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  1. Hi, i dont know if this is the correct section to post this but i so need some help as i dont know what to do with this at all, we got in arrears with our mortgage and were paying it off etc in may last year the bank offered to consolidate it what we agreed to, but we believed they knew best even though the balance was little in our view but was more in their records so we took it that they were correct and we were wrong in the balance, at the end of the day we trusted them, in october of last year i was just checking receipts etc and noticed that one receipt had the wrong account number on it, it was not our account number, this was dated in the march as i made two payments in that month two months before the call to consolidate, i contacted the mortgage bank about this that a cash payment made in the march of 2014 had a different account number on it not the mortgage account number for us, they claimed it was in what they class as their holding area and they shall refund it to us, this has been going on now since we noticed this , but everytime we are pushed from one to another and have to go through all the rubbish again but they tell us they have located it and its all in hand............. Well till today, as yesturday a lady i spoke to asked me to call her for our bank details so they can refund this amount into our account etc, so i called with the information they asked today , now the gentleman i gave these details to claims he can not locate this payment?? but all the other staff we spoke to were able to locate this missing money, then he claimed "well it must of gone on your account" my arguement was "How can a payment with the wrong account number on it an account number that is non exsistant (as i was told by the bank) and the funds have been located in this so called holding area of funds that are assumed lost till claimed, suddenly go on to our account in april last year? when we only noticed this in the october last year 7months later? and was confirmed they have it in what they call their holding area, , i have told them i do not buy this at all, and what he said is rubbish, now do i need to see a solicitor about this missing payment as it is for £1,000 so it is quite a bit, as i am stressing out over it and its making me ill, at the time of the consolidation i made our balance £1,300 but they claimed it was £2,300 but we honestly believed they were correct till we noticed this wrong number in one of our cash payments, ifeel they do not want to pay it back as i have also told them we want the interest on it also as its been nearly 14mths in their holding area, im so sorry to ask for help but all we have got is the run around by this bank , as i said all the others were able to locate this payment except this person today and he also claims he can not go back that far , thank you for reading this it means so much to maybe get some advice of what to do . as it is upsetting me alot
  2. hi everyone, I am the first to admit I'm not the most organised with my finances and since my wife was diagnosed with Bipolar a few years ago my finances went worse. Over time, i've had a few Arrangements to pay on my Mortgage. It's difficult to keep up payments and sometimes I bury my head and get a little late with payments. I am in arrears with G&E, Council tax and Mortgage and when I was ill during June, my wife tried to use my card to make payment and was told no! When I was fit again, I transferred the money into my wife's account and she made a double payment - So from the last Arrangement to pay, I am up to date & this should clear my £900-odd debts be the end of the year. Unfortunately as the June's payment was late, NRAM has cancelled the ATP and I received late last week an eviction notice from my local sheriff court (I am in Scotland). After discussing with NRAM, I have spent my full week Faxing 3 months bank statements, wage slips and I&E along with a proposal to kickstart the ATP along with an extra payment to cover charges they have applied to my account. I was desperate to get these arrears cleared by the end of the year. Anyway my eviction has been planned for 31st July and I don't want to leave but they insist they want the full £900 cleared (as well as this months mortgage payment). Can someone advise me what I should do? I don't know where to turn and my wife's illness doesn't help when I'm trying to do it all myself. Any advice for Scotland would be much appreciated. Kind Regards J
  3. Hi all, First time poster, long time...non-poster. Very long story made very slightly less long: we've just passed another anniversary for a major but fully covered and accepted home insurance buildings claim (cue champagne with a chaser of salty tears). After a protracted and life leaching dance with the Loss Adjusting firm over issues such as: process (lack of); information (lack of); support (lack of); surveyor (lack...you get the idea) to help get the claim processed, we now finally have an approved Schedule of Works from a personally engaged building contractor and have instruction to commence works. However, due to a myriad of factors and numerous delays from the Loss Adjusting firm the works have yet to get fully underway and the Loss Adjusting firm have suddenly and unexpectedly proposed, formally and via letter, the notion of a cash settlement in order to finalise the claim. This settlement is to be "based" on the overall building reinstatement estimate as agreed by the Loss Adjustor, though is as yet without mention of a specific value or settlement figure and within a context of awaiting further advises from that mysterious and omniscient emerald city dwelling entity - the underwriters A few months prior to this letter a telephone call with the Loss Adjustor resulted in their passing mention of the possibility of a cash settlement 'with indemnity and taking into account deprecation of the property'. There was no mention of any such depreciation in the letter but the verbal mention by the LA has thrown up a host of questions on which I would greatly welcome any input: 1) Does a cash settlement on a claim automatically revert an insurance policy to one of indemnity/old-for-old? 2) Can a cash settlement include VAT? The current Works Schedule has VAT added to the bottom line because naturally the contractor is VAT registered but we are not. 3) If we can't claim VAT through cash settlement, can/should we include VAT on any PC/material sums e.g. a damaged bedroom wardrobe that needs replacing. in the final settlement figure? 4) Does a cash settlement close the door on any further claims being made for additional work discovered during reinstatement i.e. or do we need to factor in a contingency in the final settlement figure? 5) Does a cash settlement close the door on any formal complaints being issued against the Loss Adjustor/Insurer for mismanagement of the claim? 6) If, as I suspect, some of the above can only be answered by the policy documentation, can anyone help decipher the last sentence below, found in the policy booklet under a section about 'Settling Building Claims' regarding the conditions under which the insurers can make a deduction for depreciation of wear and tear: "We Will only make a deduction for depreciation or wear or tear if: - the building have not been maintained in a good state of repair. (NOT APPLICABLE TO OUR SITUATION) - the sum insured is less than the full cost of rebuilding at that time. (NOT APPLICABLE TO OUR SITUATION) In addition at our sole option we may limit payment to the proportional cost of repair and reinstatement following loss or damage by an insured event, that the current sum insured represents compared to the full rebuilding cost of the buildings." (NOT APPLICABLE TO THE UNDERSTANDING OF COMMON MAN?) If you've got this far through the post thanks for your time and any info you can offer will be hugely appreciated.
  4. Hi there hoping for some advice. We recently got a phone call from our landlord saying someone has put and offer on our flat and has been accepted. From this we asked if we could end the tenancy early if we found somewhere say in a week or two. He said yes. We have signed for a new flat and told the landlord who is saying he didn't say it and wants 2 months notice. I'm guessing we're in a bad situation, 2 months is on paper and the 2 week notice was only a verbal agreement. Am I correct in thinking this? This leaves us in the awful situation of potentially paying for 2 places for 2 months - which neither of us can afford, I used all my savings for the new deposit! What are our options, we're considering formally handing notice stating 1 month as agreed, but he's not going to like it and dispute this... We could cancel our standing orders for the following month - but i'm guessing he'll chase our money. Upon investigation we have found our deposit is not in any of the 3 DPS and when asked he said its in his own scheme... Hmmm... is it still true that we can go to the small claims court and get this deposit back and 3x? Can this be done after the tenancy or has it to be done before? Anyone got a quick heads up? How do we stand, i'm worried to tears! Whats the best course to take? I feel sick that he has done this after 3 years of renting from him and being perfect tenants. Help very much appreciated.
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