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  1. Hi all, Looking for some help if possible. Have just been to Halifax for a mortgage application. Now I wasn't declined straight away for some reason on the initial meeting which the adviser says is strange and has a ray of hope as usually this gets declined straight away. However met them today and he couldn't process it or take any money as he wasn't sure if he can get us the mortgage, due to this default which has been settled. He has said it has to go onto the underwriters where they decide. I'm not hopeful at all. Now I bought some stuff through Next in which I fell behind of payments due to no work as a self employed sparky, tried to sort this with Next but debt sold to Lowells. I never signed up to an agreement with them so I assume they didn't or couldn't default me. The debt was sold to Lowells who then sent me a letter harassing me to pay. I never received a default letter or any notification that this would happen. Now I am really stuck as to what to do or find out who actually set the default, as both companies deny it. What now?? Thanks all
  2. Hi there I applied for a mortgage last week with halifax but got declined. Upon checking my credit file goth registered a default that was satisfied. The debt had nothing to do with me and got it removed from experian and equifax. This is the main reason for the decline and the there were concern over amount of credit searches. The default shows on noodle still not sure about call credit. From the information below do I now stand a good chance of acceptance? Age 20 Salary fixed employed 28k year over 4 years employment same company. House new build for 150k Deposit 7500 Help to buy scheme 20% gov loan. 7 credit searches in past 12 months 4 this year. No ccjs, defaults, missed payments, finacial associations. I also think I might have a CPD (credit policy decline with llyods will this make a difference? No account with halifax) 5 credit cards, around 500 debit (just cleared £500 yesterday) and three mobile phone contracts. I just think if I pass first stage the underwriters will reject because of age. Though I'm keeping upbeat. Single application
  3. Hi Thanks for offering assistance in this matter. In the early 1990s I took out a Lloyds loan for £10,000 & was told that I would not be able to have the loan without PPI even though I had a secure job & was in good health, I was 22 at the time. Please note that I dont have any of the agreements in question & that the loan was sold on face to face tearms with my bank manager at the time. The loan in question ran from 1993 to 1998. I recently contacted Lloyds & expressed that PPI was not optional, I was told that PPI was a condition of the loan & was not asked if I had any other insurance or employment benefits. After waiting 6 weeks they replied with a letter of refusal to pay out on the PPI. This is what the letter stated! After considering the evidence & documentation available to me, I have not found sufficient evidence to agree with your alligations that your PPI policies were mis-sold. As such I am unable to uphold your complaint. Having completed all of these steps, I went to look at your complaint as a whole to ensure that we acted fairly towards you in relation to the sale of your PPI policies, given appropriate weight & balance consideration to all available evidence. I am sorry that you felt the need to complain about your PPI policies & appreciate that my decision may be dissapointing to you. However, I can assure you that I have fully investigated your complaint & all the surrounding circumstances. Your complaint Durind a telephone call on August 29th 2012 you said: 1) It was not made clear that PPI was optional 2) You were told that PPI was a condition of the loan 3)You were not asked if you had existing insurance or employer benefits. Findings In order to address the concerns you have raised , I have reviewed all the available sale related evidence, I have established that you applied for your loan PPI policies. To further assist my investigation I have also taken the following in to consideration. Your telephone complaint Our knowledge of our sales process & documentation at the time. It should be noted that prior to 2005 the sale of PPI was not regulated by the FSA. However, we were members of the of Association of British Insurers (ABI), which expected its members to conduct business with upmost good faith & integrity. All your complaint points have been fully considered . For clarity, I have addressed your allegations under the following headings. Optionality - Were you made aware that the policy was optional? Information & Disclosure - Did we give you enough information & help so you canmake an informed decision? Were our services & status explained correctly? Optionality - Relating to complaint points 1 & 2 I can confirm that ithas never been a requirement to take out a PPI policy in order for a loan application to be accepted. In addition, taking out a PPI policy would not have improved the chance of your application being accepted. I am also aware that the sales process at the time clearly demonstrated to you that your PPi was optional & I have concluded that the adviser did not mislead you in any way. I have therefore come to the conclusion that you were made aware of the optional nature of your PPI policies. Information & Disclosure I can varify that the adviser had no alternative policies to consider or offer to you. I am also aware that only where it was practical to do so we would have taken steps to identify your needs. However, we would have put you in a position where you could make an informed choice about the transaction that you were entering into & the insurance that you were buying. When considering the information available I can conclude that the documentation that we provided to customers at the time contained sufficient information to ensure you could make an informed decision as to wheather the policies met your personal requirements. It cannot therefore be concluded that the information & disclosure was inappropriate in the circumstances. Conclusion In light of my findings, I feel that our advisor acted fairly & reasonably throughout the sale. I believe the information provided at the time was a fair presentation of the feature of the policies & explained the policies' exclusions & the total cost of the insurance. I am also of the opinion that it was clear, fair & not misleading & therefore allowing you to make a fully informed choice. My review has not highlighted any failings with the sale that would lead me to believe your decision tp purchase the PPI policies would have changed. So I have 28 days to provide further supporting evidence, I have contactrd the FOS & they are taking on the case, however, due to backlogs it may take a year. I appreciate any help & advice on this matter
  4. Hi, Anyone with insight on the small claims court procedure and taking a train operator to court of breach of contract would be appreciated. I bought two single tickets to London to attend an 02 concert I had booked months earlier. We set off on our journey in plenty of time to arrive at the 02, have a meal and attend the concert. After one stop, the service was suspended due to overhead wire problems. We waited and waited and eventually were told a bus was being put on to take us further down the line where trains were still running. By now time was becoming tight and I decided that waiting for the buses (during school bus times) would likely place us jeopardy to reach the 02 in time for the concert, and took a taxi to the downline station. We waited there for 30 mins with a sign indicvating that a train was due to arrive in 2 or 3 minutes. No trains arrived and the electronic signage simply rolled-over the 2 or 3 minute arrival time in every instance. I was eventually told by another passenger that this is programmed into the system (rolling over the arrival time of trains). After half an hour, an announcement came on the tannoy that all services were suspended. Now frantic, I chose to take a taxi to London King's Cross. It seemed to take for ever. We arrived at KC at 19:00 (having arrived at the original departure station at 15:30). I then jumped in another taxi for the 02 and arrived at 19:45 - after 4.25 hours of continuous journey (bar the waiting time at the various stations). We made the Concert in time. Just. The next day I wrote to Ist Capital Connect to claim a refund of my train fares (approx £50) and the taxi fares (I kept the receipts) of over £200. I also stated in that first letter that I didn't want a travel voucher but cash for the tickets. 1st Cap Connect wrote apologizing and enclosed two complimentary 1st Class tickets, not cash, and refused to pay the taxi fares as they had not agreed to them. I replied saying that I hadn't traveleed on the railways for years prior to this journey and in view of my what happened didn't intend to repeat the experience - and could I please have a cash refund for the tickets. I also noted that under the Supply of Goods and Services Act 1982, and I entitled to claim exemplary costs to put right any breach of contract I suffer. The letters have gone backwards and forwards and the latest is that they have re-offered to return the complimentary rail tickets, but not to pay in cash or cover the cost of the taxis. My only choice now is to commence small claims court action. I will do this, but would appreciate any insights and advice anyone here can provide that assist my court case. Many thanks. SoS
  5. Hi Hoping someone can help me. I took out a loan in 2000 an 2001 with Lloyds TSB. This was carried out at my local branch. The 1st Loan i was working as a temp classroom assistant whilst studying in Uni. The advisor stated that in order for me to get this loan in particular there was no option to opt out of the PPI and it was part and parcel of the loan, the 2nd loan I took out was to consolidate the earlier loan. I was not even made aware that PPI was applied onto this agreement. I called Lloyds and explained this to them and have rec'd what looks like a standard template reply: I have found nothing to suggest that you were compelled into taking out the policies. I believe the information provided at the time of sale was fair and presentation of the features of the policies and explained the policy exclusions and the total cost of the insurance. I am also of the opinion that it was clear, fair and not misleading therefore allowing you to make a fully informed choice. My review has not highlighted any failings with the sale that would make me believe your decision to purchase the PPI policies would have changed. Then it goes on to say that we have 28 days to respond to appeal or contact the FOS. I do not believe this to be a fair response and at what point can they prove that the PPI was not missold. Can anyone help with the response that I should reply back with? Thank you M x
  6. Hi all, I please need some advice re a PPI complaint questionnaire I am currently filling in. It's been calculated by my credit company that I have potentially been mis-sold nearly 4k of PPI over the years and I would like to claim it back. I unfortunately don't know the full details of how I took out the credit card. I have got a copy of the credit agreement I signed from Barclaycard and on the form, neither the "I agree" or "I decline" box in the PPI section has been ticked by myself, but there appears to be a small computer-printed "X" about 1 inch below the "I agree" box. This has been pre-printed before I signed the agreement. It states above the boxes that I should read the enclosed leaflet about PPI before ticking a box. Is the fact that I haven't physically ticked the box a case for PPI mis-selling? It has been applied to my account without my consent. I can't remember the full conversation with the staff at the bank when I applied as it was almost 10 years ago, but I know if I had been given the choice or if it was explained to me correctly I wouldn't have opted for it. And was it right for Barclaycard to assume I wanted PPI without my explicit consent? Is this a strong case for a PPI claim? If anyone has had anything similar, how did you approach the questions on the complaint questionnaire and any recommendations on what to put to help fight my case. much appreciated!
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