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  1. Hi i bought a very expensive watch from an online retailer couple of months ago and paid for it using V12 retails finance. 1 The watch was dispatched by them on the 19th of October 2018 however I received it after a failed delivery attempt on 24th October 2018. 2 After receiving the the watch I went on holiday for a few weeks and left the watch behind, I think it is at this point the watch stopped working or immediately before I came back. 3 On the 21st of November 2018 I notified the retailer that the product has become fault as its stopped working. 4 They advised me that since its outside the 30 days return period I am not entitled to a refund. 5 I argued that I took delivery of the watch on the 24th October 2018 therefore as far as I am concerned it still within my right to reject in 30 days. 6 Moving forward I lodged a S75 with V12 Finance and they started investigating once the claim was lodged I sent the Watch back to their return address to which they have not sent any confirmation but I used Special Delivery so i have proof it was signed for them 7 V12 finance advised me they have received the watch and that they have sent it to Switzerland to be inspected. And they have also confirmed that once they have inspected the watch and IF and only IF there is a manufacturing defect will they refund. 8 V12 Finance have advised that the watch has sign of wear to which I replied of course it would as I was wearing it and had intentions of keeping it. Now my point is if its the battery that failed within the 30 days will it be classed as manufacturing defect or simply not as satisfactory for a reasonable individual to expect. Also the fact that I have had bad experience with this brand I simply do not want the watch any more. What options do I have or am I stuck with this watch?
  2. Hi, I'd be grateful if anybody could give advise me on my rights for the following issue. I bought a pair of waterproof boots from a well-know firm that sells outdoor & rock climbing gear. The boots have developed cracks on the panel that runs around the shoe and is attached to the sole. The sole itself is fine. The boots however are no longer fit for purpose. I showed them to the shop assistant who told me that it's general wear and tear and there's nothing they can do about it. I asked if they could repair them and was told I could (buy) and try a tent repair tape, but that they weren't sure if it would work. I am in doubt as to whether that is really the case and was wondering if anyone knows what my rights are in this situation. Thank you. Any advice will be much appreciated. Sweet Justice
  3. Hi Guys A few months ago i purchased 2 goodyear tyres online from Camskill costing just over £300. I needed them asap as i was driving around without a spare tyre. I was then told my order was coming from Goodyear Germany and may be delayed however i got an email (within the 5 days) saying my local DPD had my parcel. It never came on the day they said it would arrive. I phoned up DPD and they could not find it because it was in the international shipping warehouse. I drove out there and wasted a journey because they still could not locate my parcel. I phoned up the retailer to complain and after a day or so they got Goodyear Germany to send me out another 2 tyres. Meanwhile DPD finally delivered the original tyres and Then a few days later i receive the replacements.i got 2 extra tyres for free. This is 2 weeks later and i have done hundreds of miles driving all over the place without a spare tyre. I wasted a day waiting in for the DPD delivery that never arrived. I wasted even more time driving to their warehouse for a parcel they could not find. I was driving around for 2 weeks without a spare tyre too. i have been highly inconvenienced to say the least. I replied to the retailers email and i asked for some sort of compensation for my time being wasted but i never even got a reply. I thought the 2 extra tyres were my bonus for all the hassle id had i decided to keep them and keep quiet. Now i got an email threatening legal action. Can they really do this. ALso i am no longer staying at the address where the tyres were delivered. Whats your thoughts folks? email is below We have been trying to contact you regarding the 2 extra tyres that you received in August 2018. Despite previous requests, we still have not received any response from you. Please find attached the proof of deliveries that you signed for 4 tyres. If we haven't hear from you in the next 3 days to arrange collection, we will bill you for the extra 2 tyres to the value of £302.70. If payment of £302.70 is not received 14 days from the invoice date, we will have no alternative but to take legal action which will incur both legal costs and interest to you. We look forward to hearing from you. Legal Dept. Camskill (UK) Ltd Tel. 01946-518207
  4. Not sure if this is the right sub-forum, but would appreciate some advice regarding the following. My wife and I purchased some lighting from a specialist online/high street retailer a few months ago...which was done as follows. The company sell lights/lamps from various Manufacturers on their website, which are not bespoke in any way (they are not custom made/made to our specification...they are simply lamps/lights like any other customer could buy). After receiving an initial quote from the company via email for some items we were interested in, we changed the items a few times before settling on the final requirement list (but never received a final quote to order from...we were simply emailed an invoice to be used to order). Note all conversations/engagements with the retailer were conducted via email/telephone/their website. We then sent the money via bank transfer to place the order (a total of around £1,800, of which the 2 lamps came to roughly £850)...and had to wait a few weeks whilst the lamps were shipped from the Manufacturers in Italy to the UK retailer...and then shipped on to ourselves. Upon receipt, we didn't like the quality of a couple of the lamps...and contacted the Online shop asking to return the items on the same day they were received. We were advised we had no right to a return, as the lamps had been made especially for us...and it was noted on the first quote we received that they could not be returned once ordered (which I then checked, and it was a small clause at the bottom of the original quote). From speaking to Citizens Advice, they confirmed that as the lamps were not bespoke in any way, that we hadn't provided specifications to which the lamps had to be made...and had essentially bought a product that could simply be ordered by any other customer...that the retailer had to comply with the 14 day returns period. So we started an MCOL Claim against the retailer from that point...and also returned the lamps via Parcelforce (which the retailer confirmed they had received). We are now at the stage were the retailer has launched a defence against our claim, but they have yet to return the DQ form and have had a General Sanctions Order raised against them a week ago (we can enforce judgement in 1 week now if they don't respond). Hopefully all of the above is clear...my question is, have we been correctly advised by Citizens Advice that the 14 days return period is our legal right, or has the retailer covered themselves by adding the 'no returns on this product' note on their original quotation? I have a feeling the retailer is dragging it out as long as possible, and will file the DQ form right before the 2 weeks are up, which will mean a visit to court...so I want to make sure we do have the law on our side before that point!
  5. Hi Quick question. I was looking to buy some parts via a retailers online store. When I went to pay it showed the 2nd class postage charge, at the point of putting in my postcode (Scotland) it went from £1.95 to £3.95. Being as bit surprised it changed I put in a Nottingham postcode and it dropped back to £1.95, so was sure it was a location charge. I emailed the store and they have said Royal mail charge by both size/weight and location. I accept that is true for parcels, but I thought 1st & 2nd class post was by weight/size only? Thanks
  6. Hi I have the same problem with Argos, bought Hart of House Salsbury tan sofas, 100% "top"quality italian leather, delivered in december 2015, so only 15 months old. One of them blistered and peeled off on back rest, They sent castelan and told me that report proves that it is not manufacturing fault, I asked them to explain what the test was and this is what they said : " In simple terms, a rub test is the application of heat on the fabric (in this case leather), to check the prominence of natural oils (headoil) in the fabric/material. The lack of these oil can cause the cracking/blistering or flaking of the material. As this was not found to be the case on your sofa, there is no manufacturing fault.". I told them technician did not apply any heat on my damaged sofa, he only sprayed something and wiped it, that was all what he did, I also told him that I regularly apply leather protection cream on both sofas and only one has peeled off . I have send them letter under the Consumer act saying that the item is not satisfactory quality and they mislead me by selling them as "top quality", they still refure to pay for the repair. I am getting independent report from furniture reports £260, but worth it to take these sorry people to court. Please can you let me know if you have problem with the same sofa or any other Hart of house lether sofa? Many Thanks!!!
  7. Long story short - may get longer later: My wife bought a vaping kit from a shop in Chester on the 2nd July this year. £50. Product is here: http://www.innokin.com/vaporizers/cool-fire-iv/ When I first got it, it seemed perfect, worked well, did what it was supposed to do. At the end of August it basically stopped working. Put it on bedside table before going to bed (pressed button 3 times to put on standby), woke up the next day and found it completely dead, nothing seemed to spur it back to life (charging, pressing buttons, checking physical on/off switch on bottom). Took it to the shop on Sunday 4th, was advised couldn't do anything as it was 'out of warranty', went on to advise them about Consumer Rights Act 2015 and how I was entitled to repair/replacement within 6 months of purchase if a fault occurred. The staff member (basically the owner's son) then advised that they could have a look at it and they'd be in touch. Subsequently got a phone call on Monday advising that they could sell me a replacement for £15. My response is below (by this point I found the owner's email address through their FB page: "Vape Shop, I am writing to you in relation to the Cool Fire IV kit that was purchased from your business, XXXXXXXXXXXXXX, on 2nd July, 2016. Subsequently I found that the device has developed a fault where it will not turn on or show any signs of functioning. This is despite normal operational and care taken when using the product. I received a call today from a member of staff at your store who advised that the business would be willing to offer a replacement for the product, at a cost of £15. I advised the gentleman that I would need to give this some thought. Though I appreciate the offer, I wish to decline the offer and exercise my statutory rights to a free replacement, under the Consumer Rights Act 2015, which makes it an implied term of the contract that goods be as described, fit for purpose and of satisfactory quality. As the item in question has developed a fault within 6 months of purchase, I am entitled to have the item replaced at no additional cost and I would request that you confirm that you will do this within the next seven days. I am hopeful that we can reach a mutually beneficial outcome, one where I would gladly continue to make regular purchases from your business, and that other potential customers are aware of your business’ dedication and care towards its customers. Feel free to contact me on this email address or on my mobile of XXXXXXXXXXX. Kind regards, Jimmy Jangle" Later on that day I get this: "Jimmy. I am sorry to hear you are not happy with our service , as i am sure if you speak to any of our other customers, you will find we go out of our way to give good service to our clientele. In this case , however, I am sorry but the cool fire has obviously been well used for the last two months. I strongly believe that this fault has arisen through wear and tear and as you yourself admitted , worked well when purchased. The "sales of goods act" states that; if the seller does not replace or repair faulty goods, you are entitled to a reduction on purchase price (which we have offered) or your money back MINUS an amount for the usage you have had of the goods. Judging by the scratches on the battery the usage was quite a lot. It also states that ; " if your claim under the sales of goods act ends up in court, you may have to prove that the fault was present when you bought the item and not, for example, something which was the result of normal wear and tear. We like to have happy customers and would urge you to reconsider our offer of a replacement battery for a heavily discounted retail price of £15. I am afraid this is the best we can do in this situation and if this is not satisfactory to you, we will be sorry to lose your custom. Regards, XXXXXXXXXXX." My most recent response (Removed website addresses as don't want to be seen as advertising): "XXXXXXXX, Let me be frank; I know my rights, and have exercised them where required before, and always successfully I may add. I know many people who own and use a Cool Fire IV, and have seen theirs continue to function well for at least 6 months after purchase. My brother in law, for one, purchased his in January 2016, and still uses it to this day, and he uses his far more frequently than I did. That alone is evidence in itself that there is clearly an issue with the one I purchased, if it couldn’t last any longer than 2 months. Regardless of whether a device appears to function normally at the point of purchase, it remains the case that as the product has developed an issue through no action of my own within 6 months from the purchase date, I am entitled to a replacement at no added cost under the Act as discussed. Were the item to show age-related signs of degraded performance (ie. Battery capacity reduction), then I may be inclined to agree with your assertions. However, a device working that appears to work perfectly fine at near-full capacity one moment, then stop dead a matter of hours later meets the description of an item that isn’t fit for purpose). “Judging by the scratches on the battery the usage was quite a lot” The battery isn’t scratched – you’re referring to the housing in which the battery is contained. That is merely cosmetic and if any item would stop working because of a superficial scratch that was only on the surface, I’d stay off the roads as there’d be a few thousand cars that would come screeching to a halt in that case. If you could prove that the (minor) scratches were to be the cause of the fault – I’d be more than interested to see this. Furthermore, I should point out that you didn’t post the paragraph after the part regarding court action, I quote the paragraph in full: “If your claim is about a problem that arose within six months of buying the product, it's assumed that the problem existed at the date of delivery and it's up to the retailer to prove that the goods were of satisfactory quality, fit for purpose, or as described when it sold them.” – As I am claiming within 6 months of purchase, even if this were to go to court, the burden of proof will rest with the retailer, not the customer. As the manufacturer themselves provide a 90 day warranty (US only, but that isn’t relevant), then it can be assumed that a product that fails in a lesser timeframe has developed a fault. I would also like to point out that the “reduction on purchase price” actually applies to a situation where the money paid initially for the faulty item is refunded, less a deduction (however this only applies after the 6 months from purchase have elapsed) I am aware of my rights under the act (I am an established and very active member of a number of vaping and consumer-related websites, including XXXXXXXXXXX, XXXXXXXXXX, XXXXXXXXXX and XXXXXXXXXX to name but a few) , I have been completely honest about the situation, and am disappointed with the response given so far, which in the opinion of all I have discussed this with (including the aforementioned websites), is in total disregard of my statutory rights. In view of this, I have no option but to reiterate my stance, which I will not deviate from: Unless a replacement is provided under the terms of the Act within the next 7 days, then I will seek further action, up to and including issuing proceedings against you in the county court to recover the amount paid for the item at fault, with associated costs and statutory interest, with no further reference to you. I have already submitted a complaint to Cheshire West and Chester Trading Standards, and will make it quite clear via various local and national outlets (Vaping-related forums, Social Media, Press and TV), that your business does not take its customers’ rights seriously. Yours sincerely, Jimmy Jangle" Thoughts/opinions? I ask as it seems that new Vape shops seem to pop up a lot and are run by people out for a fast buck and have no grasp of basic consumer law...
  8. Hi all, My brother has bought a used fold away wheelchair made by Careco, from a lady who bought it in Feb this year for her mother but she has since been put in a nursing home and could not use the chair anyway as she could not control it. My brother has emailed the company to enquire about transfer of the 12 month warranty and has been told that this is not transferable so he is not covered unless he bought it new from them. There was an additional insurance purchased by the buyer for 2 years at the cost of £209. He has enquired about transfer of this but been told to contact the insurance company direct. I didnt think they were allowed to do this as its a statutory warranty ? The email is below ..... From: K Date: 30 October 2016 at 10:26:16 GMT To: T Subject: RE: CareCoContact Enquiry Dear Sirs, Thank you for your email, Unfortunately the warranty is with the person it is sold too on the item itself. When it is sold on or someone else receives the goods it voids the warranty. We are not able to transfer this from person to person. If you have any further questions in the near future, please do not hesitate to contact us We look forward to hearing from you Kind regards K Mobility Advisor From: T Sent: 30 October 2016 09:52 To: K Subject: Re: CareCoContact Enquiry Hi K I can understand the insurance side of it but as for the warranty surly it's on the item that was sold and not the person it was sold to ? Kind regards T Sent from my iPhone On 30 Oct 2016, at 09:27, K Dear Sirs, Thank you for your email, Unfortunately the warranty is not transferable from person to person. We are unable to do this on the foldawheel Powerchair. In regards to the insurance details you would need to contact the insurance company ***** ****** direct to see if you can swap the insurance over to your details. If you have any further questions in the near future, please do not hesitate to contact us We look forward to hearing from you Kind regards K Mobility Advisor From: Sent: 29 October 2016 21:34 To: Sales@careco.co.uk Subject: CareCoContact Enquiry Title: Mr Name: t Email: Telephone Number: foldawheel warranty transfer Message: hi i have just purchased a foldable electric chair from a ************* customer number is ****** please could you change the remainder of the free 12 month warranty over to myself mr t ***** ******* ******* there was also a 2 year extended insurance taken out policy number p******* i would be very grateful if this could be transfered over to myself any problems please let me know i can be contacted on *********or by email kind regards mr t
  9. My girlfriend bought some hair extensions online but the colour did not match. They were sent back and a replacement was issued. However this was unsuitable also. The retailer quite clearly states on their website that refunds cannot be offered only a credit note. As they have nothing suitable as a replacement where does that leave my girlfriend? The replacement item by the way is unopened. I called on the retailer in person but they refused to make a refund.
  10. Good Morning I apologize if this isn't posted in the correct section. Long story short - my brother purchased a sofa from an online retailer, it was delivered cash on collection, couch was in 'boxes' - when opened the couch was badly damaged. Damage was reported within 5 minutes of delivery, the company ignored and blocked calls from my brother and have refused to do anything about it. We contacted them from a different number and managed to speak with someone who initially offered a refund less delivery (I quoted DSR - as this wasn't a return of unwanted, it was return of faulty) and they then backtracked and said the couch was 'shown' to the customer and they had damaged it. Fast forward a few well worded text messages back and forth - we get an angry call from who I presume was a manager or director - at 1st saying he'd refund, then maniacally changing his mind mid way and saying 'you haven't got a purchase order or invoice, you haven't got a leg to stand on - you haven't got any proof you bought it from us' - which I managed to record Now he's taunting my brother, he has made a few promised to collect and given several times - one at 1:30am and to wait up. He waited up and nothing happened. I am at a loss as to what to do - I have contacted Citizens Advice (as they have to hand over to trading standards) - but haven't had a response. Here is an email I have sent to citizens advice - it goes into a bit more detail, maybe a little ranty... My brother purchased a sofa from Luxuy Living Limited - which we discovered on Facebook. Their web address is: ll-uk.co.uk They arranged contact through one of the mobile phone numbers listed on the website, and delivery was made on Saturday 2nd April. Upon delivery, cash was paid. The sofas came in 'boxes'. The delivery agent briefly broke apart a section of one of the boxes to point at fixings to explain how they clasp together. All seemed well, the drive left and the couch was 'unboxed'. We discovered damage immediately to one of the couches - and made contact to all of the mobile numbers on the website. This was literally within 5 minutes of delivery happening. After being unable to speak with them, we sent some text messages which were not responded to - and further attempts to call were unsuccessful. My brother called me to speak about the problem - and I attempted to call and was able to get a response. It would seem they blocked calls from his number. I'm a little more savvy and wrote a number of constructive texts explaining their obligation as a business - and have received a number of responses. Initially they said they'd refund minus delivery costs of £70 - which I explained was in breach of DSR as we are not 'cancelling' the order because we don't want it, we are returning because it's faulty. After I challenged this, they claimed the couch was unboxed and shown to the customer - and the damage had been caused by them. I challenged this and asked if they had anything signed or any photos to show this - as it's unlikely that they'd cause a manufacturing defect within 5 minutes of delivery. A few more texts back and forth and they made a promise to refund on Sunday 3rd. They waited in all day on the 3rd - nothing happened. By now we'd been back and forth with texts - and received a phone call from an angry gentleman who I believe was the business owner - we recorded the last minute or so of the conversation. He said he'd sort it, and it would happen later on Sunday night or Monday morning, then in the same breathe told us that we didn't have a leg to stand on because we didn't have a purchase order or an invoice. After explaining we have phone records and a raft of text messages discussing the sale and refund from a number listed on his website - he laughed and said he'd change numbers. We have screenshotted data from his website. We are getting absolutely nowhere and this company has behaved despicably.
  11. See attachment for full judgment A Retailer v Ms B and Ms K Approved Judgment 09.05.12.pdf
  12. Hi All, first post so please bare with me. we bought a Palram shed from an Amazon seller around 3 months ago. We set the shed up which was a painful task in itself, and where reasonably pleased with it although I did note that the plastic sides where somewhat flimsy and thin. Search Palram shed on Amazon 8ft x 6ft to see the product if needs be. Now in Preston where I live at the weekend we had very high winds and stormy conditions. Which shock horror, caused the shed to collapse! The whole thing came in on itself and the metal frame was contorted and bent. Wont let me post images as I'm new, but think bent twisted metal supports etc. I entered into a dissuasion with the supplier about where to go next... see below for transcript:- Good afternoon, could you please advise re the below issue with the shed I purchased, via Amazon: Order reference: ................. The shed was assembled shortly after delivery by my partner and an experienced tradesman. The shed was placed against a wall to the rear and the right hand side of the shed had ample support and shelter. Anchor bolts where also bought and placed into the shed as instructed. Yet during Moderate winds today in Preston (28mph, gusts up to 49mph), the shed has totally collapsed. Panels had come out, the roof and supports have lifted and the metal cross bars and supports have contorted and bent. This shed was assembled with the utmost care and accuracy according to the instructions provided, yet this has still occurred. I most admit upon construction I did note that the side panels of the sheds did see flimsy, but when constructed the shed did seemed sturdier than anticipated, yet this has still occurred. I am greatly dismayed by this, and after spending a large amount of money on this product I would expect it to be able to stand up to the elements? Could you please advise on the next course of action and what assistance you could provide in this matter. I eagerly await your response. Kind Regards, **** The Response was "Hi **** very sorry there is a problem, please could you send us some pictures of the damage please? Best regards Phil." Reply Hi Phil, Thank you for the timely response in this matter, it is much appreciated. Please see images attached of damage to the structure of the shed. Upon discovering the problem, panels of the shed had been blown from their fixings and the shed had basically collapsed and the whole structure had shifted from its base. We had very little time to try to remedy the problem prior to it becoming dark. To prevent any further damage or any risk to health and safety the shed was taken down. Due to the damaged pieces it is highly unlikely the shed will be able to be re-erected in its current state, and even still without these problems this is a less than enviable task. Thank you for your assistance, Kind regards, Reply was:- Hi **** thanks for the pics we are in Blackpool so do know that it has been windy. Could we replace all the damaged parts for it to be rebuilt? Best regards Phil. To which we said:- "Hi Phil, Thank you the kind offer to replace the parts. The shed is in such a state of disarry, it would be very hard to reassemble with replacement parts, it would mean further dismantling large parts of the shed to reassemble it. Whilst replacement parts would allow us, with some difficulty, to rebuild the shed, this would offer us no guarantee we would not get another repeat of this situation when adverse weather is repeated. This occurence worries me greatly and leads me to believe the shed is not fit for the purpose. When purchased through Amazon the listing advised the shed comes with a ten year warranty, for this to happen within three months gives me no confidence in this product for the years to come. Ideally, I would like a refund on this product and I can gladly organise a return of the product to yourself if based in Blackpool. Kind Regards," And then we heard nothing for a couple of days and received this message today:- "Hi ****, I spoken with Palram and they have said it is very rare for a shed to collapse due to the wind. We have sold 1000`s of the sheds and it has only happened a couple of times. Palram will not issue a refund due to storm damage but will replace all the damaged parts. Best regards Phil." this is where I stand as of now, I'm just looking for any advice or guidance as to where to go from here. What do you guys think? I'm remiss to just say yes send me the parts as reassembly will be a total nightmare. They have admitted that whilst rare it does happen the sheds blow down, thus not being 'fit for purpose' correct, no mater how rare the occurrence. Thanks in advance for any help ;-)
  13. We ordered around 20 items (each with multiple parts) from a small online retailer. We didn't open the box to fit the parts until around 3 weeks after the order was received. It was at this time that we noticed that one of the items had a missing part to it. We called the retailer who supposedly 'remembered' checking all the items and was adamant that the part was definitely not missing upon dispatch. After much arguing, we sent the item in question back to the retailer and asked for a replacement to be sent out, this time with all parts included. Two weeks later we called up to say that we still haven't received the replacement item. We were told that there is nothing the retailer can do. We were hung up on twice (upon calling back we were told "it was a bad line"), accused of lying (not quite that directly) and that all parts were definitely included, fobbed off that the 'director' will not send out a replacement item and that their supplier refuse to send out a replacement part. Apparently our only option is to re-purchase the item again. Now, the item in question costs peanuts, a missing part was more of an inconvenience than anything. It's mind boggling that the retailer refuses to take a 'hit' on such a low cost item. However, their despicable customer service has irritated us beyond belief and on shear principle I want to go out of my way to get this sorted. So far we have only (tried) to have telephone conversations and stupidly sent the item back without proof of postage. What should we now do (other than leave poor online reviews)?
  14. hi, any advice on clarifying a small matter would be helpful. we bought a bed for our son from an online store. the bed was hardly used as was in spare room just before the one year warranty it broke. they sent him a part to fix it but it broke again, same fault as before . he got in touch with the retailer and after some back and fourth they have said not their problem and have given us the manufacturers details. are they right or should the retailer sort this out as we believe the bed is not fit for purpose any advice would be appreciated.
  15. Ok, I do hope i am not repeating whats been answered before, and a quick search has not thrown up anything. So a pair of Magnum boots, nearly £150 worth. 3 months of wear and the sole has nearly worn through and has split about a third of the way from the front, sideways across the sole. Is this considered just fair wear and tear. All other magnum and other (decent)boots i have had have lasted for donkeys without wearing through. I did two tours in a single pair of magnums but these ones havent lasted 3 months just knocking doors. They are genuine and purchased direct from magnum so its not a knockoff issue. I have no chance of returning them as i have no receipt left and been 6 months since i bunged them in the back of the garage, so this is just a theoretical question now. Thanks GTSTL
  16. High Street retailer PerfectHome has been fined for making some customers hand over their house keys before it delivered their purchases. PerfectHome is a rent-to-own business and has 67 stores across the UK. Hull magistrates court convicted the company of aggressive and misleading trading practices after more than 50 sets of house keys were found at the firm's store in the city. PerfectHome said it disagreed with the verdict and planned to appeal. It blamed a previous store manager for a "rogue practice" that was not company policy. Misled customers Under the rent-to-own model, customers take out an agreement to buy a product, and then pay weekly instalments until they own it - similar to hire purchase agreements. Hull city council's trading standards team launched an investigation into PerfectHome after a customer complained that she had been pressured into giving her house key to them before they delivered her television. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-31440752
  17. On the 12th of June 2014, we made a purchase for the installation of a tracking device on a new caravan on 24th June 2014. Approximately 24 hours prior to installation, we contacted the supplier by phone to cancel as we decided not to purchase the caravan. The supplier refunded the money less £25 stating that the installer would bill them the £25 for the time booked. Surely under the new Consumer Contract Regulations the retailer has to give a full refund. I have contacted by email regarding cancellation which triggered the partial refund. I contacted them again for the balance of the refund through the "Contact Us" form on their website but no response. In that communication I advise them that I will pursue it under DSR as I was not aware at the time of the Consumer Contract Regulations 2013 replacing the DSR. I have since without luck tried to raise an official complaint with Trading Standards but I cannot find a link for sending email or written complaints. I have also checked the Citizens Advice Bureau for an email address or physical address where to send a complaint, but no luck. Previously you completed a form online and submitted it, but that is not available either. Seems they are making it difficult to complain in writing? ease advise how I woulddl go about raising an official complaint about the retailer. Thanks.
  18. Not sure if i choose the correct place to post this thread,but i couldn't find anywhere more suitable to post it , if i made the wrong choice i'm sorry about that, The issue that i would like to make people aware of is with quidco and it's somewhat over zealous stance on what customer retailer reviews that they will publish, My review was regarding my personal experience having made a purchase through the quidco web site in order to get rewarded with a cash back, The retailer was RAC i purchased breakdown cover back in dec 2013, The cashback failed to track, I raised a claim with quidco ,only last month was i informed that the cashback was going to be paid, and to be fair to quidco it was paid during this month , My review was highlighting the length of time from date of purchase to the date that the cash back was paid , there are already older reviews for the RAC saying similar , but for some unknown reason quidco have censored my review and won't publish it, this is what i don't understand, it makes me angry that they are trying to suppress the truth about one of the retailers who are poor at paying cash backs out, i think that any potential customer who considers buying their breakdown cover via Quidco and possibly other cashback sites should be aware of how long it may take to get the cash back
  19. Hi everyone, I bought an Asus gtx 670 graphics card in May 2012. Asus has a 3 year warranty on most of its electronics AFAIK and I bought it from Dabs.com. Now, Ive never been in a situation where its been so long after a component has failed but they do have a 3 year policy. I contacted asus (and I know they have a poor customer service rep) but fair dos to them, they got back quite quickly and this is what they sent me: But on Dabs website (they havent replied yet) it automatically instructs me to go contact the manufacturer. I can see a potential run around going on which I want to avoid so please advise.
  20. Hi all, I'm looking for some advice regarding a 'used' printer I bought recently from a major online retailer. There were a number of printers of the same model advertised with separate 'add to basket' buttons. Icons next to each printer indicated which were fully functional and came with all accessories, software, manuals etc. Text description for some of the printers stated that no ink cartridges were supplied, others stated 'Customer return - item has been opened but is in excellent condition'. I purchased one of the printers whose icons indicated it was fully functional with all accessories etc, the text didn't state that no ink cartridges were included (printers 'new' come with ink cartridges and I inferred that as some printers were advertised as without cartridges that the one I selected would come with cartridges). Imagine my dismay when the printer arrived without ink!! I emailed them on the same day I received the printer to arrange for an RMA stating there were no ink cartridges and the printer was no longer wanted. They have issued an RMA but now want to charge me return postage costs under DSR (they state it is as goods were unwanted) however I have disputed this as I believe they should accept the printer back under DSR (not as described) an SOGA (not functional). I called them and they have stated that nowhere in the description or specifications do they advertise the printer as coming with ink (the manufacturer's website states ink is included in new product). Any suggestions as to my next step(s) or am I being unreasonable?
  21. Hi I pre-ordered some goods from http://www.black-eagle.co.uk in Auguest last year. You could order the item at a discount with the promise that it would be delivered a few months later. Well the date passed and I emailed then and found out it wasn't made yet. I did this every few weeks or so. I March I got an email saying "We are working through the orders and have decided to cancel and refund due to the delays. You will receive an update in the day day or so." I didn't get anything. Then I get: "It seems we are not able to process refunds after so long a period. Therefore, we are offering Credit Vouchers that can be used on future orders. We will update all orders during the course of this week to confirm this." I said this wasn't legal nor acceptable and I got another email saying: "Due to circumstances beyond our control, we have cancelled this order. Due a change in our payment providers, we are unable to offer a refund against your order. Therefore, we can only offer you a Credit Voucher to be used against future orders. Please contact us prior to ordering so we can send you your voucher for the value of your refund." I complained saying I wanted the money immediatey and got: "Email me your bank account details and I will see if we can get this done for you over the next week or so. We are not able to do this 'immediately'. Our intention is only to try and offer a solution should customers wish to take an alternative product in the mean time. I can assure you we are not happy with the situation either." I said that a week or two isn't any good given they've had my money for most of a year and got "The problem we have is purely cash flow, as a result of the issues caused to us by the factory, hence the reasons why we are actually slow in being able to provide refunds. That is the reason we offered the voucher, which I hoped may be acceptable to most. So far, that has been the case as has the offer of an alternative when we get a reply. I am trying to help customers with alternative options, that is all." I called CAB and they said write giving them one week to pay up or risk legal action. I've done this but had no response to this or another email. So it seems they lied about the reasons why no goods or money has been forthcoming. Firstly it was down to the factory letting them down. Then it was a "change in payment providers" and now it's "cashflow". What's my next best step other than driving up there and extracting the money from them manually?
  22. Hi, I rececently ordered a keyboard and cable for my Andoid tablet from an online compny that specialise in the tablet's manufacturer. This was a month ago and it hasn't arrived. I ordered a case from the same company a year ago and it took about 3 weeks and had a Belgian postmark so I gave it a while this time. I e-mailed them a week ago and received a reply checking they had the correct address. They do. I heard nothing more since then despite an email requesting an update. It may be that they've resent my order but as it's been a while since I've heard from them I don't want to assume. It's not a huge amount but given the number of companies having trouble I'm getting a little worried. I don't want to mention names yet but does anyone have any advice? The retailer may not be UK based and if it were I'd assume that the contract was incomplete if the goods are not delivered to me. Am I right and what would yousay in the next e-mail? Any help gratefully received.
  23. Hi, Last Friday (18/1/13) my 83yr old mother who suffers from vasculardimenture, an illness that effects the decision making process and short termmemory, was noticed in our local *&* store by there security team as"acting suspiciously" that is to say she had entered the store two orthree times in a short period of time. They called the police and by the timethey had arrived my mother had left the store. The police looked at all thecctv footage and could not detect any criminal activity and were leaving thestore when my mother returned once again. One of the PC's approached my motherand asked if she was OK, as he said she looked stressed. After satisfyinghimself that no crime had been committed and that my mother appeared to bedistressed decided to take her home. Before they left the store my mother wasgiven a "Trespass notice" which she brought home. This notice states :- 1 You are not permitted to enter into any of our stores again. 2 Your right as a member of the public to shop at any of our premises is nowwithdrawn this includes shopping in our branches or online @*&*.com and orders will notbe processed. 3 If you choose to ignore this notice you will be asked to leave. 4 Failure to do so may result in police action This it seems is a standard letter given to all who "shoplift"from their stores. When they arrived at her house my father answered the door, he's 84, and asmy mother was so distressed he also became upset because of her state. Thepoliceman asked if they had any other family members and was given my details. I spoke to the PC the next day (Saturday) and had the above story told tome. He went on to say that he considered the matter closed as nothing illegalhad occurred and he now knew my parents situation was monitored and they werebeing attended. I asked him what the situation was with this "Trespass Notice" andwhy it had been applied if there had been no offence committed and he told meto just tear it up as it couldn't be enforced anyway. I thanked him for his time and the way he had handled this matter but toldhim I was going to approach the store and ask for this "TrespassNotice" to be "Officially Retracted", as being issued with thenotice is what had upset my mother in the first place and if no crime had takenplace why had it been issued? He suggested that it may be better if he approached hestore rather than me as they have a close relationship with the stores securityteam, as you would expect, and that he would be in touch later on. By Tuesday afternoon I had not had any contact with the PC so I gave him acall on the contact number he had given me and was told that the store had notyet got back to him. This information was given to me by another PC, as theoriginal one was off duty, but he had called him at home and asked what thesituation was. The second PC then called the store and informed them of myrequest.... Later he called me and told me that a letter of retraction would besent to my parents house in the hopes that this would put the matter behind us. Later that day the store representative contacted me and told me that nosuch letter would be issued for legal reasons but that they had destroyed theircopy of the "Trespass Notice" and that the matter was closed in theiropinion and that my mother would be welcome to use the store again. So, my question is can I insist that a letter of retraction be issued? Iwould have thought it was the least they could do after causing so muchdistress and embarrassment to my mother. Thanks for your time in reading this
  24. Hi All, In August this year bought a Triton Shower from Plumbworld and in the last few weeks noticed that the thermoslat has developed a fault. We have it on the highest setting and its only warm. Not a problem as SOGA under 6 months, will email, no phone number) and ask for a replacement. No, they reply, contact Triton who make the shower and get an engineer out. Well we know the problem and my contract is with you I reply, another email back, no got to get Triton engineer out. Now as its under six months old, I thought that FIT FOR PURPOSE comes to mind, cant find ceo email, so any suggestions please
  25. Hello, This is posted in another section specific to the retailer concerned. I am also posting it here (general) as I hope that my post will help others as well as others helping this post etc etc......... OK, i am not able to post links, so need to copy and paste: This link:legislation.gov.uk/uksi/2005/2705/made states the following: I have quoted the above to the retailer concerned who have stated they are unable to match the price of equivalent goods as it is not identical to their own brand products. If anyone can help further with this, it would be appreciated! Hopefully, this thread will also help others who have purchased something under the illusion there is a price promise, only to find out that the price promise does not apply since the retailer has their own brand goods making it impossible for the consumer to find an identical product with another retailer. As far as I can see, the legislation makes it possible for consumers who have purchased a stores "own brand" product with a price promise to then seek an equivalent product with same specification, albeit a different manufacturer. Any help or guidance in this would be appreciated! After quoting the above law to the retailer, I was told that it is not their store policy...
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