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  1. There was an article in todays paper that sums up what is wrong with charging for hospital parking. A private security guard has been jailed for stealing with others over £200k from the parking machines at Wythenshawe Hospital over a period f just under a year. To pick through whty this is a particularly rotten endictment of what is wrong lets start with his employment, he worked for a subcontractor security firm and he was stealing £30k a month in cash he was handling for the parking co/hospital. He was only caught because a student working part time there dobbed him in. Now that means the cashiers and accountants hadnt noticed a shortfall of £7.5 k a WEEK in their cash takings, the security staff were not supervised in any aspect of their cash handling and it took a volunteer to point all of this out. A hospital spokesmand said that the money could hve paid the slaries of 6 nurses blah blah.- NO IT COULDNT, that wouldnt be allowed so not only do the management of the hospital not know what they are doing they then tell lies to try and deflect their dreadful greed and incompetence into some sympathy for their plight. The obvious point is what was happening to all the money in the first place then if no-one noticed it had gone missing? Why charge for parking in the first place. At the time this was going on the Chief Exec of the hospital was in a court battle with his own trust over plans to cease certain functions and he was forced out of his job. Well, that says all you really need to know. Anyone suffering demands from the parking co there should just claim they paid cash to the the security people and the parking co can find the money in a box behind the telly of their employee. That will see them laughed out of court
  2. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-39792170
  3. I am in the process of chaning my old paper licence which has my old address on it over to a photocard with our new address on it. I have got my photo signed and the form signed by the person verifying it. I have my birth certificate but I do not have a passport, this means I need a further supporting document, dvla state a dwp letter will do. I do not have much since 2007/08 regarding the dwp, I still have an old letter from them so would that do? it has my current address on it. If not we do have something for my partners working tax credit, both of our names are on it and our national insurance numbers, would this be ok? I am thinking about confidentiality seeing as my partners name is on it. Tia
  4. Major high street stores have been accused of ripping off shoppers by charging up to 10p for paper carrier bags – despite them being exempt from the new laws brought in last month. Outraged shoppers have hit out at Debenhams and House of Fraser claiming they are 'cashing in' by charging for paper bags when other high street shops offer them for free. House of Fraser has said the charge for paper bags had been introduced for 'ethical and moral' reasons, and that all proceeds would be donated to charity. However, shoppers have taken to Twitter to express their anger at the charge. Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3316789/Debenhams-House-Fraser-charge-PAPER-BAGS-Tesco-started-giving-away-free.html#ixzz3rO4sQfEX
  5. Hi all, I purchased a steam iron from Currys about 5 months ago but recently it stopped working. I wanted to take it back under the year's warranty it had on it but when I went to find the receipt i saw that it was faded and barely legible. Turns out it was printyed on some sort of thermal paper that fades with time... either way, no surprise, they wouldn't accept it as proof of purchase. Has anyone else had this problem???? And if so what did they do to get around it? Not the most expensive item but ridiculous that I can't take it back through no fault of my own. They should print these receipts on better stuff. Thanks
  6. Mirror Online wants to publish the electoral spending returns of every one of this Government's 330 MPs - so you can hold them to account on their spending We aim to publish online the electoral spending returns of every one of this Government's 330 MPs for the country to judge whether they were entirely truthful about their spending. The Mirror was the first to break the story in March that more than two dozen Tory MPs benefited from battlebuses packed with Tory activists but failed to declare any of the costs. Much more on the link. http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/part-daily-mirror-peoples-electoral-8041095#ICID=sharebar_twitter
  7. Dyson Airblade hand-driers spread 60 times more germs than standard air dryers, and 1,300 times more than standard paper towels, according to research published in the Journal of Applied Microbiology. http://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/uknews/dyson-airblades-spread-germs-1300-times-more-than-paper-towels/ar-BBrIqCG?ocid=spartandhp
  8. Having taken up residence in my new home, and being currently an empty shell, I have a blank canvas to work with It seems i have one wall with that horrid artex type wall paper with all the dimples, the remaining walls are the normal vinyl type that you can wipe down. I prefer not to rent a steamer so the good old elbow grease is the order of the day with a scraper I have been told to score the paper with a scraper then use fabric conditioner in a spray bottle. And Decorators out there with the best methods with minimal fuss??
  9. I have some questions about the correct procedures for County Court summonses. I'd be really grateful if anyone could advise me on any of these queries. I have read the guidance notes for both online and paper forms but still have some uncertainties. Background: I am about to issue a County Court summons for unpaid compensation for use of part of my property by a builder. The basis of the compensation is set out in an agreement and related emails. My questions: 1) When sending in a paper N1 form, is it correct to send supporting paperwork with it? E.g. Copies of agreements, contracts, print outs of related emails. 2) Exactly how many copies of the N1 form, defendant's notes, and supporting documents (if these should be sent with the N1) do I need to send? I assume from the guidance that it should be a total of three copies of everything: One copy (i.e. the original form) for the court, one copy for the defendant, and one copy for me (to be sent back to me). 3) I was originally planning to issue the summons online but the Particulars of Claim box on the MCOL website is absurdly small. How does anyone explain the key points of their case with so few characters and lines to work with? Any help on these queries will be really helpful. Edit: I have found the answer for question 4. Questions 1, 2 and 3 still confuse me. Answered question below: 4) I am aware that one can send additional PoC by post if using the online form but, as I understand it, these later PoC are only to be sent to the defendant. The Court and the Judge will not see them unless and until the case comes to a hearing. Is this correct, or should one send additional PoC to the court as well as to the defendant? Answer: I see that form N215 'Certificate of service' requires that documents sent to the defendant must also be sent to the Court.
  10. The paper counterpart driving licence is being axed on June 8 – and organisations are warning that drivers will need a ‘special code’ from the DVLA to hire a car or drive a company vehicle. Currently, penalty points are displayed on a driver’s counterpart licence, but from June 8 they’ll be recorded on a virtual record which can be accessed online, by phone or post. Should you need proof of your driving history, motorists will need to get a code from the DVLA to pass on to their employer or hire car company. This unique eight-digit code can be accessed online through the DVLA’s ‘share your licence’ service, or over the phone. But the code only lasts for three days – leading to criticism that drivers might be stranded abroad unable to hire a car if they’re unable to contact the DVLA or are simply unaware of the changes. http://www.admiral.com/newsletter/paperless-driving-licence.php?media=enewe&utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=enewsletter https://www.gov.uk/view-driving-licence Paperless driving licence: DVLA changes explained as Brit holidaymakers anticipate car hire chaos DVLA driving licence paperless change could mean car chaos this summer
  11. I have booked my summer holidays in Spain, also made a reservation to hire a car for the duration. Just discovered that as of 8th June 2015 the DVLA are scrapping the paper counterpart of the UK drivers licence. This will have an enormous impact on everyone who wants to hire a car either at home or abroad. ............This is the first I have heard of this: Check it out; https://www.gov.uk/government/news/driving-licence-changes If this goes ahead...............you will have to get all this information before hiring any vehicle. Any Thoughts?
  12. Driving licences will go paperless from June as the government continues to press ahead with plans to take more service online. For the past 17 years drivers have had to keep two parts of a driving licence: one a sheet of paper detailing their penalty points and endorsements, and the other a plastic ID card. The government has decided to phase out the paper element of the licence. "The reason for abolishing the counterpart is to reduce the burden on motorists,” a government spokesperson explained. "For most drivers there simply isn’t a need to have this information on a piece of paper when it is now freely and easily available online. It also saves drivers from paying £20 to replace a lost or damaged counterpart," they told the Plymouth Herald. When are the changes coming into effect? Earlier this year minister announced that all paper counterparts to licences would no longer be valid after 8th June this year. The Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA) are also advising all drivers to destroy their paper counterparts. If my licence was issued before 1998 do I need to get a new licence? No. Your licence will still be valid and does not need to be replaced, until it is due for renewal. "The next time you need to update your name, address or renew your licence, you will be issued with a photocard only," a DVLA spokesperson told The Daily Telegraph. How will I check my driving record? All of your details – and the details of Britain’s approximately 30 million motorists – will be compiled on an online database that you will be able to access. The decision is part of the government’s “Red Tape Challenge”. The site, launched last year, is available here but those who wish can still request their records either by telephone or post. I’m a business owner and employer. How will these changes affect me? A similar site for employers, allowing them to check the driving details of possible employees, is planned for launch at some point in spring this year. A date for the launch has not yet been released.
  13. Hi, I'm wanting to bring a claim against a former employer for wages which were not paid - this relates to a very brief period of employment (1 month) between April and May 2014. As I am now a full time student with a limited income, I believe I would qualify for fee remission if I file the claim on a paper form at my local CC. However, I also understand that if I file the claim using MCOL and pay the court fee, I can claim this back from the defendant as part of the claim (assuming, of course, I'm successful). Just wondering really which is the best option? Part of me really wants to make the former employer cover this cost on top of what they owe me, however at the same time it is a gamble in case the claim isn't successful, or as I suspect may be the case the director does some jiggery pokery and winds up the company to avoid payment - and being honest I could do without being £105 out of pocket whilst I wait for it to be heard etc. Cheers,
  14. I moved a few months ago to a new town and want to change my address but i have lost the paper part of the plastic card license. Only it tells me I have to send in pictures too when I tried it online, something to do with them expiring I get all that but the pricing is confusing me It says £20 for a stolen/lost license and £14 for new photos. So do I pay £34 or just £20? Thanks
  15. Just had a call from Father in law, he parked in a car park near the town center (free car park) for a 13 min overstay its one hes used for a long time and theres never been an issue before, turns out they have recently (so recently i havent seen them yet) put anpr in hes a little panicked as they have written to them (notice to keeper) and requested £90 or £54 if its paid within 14 days, ive reassured him best i can (basically promised if it came to court i would pay myself) I know that we need to appeal - they will refuse then to appeal to popla with GPEOL just thinking of writting the appeal to parking eyes along the lines of The Driver would like to appeal the notice to keeper provided for ticket number xxxxxxxx You have stated that the reason for the ticket is parking for a duration of longer than 2 hours, however The Driver was actually parked for less than the two hours due to the fact that the car park was busy and The Driver had to wait inside the carpark for a car to vacate a bay, as you are aware the terms and conditions on your sign state that i am only in breach of contract if The Driver is parked for over 2 hours, although you have entrance and exit pictures showing The Driver was inside the carpark for over 2 hours this does not relate to the amount of time parked The Driver would also like to point out that as the car park is a free carpark and your systems are automated needing no human intervention that the parking charge is not a genuine pre-estimate of loss, and is infact over 3 times the cost of a council charge in the same area, it is also not allowed to include the general costs of business susch as installing cameras and signs but can only be losses caused by the parking in question, these can only be items such as the fee to the DVLA and the cost of postage for your notices, therefore The Driver is offering a goodwill total of £10 in costs, if you accept this then please reply as such and write the ticket off, if not please reply with a full breakdown of your actual costs specific to this case if you wish to deny this appeal then the driver requires that you do so within 14 days and provide a full and correct popla number so we can appeal further
  16. In todays Daily Mail,an article regarding BH.Quite interesting reading,not very good for them. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2466755/Buy-youll-really-pay-later-The-tick-chain-stores-making-millions-selling-3-400-TVs-Britains-poorest-families--eyewatering-rates.html Regards,John.
  17. This morning the Ministry of Justice released the Government's response to the Consultation Paper on Bailiff Reform. This is a very detailed response which consists of 72 pages and can be accessed by way of the following link. You will need to scroll down to the bottom of the page under the heading of RESPONSES: https://consult.justice.gov.uk/digit...bailiff-action
  18. Evening, Just looking through my Callcredit/Experian paper reports and to no surprise I have a few defaults but trying to see any CCJ's. Where would these be mentioned as I see they have codes. Most of mine are 'D' If I did have CCJ's would they be under 'status'? Find it all confusing really. Thanks.
  19. Hi all I have a very similar issue to this thread Bryan Carter Solicitors acting on behalf of Arrow Globel Guernsey Ltd have been chasing me for £679 for some time. I was first contacted regarding this debt around 6 months ago, they were wanting me to confirm who I was. I ignored all these phishing letters. I then received several letters threatening litigation which I also ignored as the wording was always "we may". The next letter I received dated 12/07/12 was a notice of balance reduction. They had reduced what they wanted to £499. On the 28/07/12 I received court papers from Northampton CC for the following; Amount claimed: £499 Court fee: £30 Solicitor's costs: £50 Total amount £579 Particulars of claim. The claimant's claim is for the balance due under an agreement which is now all due and payable. The defendant agreed to pay monthly instalments under account number AGGLXXXXXXXXXXXXX but has failed to do so. And the claimant claims the sum of 499.00. The claimant also claims interest thereon pursuant to S.69 county court act 1984 limited to one year to the date hereof at the rate of 8% per annum amounting to 0.00. I have sent an acknowledgment of service online. I am today sending the following to Bryan Carter via recorded delivery. PLEASE CONFIRM THE CLAIM IS BELOW £5000 Re: (Claimant's name) v (Your name) Case No: CPR 31.14Request On (date) I received the Claim Form in this case issued by you out of the(Name) countycourt. I confirm having returned my acknowledgement of service to the court inwhich I indicate my intention to contest all of your claim. Please treat this letter as my request made under CPR31.14 for the disclosure and the production of averified and legible copy of [each of the following / the] document(s)mentioned in your Particulars of Claim: 1 The agreement. You will appreciate that in an ordinary case and by reasonof the provisions of CPR PD 16 para 7.3, where aclaim is based upon a written agreement, a copy of the contract or documents constitutingthe agreement should be attached to or served with the particulars of claim andthe original(s) should be available at the hearing. Further, that any generalconditions incorporated in the contract should also be attached. 2 The deed of assignment. 3 The notice of assignment including proof of service. 4 The default notice. 5 The termination notice. (not mentioned in the POC but no harm asking just might not get) Although your claim is for a sum which is not more than £5,000.00 and willin all likelihood be allocated to the small claims track for determination uponmy delivering a defence, at this moment in time I have not delivered my defenceand the case has not been allocated to a track. In consequence the provisionsof CPR 27(2) are of no effect and you should not seek to avoid compliance with your CPR 31 dutiesby claiming otherwise You should ensure compliance with your CPR 31duties and ensure that the document(s) I have requested are copied to andreceived by me within 7 days of receiving this letter. Your CPR 31 duties extend to making a reasonable andproportionate search for the originals of the documents I have requested, thebetter for you to be able to verify the document's authenticity and to provideme with a legible copy. Further, where I have requested a copy of a document,the original of which is now in the possession of another person, you will havea right to possession of that document if you have mentioned it in your case.You must take immediate steps to recover and preserve it for the purpose ofthis case. Where I have mentioned a document and there is in your possession more thanone version of that same document owing to a modification, obliteration orother marking or feature, each version will be a separate document and you mustprovide a copy of each version of it to me. Your obligations extend to making areasonable and proportionate search for any version(s) to include an obligationto recover and preserve such version(s) which are now in the possession of athird party. In accordance with CPR 31.15© I undertake tobe responsible for your reasonable copying costs incurred in complying withthis CPR 31.14request. If you require more time in which to comply with this request you must tellme in writing. You must tell me before the time for compliance with thisrequest has expired. In telling me you require more time you must tell me whatsteps you have taken and propose to take in order to comply with this requestand also state a date by when you will comply with this request. In additionyour statement must be accompanied with a statement that you agree to anextension of the time for me to file my defence. Your extension of time must benot less than 14 days from the date when you say you will have complied with myrequest and you must state the new date for filing my defence. If you are unable to comply with this request and believe that you willnever be able to comply with this request you must tell me in writing. Please note that if you should fail to comply with this request, fail torequest more time or fail to agree to an extension of time for the filing of mydefence, I will make an application to the court for an order that theproceedings be struck out or stayed for non-compliance and a summary costsorder. I do hope this will not be necessary and look forward to hearing from you. yours faithfully (print name) I guess its all a waiting game now. So what should I expect to happen?
  20. I note the announcement of new Hyundai models coming out in July, undoubtedly with a five-year warranty. But what s the value of a Hyundai warranty? In y experience virtually none. I am a Hyundai Tucson owner with a vehice covered by a five-year warranty and a turbo which Archers of Edinburgh, the Hyundai dealer, confirm must be replaced. Despite providing Hyundai with a fully stamped service history booklet, and all services having been carred out by VAT-registered and reputable garages, Hyundai sre now insisting on detailed information on all services dating back four and a half years. I work full-time for a national charity and simply do not have the time to conduct this detailed research. Hyundai have the stamped service history booklet if they wish further information. Everyone I have spoken to, even Archers, concede this is nothing more than an attempt to get out of meeting a warranty claim. So, before you buy a Hyundai ask yourself tjhis question -- Is their warranty worth the paper it is printed on? So far I would emphatically state NO and any one thinking of buying a Hyundai should seriously consider whether they will face the same problems as I am facing when and if they wish to lodge a warranty claim. I have written to the company's Prssident and CEO, spoken to their Customer Services department. Archers have also spoken to Hyundai but we are all in limbo.
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