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Found 11 results

  1. Hi everyone. We've had a motor trade policy for 5 years now. 10 days before renewal this year, the insurer flagged up 4 vehicles we've had for a while, and wanted proof of ownership and V5s. I neglected to send these when requested. Over the next few days, they started sending me emails regarding renewal, and that the policy will auto renew. The policy autorenewed, but I know they always want proof of trading (ie. recent invoices) and driving licences. I could see emails coming through, that we had X days to send these documents. In all this, I understood that the deadline for the documents for the renewal was 5pm on the 25th May. I sent the proofs of trading and driving licences, and said in my email "Here are the documents for renewal", and asked to confirm some details about cover. The lady answered my email, but didn't mention those previous proofs of OWNERSHIP of the other vehicles. I assumed those were for the past policy (same insurer). I carried on as normal, awaiting the insurance certificate. It never came, and the following Thursday 31st May (almost a week later) I called them at 4pm to chase it up. I was then informed that insurance had been cancelled due to not providing those proofs of ownership. I'd never gotten so much as a courtesy email informing me of this, and had been driving uninsured for a week. They said if I sent them, they would see about insuring me again. As it was late, they called me the following day (1st June) to say they could cover me, but that since it's a new month, the premium is now £450 more. They wouldn't budge. AND I now have a cancelled policy in my history, bumping up my premiums. Now my question is, all the policies so far were under our Ltd company which is being closed down. Obviously on the schedule of fact it was "Mr X and Miss X (XXX Ltd)" and the account payer for the insurance (on their docs) is "XXX Ltd". We are no longer trading under that Ltd company, we are now a partnership. So when we're asked have you ever had a policy cancelled, what do we say? Legally, if I say no, since the cancelled policy was under a Ltd company, am I covered? Thank you.
  2. My son used to work for a big retail company and had a company car. The company failed to inform HMRC that he had a fuel card with his company car and now my son has been hit with an unpaid tax bill for £1700. The company only sent off the proper form declaring he had a fuel card when he left the company. He is very angry to receive this bill as it appears that he is being billed for the actions of this company and it appears malicious that they only sent off the form when he left. Is there anything he can do about this?
  3. I'm looking for some advice please . I recently applied for a mortgage, and was asked initially over the phone "have you ever had any CCJS or IVAS". The answer was and is no. I was given an agreement in principle. This has now progressed to full application stage , after passing a full credit check. I have received a check list to sign and return to the lender. One of the first questions asks "Have you ever been subject to county court judgements (CCJs) , defaults or a repossession"? Is this asking if I have had a CCJ, county court default judgement or county court repossession order?, or is it asking if I have ever had credit defaults? The answer to that is yes, all unsecured, all now off my file and statute barred. After an initial panic I believe it is all County Court order related but I would like your opinions please.
  4. Hi, I passed my driving test last year and went down the route of the examiner taking my provisional license to send to the DVLA in order to obtain the full one. According to everything i read and was informed about, the full license would arrive inside three weeks. one week in and in my excitement, i bought a car and via a comparison site arranged insurance. I had explained i did not at that time have the full license to send them, just passed etc and was told this would be OK as it should arrive before they would cancel anything, and to mail them the license when i got it. What i had failed to factor in was that my old provisional was valid but within the time frame that DVLA would require a newer photo. (they did not inform me of this until 4 weeks after i passed my test), so i had to fill in some forms and send them away, effectively triggering a new three week waiting period. This was to long for the insurance i had been offered and they cancelled it. (i was dealing with Autonet btw). They did however understand my situation and arranged a newer insurance with a different company (more expensive but hey ho) and i finally received my full license, sent them the documents and all was good. Now that my insurance is up for renewal (no points, fines, claims or anything - i have been a very careful new driver ) i am unsure if that first policy is something i have to declare to potential new providers? How serious a mistake was it on my part to go for a car before i had the paperwork in hand? thanks in advance
  5. I have applied for a position with British Gas. They asked if I had any CCJ's or IVA's against me within the past 6 years. I said no. However I have progressed a bit further now and have to fill in forms for a full check by Experian, and the question is now worded differently - Have you ever received any County Court Judgments or Individual Voluntary Arrangements against you? My CCJ was over 6 years ago, and has dropped off of ALL of the credit reports I have paid for to check, so my question is - Do I have to tick yes? Thanks in Advance. Tony.
  6. Hello. Long story which I will try and simplify. I purchased a car in September 2013. The car, the key and the logbook have been stolen by my mother (very long story). Whilst in the process of trying to get replacement paperwork, I ran a check on my vehicle. Turns out it was a category D write off back in 2009. Now, should the dealer not have declared this to me? I would not have touched the car with a barge-pole had I known this snippet of information. Obviously I feel less inclined to go through the rigmarole of gettibng paperwork, getting a new key and recovering the vehicle. I am fairly sure the dealer should have informed me? What can I do about this mess?
  7. Dear cag, I have significant debt in UK. I am overseas and has been 4 years since the default. My house was repossessed. 1-Is it worth declaring bankruptcy now. what are the pros and cons? 2- If i were to declare bankruptcy and came to work in uk ,i am worried that i will not be able to open a bank account with out which i will not be able to get paid among other difficulties. any solution to this problem? 3- What if i continue to work overseas for another couple of years and then come back, will that change anything? I really need some sound advice on how to plan my future.
  8. Hi, I am looking for some advice. I have a number of debts but the creditors have accepted a token payment each month, the only one I'm having problems with is Barclays Bank. I have an overdraft with them and have written to them asking if they will accept a token payment in order to clear the debt. I do not work due to ill health, but cannot claim benefits because my husband works. The bank has refused my payment because I have not given details of my income, which I have it is zero. My question is does my husband have to declare his income to them even though the account and overdraft is in my name only. He is prepared to give me the payment to give to them monthly but will not fill in an income and expenditure form. All my other creditors have no problem with this arrangement.
  9. Hi. Please go easy when I ask this! I am asking for advice before I take out any insurance. Sainsbury's are doubling my insurance quote (from £500 to £1000) for an sp30 speeding offence. This is for a named driver, and resulted in 3 points and £60 FPN. I ask if I should include this, as on the quote for it asks if you have had any CONVICTIONS in the last 5 years. I was under the impression that an FPN was not a conviction, as you can only be convicted of something by a court. When you try and add a conviction it asks you this: ''Please select any convictions this driver has had in the last 5 years from the drop down list below. You will find the exact conviction type including any codes on their driving licence'' Am I under any obligation to declare the 3 points?, as it specifically asks for convictions. Thanks guys.
  10. hi there, I wonder if anyone can give us an idea of what to expect when we renew our tax credits... From April to August last year, my partner was working 40 hours a week as a self employed subcontractor. Then the company he was working for folded, but rather than sign on and claim JSA as we were sure we could weather the financial storm without doing so, he continued to look for work and we lived off our small savings (and sold pretty much everything we owned). Our second baby was born in November, so having him at home was a godsend really as I was pretty ill, all in all he was not working for around 5 months. By the beginning of Februuary thanks to the generosity of friends and family we had managed to find him enough tools etc. to set up on his own as a gardener. So he informed HMRC that he was now a sole trader, and at the time I rang tax credits who said that that in itself made no difference as he was already registered self employed. Things are really positive now, he is working 6, sometimes 7 days a week and we are financially back on track. However, now that we have got last year's accounts back from the accountant and it's time to renew our tax credits claim, I realise that the details they have for last year won't be correct, (he DID work 40 hours a week when he was working, but obviously that doesn't apply to the 5 months off). I feel stupid that we didn't tell them about the 5 month period where he was looking for work but not signed on. We continued to receive tax credits for that period, which I assume is fraud as now I've looked into it we should have told them within four weeks if he wasn't working? Being newly self employed last year, we just didn't think as I assumed our award would just be based on income (overall, he still made a profit of £4237 for the year) Will they just ask us to pay it back from future awards? Or will they cut off our award altogether for not disclosing all of the relevant information? I'm making myself sick with worry as this was a genuine oversight as we had so much on our plate. Any advice gratefully received.
  11. French farce as British expats face a shock £8,000 fine if they do not declare their inheritance trusts to the Paris tax office Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/money/mortgageshome/article-2158326/British-expats-France-face-shock-8-000-fine-declare-inheritance-trusts.html#ixzz1xmmGQ3RJ
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