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  1. Unknown warrior from World War 1 given final resting place READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/unknown-warrior-from-world-war-1-given-final-resting-place
  2. Hi there! I would like to ask for some advice. I found a similar case (same place, same issue) to mine in this forum and would like to know what was the outcome. Or I'm looking for some solution from someone more clever than me. I parked my car in the St Stephens car park in Trowbridge end of May. I purchased my free three hours ticket (still have the ticket) and put on the dashboard in a visible place. Shutting the door moved the ticket further down and fell under the windscreen wiper (not fully visible, but definitely there). I had an hour meeting at Nandos (I'm a manager there) and when I was leaving I realised I got the yellow bag with a parking charge. I appealed straight away. UKPC rejection response came three weeks later. I appealed with POPLA risking my parking charge to be £100. POPLA closed the case today with another rejection. Im a manager at Nandos, work in Trowbridge restaurant quite often. I am fully aware of the rules of that particular car park. My girlfriend is from Trowbridge, we visit the cinema and town shops and we always use this carpark. Why wouldn't I purchase a free ticket and risk a parking charge if I know the rules? I could pay the £100, but I don't think I have been treated fairly in this case. I just don't feel I did break the rules of that car park. Don't think it's okay. My question is: - What shall I do next? - Do I need to be worried if I decide not to pay? - How likely is me to go to court? thanks for the help, it means a lot
  3. Hello, I am starting a new thread here after discovering some things on my credit record. The story is: In 2013 whilst I was a Vodafone UK mobile phone customer, a Vodafone phone agent advised me that if I purchased a call package which gave a discount to Intl calls made outwith the UK, this package would cover Russia, which was the country I was going to make calls from. When I returned from that trip in October 2013, I found a bill of £122, increased to £203.70 by Dec 2013. I even offered to pay some portion of the £122 in instalments and paid ~£15 per month as a goodwill gesture. But I still disputed the Russian call charges and said this constantly. I disputed this constantly from Oct 2013 by email and phone; I spoke with them over the phone several times from the end of 2013, emailed up until Feb 2014 and spoke with an agent called Jeff Phoenix from Vodafone UK by Dec 2013 and still no resolution from then. J Phoenix tried to bully me over the phone to accept everything. I emailed Vodafone and Fredrickson International, a debt collection agency hired by Vodafone UK, that this occurred a few days later after this phone discussion. I also exchanged email in Jan and Feb 2014 with Fredrickson International and Vodafone UK after the phone call as Vodafone did not respond to my communication. I told both Vodafone UK and Fredrickson I was going to contact Ofcom about this problem. Subsequently, I lost interest and did not contact Ofcom but I never heard anything back from either Vodafone UK of Fredrickson. And now looking through my credit record I see a default of £200 dated from 01 Jan 2014 even though I had email communication with Vodafone UK and Fredrickson from 10 Feb 2014. My questions are: 1) Is there some sort of redress I can get from Ofcom for the damage to my credit record? 2) What can be done with regards to the conduct of Jeff Phoenix? 3) Can I get these phone charges removed and my credit record cleaned, backdated to the time of the dispute? Thank you for your help in advance.
  4. Hi, I have worked with my current employer for over 22 years and during this time have been allowed to use the car park. However, we are getting busy and they want to take the place away from me and reallocate it to someone else. They are trying to provide work spaces based on how many employees are in each department irrespective if the person has been there over 20 years or recently joined. I would appreciate any guidance from the wiser members of this forum. Thanks in advance
  5. Hi This really is a hypothetical question, Whilst not trying to outrage the EV owners amongst us, lets say I go to a service station in my diesel car and park in a Tesla EV charging place (Other EV chargers are available) could I get a ticket? I would assume Tesla have come to an agreement with the car park owners to put their equipment on the site, but I would expect it's unlikely that the car park operator would update their signs to say no parking in the Tesla spots without a Tesla etc. I know blue badge / disabled places don't actually have any standing, but they do tend to cover that notion on their signs along with parent and child etc. As I say, hypothetical question only.
  6. Government outlines next steps to make the UK the safest place to be online READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/government-outlines-next-steps-to-make-the-uk-the-safest-place-to-be-online
  7. Hi, I don't know if I'm posting this in the right place but I need help. My daughters boyfriend has just received an eviction notice, stating the eviction will take pkace a week on Thursday. I'm currently sketchy on the details but it's all due to problems with housing benefits etc. Hes had a nightmare of a couple f years, he was persuaded to take a 16 hour a week job because he was on DLA and could claim working tax credits, he also kept his housing benefit. He then lost his claim to DLA when he had to change to pip and so lost his working tax credits. He also lost his housing benefit but that was reinstated. Currently he has a total income of £120 per week and is supposed to be paying towards his rent as his housing benefit doesn't cover it all. Now he's buried his head in the sand, my daughter had just phoned me to say that he's being evicted and the eviction notice was delivered on Saturday morning. He has tried to contact the council today to see if there is any way he can stop the eviction and they have said no not unless he pays all of the arrears. I don't know if the amount they are wanting includes all of the costs that will have been added to the debt outstanding. Is there anything at all that can be done to help him keep his home or are we looking at a lost cause?
  8. I'm sure someone on here can give a straight answer as I am trying to help my granddad who was unfortunately hit by scaffolding that had been put up around his block of flats which is Council owned ( Old peoples properties ) He instructed a solicitor to claim for damages caused due to injuries which included broken arm and was told by the solicitor that he would be covered under a no-fee, no win basis. Would this include a contract between both parties as I assume would be, because the solicitor is now refusing to provide a copy of the contract that my granddad has asked to see. The case is still unsettled.
  9. Final resting place of a Yorkshire born WW2 soldier killed in the 'Bridge too far' Battle of Arnhem is finally marked after almost 73 years READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/final-resting-place-of-a-yorkshire-born-ww2-soldier-killed-in-the-bridge-too-far-battle-of-arnhem-is-finally-marked-after-almost-73-years
  10. Hi, I have just found and registered onto this site because of the proceeding thread regarding New Generation Parking Management Ltd. I have just received a "parking charge notice" (PCN) for parking in a visitors bay without a visitors permit. The permits are for a 24 hour period with no return in 48 hours. As I was contracted to work in one of the flats over several days for the flat owner this was no use. The flat owner's parking bay was occupied so I checked with the concierge and was told to display a notice in my cars windscreen stating where I was working, flat number/name etc, and this would be ok. The PCN had four photographs of my car, two clearly showing the notice of where I was working. There was no date or time indicated on the photographs, the pictures probably taken with a hand held camera. I have appealed in writing stating my case as above. I have worked at this flat since February, using the sign, on probably half a dozen occasions without any problem. I am particularly interested in the previous answers regarding the signage being incorrect. Any comments would be very much appreciated.
  11. Hey, I currently have a DRO in place. The conditions say that I have to notify any creditor that I have a DRO if it's for more than £500. My phone contract is coming to an end, and I want to upgrade my handset. I can either stay with my current provider, or go with another. But my question is - do I need to tell them about my DRO? Either if I stay with my current provider or move to a new one. I can get a phone for about £30 per month, on a 24 month contract. So that means I'd spend £720 over 2 years. Does this count as a £720 loan? I don't want to jeopardise my DRO, that's more important than a new handset. So just wanted to get some advice, thanks.
  12. Hi , bit of a general enquiry - not sure where it fits really. Our tree company has been broken into and the chainsaws stolen for the THIRD time ! ( In 6 months ) On the second instance - I brought in my own saw to help out as replacements are not easily found on Day1 of a theft . All the tools were locked in a steel bin and lo and behold after coming back from holiday I discovered we had been burgled again ! - My saw had also gone from the locked bin. Now asking the manager would he be replacing my saw , he said no - as he said they are not covered for personal kit . Have I been too kind or is he mugging me off ? Cheers, in anticipation Q
  13. Hi, I've recently checked my credit file to find Motor Mile have placed a default on my credit file. They state the type as Pay Day Loan. Account started - 19/07/2011 Default Date - 22/04/2016 Default Balance -£318 This has just appeared out of the blue. Reading the forums here it sounds like they buy old date. My question is are they allowed to place a default on my account? I've never heard of them. They also have my date of birth wrong on the credit report. out by a couple of days. There was never any other default from any payday lender before april. Please can someone advise how to get this removed? Thanks.
  14. I broke my ankle at work in 2004, Due to medical negligence was forced to walk on said ankle for 5 years whilst still broken, so then needed multiple operations to address this, which never accomplished anything and will be on painkillers for the rest of my life and am unable to work due to this. Question 1) Can I still claim for this as it has been over 12 years. Question 2) if I was stopping in the isle of wight at a hotel for work, and I sustained the injury after work hours, but was only on the isle of wight to work, can I still claim iib for the injury? Thank you
  15. Hi, I have received a PCN for failing to comply with a No Entry Sign in Morris Place N4 London. It's a very confusing road which splits into a No Entry two thirds of the way down the road. What is particularly confusing is that there is still a 'Turn Left' sign at the end of the road - possibly from before a No Entry rule was introduced? This 'Turn Left' sign can clearly be seen on the photographs on my PCN notice. I've done a bit of googling and can see that this Morris Place No Entry has been the cause of much discussion previously with a number of people appealing and having success. I think some of the road signs have now changed (I don't think there was a No Through Road previously at the top of the road). Is it worth me appealing again? It was dark and I did not see the sign, I also used to live in Finsbury Park and it was always OK to drive down this road, but must have changed in the last few years. It seems ridiculous for such a tiny stretch of road. Any help would be much appreciated! Thanks
  16. Can a DCA purchase a debt and then place a default on your credit file, when the original creditor had already placed a default marker prior to selling the debt on?? Can you default twice or more on the same debt but the default recorded by different DCA Agencies? Can account opened in 2002 that defaulted in 2006 be sold to a DCA end of 2014 and in 2015 a new default appears on your credit file with the same account info from 2002 for the 13yr old debt?? This old debt was removed ftom my account 2016 6 yrs after originally defaulted??
  17. I recently received a pcn for using the bus lane on Southampton Row on my motorcycle during operating hours. I have since then informally challenged the contravention, but the pcn was not cancelled. My grounds for appeal are: the alleged contravention did not occur due to the signs and road marking being incorrect. I have attached a pdf with the Enforcement Notice, CCTV images, my route, google street view image and images taken by me a few days later. [ATTACH=CONFIG]60559[/ATTACH] After visiting the site where it happened I found the following: 1-The white information sign (962) on Bloomsbury Place (where I was turning from) was not facing oncoming traffic so had no indication of there being a bus lane (page 6). 2- When stopped at the traffic lights again no indication of the bus lane being there. All I could see was a box junction followed by a pedestrian crossing (page 7). There was traffic as well. 3- As I turned right I moved into the left lane as I was planning to turn left just ahead. there were no angled dashed lines at the start of the lane after there was a large break in a bus lane due to the box junction (please see page 8) 4- there was no 'BUS LANE' markings on the road surface where the bus lane restarted after the box junction (page 8). 5- the hours of operation sign (961) which is situated there was turned at an angle again not facing oncoming traffic (page 8). Hope to get some helpful advice on to how to word the representations. Thank you for your help in advance!
  18. Hello I recently received a PCN for using the bus lane on Southampton Row on my motorcycle during operating hours. I have since then challenged the contravention, but the pcn was not cancelled. My grounds for appeal are: the alleged contravention did not occur due to the signs and road marking being incorrect. After visiting the site where it happened I found the following: 1-The white information sign on Bloomsbury Place (where I was turning from) was not facing oncoming traffic so had no indication of there being a bus lane. 2- When stopped at the traffic lights again no indication of the bus lane being there. All I could see was a box junction followed by a pedestrian crossing. There was traffic as well. 3- As I turned right I moved into the left lane as I was planning to turn left just ahead. there were no angled dashed lines when at the start of the lane after there was a large break in a bus lane (please see images in PDF) 4- there was no 'BUS LANE' markings on the road surface where the bus lane restarted after the box junction. 5- the hours of operation sign which is situated there was turned at an angle again not facing oncoming traffic. I've attached pdfs of my challenge and also the response from Camden council. Pictures taken by me and google streeview are in the challenge pdf and images of the CCTV camera attached to the pdf correspondence from the council. Would appreciate advice into whether to proceed. What would be the next step? Thank you in advance
  19. Every daily newspaper is today reporting the dreadful events of yesterday when Tom Crawford's long running battle with his mortgage provider (Bradford & Bingley) came to an end when bailiffs eventually entered Tom & Sue's bungalow and repossessed it in accordance with the court order. Given the high profile and public interest in this case, over 70 police officers were in attendance and the cul de sac where Tom and his wife lived was closed off. Police also hand delivered letters to all his neighbours to advice them of the reason for their presence. http://www.scoop.it/t/lacef-news Sadly every year thousands of homeowners suffer the same fate as Tom Crawford when their home is repossessed but none of them get the press publicity that this one has. There is because, unlike other home owners, Tom Crawford is a support of the Freeman on the Land movement. A few months ago bailiffs attempted to repossess the bungalow and social media sites appealed for supporters to attend the address to halt the eviction. Over 500 protestors gathered at the property forcing the bailiffs and police to retreat. Following that days events, Tom attempted to stop any further action by appealing the possession order to the court. In doing so, he did not seek assistance from a solicitor. Instead, he sought the services of various individuals who are well known on the Freeman on the Land (FMoTL) and Sovereign Citizen circuit. Quite simply.....the court rejected their silly arguments.
  20. Sorry for having to create a new thread. I know there is already a lot of great information out there already and I have read loads already but I need some fairly specific advice with this one. So the story goes: I took my Dads car to the office the other night. We have use of a car park that belongs to a bank that we sublet an office from. All thats required is a little paper permit that I have had sitting between my dash and windscreen for months now without any issues. The other day my Dad sent me a text saying he had received a letter about a PCN being "overdue". He sent me a copy and I saw that the evidence pictures were really dark and hard to make out. So I logged in to the website to see the rest of their evidence. Looking through the pictures I can see that they are all taken in the dark using a flash that has done nothing except illuminate the reg plate in to a incomprehensible blurred mess. Cant even read the reg. There is one picture on the whole windscreen that if I up the exposure, I can just about see the permit in the bottom of the drivers side windscreen but obviously I cant see any details. The rest of the pictures of the dash and windscreen are all taken pointed away from where the permit is... So what should I do from here? Send an appeal letter with the photo that I upped the exposure on and suggest that perhaps the Parking Official didn't see the permit in the dark? Or is there a standard appeal letter I should send first? Thanks in advance for any advice given.
  21. Firstly a big thank you to anyone whom helps. Going back now some 12 years I used to use a style card which was a store card with a silly high APR that in my youth a had loads of charges on for late payment and I believe also PPI. The card was owned by then RBOS and the card no longer available and hasn't been for some years around 2008 Am I still able to claim for the charges after this time? To whom would I write to requesting details and charges to my account? Many thanks
  22. Hi all, I have had an arrangement in place for five months now to pay off a Santander credit card, I received a letter last week from their collections department advising me that as I am experiencing financial difficulties and therefore wouldn't be making full payments on my account, I had breached my agreement and therefore a default is to be registered. I wrote to Santander to challenge this, to which their complaints department replied (with one or two slight grammatical errors, so presumably handwritten) saying that I'd received nothing more than a standard letter which is generated every 3-6 months to inform me of the state of my account and are nothing to be concerned about. The letter goes on to confirm that I have an arrangement in place (that has been paid on time, every time, as agreed), but that a default will be placed on my account as I have an arrangement in place with Santander and that this cannot be stopped. If I am making regular, albeit reduced payments that they have agreed to, then surely it isn't right that a default should be registered? I was under the impression that defaults were for complete failure to pay. The letter I received seems to contradict itself. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
  23. Can someone point me in the right direction to post a specific question regarding a debt collection company and a debt? John
  24. My girlfriend works full time and she rents a place on her own. Am I allowed (im on jobseekers) to stay at her place for say 4 days a week? I've been told by other people that I can't do that while on Jobseekers :/ Also she earns £20,000 and I would LOVE to live with her but can I? I don't think I will be able to get tax credits to live on as I think she is over the limit for £20k. Just wondering really as in the future would love to live with her but no way near that stage yet lol!
  25. I have a lot of debt, all of it is defaulted and I have had my head in the sand for ages and ages. I have literally made no payments for almost 48 months and other than sign up with a company who promised to help me with ppi and reducing debt, I have done nothing and I know I am an idiot - no excuses. I have negative equity in my house but have kept my mortgage payments up to date, as I am self employed my income is up and down, last month really good, this month not so good. I have looked at my debts online and listed it below, a credit card and a loan were taken out in 2008, the rest are older. Most debt is now owned by arrow global. I think there are some ppi claims and lot of the totals are charges. The 1500 credit card was only 600, the rest is interest and charges! credit card 9000 credit card 1000 credit card 1500 credit card 7500 personal loan 12000 personal loan 3500 Bank overdraft 1800 Am I right in thinking that its not too late and something can be done? I was thinking of writing to them all asking if I can make token payments and trying to reduce the totals down? Sorry if this question is basic, but I read a lot on here and Im not sure if some of the older advice on here is still valid as thing change?
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