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  1. Hi all, Yesterday I had my classic car transported to a new storage location via an agent on Shiply and the driver damaged the car twice - once during loading and again when unloading. The first instance is a little complicated: I had forgot to tighten the anti-roll bar bolts and it had dropped down, rattling on the loading ramp. However, rather than check what the problem was, the driver heaved the car back off the ramp with such force that it inverted the ARB and crushed the chassis rails underneath. I had gone to get cash while this happened and only returned in time to see him hauling the car off the ramps. The second instance was when unloading at the other end: the driver rolled the car off the ramps and then pushed it with his backside / hip and dented the tailgate - this happened right in front of me. I didn't notice he had dented it until after he'd hurriedly left and I moved the car into the barn, so didn't get to confront him directly. I wasn't going to make any kind of fuss about the initial damage, as it was a combination of our errors that lead to it, but the dented bodywork is just unacceptable. I messaged him when I got back last night: Hi Tony, I have two big dents in the tailgate of my car from where you pushed it off the bottom of the ramp. The damage to the chassis rails I was willing to take on the chin as it was a combination of our errors that caused it, but I'm really unhappy about the bodywork damage. How do we go about making an insurance claim to cover the tailgate damage? Which seemed kind of OK to me.. I was furious but tried to be civil. His response came in three messages: 20:18 - Really, you didn't bolt the anti roll bar linkage on the car, any damage of any was caused by you not putting things back together properly. Your car damaged my truck. So please don't try this crap on with me 20:20 - What a [problem] artist 20:27 - I have just checked the cctv on my truck, there's no damage I can see done when loading or unloading your car, plus your car was covered up. I will gladly see you in court for making false insurance claims. The first two are nonsense, as I'd told him I wasn't trying to place blame on him for the damaged chassis, as the ARB should have been secured. The third is what I'd like help with, because he's claiming to have CCTV footage. I haven't yet responded, so am hoping for some advice on how to proceed first. The car was covered, but the area of tailgate he damaged was exposed, so if he does have CCTV it should show everything. I'm unsure whether I should ask for his CCTV footage, because (if it even exists) he may very well delete it. The guy clearly goes from 0-100 quickly and I don't want to ruin my chances of making a claim for the damaged bodywork by his rash decisions. Can anyone please advise how to proceed from here? His service was fully insured up to 30k according to Shiply.
  2. Hi, I am looking for some guidance. My partner who has a private hire cab stopped outside a restaurant and went in looking for a customer (not realising that it was in fact a loading bay). Came out to find a ticket on the car. The PCN states that the offence code is 02 'Parked or loading/unloading in a restricted street where waiting and loading/unloading restrictions are in force'. This is under s78 civil enforcement of parking contraventions under the traffic management act 2004. The time the contravention was observed was only 1 minute. I am just wondering if he has any grounds to appeal this. The time was 17:52. We will go past and look at the signage tomorrow but this is what is showing on google street view (realise this may have changed since).
  3. Hi all I'm after a bit of advice if possible. I recently entered into a self managed DMP. I borrowed £1000 in June and made the first three payments with no issues. I have since set up an agreement to pay £7. Am I right in thinking that the interest was front loaded? My balance is somewhere in the region of £1900 to repay. Would it be fair to ask them to only calculate interest to the day I asked them to stop interest and charges? Or am I completely wrong about this? Thank you for you time.
  4. Question for a friend of mine. They have a blue badge yesterday they parked on double yellow lines, put their clock and badge up. When they got back they had a parking ticket Contravention Code 02 "Parked or loading/unloading in a restricted street where waiting and loading/unloading restrictions are in force" They then spotted on a wall sign as shown on pic, does this cover the whole street Street map view here https://www.google.co.uk/maps/place/St+George's+St,+Ipswich+IP1+3NF/@52.060679,1.1502506,3a,75y,115.21h,77.56t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1suDDTJaJmBkoEZNfJIOtElA!2e0!7i13312!8i6656!4m5!3m4!1s0x47d9a1d2889469df:0x1fc90e383fe79894!8m2!3d52.0606!4d1.150216 Have they any grounds to appeal?
  5. Hi Guys , I went for lunch yesterday in Neath and parked in what I though was a legitimate parking pay , hindsight is a wonderful thing and it transpires I parked in a loading bay. I received a PCN stating that I had parked in a loading bay during restricted hours. I don't know why but as the sign stated that the loading bay was to the right and parking was to the left I thought it meant the next parking bay up was the loading bay and didn't realize that the parking bays available for around 5 cars was split in two. After I inspected the road markings I realized my mistake but the dividing line between the two bays was very feint and not visible to me from my drivers position. I fully accept the mistake was mine for not being more observant when I parked but was wondering if I had any chance of appealing as the painted line was feint. I have included pictures so you can see what I mean. Should I just cough up and put it down to my error or do I have a case to appeal. Picture List. 1.Where I was parked 2. Parking Sign 3. Parking Boundary line 4. Parking Boundary line again Where I was parked.pdf
  6. hi to everyone, i parked my car on whitechapel road today at 13.04, an went to collect the pre ordered cotton bale from from a shop which is 7 min walk away from loading bay. it took me 15 -16 min to go n come back. i came back in my car with goods at 13.19 i saw pcn on my car. traffic warden observed from 13.04 till 13.09 n then issued a ticket. i m just confused as there was 20 min loading was allowed and i went to collect the goods and came back within 20 min. why he issued the ticket? i also got a letter from the shop in which they said that i was there to collect my goods. what do you think guys i have any grounds to appeal? n one thing more there is no contravention code on the pcn, only reason is mentioned which is (Stopped where prohibited red-rout clearway).. thx
  7. Hi all Can an Enforcement company add all there fee's on after the compliance stage (£235 and interest) before they try to enforce? I know it would be irrelevant if they take control of goods just curious if that was allowed. leakie
  8. Hi just a quick one regarding regulations on red route signage. It's in camden high street outside of lidl/william hill. The first bay to oncoming traffic is loading only and the one after is free 30mins. Both bays separated by just lines and very hard to judge different restrictions. Should there be another sign indicating either end of loading bay or start of free bay. Thanks. https://www.google.co.uk/maps/@51.5362652,-0.1401768,3a,75y,32.97h,68.76t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sA35WUEWCOEaUumKqzc4Flg!2e0!7i13312!8i6656
  9. Hi everyone My sister today found a PCN on her car after being parked in a loading bay for about half an hour. Its put down "Parked in a loading place during restricted hours without loading" as the reason for the PCN. I'm just wondering if it's worth fighting or just paying early to get the reduced charge. I'll upload a copy of the PCN. Many Thanks Andrew
  10. Could someone please advise if my assumption is correct. PCN received for code 02. The sign says no loading but the double yellow lines have only a single kerb blip which would indicate a timed loading restriction. If there is no loading at any time surely the kerb blips should be as Diagram 1020.1 and not 1019. I would be grateful if an expert could clarify this for me. Thanks for any help given
  11. Received Parking Contravention 23: Parked in a parking place or area not designated for that class of vehicle. Council: Kingston Upon Thames ( Greater London) Appealed to the council got rejected and Next step is to appeal using londontribunals.gov.uk. Your advice on how to go about it would be greatly appreciated. My draft appeal as follows Dear Sir or Madam, I received a notice to owner on 03/08/2015 but I believe the contravention did not occur and I would like to submit an appeal for the following reasons: 1) Goods Vehicle Loading only is not marked accordence with TSRGD 2002 Regulation. Extract from traffic signs manual: 7.29 The sign to diagram 660.4 must be used with a bay marking to diagram 1028.3 or 1032, each with the legend LOADING ONLY, or 1033 with no legend. The bay to diagram 1028.3 has the largest maximum width (3600mm) and is therefore the most appropriate for goods vehicle loading. Where the loading bay is used mainly by cars or small vans and has been provided to allow customers to collect large purchases from nearby shops, the smallest width of bay to diagram 1028.3 (2700mm) might be adequate. Diagrams 1032 and 1033 are also more appropriate for smaller vehicles. Loading Only’ Bay, is not marked in accordance with Diagram 1028.3 or 1032 of the Traffic Signs Regulations and General Directions 2002 , which must accompany diagram 660.4 as stipulated in Direction 24 of the TSRGD. It has no white line bay markings whatsoever (ParkingSpace_1.jpg and ParkingSpace2.jpg) It has not met the minimum width requirement of 2700m. It has only 2560mm at this location. (ParkingSpaceWidth2.jpg) The bay at this location does not meet the requirements prescribed in law and as such cannot be enforced. 2) The contravention did not occur. The photos (printed on paper) supplied by the council shows the car has made a turn around the road manoeuvre but not parked at this location. The correspondence from council does not states how long the contravention has been observed either. The picture taken by the parking attendant has empty parking bay at 17/06/2015 11:16 which is after the turn around the road manoeuvre at 17/06/2015 11:13. I believe above listed reason indicate that this pcn number XXX was incorrectly issued and I therefore appeal against it. Yours Faithfully XXXXXXX
  12. Greetings I received a PCN for unloading my LGV in a loading bay. It was the normal of parking attendant viewed for 5 minutes, nothing happening, so issued the PCN. I wrote off to the Council highlighting the cases: Sprake - v - Tester (1955) 53 LGR 194 Richards - v - McKnight [1977] RTR 289 Bulman - v - Godbold [1981] RTR 242 Boulton - v - Pilkington [1981] RTR 87 Whiteside - v - Watson 1952 SLT 367 McLeod - v - Wojkowska 1963 SLT (Notes) 51 Holder - v - Walker [1964] Crim LR 61 Chafen - v - Another Supplement to the Justice of the Peace and Local Government Review 21st March 1970 Pratt - v - Hayward [1969] 3 All ER 1094 Funnell - v - Johnson [1962] Crim LR 488 Police - v - Hadelka [1963] Crim LR 706 Decision of a Stipendiary Magistrate sitting at North London Magistrates Court, Journal of Criminal Law Vol XVI No 3, 193 (1952) Decision of a Stipendiary Magistrate sitting at Clerkenwell Magistrates Court (102 SJ 358) (1958) Which covers and confirms that I was not mis-using the terms of the loading bay. The Council in question, responded by ignoring the above test cases and stating tha the onus is on me to prove that I was using the bay correctly. As far as I'm aware, the onus is on the Council to prove that I contravened the terms of the loading bay. Am I correct in this assumption?. Many thanks
  13. Hello all, I desperately need some expert help. Two days ago I was given a parking ticket code 25 for parking in a loading bay in East Street Bromley. The loading bay in question had NO markings on the ground only a sign (which I didn't see as the parking bay is at the end of a row of parking bays and sneakily made to look just like a parking bay) to say Loading bay. The sign they used is a variation of 660.4, which I have checked and is correct. However this is where I need help; The TSRGD guidance on using sign 660.4 states that it can only be used with the road markings conforming to 1028.3, 1032 (both of which whereby it should say LOADING BAY/ONLY written on ground) and 1033 (where it doesn't need any wording on the ground due to narrow bays). I cannot attach any pictures yet but feel free to email me [edited] and I will happily send the images to you of the bay I parked in. The painted marking do not appear to be any of the above, in fact they look to be 1028.4, which if that's the case then is the sign 660.4 allowed, or should there be written on the ground LOADING BAY? Have I got grounds for appeal due to Bromley incorrectly using the sign 660.4 with road markings 1028.4? or have I made a mistake? This really is very confusing Thank you
  14. Why is it quicker to get a CAG page to load by double clicking ? This is not unique to CAG. If you experience slowish page loading on any site, if you double click quickly, the page is much quicker to load.
  15. I walked out the car, someone said that a warden is giving me a ticket. I turned around walked to the warden and said I'm parked in white box that says loading bay. He said the sign post says no loading and I'm parked in a permit parking. I said let me check, then I walk to the signpost then got back into my car to drive off. He asked me to put down the window so he can give me a ticket. Then as I was driving off, he took his camera out. So I stopped on purpose to let him take a photo of me on the steering wheel merging into the traffic. I checked the website, it doesn't have a photo of my car. Just a photo of the sign post and that is it. The time on the fine is 13:30 to 13:30. All just under a minute.
  16. I seriously need advise on this issue> I parked in a loading bay to pickup an order from a shop at about 20:45hrs, it was a side street off kingsland road. the sign says "loading bay" with a pictures of a man pushing a trolley. I checked the sign because of the time but nothing else was stated on the sign. because of the time of the night, I did not think much of it. I received a PCN notice couple of days later,"penalty charge notice for parking in a loading bay without loading. cctv camera show no loading." I made a representation, on the grounds that the sign does not indicate any restricted time to park or not to park. My representation was rejected: because in the absebce of any times of a sign plate is enforceable at all time. Is this right? should the sign not indicate times even if at all time?
  17. Hi, Today I received a parking ticket for being in a loading bay and the officer didn't see any activity for 20 minutes. I was away from my van, delivering to my place of work. I was asked to wait for some goods so I did. I was away from the van for no more than 25 minutes. When I returned, I had a ticket. I was using the bay for the correct purpose. I have done for the last 3 years and never had a ticket before. I want to appeal but don't know if it's worth it. I have to pay the fine myself so don't want to pay the full amount. I checked the loading 'bay' and found that the road markings saying 'loading bay' are no longer legible on the road as they have virtually worn away. The sign simply says 'loading only', but doesn't specify a time limit. It is my understanding that the road markings have to be clearly visible. They aren't. Do I have a case? Has anyone contested a similar fine? Any help or advice appreciated. Thanks, Louise
  18. Hello Everyone. Please advise me in relation to the PCN with following details: Date of alleged contravention: 16/03/2014 Date of PCN: 25/03/2014 Contravention: Parked in a parking place or area not designated for that class of vehicle (code 23L) in a loading place for goods vehicle only I made a number of requests to view video recording of the evidence. This was not made available. Instead a charge certificate was sent. I then made the representation without seeing the evidence and without ascertaining whether the contravention occurred or not on grounds of procedural impropriety. Please see the attached representation letter for further details of the case. Now I have received the letter from the council stating that my appeal is out of time. I don’t even have the option of going to the adjudication. In a similar situation for the same code, I was allowed to go into adjudication and my appeal was allowed. Please see details of the other PCN on this link http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?423738-PCN-through-CCTV-camera-for-parking-in-a-loading-place-for-goods-vehicle-only-%28Code-23L%29-**PATAS-Appeal-Allowed** Any advice please.
  19. Hello Everyone. I would request your advice on the following matter. I have received a subject PCN dated 25/03/2014 for the alleged contravention dated 15/03/2014. I requested to see the video evidence via email and by post to the council. I followed up the request over the phone. However, I have now received a 'notice of rejection of formal representation' dated 01/05/2014 with the choice to appeal to the Parking Adjudicator within 28 days. But I have not yet received any video and of course I did not even make any 'formal representation'. Is this not a procedural impropriety? Shall I now make an appeal to the Adjudicator? What shall be the full grounds? OR Shall I get back to the council to request the video and to allow the formal representation first? Note: Another PCN on the same code on same location for contravention dated 16/03/2014 was also sent. I am waiting to receive video for that too. The location is close to station with parking bays opposite pharmacy and where I have parked many times in past to allow my wife and children to get off and to pick them up. The car is never left unattended and I never got any tickets in past while the camera has been there. And now suddenly two tickets for two consecutive days were sent. Please advice me.
  20. I have a ticket " Parked with one or more wheels on or over a foot path or any part of a road other than a carriageway" I was in the loading bay at the back of a shop with the front of the van partly blocking the pavement . This is a large retail shop so the have to have deliveries from vehicles larger than my transit so this must be an every day problem ? My question is I was loading on the driveway part so is there any leeway ? How can one make a living with everthing is designed to take your money
  21. Hello all just been hit with a PCN parked on a loading bay in Camden. i was clocked using the space for around 25 minutes. I was actually unloading. the sign on the bay states: Loading only Mon to Fri 8:30 to 6:30 sat 9:30 to 5:30 how to appeal this and does it make a difference where no time limits are on the sign? Thanks alot
  22. I was driving in the Grove Stratford E15 and pulled over in loading bay, for a short time as the temp guage had shot up so wanted to cool down. I didnt leave the car and drove off less than ten mins later. I later received a London borough of Newham pcn in the post taken by cctv stating i was in the loading bay for 7 mins and no loading was observed, Im wrote back explaining what happened, they said the pcn was still valid because no loading was observed and i sent no evidence to show i had broken down. I was left with the option to appeal further to the adjudicator, however i can still pay the reduced fee of £65 within 21 days before it is doubled. Now have i got grounds to appeal to the adjudicator? Are you allowed to cancell a pcn if you can show you had broken down? I clearly have no documentary evidence that my car had over heated? So how on earth can i show what had happened? i found out later the radiator was low. would the adjudicator accept my version of events without evidence, that i simply can not prove? Would welcome any advice
  23. Hi Is it ok for private vehicles to use on street loading bays when loading large boxes in & out of a shop approx 25 feet away ? ...there is no other parking available within a sensible distance. I just got a terrible load of verbal from a taxi driver who said its only for commercial vehicles. If it was ok for me to load/unload from a private vehicle ..his abuse was so intense I would like to complain to the local taxi licensing officer about his behaviour. Thanks Roy
  24. hello everyone can someone please help me solve this problem. I got a parking ticket the other day threw the post from my local council saying that id parked in a loading place during restricted hours with out loading. the loading bay is a 10 second walk from a Tesco express I was going too I was only in there for 5 mins the parking ticket states that this was 8:15 at night and it has photos of my car parked there the place in question is a 10 min drive from my house so I went back there too look at the parking restrictions notice and it stated that LOADING ONLY 30 MINS NO RETURN WITHIN 2 HOURS it does not state restricted hours on the sign can I appeal against this or am I going waste my time by doing this. thankyou:|
  25. I have received a ticket for parking in a red boxed loading bay. I was picking up stuff from work with my own private car. The ticket states that the contravention was "parked where prohibited" on a red route. Now, I have requested imagery to make sure that I hadn't exceeded the specified loading time of 20min. I believe TFL have a 5 minute recording period after which they issue the ticket. In my case the time stamp on the imagery covers just about 6 minutes. After I received the requested imagery, I went ahead and contested the PCN on grounds that I was visiting my workplace and was loading within the given time limit. Since TFL responded, that I have to proof that I was loading which normally happens with a proof of delivery note as something similar. As I am not a delivery driver or commercial delivery company, I cannot produce such kind of proof. The actual sign for the loading bay, does not specify that is for commercial vehiles only. However it shows that symbol of a man with a trolley. Does anybody know how to argue against that? Many many thanks in advance.
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