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  1. Wondering if you have any updates on this? Been in Canada for 3 years - been paying back UK debt and SLC. Its crippling me with the currency conversion.
  2. I moved to Canada 2 years ago as a Permanent Resident and I've been paying the SLC for the last 18 months but now I've had a private loan recalled (father in law) and I can't make payments to him, MBNA UK (£10,000 on 0% credit card) and the SLC. I've decided to pay my family and MBNA but I want to know what damage the SLC can do to me. If not paying the SLC is going to ruin my credit then I'd rather lump it all in and default on the MBNA too so I can pay this private loan back quicker. If not I'm happy to pay. I get my citizenship next year and it's unlikely we will be returning to the UK. Ireland at some point possibly but not the UK. Loans were taken 2005, 2009-2012. Totally £21,000. Outstanding is £15,000 Thanks in advance.
  3. A few months ago I enquired about PPI on some old Egg Loans I had in the early 2000's. This morning I had a letter from Canada Square with their decision. On one policy did not have any PPI on it but the other 2 did and they have upheld my complaint. It says the total redress is £4,256.55 but that out of that amount I am only getting £2,168.60 because of a Final Loan adjustment £1,849.17 is going to a company called Arrow Global Receivables who my loan was transferred to in 2011. There is also a deduction of £2,365 listed as "Less any previous rebate paid" I was never paid any other rebate but perhaps this is something to do with my not paying off the full initial loan after entering the trustdeed? To be clear I took out the loan in 2002, and increased it twice in the following year to about £11,000 total. I then entered into a protected trustdeed in early 2006 which this loan was included in. The trustdeed was finished in 2009 and I had no idea that the loan account was still open. I will attach a pdf of relevent info from the decision letter. I know I am lucky to be getting anything at all given that I have been in a trustdeed but I just want to check that the amounts seem right and that them taking the other money off is right and fair. Thank you for your help! Also to let you know I did send a SAR to Canada SQ at the start of June but they didn't accept my inital change of address ID and then didn't get back to me for almost a month so the sar info will take longer to recieve. Should hopefully get it in a few weeks. A trustdeed advisor (not my former trustee) has told me that she doesn't think that the payment to Arrow should be made considering I have completed a trustdeed. She has advised me to call them to make it clear I have been in a trustdeed and get a reason for why this payment is being made to Arrow. I am a bit worried about calling them and discussing the trustdeed in case it affects my chances of getting any payment at all. At the same time it is a lot of money to lose if the payment to Arrow is in error. egg letter.pdf
  4. Hi A Germany collection agency is trying to collect debt of about 1,300 euro from my son. I would like to know will it affect his credit rating in Canada and can the German collection agency take my son to court in Canada? and what is the consequence if he leave the debt unpaid? The collection agency keeps adding interest and different fees in the total amount, is this legal? Can my son just paid the original debt amount? the original debt was about 1700 CAD Many thanks in advance.
  5. HI all its been 12 years since I moved to Canada I did inform the SLC of my address. I did not have to pay since my income was so low. This year I have been receiving letters from debt agency saying that they have brought the debt and want me to pay it back. I believe that the old loans are now statues bard and it should only be one or two of the new type which are still with me This year they have been sending letters to my old address saying the they have been sold off again to a new debt agency. I have been on disability for many years and dont have much income what should I do many thanks
  6. Hi all. I have today received a letter from Canada Square operations re 'You can make a new type of complaint about your PPI'. It goes on to say that 'You complained to us previously about our sale of your Payment Protection Insurance policy. We rejecetd your complaint because your policy was not mis-sold'. I have no recollection of making this complaint. Just double checking this is legit? Has anyone else received similar? Thanks all.
  7. Until this morning I'd never heard of Canada Square Operations, and now I'm just a little bit concerned. I received a letter from them stating that they'd previously rejected my ppi claim as it hadn't been mis-sold but that I can now complain again due to Plevin v Paragon. However I didn't recognise the account number they quoted and was surprised to see a complaint reference. So I dug out my old files and can see that the 16 digit account number is for an old Citi Visa Card that was defaulted in 2006, and when I cca'd them in 2008 they couldn't provide a copy of the agreement so that was the last I'd heard of them and I've never paid anything to them for 10 years. As well as being unable to send me a cca back in 2008, it's now statute barred in any case! I've never ever made a ppi claim to Citi (the only ppi claim I've ever made was to NatWest) so would anyone know how this could have come about? Would Citi have made a claim on my behalf? Is it some sort of trick? Thanks in advance Florish
  8. Hi All, I'm looking for some advice regarding my debts because frankly I'm an idiot and don't know where else to turn. My situation is so: I have £10k or so left on an unsecured Natwest Loan which I originally took out back in 2015 but have rescheduled a few times, I'm pretty sure it's supposed to run for at least another 4 years at around £300 a month. I also have £1900 on a 0% credit card which doesn't run out till September 2019. I will however pay £300 or so off this next month. I also have phone and tablet contracts which run to about £960. I move to Canada at the end of August to start a doctorate, they are giving me enough scholarships to cover my fees and have about £10k afterwards. I'm intending to look for a part time job over there and can work up to 20 hours a week during term or any amount of hours during the summer. I originally was in a job where I earned £26k pre-tax so going from that to £10k even living as a student will make it impossible to cover my debts. I want to find some way of paying my debts off and definitely want to avoid bankruptcy, an IVA or anything of the like as if I wanted to stay in Canada the immigration authorities would, from what I understand, take a very dim view of it. I've spoken to a debt charity who have said they probably could help but are only willing to speak to me properly after I've finished my job on the 20th of July. I would like to try and sort something out before then so I can stop worrying and beating myself about my idiotic credit habits! It'll also the last thing I need when added to the stress of having somewhere to live in Canada etc...etc... Many thanks in advance for any advice anyone can give me
  9. Hi folks I really appreciate any help or advice given on this debt. I will try to simplify as much as possible so its not boring. Although at first this may not seem relevant but as you will read on it does so. Unfortunately i was abused a lot by my step father for 10 years, until a teenager. Moving on from that weird fact at the age of 18 i found a nice gf and started a business. Due to making really rookie mistakes and my girlfriend at the time taking huge advantage of my generosity I ended up with a failed business, no girlfriend and 30k worth of debt (i live in scotland) a few years later I met the girl of my dreams, we got engaged and married. She was aware of my past trauma with my stepfather and relevant family members i no longer speak to, decided to change my name completely (first and last) and just her surname to match my new surname. Shortly after we moved to Canada to make a fresh start for both safety and career prospects. Just before we moved I had been making payments and got this down to about 26k (with still a planned 18k worth of interest planned by the time id finish paying this off according to the bank) I had become very angry and frustrated with this level of interest but the bank were not budging. Even the bank of scotland branch staff were shocked at this loans level of interest and the branch manager although sympathetic could offer no help to fix it. my plan was to move to canada, establish a career with my wife who was well qualified and had a good career lined up. Leave the debt until I had a more stable financial life. its been 15 months into canada now and i doubt we will ever go back to the UK. We are about to buy our first house and have our first baby. I did get a phonecall from a debt collection company in the UK a week ago addressing me by my old name (which i did not confirm) the bank and that company do not know what country i am in, nor my new name. But i am still majorly worried this might be the start. I cant afford to pay this money back yet, i have always paid and cleared all my previous debts (6+ credit cards, a small personal loan) ive had a max credit rating of which i was proud of. But in combination of bank of scotland robbing me with obscene amounts of interest and the amount of profit they have made off my time in the UK, it leaves a bitter taste in my mouth paying this money back, but that taste would be there if I didn't. Can they track me down properly in canada and find my new name and enforce this debt? Thanks for any help and advice, it really is appreciated.
  10. Canada Square Operations are citing the Financial Conduct Authority's regulatory review in light of the Supreme Court’s decision in Plevin as a justification for being unable to consider my claim for mis-sold PPI on an Egg credit card until such time as the FCA publishes its guidance. Let me be clear, it's not that Canada Square Operations have rejected my claim but have said they will revisit it in light of any additional rules / guidance deemed necessary by the FCA. Rather, they have said they won't even consider it until the FCA publishes its conclusions. Now, it seems to me this is a nonsense for the following reasons: [1] I've completed and returned a FOS questionnaire which makes clear the basis on which I think the PPI was mis-sold – essentially, I applied for the credit card online and was unable to proceed with my application if I unticked a pre-ticked box requesting PPI. This being the case, it seems clear to me that the PPI was mis-sold and whatever the FCA guidance might / might not turn out to be apropos Plevin and the role of undisclosed commissions is irrelevant. [2] Notwithstanding [1], I applied for this credit card in October 1999, ie long before Section 140A of the Consumer Credit Act 1974 kicked in, and the account was settled in full long before April 2008 when the legislation began to apply regardless of when an agreement was entered into. In these circumstances, it seems to me nonsensical for Canada Square Operations to refuse to consider my claim and instead invite me to go straight to the FOS, whereby they would, I believe, incur a fee in excess of £500 to investigate a complaint which I am confident would be upheld. Aside from the annoyance / inconvenience it would cause me [waiting for the Ombudsman's ruling], I can't see what possible motivation Canada Square Operations could have for taking this course of action. With this in mind, I'm minded to write back making the very same points I've made above but, before doing so, would welcome the thoughts and opinions of my fellow CAGgers. Thanks in anticipation Fred_Funk
  11. In early 2000, we moved to Canada from the UK, At the time we owed ~13000 pounds to Lloyds on a credit card. Until around 2013 we struggled to pay the minimum balance, by this time it was transfered to APEX. In May we asked for a CCA and paid the fee. APEX acknowledged the request in writing and informed us they had asked lloyds for the information. The account was placed on hold. We still have not received that information As of today Lloyds have informed us they have sold the debt to 1st Credit. My many questions are as follows 1) Should we ask 1st Credit for the CCA? 2) As the CCA has not been complied with what should we do ? 2) If they are unable to produce it what is likely to happen ? 3) If this drags on for six years what happens then ? 4) Is it worthwhile offering a full and final settlement and what would be a reasonable percentage ? 5) Is this debt enforceable / transferable to Canada 6) Can I ask 1st Credit to contact us only by post 7) What is likely to happen if we ignore this request Thanks in advance
  12. I moved to Canada over 3 years ago with approx £15k in credit card debt. A few months after arriving in Canada, my house sold in the UK and I paid the credit cards off in full but kept the accounts open. I continued to use the credit cards for purchases, and continued to make regular payments. I had no intention of running from debt and I gave all of the companies my new Canadian address. About 18 months into my new life in Canada I fell into financial difficulty. I had a high risk pregnancy and had to go for appointments several times each week at a hospital that was an hours drive from where I lived, and I couldn't keep my job. My husbands wage didn't even cover our outgoings (I don't want to sound like a sob story, but I want to make clear that we weren't getting in to debt by living the high life. Our outgoings were only necessities, we didn't have cable tv or anything like that). Our car broke down and had to be scrapped, we had to have a new heating system because ours failed during winter (minus temperatures in Canada!). a lot went wrong and I relied on my credit cards (all in my name, not my husbands) to live. I racked up approx £20k over 4 cards and reached a point where I could no longer make minimum payments, so I stopped. I had several letters from Barclaycard and the debt was passed to debt collectors. I also had late payment notices from Halifax. We then moved house and I didn't give my new address to the cc companies. Over a year has now passed and I haven't heard anything, I guess they can't find me, or stopped trying when their letters started getting returned by the post office. My problem now is that things have only got worse and we have realised we cannot financially sustain life in Canada. Wages are low and cost of living is high, we have tried so hard to make it work but have got to admit defeat and return to England. Obviously I'm scared about returning to England and having debt collectors show up at my door. My question is, what is my best move to make now? We will sell our house in Canada and after taking into account the money we will need to move back to England, I will have about £6k left to offer as a settlement to the cc companies, but is this likely to be accepted as the amount I owe is so much higher, not to mention interest accrued, and how would I even go about it if all debts are now in the hands of debt collectors? Alternatively I could return to uk and hide out until the 6 years has passed but only 18 months has passed since my last contact, so that's a long time to hide out for and I'm sure they'd find me in that time. Or would calling a debt charity for help be of any use? What suggestions might they offer? Any advice would be appreciated.
  13. For a family member.... Who now lives in Newfoundland Canada, moving to BC next year. He has an £11k Visa debt with Halifax, he wants to know in as much detail as possible, what would happen if he simply stopped paying it in order to concentrate on more important Canadian debts. He doesn't intend returning to the UK ever, and is now a full Canadian citizen. Thanks in advance.
  14. Hi all. I'm having problems with Canada square operations about a SAR request for an egg card (which will turn into a PPI claim). The only problem is they keep requesting more information about my previous address (which I have given them time and time again but they're still saying its not enough). It sounds to me like they're just using delaying/stalling tactics in the hope that I will just give up. Is there any way I can 'persuade' them more? I've already tried the ICO who were about as much help as a chocolate teapot...
  15. Slightly complex claim here. I topped up an Egg loan at the beginning of 2007. The total cash amount of the loan was £9331 and the payment protection premium lent was £1730.85 with the total amounts payable at £10668.00 and £1979.04 respectively. I subsequently defaulted on the loan and it was sold to various debt collection companies, ending up most recently with Arrow Global. They stated that the purchase balance of the account was £8193.79, down from the £11061.85 advanced by Egg. Added to the complications, I now live in the USA. Restons for Arrow Global obtained a CCJ by default judgment against me and I applied to have it set aside once I found out about it. I ended up deciding to settle with them and we eventually agreed on £3000.00 in full and final settlement of the account. So I have effectively repaid £5868.06 of the debt, plus whatever interest that I'm unable to calculate. In the meantime, over a year ago I was sent a letter by Canada Square Operations asking me to complete a complaint questionnaire, as I belong to group of customers who MAY have been affected by a PPI policy being mis-sold. I never sent it as at the time I still owed the debt. The letter they sent noted that the debt had be sold on to another company and asked permission to contact them to find out the status of the debt. Since I have now settled the debt I filled out the questionnaire and sent it off. I'm wondering what I can expect given the circumstances surrounding my case. I'm also wondering if they will respond to me at my US address?
  16. Hi All Thanks in advance for any help. My Situation: I left the UK in 2010, and used my MBNA CC in Canada, I think I last made a payment near the end of 2010. I have received a letter (dated 28/11/2014), asking 'What are you able to pay?' from 'Robinson Way' debt collectors sent a letter to my sisters address (sent on to me via my sister), stating that I owe them nearly £3150. It is asking me to work with them to come up with a payment plan, or they may allow you to pay a reduced balance over 3 months (which isn't very likely in my current situation). I have dual British & Canadian citizenship. And have no plans to come back to England in the short or medium term, but I might like to come back to live at some point. Question #1 My sister is upset at receiving these letters at her address, can I get them to stop? We're concerned that this is bad for her family. I've not lived there for over 4.5 years now. Question #2 What is my legal stance here? I'm very dubious about giving a debt collector in the UK my Canadian details. Question #3 What should I do next? What should I say to these debt collectors? I'm not sure they would like my desired payment plan. Thanks again
  17. ok my situation is a strange one. i entered a trust deed (IVA) 2 years ago but i lost my job this year and all they said was as long as i make a token payment i will be fine. i have been offered a job in canada and seriously thinking about taking it, i need to be there before dec 31st. this month is the first month i have not been able to pay my mortgage as I'm not working also i doubt ill be able to make my payment to trust deed. my question is whats my best option here goto canada and forget about my debt send the keys to mortgage company. can i go bankrupt from canada, explain situation to trustee. I've been reading on here and i see a lot of situations but i don't see any like mine so just hoping for any advice. I'm from scotland so i believe its a different process than england. all advice welcome
  18. Hi I need some advice on a letter I received from Heirtrace in regards to my father. This letter was sent on behalf of Sun life financial of Canada. I'll give a brief rundown of the letter: I am writing to you on behalf of sun life financial of Canada, who has employed Heirtrace ltd as part of a programme to update the contact details of their customers. Heirtrace provides a specialist service to financial institutions, legal firms and other organisations needing to update their customers records, trace missing policyholders and trace the owners of unclaimed assets. Sun life financial of Canada believes that a certain ______ who was born ____ may have a policy with them that was issued by a company that is now owned by sun life financial of Canada. I sent them the relevant forms back to confirm that this was my father, but have not heard from them since. This letter was received last year. I have since wrote to them but yet again not received a reply. I haven't seen my father for 22yrs and have no idea where he is or if he is still alive. I have spoken to my mother about this and she hasn't a clue as to what this letter could be about. I'd just like to know if anyone else has received a letter of this kind and what the outcome was if any. Its very frustrating and when I received the letter I was in shock as I haven't seen my father for so long.
  19. I have 2 credit card debts of approx 8000quid in the U.K. If the debt is sold to a Canadian debt collection agency, how much legal power do they have to enforce the collection? Both credit card agencies know my Canadian address.
  20. Hi I had an Egg Loan and an Egg credit card, I contacted them re claiming for PPI and was referred to Canada Sq. I sent a request and twice they wrote back asking for proof of address as the address they held was not the one I was writing from. I duly sent back the proof and they returned and then nothing. So I sent a SAR and enclosed a £10 cheque, they cash my cheque and wrote again asking for proof of address!! I sent this along with a strongly worded letter and thus far NOTHING! The 40 days have long gone and I'm at a loss of what to do. Any advice would be appreciated.
  21. my friend claims that if he was to sign a new contract with o2 and then move to canada they will not pursue him because it would cost them more to track him down then his actual debt. I beg to differ because his debt will be about 500gbp. we are wondering if anyone knows how this works and if o2 will try to sell their debt to canadian DCA or if they will not bother pursuing him if he has moved. thanks
  22. Hi Everyone, Im hoping that someone on here will be able to provide me with some insight. I left the UK in 2009 with 3 credit card debts of approximately 3,000 gbp each. Since leaving, I have been making minimum payments and have not missed a single payment to date. However, finances are becoming extremely tight and I can no longer afford to make my minimum payments. I am a Canadian, I live in Canada and as far as I know, only 1 of the 3 credit card companies knows of an address I had just after returning to Canada. I no longer have that address though. If I stop making my minimum payments, what will happen? After how long? I dont believe I can declare bankruptcy in the UK because it has been more than 3 years. I do not plan on returning to the UK ever. Thanks for any advice you can provide.
  23. my friend claims that if he was to sign a new contract with o2 and then move to canada they will not pursue him because it would cost them more to track him down then his actual debt. I beg to differ because his debt will be about 500gbp. we are wondering if anyone knows how this works and if o2 will try to sell their debt to canadian DCA or if they will not bother pursuing him if he has moved. thanks
  24. Late 2010 I met an old female friend of mine who was going through a divorce (we hadn't met for around 30 years) and she decided that she wanted to come out to Canada from the UK to get a way from everything. Without much consultation with me she arrived and stayed for five weeks. At that time I was moving into a new apartment of my own and was about to purchase furniture on a rent to own basis. My 'friend' went out and bought a whole set of furniture and fittings against my wishes. Over time she has insisted on me repaying the money back that she spent of the F&F. I told her often that I would sell and send her whatever I got as a result of the sale. Each time she insisted that I don't sell and agreed that I should make monthly payments to her Barclaycard. I made one payment which was rejected by her as she is now re- marrying and is demanding that I send her a lump sum in the amount of $20K (could be GBP - not sure) which I do not have. She is threatening legal action to get her money back but my stance is that as she has said often 'I own everything in the apartment' and therefore the F&F are hers to sell and recoup some of what she spent on the items. It's not like I have sold the items for any profit -they are still in the apartment, they belong to her and I really want 'her property' out of here. She willingly paid for me to fly to Scotland not long after we connected in 2010. When she asked me to come over I replied 'no' as I didn't have the funds to do so at the time but she insisted on paying to fly me over so that we could meet. She did send two money transfers for approx $2800 (rent payments) which I have continuously agreed that I should repay. The 20k she claims is my debt to her includes the furniture, the two rent payments, flights and hotels amongst other undefined items. Now she is threatening to sue for repayment. If she files/sues in the Scottish court would I be required to hire a Scottish lawyer and fly to Scotland to fight the case or would the case be heard in Canada? I believe there maybe a 'jurisdiction' issue with me not being a UK resident and have also heard that she cannot sue someone in Canada through the Scottish court. She has been silent for over two months but today she indicated by text that she had a lawyer and the DSS (didn't think that department existed any longer)chasing me through my parents. She also claims to have contacted a Canadian DCA to try and recover what she perceives as my debt to her. What can the Canadian DCA do if as she says they have been hired to in an attempt to recover the 'debt'? My apologies for the long-winded post but I wanted to relay the facts as accurately as possible. Any comments or advice would be appreciated. Thank you. 5scot6
  25. Like many others we (a professional couple in our 50s) have fled our debts in the UK. Background: We had a house with a $180,000 mortgage, and a personal loan of $14,000 both with NatWest. We each had 2 credit cards -NatWest and MBNA. When both of us lost our jobs in February and March 2008 we tried to go self-employed, tried renting our house, tried pretty much everything. To cut the story short, it was a disaster. We could not generate enough income; the property management company were useless. we ended up financing the mortgage and loan using credit cards and it all spiralled out of control. We asked NatWest several times but they just would not halt interest charges on the loan and we could not pay that too, so in the end had to default. We put the house on the market and made arrangements with NatWest and MBNA CCs to make token £1 payments (with no additional interest)while we were making enough to pay the essentials plus the mortgage (£666 how ironic is that). It was getting unbearable with letters arriving every day and phone calls too; we were starting to become ill from the stress and it was having a knock-on effect as we both have elderly mothers who were getting very upset by the whole situation. Of course we had missed the bubble. Now we could not sell the property and even if we did, the market had crashed and we would be in negative equity. So we finally made the difficult decision to give it up. I came to Canada and my spouse stayed behind to wind things up. I could n't face it. We gave the keys back to NatWest last Christmas. The house is still on the market. They have frozen the mortgage and the loan until such time as it sells, at which point we will still owe then the difference -assuming we're still alive. Que sera sera as far as that goes. My question for the forum is about the credit card debt. We made the mistake -if only I'd read the forum pages back in 2009/10 -of speaking to the CC companies on the phone. They persuded us that we could inrease our payments (MBNA £70pm NatWest £15pm). So for the last 3 years we have been paying £200. We have kept it up pretty well but there have been some missed payments while we changed banks, changed cities, changed jobs etc. We have kept in touch with our local NatWest branch -who were fabulous by the way -via fax and have always informed them in writing of any change of address. We thought long and hard about not telling the CC companies and now I wish we hadn't, but back then (2010) we still believed we should 'do the right thing'. So.... today we got a letter from Arden Credit Management (Co. no. 3303780 alias Moorgate Loan Servicing Limited). The letter, addressed incorrectly (town name misspelled) makes reference to an account number which does not correspond to any of our credit card accounts. However, from the sum mentioned I am assuming it is one of the MBNA cards. They state, "you have failed to make the agreed payment in relation to the repayment programme you agreed with us." They further state , "Failure to address this situation could result in us taking further action including passing your account to a third part or commencing legal action." We have never agreed anything with them; this is the first I have ever heard of them, and they are already a third party aren't they? Questions: 1. Should we respond to these people? 2. Should we write to MBNA? There is no reference to MBNA at all in the Arden letter, so I cannot be 100% certain this is the debt in question. 3. What is the situation regatding legal action? We have no assets in the UK other than our household effects which are in storage because we can't afford to have them shipped to Canada. We are living in rented accommodation here. We intend continuing our arranged payments. If and when the UK property is sold, I fully expect we will declare bankruptcy as the shortfall will be beyond our means. Sorry this was a mammouth post, but then, life's complicated! Any advice gratefully received. Liz_8991
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