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  1. Isn't multi-track for claims over £25,000? My deposit was only £950.
  2. Thanks for the reply, we've paid fees and deposit for the new place now - and its rare to find somewhere in the area as properties are on the market for such a short time. We're down £300 at the moment from the fees which we'd have to pay again if we went found somewhere else. The property has been sold to a private buyer, the landlord is says he is now waiting on a moving in date for her - so we have to leave anyway.
  3. Hi there hoping for some advice. We recently got a phone call from our landlord saying someone has put and offer on our flat and has been accepted. From this we asked if we could end the tenancy early if we found somewhere say in a week or two. He said yes. We have signed for a new flat and told the landlord who is saying he didn't say it and wants 2 months notice. I'm guessing we're in a bad situation, 2 months is on paper and the 2 week notice was only a verbal agreement. Am I correct in thinking this? This leaves us in the awful situation of potentially paying for 2 places for 2 months - which neither of us can afford, I used all my savings for the new deposit! What are our options, we're considering formally handing notice stating 1 month as agreed, but he's not going to like it and dispute this... We could cancel our standing orders for the following month - but i'm guessing he'll chase our money. Upon investigation we have found our deposit is not in any of the 3 DPS and when asked he said its in his own scheme... Hmmm... is it still true that we can go to the small claims court and get this deposit back and 3x? Can this be done after the tenancy or has it to be done before? Anyone got a quick heads up? How do we stand, i'm worried to tears! Whats the best course to take? I feel sick that he has done this after 3 years of renting from him and being perfect tenants. Help very much appreciated.
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