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  1. I have received ESA in the Support Group for 2 years until this week I had a letter saying that follwing a WCA in May I would no longer be paid ESA. I immediately wrote a letter asking for my claim to be reconsidered as comments made from my assessment were not exactly accurate. I contacted the department and asked what was the next step. I was advised to claim either JSA or Universal Credit. I have spent many hours trying to do just that. All automated lines tell me to claim online, JSA results in a message that if I have had an ESA during the last calendar month to claim universal credit. Attempting this results in a message saying I do not qualify, could this be due to my age? I am 63 and the only question I answer no to online is am I between 18 and 60 years 6 months old? Whichever way I attempt to contact someone to actually speak to I get directed to online. I would be so grateful if anyone could tell me where I go from here.
  2. Brief summary/history Other half's card. Commenced 1998, defaulted 2006 with interest frozen from that date. Default card balance was £6,500 - progressively paid/reduced to just under £5,000. PPI claim made October 2012 - initially refused but upheld by the FOS on adjudication. March 2014 NatWest credited £4,664 to the card, leaving a balance of £323. By my own (spreadsheet) calculations the payment should have been some £1450 more than they paid. Their payment was arrived at as follows: Refund of payment made 1998 to 2006 £2334.14 Compound interest based on rates charged £ 712.36 Sub total £3056.50 Gross interest at 8% £2010.43 Less income tax at 20% £ 402.09 Net interest £1608.34 Net offer £4664.84 It is their compound interest figure that I cannot agree with. During the 8 year life of the card, monthly interest rates varied between 1.385% and 1.620%. The average card balance was about £3200. My calculations show the compound interest figure to be about £2077 rather than their figure of £712. This would also increase the 8% gross interest amount due by about £1000. I reckon we want about another £2500 from them (before tax) I have written to them several times asking for a breakdown of their compound interest figure and have been stonewalled each time. They say they cannot provide these (complicated) calculations but that they are in line with the FOS and FCA guidelines. Their last reply even went so far as to 'explain' to me how compound interest works. I can scarcely believe the content of it. Here is the relevant paragraph from their letter: As a basic look at the compound interest aspect, if you compared the monthly balance of the credit card with and without PPI and the difference was £20, then the interest element would be determined from this figure. If the monthly interest rate was 1% and 12% per annum, this would mean that the starting figure for the compound interest is 20p (1% of £20.00) if your card then ran for 5 years, the compound interest on this PPI premium would accumulate as follows, year 1 = 22p, year 2 = 25p, year 3 = 28p, year 4 = 31p, year 5 = 35p. Therefore the total amount difference in balance of £20.00 in this example would be 35p. So, this 'expert' from RBS thinks the compound interest would be 35p. Well, I calculate it to be £16.33. She seems to have worked it out at 1% per annum rather than 1% per month. (I am not a mathematician so if I have got this completely wrong and she is right, please, someone, tell me I am making a numpty of myself). So, ladies and gentlemen of CAG, where do I go next with this shower? Suggestions and comments most welcome, thanks.
  3. Not sure if in the right area so feel free to move Ok so basically me and my family live in a HA property, we have been here for 4 years and 6 months, it is a flat in a purpose built block made up of 12 flats. My complaint is.... Pets, our tenancy agreement refuses us to have any pets of any description without having written permission, in fact when we took on the property (which we had little choice to do because we were being evicted), we had to re-home our own dog because the HA said we could not take him with us, it was heart wrenching to have to do that, it really is like giving one of your kids away. So anyway, now their is at least 3 flats from the 12 who have 1 or more dogs and another 1-2 flats who have a cat, I have complained to the Council and the HA about this as A. the noise echoes around and B. its against the tenancy agreement terms, Now we have a housing officer who i have managed to speak to ONCE in the 4+ years we have been here, i have sent her numerous (in excess of 15) emails throughout the 4+ years and never, not once had a response, The one time i did speak to her was about 9 months ago and she confirmed that NO FLAT in the block had written permission to have any animals of any kind, and she would get to work dealing with it. anyway, fast forward to now and has anything been done at all....... Nope. It really is taking the **** how the HA know that at least 5 from 12 flats are breaking the terms of the tenancy agreement and have been for years, yet they do nothing about it. It makes me want to sue them for negligence. Anyone any advice, can i sue them.
  4. Hello, I am not sure if this is the correct board to post in, please feel free to move this thread if this is the case. Hello CAG, I am a new member here! Please bare with me as I try to explain my issue: I have been a Microsoft customer for almost 12 years and now they seem to be stone walling me with an issue in relation to Halo 2 for PC. I first contacted them on 7th April and I have reported my issue to them almost on a daily basis since then and I have not got a very good service. I have been repeatedly fobbed off, lied to, and only ended up extremely frustrated at the end of each contact. Only saying I have to wait a number of days despite being given dates that have been and gone including 13th, 14th and 15th April for a solution. And yet, here I am, still waiting for an answer. The problem is simple. I have Halo 2, it requires an activation key to be used. I have entered that activation key and it activates successfully when you activate it online over the internet. When I try and play the game, I get the following screen: The game I have is completely original, bought from a store around 7 years ago and I have had no trouble with it till now. I have contacted Microsoft repeatedly about this (I have chat logs to prove it) and on each occasion, I have had false promises of this and that. I have the original game and here is the picture as proof: I don't know what else Microsoft need to provide me a solution to this problem. I omitted the key from this post in order to prevent it being misused by other people, but I forwarded the original and unedited image to Microsoft's customer support in it's entirety including the key. And 8 days after bringing it to thier attention, I am still being fobbed off and lied to with false promises that have never materialised. I have now been told to wait till the 18th and that would equal 11 days after first bringing the problem to thier attention. Even though I was promised a reply and a solution on the 13th, 14th, and today yet I am still waiting and now being told to wait till the 18th. This is AFTER I was promised a solution on the other said 3 days, and nothing came. Is Microsoft support this bad? I have had enough of the diabolical treatment I have received the the lies I have been told for 8 days as of today. Is Microsoft THAT incompetent and ignorant? I am at the end of my tether and extremely frustrated, what can I do about this to force the issue and get a solution as promised repeatedly on 3 different days that I was promised a solution? Thanks in advance.
  5. Two orders placed with the CarPhone Warehouse online on the 15th October at 1600hrs for the LG G2 which included a free LG Photo Printer with a RRP of £110. Partner received an email around an hour later saying the credit check had been passed, however they were unable to dispatch the order as the printer is out of stock and on back order. My partner phoned up and was advised the printer should be back in stock at the end of the week and the order should be dispatched at the start of next week. They said as it was a combined order, although the phone was in stock, they couldn’t dispatch it without the printer. She asked the agent, as it said “Limited stock available, whilst stocks last “whether they would defiantly be getting more in, as would rather know now then wait 5 days to find out. Was told that as it’s on back order she would definitely be getting the printer. A few hours passed and I hadn’t heard anything back, So I contacted the CPW and enquired as to the status of my order. I was advised it was with 3 awaiting a decision. The next day (16th) around 1300hrs I still hadn’t heard anything back, so contacted the CPW. I was advised that my application hadn’t even been sent off! He carried it out over the phone and it all came back well and good. Was advised it would be placed on back order as no stock of the printer for possibly two weeks. Partner came in from work and advised her we would probably have to wait at least two weeks to receive the phone because of the printer. Just to clarify, she contacted CPW back. The call agent said that one option, as instore was offering the same deal, we would be able to transfer the order to store, take the phone away and pick the printer up when it was back in stock. He checked our local stores and found one about 20 minutes away with two LG G2’s in stock. He also said he would email the supplier to get a delivery date, and would either call back by 1800hrs or around 9am the next day. Partner came off the phone and gave the store a call, they said they had two in stock and would put them to one side. Member of staff also confirmed they would get printers instore in about 3-5 days and we could go down and collect then then. Drove to the store, paid for parking, only to be told the computer wont let them create the order as the printer is out of stock! Advised to stick with the web order, as if we were to cancel our order, we wouldn’t be able to apply to 3 for a further 14 days. So a completely wasted trip! My partner didn’t receive a call this morning, so phoned back around 1400hr to see what was happening. Agent said that the offer was limited to the first 1000 orders and we would not be receiving one. Asked why we had been lied to by everyone else and he couldn’t answer. He offered us each a free official LG case as a gesture of good will. Feeling quite frustrated we had been misled, he put us through to the customer services department. Very helpful lady who fully understood our frustrations. She was slightly confused as apparently CPW don’t even stock LG G2 cases, so wasn’t sure why we had been offered a free one by the previous member of staff as they wouldn’t be able to fulfil it! She went away and spoke to a few managers to see if she would be able to get us just one printer, however this was not possible. The most she could do was offer us £15 credit for the CPW each. She then put us through to another department to see if they could help. Apparently it wasn’t 1000 free printers, but only 100! This deal was advertised on their website for at least 18 days, even for a further two days after we placed our orders! Long and short is that he went back and forward trying to arrange for a credit for a free case and also as a gesture of goodwill, a refund of £49 for the phone. This we would have been more then happy with, however he was only able to arrange a credit for £35. He then transferred the call to the complaints department. 90 minutes on the phone so far, having to explain the entire situation again. Complaints advisor said he could authorise the refund, but he wasn’t going too. Said it was only a minor complaint and that £35 credit would cover it. He said he would forward it to his manager who will contact us back within the next 24 hours. My complaint so far is: - The constant mis-information given. We fully understand it was limited availability, however the fact we kept guaranteeing that we would be getting one even when we mentioned this, is very frustrating, especially as they are £110 each! - Wasted journey to the store, despite customer services and the store saying it would be possible. - Unable to go to a different company as cant re-apply to 3 for 14 days as the credit check will be an automatic refusal. – Feel like were a bit trapped. Stick with the CPW with their poor service, or wait 14 days before re-applying elsewhere. - Being offered an alternative free gift, even though its not something they stock! Its as if they make it up as they go along. - All in all, over 3 ½ hours over the past few days spent trying to resolve this. Vent over!!
  6. Well where to start I see that there is a community of people on here that have had a similar situation, so I will explain mine. Some background: Back in May 2009 I took out a 24 month notebook contract with vodafone, which was a separate account to the phone contract I had. Although I assumed these accounts were linked it turns out now that they were not. I diligently set up direct debits for both accounts and made payments month on month. In june 2011 I cancelled my notebook account, as I did not want it anymore. I called vodafone and told them about my desire to cancel. The agent told me this was fine as the 24 months had been completed and also told me to cancel my direct debit (which is on record). Anyway I thought nothing more of it, until 3 months ago when I signed up to Experian for the first time just to see how things were. I was shocked to see that I had a bad credit rating as I had a default account for my notebook. Stating that I had missed payments and owed £58. I immediately called vodafone to get this sorted. After many conversations, I finally spoke to a manager, she told me that it was correct and that there was no record of the account being cancelled, so they tried to get 3 payments and sent me letters to an address I no longer lived at (another part of the story) After 3 months of non payment they turned it to a default. We continued the conversation, and I asked the manager to check both accounts, she did and then apologised saying that a note on my phone account existed saying that I had phoned to cancel the account and was advised to cancel my direct debit, but the account had not been linked, which i was informed at the time and also in future calls that this should have happened. Due to the fact the accounts were not linked, not only did the cancellation not show on the correct account but my details were not updated, so the letters went to my old address. Even though they allowed me to cancel the account through my phone one nothing clicked about the two account belonging to me apparently. I requested an email to state what had happened, to which I got the following response: Dear Customer, Just a quick email to confirm that the issue has now been resolved and the charge on the account has now been waivered. A case has also been raised to our Quality Assurance team for this to be resolved in regards to your credit rating and should be updated with yourself within 14 days. Kim Vodafone Essentially Vodafone acknowledge the mistake and told me it was not my fault and therefore I should not have been charged as i followed the procedures, added to the mix up with my accounts. Anyway (sorry I know this is a long story) after 14 days the account had been changed to satisfied, but still a default. I obviously complained, and was told that the Quality Assurance team (who can only be contacted by email) had stated the default stands. I obviously continued to dispute this. Today is the final straw, I contacted the collections team and spoke to a manager, who told me there was nothing they could do, and even though it was clear I had done what I was supposed to do, it was also my responsibility to change my details on both accounts, even though I believed I had done this, I mean they managed to cancel my notebook through my phone account, so when I phone to change my details I assumed this has happened. I was told 9/10 times that the agent would tell you this??? how am I suppose to know if not informed. So essentially it is now my fault for not updating my information, and as such nothing will be done to remove the default that I believe and have been told should not have existed in the first place. I hope that I have explained this well enough, but I am not sure. I am happy to provide more details. It seems to be very complicated. Please help Jodie
  7. I'm seriously hacked off with Vodafone. For the last 2 months or so I've had no signal at all while at home which has led me to missing calls and texts. As I run a business from home alongside my full time employment this is a major hassle. I called Vodafone to report the problem and was told to switch my phone to 2G as there was a known problem with the 3G knocking out the signal. I was told this would be a short term solution until the 3G issue was resolved. After a few days of still suffering this issue I went onto the Vodafone eForum and posted on there about the problem. I completed all the info Vodafone required from me and a day or so later was told the issue should be resolved which it was not ! About a week later while still suffering this issue, Vodafone posted saying the engineers had checked the site and couldn't find any alarms ! All I've done since then is constantly ask what's going on to be told " we'll check with the engineers and get back to you " ! Vodafone last posted on my thread on 5/7/13 saying they'd chase the engineers up, I've heard nothing so posted yesterday (16/7/13) asking what's going on. I got a reply today (17/7/13) saying Vodafone would chase the engineers up again !!! I'm so annoyed with this now and the disgusting customer services. I'm sick of paying my monthly contract for a mobile I can't use properly. Can I cancel my contract early based on the fact Vodafone have failed to resolve this issue for such a long period of time ? Is there anyone on here that can help me ?
  8. Hi, I've been with Vodafone for the past 10 years and up until the last 4 months I have had 5 phone contracts with them for myself, my wife and my 3 children. Over the last year I have had very poor reception and struggled to get a signal for phone calls or the internet on all hand sets. I have phoned Vodafone and complained on numerous occasions but have been fobbed off with trying different settings and I been passed around from pillar to post. I have spent hours on the phone talking to vodafone and its feels like I'm banging my head against the wall. I was told that from January Vodafone would also be sharing masts with O2 but I don't think this has happened. I was also offered a box so I could get better reception in my house. This is pointless as I can use wireless for the internet and as soon as I step out the door I don't have a signal again. The signal is poor all around the area that I live for miles and also where I work. I feel that I have been paying for something that is worthless to me for the past year and it seems that Vodafone are not bothered. Three of my contract finished at Christmas so I moved to O2. This is a much better signal. What can I do about the 2 phone contracts that I have remaining and is it possible to get compensation for the the last year when the problems were first reported. Thanks Pete
  9. Hi, I have sent 3 letters out to various banks. All 3 came back with the cheques quoting no information on me. I have moved but gave previous addresses etc though. I also have an Ex husband and i have had loans with Lloyds which are connected to the joint account we had but he now has. We also had a car from Welcome car finance in Wales (the one that was advertised all the time but can't find the paperwork, I suspect he's got it all) I'd like to claim for the PPI on that because we were told in no uncertain terms we wouldn't get the car without it. I also had loans with Barclays many years ago all of which would have had PPI on them, but no one is giving me info on any accounts admittedly I can't remember bank account numbers or agreements but they should still have them on file but claim they don't. So how do I get started? thought i was doing ok till i got all the letters back. I am in a stupid place moneywise, my ex has just stopped child support again and EDf keep taking £95 randomly out of my bank. HELP!!! please. leonie
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