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Found 19 results

  1. Hi, I am after a little advice, or pointing in the right direction. One of my children has a debt from Lloyds TSB (A loan taken out many years ago). Whilst she was talking about money she mentioned she has two DCA's but only one debt. She said she's been paying it for years, but it never really seems to go down. She has dropped the paperwork off for me to look at, and they are both debts for Lloyds. Different amounts, but she only had one loan. Is there a way to find out if it is the same debt or somehow different ones. One company is Lowell Portfolio, and the other is Wescot. Thanks in advance 5bellies
  2. I owed hmrc £400 income tax (self employed) and was late paying it Paid £200 last week and the rest today. Today I also got a text message from ccs asking me to call them and quote a reference number. A friend of mine had a similar text and ended up paying ccs their tax plus ccs charges for collecting the tax! As I've now paid hmrc directly, can ccs still chase me for their charges? I have not replied to their text message What is the best way to deal with ccs
  3. I have been paying off a water bill that i owed via a debt collecting agency using my debit card. on the 4th Jan i had a balance of £23.00 outstanding but the debt collecting company took £77.10 from my bank i have complained but they are denying that they took it and are looking into it, strangly the money has been credited to my water company which made me in credit. what i would like to know is is it illegal for them to take more than i owed and is there anyone i can report them to as they have been VERY unhelpful and rude to me via email and telephone
  4. I have received two letters over the past 3 weeks from Pastdue chasing a debt for Npower for ~£620 (£450 debt £170 fees) relating to my old address I left in Nov 2010 so 6 years ago. The first letter lists the product and supply period as not specified which is helpful. I have spent the intervening time digging through letters and my bank statements trying to figure out what this for and have found some letters from Wescot in 2014 with the same account number for Npower Gas but owing ~£650 but I do not recall ever entertaining these letters. On my bank statements it seems I last made a payment to Npower in Oct 2010 but I am not sure if it was for gas or electricity as it was a card payment. On first glance it seems that the debt maybe Statute Barred or at least nearing it as I do not know the exact default date. To complicate things I can see on my bank statements that I have made payments to Scotcall since then which I think were for my Npower electricity account not my gas account iirc, which I paid for a period of time until I was told to stop as it seemed Npower recalled the debt. Unfortunately I cannot put my hands on any letters to confirm this so I am not 100% confident that it is a separate account. The actual value of the gas debt should be over £2000 as although I had a direct debit in place for both fuels, npower didn't bill me for gas for over 2 years so I am not convinced this debt is actually mine unless npower wrote some of the debt off. I am unsure how to proceed, I am not in a position to pay so am reluctant to start engaging with the dca. Is it wise to engage with Npower to try and confirm if the account is mine and try to find out the default date and last payment amount/date to see if the debt is now SB? Kind regards
  5. I Parked at the rear of Argos whilst I went straight to Argos to pay for the item. It had already been ordered on line. I was gone for no more than 5 or 10 minutes. When I returned to my car, there was a UKPC parking charge on the windscreen. I had parked a few yards away from the collection entrance as there was already a car there, and I didn't want to block any ones way. It was a Sunday and very quiet. There were plenty of other parking spaces available. The ticket on my windscreen states "A Parking charge of £ is outstanding" ....... there is no figure printed there, but if you look VERY closely, the printed amount is on the line below and mingles with further text so cannot be easily seen. I have a receipt from Argos for the item purchased, whose date and time is one minute away from the one on the parking ticket. I went back into Argos to complain, but the girl said it was nothing to do with them as it was not their land. I've also contacted Argos help on line .... and been told to sort it out with the parking company. I've also rung CAB for their advice. I've read some of the threads on here and feel more optimistic. Am I right in thinking that I need to wait for UKPC to write to me before doing anything? I realise that this would mean I might have to pay the £100, rather than the £60 (which is buried in the text) Any help gratefully received. Whatever the outcome though, my view of Argos has plummeted. Also, an elderly gentleman who parked at the same time as myself, got a parking ticket too. they must have been rubbing their hands together that day! The signage did say do not leave your car unattended, but I assumed that Argos owned the land, and being as they tell you to go around the back, that it would be alright to park there to pay for the item. Apologies for the length of this, but I wanted to give all the facts. Thank you P.S. The area I parked in has signs saying "No Unauthorised Parking". It was not a car park you bought a ticket to use. My parking Charge states "Parked in a permit area without displaying a valid permit"
  6. I am a member of a local group here in Dorset, Pets Lost and Found. It is purely voluntary and now has 4032 members. They will post up quickly about stolen pets, lost pets, found pets, and organise searches for cats, dogs, birds that go missing. They go out and scan deceased animals, or take wildlife off to a vet etc. .They are very successful and have helped many people get back with lost pets, although there have been a few sad endings, of course. Its not a registered charity, but they did ask for donations for a petrol fund a while ago, which is very reasonable considering what they do. They also ask sometimes for help with admin, this is a kitty so that they can then help with advertising, tracker dogs etc. They sometimes pick up on other charities appeals, and point the members in the right direction if they wish to donate to those. They recently had the idea of asking for Xmas donations to give as many dogs (homeless or in rescues) a Xmas pressie. Someone pointed out that they couldn´t ask for donations, it was unlawful as they were not a registered charity. So to err on the side of caution, shoeboxes are being packed and handed over instead. Now, is this correct, that they cannot lawfully ask for donations? And could someone point me to a website or something where I can read up about this, as I´d like to help them out, but I don´´t know much about this. Many thanks for any replies.
  7. This looks horrendous. http://www.croydonadvertiser.co.uk/Bailiff-inadvertantly-recorded-attacking-woman/story-26657418-detail/story.html
  8. Hello In 2005 I took out a credit card and current account overdraft with First Direct. After getting into difficulty and missing payments for a while, First Direct combined the two accounts and issued a default in 2012. Last year they assigned the combined account to 1st Credit. Neither First Direct nor 1st Credit informed me that the accounts were combined/consolidated - I only know this from looking at my credit report. 1st Direct have recently started sending weekly letters asking for repayment - starting with a 20% discount 'offer'. Last week, I sent the CCA request with £1 payment. Very quickly, a couple of days later, they responded and returned my £1 postal order saying that the account was a current account and therefore not covered by CCA until 2011 - again not mentioning the fact that two accounts had in fact been consolidated. They also said in the letter that they have requested copy statements from First Direct and my account is on hold until they are able to send them to me. I received another collection letter today but this was dated the day before the letter responding to my CCA request. I would be grateful for any advice on next steps once 1st Credit resume collection letters, which they surely will. Should First Direct have combined the two accounts in the manner they did and should it be covered by the CCA as the overall total includes a proportion of credit card debt (in fact the majority of the total)? Thanks
  9. Just a quick one, this is regarding my partner's debts which are a thread elsewhere, but she's mid applying for a DRO. All her debtors bar one have put everything on hold - Jacobs are just being greedy, inconsiderate and bullying. Got a letter today saying unless a payment offer is made (have been advised by the National Debtline NOT to make an offer as Jacobs are one of many creditors) they will send out a "Debt Collecting Agent". Now the previous letter threatened court action but she has received NO court letters so presumibly it hasn't been to court yet. But if I'm right in thinking, these "Debt Collecting Agent" have no rights whatsoever (unlike Court appointed Bailiffs) .. ? Will send a letter by return if this is indeed the case telling them there is a 7 month old child and my partner is alone with her during the day and this would cause her anxiety and distress. Am I right in thinking the above is right? These pre-court "Agents" have no legal rights to collect the debt? Many thanks.
  10. Has anyone had any dealings with these? in August I closed a bank account and forgot to pay the final month on this. Left a £30 amount owing, I thought no problem i'll pay it. Forgot all about it and canceled the insurance before the renewal date for which I have confirmation. Forgot all about it . Today I've had a letter from Regal asking for £52. This is more than £30 and the extra charge must of come from somewhere. Now we know you never ring debt collectors but its a small amount and I had some anger to vent. Firstly he told me it was because I cancelled after the renewal date (which is rubbish as I've got an email confirmation) and it was in the contract so I asked him how can a contract be in force after the end date?, surely a contract ends the last day unless you renew it which I didn't. Then he started on about some revolving charge relating to credit interest charged because I broke the agreement and the creditor being allowed to charge a fee. What an absolute load of rubbish. I told him I won't be paying a penny till I've got a full written statement detailing all payments and a detailed breakdown of where they came to the figure. To which he replied "we are just collectors that get given a figure to collect". I asked him how they can go around writing to people asking for money without knowing what they are demanding money for and also asked how he knew that I had not renewed when he didn't know what he was collecting?. Gave him a telling off for the way another unrelated company spoke to my mum over a phone bill which was paid and he put me on to his manager, sounded like he was going to cry. Manager told me they will hold the file till they can get they can get the info from the client. Im not a nasty person or anything but this was sort of my experiment knowing that its a very small amount that I'm not disputing that I owe the amount and will pay it as soon as they come back with a correct figure but the lie spouting just shocked me and the fact he admitted he didn't actually know anything about what he was collecting is baffling The idea that in the UK in 2015 a company can sit with a list of addresses and phone numbers + a figure then harass them into handing over money is outragious. I can easily see how they intimidate people into paying what they can't afford or more than they owe, his tone was condescending and a bit agressive + he would not take anything I said as truth.
  11. Hi everybody I ran into financial difficulties 2.5 years go and arranged with Barclaycard (peviously Egg) to pay £75 per month with interest and charges frozen on a £10,000 debt. This was paid by direct debit and I have not missed any payments. I have just noticed that they have stopped taking the money - the last one being in November. Does anyone know what this means? Is it a prelude to heavier action? Thanks for any advice.
  12. Hi Can anyone please advise me. I am being harrassed by 3 debt collecting agencies over some debts which are from around 1997. Basically I ended up with financial problems in the 90s after a divorce. I have paid most of them off, but apparently there are 3 outstanding from around this time. Anyhow, I started to receive some letters from Mackenzie Hall which I ignored because the debt is so old, and I know about the limitations act. They then passed it on to Wescot, and now Scotcall. I am currently receiving text messages and phone calls from Wescot and Scotcall every other day now, and really do not know what to do. They have somehow managed to get hold of my mobile number which does not even belong to me, or in my name. How they have found this number is beyond me. I have never been taken to court for these debts or had a CCJ taken out against me, so how can they keep bothering me for debts that are so old. I want to send them a letter regarding the limitations act, but my partner forbids me to contact them. I really am very worried and do not know what to do. The other thing that is worrying me, is that I believe that one of them has visited my home, as someone has tried to break into our property 3 times over the last month, and we don't understand why, or if it could be these people. One thing is for sure, they are not going to give up. If anything, the texts and phone calls are gaining momentum, and I have also had to close my facebook account due to people viewing my profile from the area of where the debt collectors come from. Any advice would be truly helpful. Thanks in advance.
  13. Hi all, I need some advice, I received a letter today from Lowell saying that my Very-Littlewoods/ Additions Direct account has been sold to them as outstanding debt that I owe, a sum of £1859.63 ! I don't recall owing any outstanding debt, I haven't received any letters stating so, they provided me a summary of my recent orders that dates back to Jan 2009 and Aug 2009, I don't remember/ haven't received any default letters from Very/ Littlewoods/ Additions. I tried ringing Very to gain some information/ asked for balance detail for the account number Lowell provided (since I can't find a postal address for the Shop Direct group to request a copy of the account information), the person from Very provided a number 08453009410 for me to call since the line was busy, that number was to the Lowell Group !!! I've got a credit report from Equifax and CreditExpert, both credit report doesn't show any existing debt and all my accounts related to the Shop Direct Group is 'settled'. I have noticed that Lowell made a credit search which I didn't authorized, and since my credit report doesn't show any existing debt I don't see any justification for Shop Direct Group to sell my portfolio to Lowell and have them to make a credit search. I also noticed that an unauthorized address has been linked to my credit report and Shop Direct Group created that. I need advice on how to settle this dispute with Lowell. Do I contact CRA and tell them of this situation ? Do I write to the Lowell group ? How do I contact the Shop Direct Group etc etc.
  14. I was recently visited by a bailiff on behalf of my council for falling behind on my business rate as my standing order was not confirmed due to an error on my part. It was a very embarrassing ordeal as my customers were present and I was very surprised to see the bailiffs as the council did not inform me of this visit nor that they had not received payments. Had i known i would have made payment. I called the council to remonstrate that i wasn't made aware of this and they said it was not their responsibility as I am behind on my payment so I reluctantly paid the bailiff as he was intimidating mentioning the longer he is here the more I will have to pay for his fees. Before leaving he did say the fees will be approx £250. After following up with the council for an itemised bill the bailiff sent me the following: Payment by C/C £113.94 Sch 5 Head H £24.50 Attendance / Van £150.00 Levy fee £111.00 Waiting £120.00 - I was not told there would be further credit card fees (i have paid the council using credit card before without paying extra fees) - Nothing was removed from my property so do not see why they have charged £150 for van fees. - I do not know what the 'levy'' or the 'Sch 5 Head H' fees are? - waiting fee as he was at the premises for just over an hour These charges look bogus and was wondering if anyone can advise as I feel I have been over charged? Many Thanks
  15. Hi all, First time posting on this forum, I am after some advice. I am paying my debts through a DMP with payplan, and am presently checking all my current creditors. I have just questioned if Link Financial will stop applying interest to my debt as I have been paying through Payplan without missing payments for the last four and a half years, they replied by saying that I was still under the original agreement term. I then noticed that the original agreement was with GE Capital and this debt was subject to a CCJ (judgement date 15 June 2008) total amount £3,104.60 On the Judgement it states , You must pay £3,019.60 for debt (and interest to date of judgement) and £85.00 costs. Total = £3,104.60. Installments of £20.39 until the debt has been paid. The total that Link says I still owe them is £3175.00, I have paid a total of £1121.45 in payments of £20.39 as ordered by the court towards this debt, this should leave a balance of £1983.15. Can someone advise me if Link can apply interest on this deb,t if on the Judgment it stated, debt and interest up to date of judgement. Want to get my facts before I approach them. Thanks Neil
  16. hi i need some advice im normally on form but this hit me for six Today (12/10/2012) i went to visit my nan and whilst there a bloke turned up for provident personal loans, nice chap nan pays £20 a week for a loan she took out he seemed ok to me and my nan was dealing with him for last few months no issue, her bill is £19.50 a week and always pays twenty so she is not in arrears and frimly can afford this. Anyway after siiting on the couch filled in the book turned around to my nan and asked he was there to collect £350 debt for O2 if she could pay £250 today would right thre rest off. My instinct was to ask for Id he was now a debt collector and he didnt have any but provident credit servies (same company) are now also collecting debts the knob was rude and discussed my nans personal info in front of me, to which i feel is data protection surely and how can a loan company give money doorstep loans and collect debts at same time, i understand if they have gone into that kind of work then they should have one agent to give a loan and another to collect debts, the morale of story i threw the guy out i was right to do this? any advice? i am considering contacting trading standards does my nan have a case ? please help
  17. First post here and i'll start by saying hello all and thanks for a great forum.. Ive had a debt with MBNA which in Jan got passed to Moorgate I made 3 payments with them, the debt then got passed to Arden, after hundreds of unanswered calls and messages of them I sent them a cca request. They sent me a statement trying to fob me off I sent them a default letter, now Moorgate have sent me a letter saying they dont have a copy but are chasing it from mbna. I cant believe ive paid them some money and they dont even own the debt and the cheekey lot have defaulted me since Jan on my credit score Im going to sar mbna as ive ppi on the loan which when I became unemployed couldnt claim because I was working for an agency (04/05).. .What should I be expecting from Arden/Morrgate and can I get the money ive paid them back and my credit rating returned to how it was prior to Jan??? Thanks
  18. Hello, I'm not sure where to post this question as I have always been posting about debt I owed!! my daughter has recently being working as an apprentice, but she went 6 weeks with no money. she has left now but we still want to get the money she is owed, is there a template letter anywhere, to write asking for the money with intent to take further action. thanks and sorry if I'm in the wrong section!!! Roo
  19. hi there i cant find any where that states the procedure that a la should follow when applying for a liabilty order is it first reminder second reminder final reminder court date 14 day letter then finally bailiff attenedance thanks for any help given:-D
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