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  1. Hi All I recently went to Luton on a training course whilst there mistakenly drove down a bus lane in Park street then on into one in Church street. I have received 3 PCN's for this 2 for Park street and one for Church street, I have had one cancelled for Park street but the other 2 still stand as the lady in Luton parking services said I should of turned around at the end of Park street. at the time as I am not local to the area I did not see that as an option. 2 of the PCN's had a time of 16:36 and the third 16:37 all for £60 (£30 if paid in 14 days). I don't dispute the first one but how do I stand on the last one? Cheers Buttsb
  2. (I'm not exactly sure what forum this should go in, so I'm posting it here, but Mods please feel free to move it.) I'm going to charge Anglian Home Improvements £500 each time they continue to harass/phone me I have reached the Samuel L. Jackson Fury Event Horizion - "Enough is Enough! I have had it up to here with these [edit] Double-glazing salesmen on this [edit] phoneline":-x I'd appreciate some advice on the specific OFCOM guidline and law acts I can use against them. Dear Anglian, I have, over the last 6 months, received dozens of phone call from you, some silent and putting the phone down immediately I answer, and some asking to speak to a "Mrs Gardner", presumably the person that had this phone number (REMOVED) before me. I know the calls are from you due to the caller number display. Every single time I request, as is my legal right, that you stop calling me immediately and that you remove my phone number and all other information from your system and never call me again, your phone operator always agrees to do this. Despite this request, you continue to phone me at all hours of the day and night, and even when I inform you that I am not the person you are looking for you still try to sell me something. Let me inform you of some facts: (1) I have NEVER contacted you, requested a quote, had business dealing with you or otherwise made any contact with you previously (2) I am extremely ill, severely disabled and bedbound due to an incurable illness. I often have to rest or sleep during the day or evening. (3) The phone number you keep ringing (REMOVED) is for EMERGENCY use only, and hence each time I hear it ring, I can only assume it is an emergency. This stresses me, and my illness is one that, if I am stressed, my illness gets worse. Hence your insistent calls are causing me actual harm. (4) You have ignored my request to remove my number from your records on EVERY SINGLE OCCASION, thus breaking the OFCOM GUIDELINES ???? and the LAW ACT ???? Protection from Harassment Act 1997 (5) From this date onwards I am applying a schedule of fees for every phone call I receive from you to compensate me for my time and for the damage to my health, and for restitution for the HARASSMENT from you. The fees are as follows; Receiving phone call from yourselves = £500 Receiving SILENT phone call from yourselves = £750 answering email from yourselves = £250 answering unsolicited letter from yourselves = £250 personal visit from yourselves = £1500 Writing letter to yourselves = £77.34p Continued phone contact or extended other communication from yourselves shall be consider acceptance of this schedule of fees. All communication may be recorded and made public. Continued ingnoring of my requests will lead to legal action. Yours sincerely Mr Mongoose
  3. Hi just a quick one regarding regulations on red route signage. It's in camden high street outside of lidl/william hill. The first bay to oncoming traffic is loading only and the one after is free 30mins. Both bays separated by just lines and very hard to judge different restrictions. Should there be another sign indicating either end of loading bay or start of free bay. Thanks. https://www.google.co.uk/maps/@51.5362652,-0.1401768,3a,75y,32.97h,68.76t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sA35WUEWCOEaUumKqzc4Flg!2e0!7i13312!8i6656
  4. Hi, thanks in advance for looking at my post. Basically, in 2006 I took out a buy now pay later deal through land of leather with creation. land of leather told me i would be contacted when i needed to start making payments but never did. after taking out this deal i went through a rough patch after having a prem baby and becoming a single parent in the space of a few months with no job and was extremely depressed and i forgot about the sofa payments. the next i heard i had court papers, i contacted creation to ask if i could start making the payments asap and they told me i had to pay the full amount plus the interest i would have been charged or they would register the ccj. i couldnt afford to do it and the ccj was registed and a charge was put on my house. anyway, the house is being sold, its meant to exchange next week. my solicitor has contacted creation for a balance and it is 5139.19!! the sofa originally cost 1495 and i took a 2 year warranty 240. on my credit file under creation it states 3639 and they have logged every month since 2006 sustained arrears. i contacted creation to ask why the balance is so high, they told me it was now with drydens. i called drydens, they told me the 5139.19 is the balance creation had sent to them and they had never added any fees and didnt have a breakdown. i recontacted creation and i was given the balance of 3638.55 and they told me any other fees must be drydens adding them. i am so confused and neither company is offering to help me or give me the information i need. i am about to lose my buyer. please help me
  5. Hi, I have searched the forums for a couple of hours trying to get my head around the next step to take in reference to my letter titled: "Notice of Allocation to the Small Claims Track (Hearing)". Copy of letter [ATTACH=CONFIG]59738[/ATTACH] The case is regarding a landlord who took close to 2,000GBP without a signed contract in place and refused to refund my money. I never received the room or anything in return. Question I have (Sorry if they seem obvious, I haven't been to court before and I have searched for a while trying to find the answers) 1) Is this called a "Court Bundle"? 2) Do I send EVERYTHING to Edmonton Court AND my landlord who is the defendant? (I actually send all my evidence to the defendant? Witness statements and everything?) 3) What is typically included in this scenario (Court bundle?)? Are there any templates online for any of these documents? 4) I have incurred extra fees leading up to the hearing, how do I add this to the amount of attempting to claim? Is it possible? I have so far... - I have two witness statements (They are kinda just letters stating what happened; signed by the witness, nothing special) - A copy of my bank statement and an event log (The event log is what happened in my own words with times and dates) - The original contract (It has been signed by me, but not my wife, who was the TO-BE dual tenant). This contract never changed hands back to the landlord. Should I bring it? - I opened an original MCOL claim after the landlord provided me with false information regarding his name and address. I was told I couldn't proceed and had to open a new MCOL with his correct information. I spent £80 on doing this and wasted a lot of time. Should I include this? - I also found a lot of information online regarding the landlord, very bad posts on forums of very questionable nature (Like ripping off the UK government and terrorism). Is it worth including anything like this? or just leave it alone? Sorry if this seems obvious to the training eye, but I hope the comments also help others in my situation. Thank you
  6. Hello, this is my first ever post!!!! I am looking to clarify some information i have heard please if anyone can help. I got into and am still in a big financial mess due to long term ill health and not being able to work. I had 13 credit cards and 4 bank accounts that all defaulted about 2 years ago. They are with all the main institutions... Halifax, RBS, MBNA , Barclaycard, HSBC etc. I have standing orders set up paying them all £1 per month, as advised by the debt charities i spoke to. All have frozen interest and charges, and have not sold on the debt due to my ill health. This is what i want clarity on please: 1. After 6 years, I understand all info relating to those cards disappears from my CRA files, but what happens to any debt still left unpaid? Does this just get written off? Clearly at the rate of £1 per month, in 6 years, only £72 will have been paid off of each card! 2. is it a good idea to continue paying £1 per month for all this time? Thanks you all in advance.
  7. How's this for a New Year bombshell, or CAG Birthday treat? FOI Request to DWP From: Adam 9 December 2014 Dear Department for Work and Pensions, Please disclose any Jobseeker's Allowance guidance for JCP Work Coaches and Advisers that discusses making it a requirement for JSA claimers to spend 35 hours a week on work search, including full info on the laws and regulations that explicitly state this 35 hours rule can be imposed for JSA claimers not on any supervised jobsearch pilot. No info about Universal Credit required. The PCS Union has published this: "The GEC has been made aware that in some areas Work Coaches are being told by managers that they must impose 35 hour Jobsearch requirement on claimants. This is not required by current legislation for JSA claimants, and it is not with the remit of F&F." http://www.pcs.org.uk/en/department_for_... Yours faithfully, Adam Here is what the Union says about it in the link: "The GEC has been made aware that in some areas Work Coaches are being told by managers that they must impose 35 hour Jobsearch requirement on claimants. This is not required by current legislation for JSA claimants, and it is not with the remit of F&F. Branches should advise members not to comply with the instruction, branches should then escalate through the usual trade union side structures. We have raised these issues with management in writing and will provide an update to branches following further consultation." And here is the response from DWP to the initial FOI request: Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) Central Freedom of Information Team xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx@xxx.xxx.gov.uk Our reference: VTR 5312 Date: 15 December 2014 Dear Adam, Thank you for your Freedom of Information request received on 10 December 2014. You stated: Please disclose any Jobseeker's Allowance guidance for JCP Work Coaches and Advisers that discusses making it a requirement for JSA claimers to spend 35 hours aweek on work search, including full info on the laws and regulations that explicitly state this 35 hours rule can be imposed for JSA claimers not on any supervised jobsearch pilot. No info about Universal Credit required. The PCS Union has published this "The GEC has been made aware that in some areas Work Coaches are being told by managers that they must impose 35 hour Jobsearch requirement on claimants. This is not required by current legislation for JSA claimants, and it is not with the remit of F&F." http://www.pcs.org.uk/en/department_for_work_and_pensions_group/dwpnews. cfm/work-services-update As there is no legal requirement for Jobseeker’s Allowance claimants to undertake 35 hours of Work Search Activity each week, no legislation or national guidance stating otherwise exists. If you have any queries about this letter please contact us quoting the reference number above. Yours sincerely, DWP Central FoI Team. It may be advisable for claimants who have been coerced into undertaking 35 hours of Work Search Activity each week to consider instigating Maladministration procedures against the advisers who did the coercing. Such claimants could begin by insisting on having any reference to 35 hours of Work Search Activity each week removed from their JSAg/CC on the grounds that including such a requirement is illegal and can't be enforced.
  8. Hi all. Last Friday we became aware of our kitten having an abscess located above his anus. When we took him to our regular vet he drained the abscess and flushed it before leaving it open / supplying a cone. The vet told us not to let the cat lick the abscess and gave us painkillers to give with food once a day. Last night we observed blood on the floor where our kitten was sitting. On inspection it looked like the abscess had torn down to/ onto the anus. Concerned, we called the emergency vet for advice and were told to bring him in. We did so despite the quoted call-out fee of £170.00. Upon arrival and examination the emergency Vet offered to stitch up the abscess there and then or for us to wait a few hours until the next day then have the same surgery performed. We asked what the emergency vet what she would recommend and was told it would be best to leave him with them overnight so they could go forwards with stitching up Kalli's anus/ abscess plus issuing stronger painkillers. My mother paid a deposit of £250.00 up front as requested then paid a further amount to bring the total to just over £500.00. This morning we contacted our regular vet who expressed dissatisfaction with the treatment given by the emergency vet, stating they shouldn't have stitched up the wound. They said this, explaining, that there is a high chance they will need to undo the work done to Kalli by the emergency vet as this had a good chance of making his injury worse with time and expressing the opinion that over-phone advice was the only thing that should have been provided with the reason being that it would only be a cause for concern had the cat been female. Kalli is a male sphynx. Our kitten is not insured, which means whatever costs are incurred are our own faults for not being prepared - I am aware. I am willing to pay the consultation fee that was required by bringing the cat in and even for the extra painkillers - however, being charged for a surgery/ treatment that was entirely unnecessary feels wrong. We plan to ask our regular vet to put the professional opinion he gave us in writing however I'm really lost about how we can proceed after that. Does anyone have any experience in this? Please help!
  9. Tried screen grab but technology defeated me . so I have copied the main details This is the message from Norton 28/03/2014 14:35:44,High,An intrusion attempt by klotaz.info was blocked., No Action Required, Web Attack: Malicious SWF Download 8,No Action Required,No Action Required,"klotaz.info (, 80)",klotaz.info/ads/id_24853.swf?cid=fm2lqejejimm53at1blvfqe1), (,"TCP, www-http" Network traffic from klotaz.info/ads/id_24853.swf?cid=fm2lqejejimm53at1blvfqe137 matches the signature of a known attack. The attack was resulted from \DEVICE\HARDDISKVOLUME3\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\INTERNET EXPLORER\IEXPLORE.EXE
  10. Wizz air introduces new cabin bag charges. If anyone is confused about why some airline companies have reduced card surcharges following the OFT investigation,then even more confusing is how some are seemingly already taking measures to recoup any shortfalls by introducing new baggage charges. Now traditionally the major airlines have included hand baggage within the base ticket. Up until 9th July Wizz Air did so too...and 10kg at that. Today they announced their so called "New Cabin bag policy" So for those who are wondering,Wizz are now defining between a small cabin bag and a large cabin bag. A small cabin bag is what they deem as 42x32x25cm or smaller.The weight allowance of 10kg remains the same. This size bag will be free from further baggage charges from 9th July. Any bag that exceeds this size,will now cost 10 euro. But it still must be the same size as the prev limits for fitting into the overhead bins. Wizz say they are introducing this new baggage policy as a trial to "Incentivise passengers to bring smaller baggage aboard the aircraft " This seems odd since there are very few passengers who board flights with only a laptop bag. Wizz claim this trial on selected routes will improve on time performance and result in better travel experience... although they are not so quick at how they have arrived at this amazing feat of ingenuity. They add; With fewer large items onboard, the cabin will be less crowded and the boarding process will be easier and faster for the benefit of all our passengers. Now assuming that the smaller baggage will all be under the seats (which they tell) that means LESS space around the seating. No I am afraid I am not convinced at all. Even if they were to scrap the £14 per return card surcharges...they will still be 6 euro in pocket. Nice try. They have not updated their website either with this as of 16.49 on 9th.July. The notification has gone out by emails. http://wizzair.com/en-GB/useful_information/baggage
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