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  1. hi i need some advice im normally on form but this hit me for six Today (12/10/2012) i went to visit my nan and whilst there a bloke turned up for provident personal loans, nice chap nan pays £20 a week for a loan she took out he seemed ok to me and my nan was dealing with him for last few months no issue, her bill is £19.50 a week and always pays twenty so she is not in arrears and frimly can afford this. Anyway after siiting on the couch filled in the book turned around to my nan and asked he was there to collect £350 debt for O2 if she could pay £250 today would right thre rest off. My instinct was to ask for Id he was now a debt collector and he didnt have any but provident credit servies (same company) are now also collecting debts the knob was rude and discussed my nans personal info in front of me, to which i feel is data protection surely and how can a loan company give money doorstep loans and collect debts at same time, i understand if they have gone into that kind of work then they should have one agent to give a loan and another to collect debts, the morale of story i threw the guy out i was right to do this? any advice? i am considering contacting trading standards does my nan have a case ? please help
  2. hi got a call this morning from MKR saying they are working on behalf of Welcome finace to recover £7500 on a loan i had with them in 2008 I had a loan in 2006 (15mth) for £1300 to which i paid £210 a month for 15 months total £3150, to which i have proof off around 2010 i was contacted by one of these PPI companies who did a check to find i was charged by these for it and didnt need it etc, And won money back of £1500 before check was released i was told welcome finance wouldnt give check until i paid an outstanding settlement of £255 which was owed to them WHY!! cut a long story short cheque was given to me i paid company was given etc that was the end of it, Then i get this call today i asked MKR can they provide dates etc they said loan was taken out in 2008 and i asked for copies of this they said they purchased debt from welcome but dont have access to it as im the welcome customers (yawn) i rang welcome they cant give it me cos they passed the debt to MKR , Any advice out there johnnyscouse
  3. Hi i just read that someone was going through your bin/recycle box do u believe it was an Iqor collector did he leave a card ? i dealt with iqor in my area over this and reported this this person was sacked so i might be able to help johnny
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