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Found 4 results

  1. I have experienced whereby the actions of my workplace union have precluded me from being able to proceed to Employment Tribunal. Consequently, I am left with only the option of filing a personal injury claim against my employer, which the union will not take forward on my behalf. The union has acknowledged wrongdoing, placing blame squarely at the door of their local representative and citing a lack of knowledge as the reason for the error. Can anyone recommend the services of a competent legal firm with whom they've had success in this area?
  2. Hi all, first post here so thanks for taking the time out to read my story. I thought it would be best to get some advice here before proceeding with an insurance claim, just so I am armed with the information I need. In June this year I upgraded my phone to a HTC One from EE. Within 6 weeks the screen on the phone began to lift away from the body. Following that, the battery began to die at around 60% and I was unable to turn the phone back on which, a s I work part time and my partner is disabled and housebound, is totally unacceptable for obvious reasons. I called EE to tell them my problem, and I was initially met with some resistance. The advisor I spoke with claimed that it wasn't their responsibility and tried fobbing me off with a number to contact HTC directly. I hung up, and called back when I had calmed myself down. The second advisor was far more helpful, and told me I should take it the handset to my nearest EE store and they will send it off for a warranty repair. No problem, I thought, just a case of a quick repair under warranty and worst case scenario I may have to accept a refurbished phone in replacement. Well, today I discovered that my warranty is void due to 'water damage'. I can tell you now, for absolute certainty, that my brand new HTC One never came in to contact with water, not even a drop. Humidity? Perhaps. The problems began when we had that heat wave this summer. Nor have I ever dropped the phone, incidentally. I was still in that stage where you have just begun to use a brand new flash phone and you treat it almost like your child. Either way, I am not prepared to argue with EE, HTC or anybody else that is going to try their damnedest to avoid honouring the manufacturers warranty. I have too much going on at home to get involved in that brawl. Luckily however, I have contents insurance with Santander - including extended accidental damage, and personal possessions cover which, as far as I can tell, cover me up to at least £1000 and includes mobile phones (there is certainly no mention that they aren't included in my paperwork). This is where it gets me a little confused though. I'm unsure whether they will pay out because I have already sent the phone to EE for a warranty repair, which means EE have taken the phone apart and it is probably now in a worse state than it was before - I can't be certain as it isn't ready for me to collect from the store yet. Secondly, I have no idea how the damage occurred. If Santander are quite happy about the fact I have already sent it off for a warranty repair, to then be told that it was supposed water damage to the phone that caused the problem and it is that turn of events that lead me to making a claim - then that should be easy surely? "Hi Santander, my phone was damaged by water apparently, please could I have a new one?". Likely Story. I need to be armed to the teeth, brimming with insurance know how that I can brandish when my Santander advisor least expects it! I am a little stuck, and this is my very first insurance claim in the 30 years I have been on this planet.. I could seriously do with your help! Thanks in advance guys. Danny.
  3. Do you know this company - Court Proceedings Ltd? It seems that this company is connected to UKCPS. They are not registered with the Information Commissioner. They are apparently being provided with information by UKCPS and have been sending threatening letters to motorists who have received PCNs in UKCPS managed carparks. An NMAG representative queried the UKCPS connection with Court Proceedings Ltd. Court Proceedings Ltd agreed that that they were effectively UKCPS. In a separate query, UKCPS denied any connection with Court Proceedings Ltd - but more recently, UKCPS have admitted a connection. It now seems that Court Proceedings Ltd may be wound up. Issues include the fact that Court Proceedings have been processing personal data wihtout being registered with the ICO The DVLA have effectively facilitated access to their database by UKCPS which has then been passing it to a separate database. Lack of oversight - and probable lack of interest of the BPA in the activities of their member UKCPS. Breach of BPA code of practice by UKCPS
  4. Hi All I’m hoping someone can be of help to me on here, be that telling me what to do or directing me to a previous thread. I have received a Court ‘Claim Form’ from Northampton County Court issued by Shoosmiths LLP on behalf of Arrow Global who in turn had purchased my MBNA debt. I had originally written to MBNA in March 2010 asking for a true copy of the signed credit agreement(s) in their original form. I did not receive any response from MBNA and no contact apart from the usual Debt Collectors and other companies that obvious offer discounts if I pay it off. These companies tended to go away once I said the account was in dispute. Arrow Global obviously being made of sterner stuff. I have responded to Shoosmiths prior to the Court letter but these had possibly crossed in the post. I have requested the 28 days from the Court to prepare my defence. Shoosmiths have responded and they have asked me to provide evidence of my contact with MBNA for their consideration. My questions are: Will my ignored request to MBNA count or stand up in Court? I did have a proof of posting but cannot find this now. Even the letter was on a defunct computer that I had to get an IT guy to suck the files out of. Should I continue talking to Shoosmiths prior to the case? Have I any chance of coming through this? If this matter should go to a full court hearing I would not feel confident in representing myself. A friend has said they would lend me a few hundred £ to employ a solicitor. Anyone know of a solicitor who will defend/support me and is up to speed on these sorts of matters (and based in the East Midlands)? How come they have started proceedings now? Has there been a case heard that they have won and so feeling bullish or are they just hoping I will fold and pay? Many thank for your attention, time and consideration.
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