounds out of to service the other debt which by now had defaulted (I believe). After that I didn't go near Abbey accounts again and set up one elsewhere. The question I have is, the debt hasn't been transferred to a DCA but I get yearly statements from Santander saying that the balance is "X" and the letter says they have to send me this yearly to keep me up to date. I'm certain there are charges on this account that I could claim back but not enough to wipe out the debt, so I'm wondering if the debt is unenforceable despite the fact it's only an overdraft - does it work the same as a credit agreement? An overdraft is a form of credit, no? Any advice would be great and I'll try and answer any questions as best I can. Thanks
  10. Can admin please put this in the correct place for me.... This morning I went to my online osyter account to add some pay'n'go funds. The TFL website only allows you to add £50 at a time, so wanting to add £100 I went through the procedure twice, but the 2nd time around the TFL website said the transaction was unsuccessful. Not paying too much attention to the the reason why the transaction didn't complete, checked my bank account and thought ok so only a couple of quid there so thats the reason. I then transferred more funds to my bank account and tried the TFL website again, and again the transaction was unsccessful. The reason being is that they only allow you to add £90 pay'n'go funds. Checking my bank account again I noticed that again there were insufficient funds so I call my bank only to find out that TFL had taken 3 x £50 from my account event though only one transaction shows on my oyster account. I then called TFL only to be told that the last 2 transactions were in a holding account and would be refunded in 2-5 days. So it appears that TFL have a system in place that will seek authorisation from a bank for a transaction and then TFL will check and see if that transaction then meets its transaction criteria, if it doesnt then they will then refuse the payment, but only after it has already taken it. Surely TFL should be checking to see if your request to add funds/tickets to your oyster meet with their critiera prior to requesting authorisation for a payment from a bank/credit card. If you have already added £50 surely if you try and add another £50 their system should say "thank you but the max you can add is £40" rather than continually keep taking funds. I think this sucks and want to raise a complaint but where do I start?
  11. help! i made a payment to Haven holidays which was my last payment to them of £389, today I logged in to check the account and noticed that they payment is no longer pending!! but been put back in the account. I'm Wondering whats going on?? this was to pay the holiday off, I'm now scared that because this has't left my bank that they will cancel my holiday. Ive logged into Haven and my account says that it is all paid.
  12. Hello guys:) Just returned from a long stint overseas and walked into Santander to open a bank account on Wednesday. I stupidly forgot that my account was written off in late 2009 with 490.00 inside. The clerk noticed a closed account and pulled me to one side to confirm the situation and advised it would be wiser not to try and reopen a new account and would be much better off going elsewhere (good of her to be open and honest) Within two days of my visit I have received a Transaction Summary Statement. I've already researched what this letter is used for so issues there. They have also managed to date back the opening balance to last year? ( I haven't had any correspondance with this account since 09) My worry is that the bad debt is now reopen for a Debt Collection agency to chase and has been readded to my credit file which I believe should have been cleared 5 years afterwards (2014 for Scotland) Are the agencies still able to recover? Any help would be greatly appreciated! Cheers, Nick
  13. Hi guys. I am hoping for advice on claiming on my credit card for a recent problem I have had. The story is: A few months ago we purchased airline tickets, online for a return trip to New York from Heathrow and a one way flight from Heathrow to Oslo. This was a set price deal, hence why the 3rd flight was one way. As we were leaving New York to return to Heathrow we decided not to visit Oslo. Out of courtesy we let the airline (Virgin) staff know. They said there would be a small fee in order to remove our bags from the plane at Heathrow. I appreciate this although, other people on the plane who were not booked would have had their bags removed as normal, but still, I appreciate they are running a business and expected them to charge a handling fee, maybe £30 a person or something like that. We were sent to a different desk. Here we were told the charge would not be for the baggage removal, but a new ticket as we were not taking the extra flight. I was not happy with this - less flights should cost less money if anything surely! We were charged £150 per person, which I had to use the credit card for (putting me over my credit limit but had no choice as they refused to let us on the plane if we didn't pay there and then). One of the staff who was stood next to the rude guy who charged us this managed to whisper to us whilst he was printing off some forms. She said complain when we get home and “I’m sure they will just refund you”. Upon returning to UK we have complained to Virgin customer service. This was a waste of time and resulted in a very basic email response apologising that we were not happy with our experience. I then escalated it through their complaints department. Again it was a completely pointless exercise. They fobbed us off with what seemed like a very generic response. I have been in touch with my credit card company (Tesco) who have suggested I claim for the original transaction as well as the second, as I do not have a very good case to claim on the latter, since I agreed and signed for the transaction. It's worth me mentioning, in the terms and condition when we purchased the original flights there was no mention of any further charges being incurred if we did not go on the flights. All we were told was 'no refunds for no show'. I would appreciate any help or advice, please remember I am asking for this in regards to making a claim on a credit card transaction, not with making further complaints to Virgin Airways at this stage. I have never done this before and I really feel like this is my last chance and last resort to get back some of the money that I feel we were unfairly charged. Thanks, Damon.
  14. I purchased Hastings direct cover a year ago and made it clear that they are not to auto-renew my policy because I always compare quotes. I had this confirmed by a telephone call so I was happy. I have noticed that without any prior correspondance in any form whatsoever, Hastings direct withdrew a very substantial amount (way over the going rate) from my account and have sent a token email after the event to an old email address I no longer use regularly. I have now sent them 5 emails asking for an explanation as to why they went against my specific instructions never to take money from my account automatically and then did so anyway without any prior warning whatsoever. I have also called them 6 times and am waiting for an "available" manager to call me back. I don't even need insurance for that vehicle anymore! I am extremely perplexed by their actions as they have actually been very helpfull on previous years and matched or beat any other insurance quotes i received elsewhere. I have a meeting with citizens advice on Monday who have said that from what i have said, the company has no excuse for this behaviour. I suspect thats why they refuse to respond to me in a timely fashion. Its been a week already...
  15. On checking my statement there was a transaction for just over £28 paid to a pub in another town whcih is about 12 miles from where we live. We never visit this town and checking on Google we have definitely not been to this pub. We have contacted Nationwide who were unable to tell us whether the transaction was on my wife's card or my card. They cannot even tell us the time of the transaction as we can prove our movements on the day in question. Although they have taken the details and told us they will look into it, we have heard nothing further and are still out of pocket for £28. How long should we be waiting for a decision etc? Please advise. Thanks.
  16. Hi, Ive recently had a fraudulent payment from my bank account, the Halifax have said they dont see it as fraudulent and have refered it to there disputes team, as a result its cost me £110 & today they have offered a £40 compensation payment to me, can anybody help me please & also can someone advise how I should proceed. many thanks lee
  17. Hi A friend is having a big problem with her card processing company. She runs a small pre owned business selling computers,power tools, guitar e.t.c and she sometimes takes these product from customer to sell on their behalf. She sold studio equipment recently for over £10,000. She called the card company and gave the card details and address of the cardholder while the customer is in the store. The card company was happy for her to progress with the transaction and was given a authorization code. The following day she had a call from the card processing company fraud department saying the transaction appears fraudulent and they are going to investigate. She passed all the customer details to the card processing company and they passed to the bank, the bank sent the customer a letter but no reply and the bank said they cant send anymore letter to the customer so the card processing company said they are going to hold the whole cash for 390days and they advised my friend to write to the customer. She is confused and really sad, the issue is causing a lot of problem for her business. What can she do to get her money back? Are they allow to hold her money for 390days?
  18. Hi Long story short: In November my last year Mrs Rasher agreed to bail my son out of a payday loan. She actioned this by paying the outstanding balance on the account using her joint account Visa Debit card. Yesterday we noticed an odd transaction on our bank statement. It was £200 paid to this payday loan company in mid February. This was not authorised by either of us. Natwest were advised this morning that this was an unauthorised transaction. They have said they will take no action - basically saying that we have an agreement with the payday loan company - needless to say we do not! I am a tad annoyed about this. What should I do next? What are my rights? Thanks BaconRasher
  19. I'm having some issues with guaranteed transaction charges recently been applied to my Barclays current account. First some background : I'm currently in repayment plans with several payday loan companies after a medical diagnosis forced me to suspend my university studies. I was dependent on at least some of the student loan to pay off my outstanding commitments, however a week before it was due to be paid I recieved a letter stating I wouldn't get anything at all. This left me in a position where I would not be able to make interest repayments every month, let alone tackle the debt itself, so repayment plans were the only option. I was able to secure plans with all but one of the lenders, and budgetted my wages accordingly so that I would not go beyond my overdraft at all, however the lender who didn't want to play ball decided to scupper these plans and take money £20 I didnt have anyway. This particular transaction, however, seems to have triggered not 1 but 3 fees. I spoke to Barclays about this immediately upon receiving the letter but they refused to budge. Now that the transactions have cleared properly and I can see exactly what my balance was, I'm trying to reclaim the money. The first fee is for £30 to lender 1. This went out of my account on 21/05, and at the end of that particular working day my balance was -£1456.61. I have a £1500 overdraft facility in place. The following day lender 2 (who wouldn't agree to a payment plan) took two payments, 1 for £40, then another for £20. The same day I also incurred £32 worth of charges. This left me at -£1550.61 On my online statement only the £40 payment and the charges themselves are shown to take my account beyond my overdraft limit, which is what I was expecting to pay a fee for. I do not know why, but I have not been sent paper statements in several months. Do I have a case here or should I just sit back and take what they like? If I can't reclaim the money I'll have no choice but to apply for further credit with another lender as I have bills due before my next pay date that I can't quite afford.
  20. I bought some goods from Louis Vuitton L.A with a Natwest Visa Credit card; and returned the goods one and a half days later, as they were misrepresented to me. I returned them at the Louis Vuitton S.F store. I was refunded the full amount in dollars - and hold the credit receipt. My bank telephoned me a few days later, and was very surprised that I there was a difference, shown on my accounts, between what I'd paid and what I'd been refunded during that transaction. This is where I'd learned I had NOT been refunded for the conversion of currency, which amounts to £200. Is this what usually happens when a foriegn credit card is used to purchase/ refund goods? Is there anything that can be done to return the price of the conversion? Thank you very much for your help!
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