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Found 11 results

  1. Emollient cream build-up in fabric can lead to fire deaths READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/emollient-cream-build-up-in-fabric-can-lead-to-fire-deaths
  2. We have recently moved into a new build was just wondering how long it takes to band a property as we are still waiting to find out.
  3. I had the cabin components delivered on 8th January Due to issues with the base we did not start building the cabin 25th January We have now encountered a few issues with the build, and the company will only respond via e-mail and not over the phone which is dragging out the resolution of our queries At the moment the doors will not align correctly and are out of alignment by 8mm. We have now been told to put the glass into the doors as they will hang differently, but we cannot see that this will resolve the situation Now, we have found another problem in that all four panels of glass are scratched. The company have asked for pictures but this is not easy to get as the scratches are hard to see even with black card behind them. The company have advised that I signed for the goods at time of delivery as being in good condition, but there was no way you could check each item as there were hundreds of bits of wood as well as glass and plastic items. I would like to ask for some advice on what to do next? I paid by credit card so should I raise Section 75 for faulty goods if they won't replace the doors or glass
  4. I brought a PC from a well known high end pc retailer dec 15 and started using it , within a month it had to be returned because they had done the Overclock too severely so I said make it stock speeds . this time they had to replace the cpu and motherboard , Fast forward to last year and the m2 SDD failed and to save time they asked me to remove it and return it to them for testing and it was found to failed so it was replaced . And finally to last week I found that the case was very hot when under load above the cpu airflow looked inside and found all case fans were not turning . After having a argument about who was paying for the postage I had it packed up and sent back to them for repair . Yesterday they said yes they have fixed it so are just doing the burn it ( leave it over night for temp reading etc) . I queries that that was the problem. or no other damage was done due to failure of the fans and they said no just a connecting had come lose due to being close to the fans vibration . I said what about the thermal throttling (This is where the cpu/ Graphics card slows down their clock speed to prevent damage , they said they did not come across ir . subsequently I get a email from them from their quality control saying it had failed Yup you guess it high cpu temp when under load , In the space of 18 months I have had to return this system twice and return a sub part can I do anything about it or do I just have to accept I got the Friday afternoon build. I must point out I usually build my own systems but this time I thought I would ge ta decent company to build it for me this time. I have 18 months left on the warranty on the system and I am concerned about the amount of times its being returned
  5. hello, not long ago I thought I'd get myself a second job and thought doing pizza delivery wasn't such a bad idea seen as I'd be getting free pizza's every night (sad i know) So I went and got my CBT, purchased a bike got it taxed and bought courier insurance to go along with it and away I went. A few weeks back I was involved in a head on collision with a van, it decided to cut in front of me from the opposite lane to turn into a side street with no indication as I was doing about 30mph thus I ended up smashing into his bonnet at full speed and straight onto the ground knocking me out for a bit. I woke up in hospital hours later. Later that day the police arrived and oddly enough kept asking me about insurance. I said I had insurance but they told me that I didn't. I told them that is impossible as the payment was made in full etc and I never canceled my insurance. They came back to me shortly after speaking to the insurance firm and they told me that the insurance company canceled my insurance because I apparently failed to provide them my CBT. I contested and showed that I have a CBT etc, but the police where not interested and slapped me with the offense of driving without insurance, then they nicked the keys and took the bike away to a pound. After I got out of hospital I got on the phone to the insurance company, and they told me it states in their T&C that they have the right to cancel my insurance randomly at any point in the event that I fail to provide a copy of my CBT. They never sent me any letters, nor did they telephone or text me and I certainly have no emails from them asking me for a copy of my CBT. Do I have any hope in fighting the insurance company in court for the outright idiocy for not even having the courtesy to call the customer to tell them the insurance has been canceled and to stop riding the bike? They never even sent me a cancellation email, NOTHING! Any letters they may have sent would have been clogged up in the Christmas break, which is when they apparently canceled the insurance. (btw, still have not received any letters.) I am sure I now have a criminal record because of this, thus, ruining any future jobs in which a criminal background check is asked, which is almost everything these days. I was about to apply for a bus driving job and it specifically said, regardless of the offense, if you have a criminal record, you application will be automatically rejected. I am mortified right now. Any advice is appreciated at this point, thanks! MCE Insurance - https://www.mceinsurance.com/
  6. Hi there, hope this is in the right place. Background - we reserved a home with Taylor Wimpey in January 2015. On 14th Feb 2015, we completed a reservation checklist (of which we have a copy) where we went through the plans for the estate, this detailed drains, trees, sub stations, etc etc... We completed and moved in on 3rd July 2015. Very happy in our home, until 7th Jan this year, when the local bus company erected a temporary stop outside our kitchen window. This stop is less than 3 metres from the front of my house and right in front of my gate. We knew the road was to be a bus route, but at no point were we informed that there would be a stop directly outside our house. We have contacted Taylor Wimpey to express our concerns on the 10th January (along with letters to the bus company, the local council and our MP). The bus company say the locations were decided by Taylor Wimpey (TW), the council have not adopted the roads yet so have given us the brush off and our MP is sympathetic but cannot really help either. I have been through our purchase paperwork and at no point was the location of the stop disclosed to us prior to sale, even though I have since discovered plans dated 15th August 2014 which show not only the stop located outside our home, but also that a shelter will be built with real time bus information. The path outside our house will therefore be blocked by this shelter, the view outside our window also obstructed. At the moment the path and our very small front garden are littered in gum and cigarette butts. Our reservation checklist dated after the plans for the bus stop (14/2/15) specifically says regarding Bus Stops "N/A not currently on development", and on our neighbour's, it states "N/A No plans to view". Other people on the estate claim that they were informed about the site of the stops. Do we have a case that TW purposely withheld information and mis-sold us our home? We would not have purchased this home if we were aware that a bus stop would be located directly outside.
  7. I tried to upgrade my sons Acer predator not too successfully, now it's that dreaded time birthday lol. a while back I decided that I would try and build one, bought an Aerocool GTS full tower case also have the ram (Corsair Vengance 8GB) that wouldn't work in the predator, also the graphics card (Radeon R9 270 twin frozr), as this was going to cost about £1000 all in I thought it would be best leaving it to the experts and have contacted about 8 and have had only one quote They have quoted: Asus Z97-P Socket 1150 Motherboard Intel Core i7 4790 3.60GHz Socket 1150 8MB L3 Cache Retail Boxed Processor Samsung 850 EVO 500GB 2.5inch SSD Samsung 24X Internal DVD Writer Corsair RM 750W Fully Modular 80+ Gold Power Supply The above parts, combined with yours, give the system a very strong start, with room for upgrade in the future. Component Price for above : £650 Build Price: £50-£75 Install Operating System (Using Licence from prev machine) £45 What do people think about this and any suggestions about the components? I was thinking that the full gamer motherboard with SLI or Crossfire might be better (costs about an extra £50), but not sure. Any advice please?
  8. I purchased a brand new home from one of the countries' leading developers in Feb 2014. There are 12 homes in our cul-de-sac. We exchanged contracts and moved into our so-called new homes within 2 months of each other. Some were not finished and residents were forced to move in by the developer. After some weeks, a couple of residents were moved out of their homes to allow a remedial team access to sort all the issues. They entered the homes but have just patched up most of the items. In the coming weeks/months numerous problems occurred and the developer was very slow at correcting snags, as well as what appeared to be more than snags. we set up our own action group. We have got our MP and local councillors involved and held constructive meetings with the regional Managing Director from the developer. Before the initial meeting we paid for a surveyor to survey one house and use it as a test case. The survey was damning and advised that if he was representing a prospective purchaser, he would advise against the purchase. the developer, having ignored the comments by our surveyor, paid for a survey for each of the 12 homes. Each home has come back with a failed survey based on some structural issues and also ground levels are too high, mostly above the air bricks and damp proof course. In our opinion, they have broken the contract to provide us with homes that are of proper quality. We are seeking some advice as to what we can do legally, to !. potential for comepensation as this has been a horrific year for most families 2. in a court of law, can the court force them to buy the homes back at the new market value, plus award all costs involved since the purchase. 3. Would we have a winnable case in a court of law, based on the fact the survey have all come back with major issues. Comments are welcome please.
  9. A series of attacks on websites and servers using the serious Shellshock bug has been spotted. Millions of servers use software vulnerable to the bug, which lets attackers run commands on that system. So far, thousands of servers have been compromised via Shellshock and some have been used to bombard web firms with data, said experts. The number of attacks and compromises was likely to grow as the code used to exploit the bug was shared. The Shellshock bug was discovered in a tool known as Bash that is widely used by the Unix operating system and many of its variants, including Linux open source software and Apple's OSX. Apple said it was working on a fix for its operating system and added that most users would not be at risk from Shellshock. Attackers have been spotted creating networks of compromised machines, known as botnets, that were then put to other uses. Honeypots One group used their Shellshock botnet to bombard machines run by Akamai with huge amounts of junk data to try to knock them offline. Another group used its botnet to scan for more machines that are vulnerable. Evidence of the scanning and attacks came from honeypots run by security companies. These are computers that have been set up to look vulnerable but which catch information about attackers. Jaime Blasco, a researcher at security firm AlienVault, said its honeypot had seen scans and attacks that used Shellshock. The scans simply informed attackers that a server was vulnerable, he wrote, but others attempted to install malware to put that machine under an attacker's control. The control that Shellshock gave to attackers made it potentially more of a problem than the serious Heartbleed bug discovered in April this year, said security researcher Kasper Lindegaard from Secunia. Continue reading the main story “Start Quote "This is going to unfold over the coming weeks and months” End Quote Marc Maiffret BeyondTrust "Heartbleed only enabled hackers to extract information," he told tech news site The Register. "Bash enables hackers to execute commands to take over your servers and systems." The seriousness of the bug has also led governments to act quickly. The UK government said its cybersecurity response team had issued an alert to its agencies and departments giving Shellshock the "highest possible threat ratings". It had this rating, said the alert, because vulnerable systems would "inevitably" include machines that formed part of the UK's critical national infrastructure. The US and Canada are believed to have issued similar alerts and told technology staff to patch systems as quickly as possible. Amazon, Google, Akamai and many other tech firms have also issued advisories to customers about the bug. As well as software patches for vulnerable systems, security firms and researchers are also producing signatures and filter lists to help spot attacks based around it. Early reports suggest up to 500 million machines could be vulnerable to Shellshock but, wrote Jen Ellis from security firm Rapid7, this figure was now being revised downwards because of the "number of factors that need to be in play for a target to be susceptible". "This bug is going to affect an unknowable number of products and systems, but the conditions to exploit it are fairly uncommon for remote exploitation," said Ms Ellis. Marc Maiffret, chief technology officer at security firm BeyondTrust, expressed a similar view. "There is a lot of speculation out there as to what is vulnerable, but we just don't have the answers," he said. "This is going to unfold over the coming weeks and months."
  10. I am a 1st time buyer and have recently started to purchase a 1930s maisonette. We started to get our mortgage together and got to the point of having the mortgage valuation survey done. It came back and to our surprise they claimed it was a new build!... out IFA double checked this but the mortgage companies surveyors are sticking by their guns as the property had a lick of paint in each room, new carpets, a bathroom and kitchen fitted whilst no one was in residents there. This has meant that our original mortgage is now null and void as new build properties can only have a max 75% mortgage according to the our original proposed lender which we were not offering (not far off, but no cigar!).... we can get another mortgage but this means that things will be much tighter than is comfortable (we will need to borrow more from our family and have less income spare for essentials each month) and as I have a young family to support and the property is clearly not a new build and has just had what anybody moving in would renovate I find it completely ridiculous that they are doing this! Is there a loop hole a can get through to get our original mortgage?!... can we go on a tracker mortgage for a period of time and then fix after a while when the bits and pieces they say have made it a new build have aged so their claims are negated? Any advice welcome as we need to go quickly with this!! Thank you!!!!!
  11. Hi guys, my very first post here so feel free to wade in with any comments or suggestions.. I purchased a persommin new build in june and paid for the turf to be laid in the back garden. I was told it was very recent so stay off it for a month. Two months later the grass looked good but the ground underneath was so wet and spongy that simply walking on it leaves deep dents. I asked the landscapers to look and they said "yep, you need a land drain, it's boggy". So I took this up with the persimmon site manager who got really irrate and said the landscapers had no right talking to me etc etc. He blamed the 'rain' and said to just wait. A few weeks later and no improvement I wrote to the regional head office and within a week the site manager was back to look. Still quite curt and short he said I'd bought a standard residential build and couldn't expect the world - I actually bought a 3 bed detached and it cost me everything I've ever saved. I have a 1 year old baby and not once have I been able to allow her on the garden which was one of the reasons for choosing this plot! eventually the landscapers were back to put in a french drain. They rotavated the existing turf into the soil, dug a trench (french drain?) and then relaid turf afterwards. It's been 6 weeks since and the turf looks great. BUT, the ground is still spongy underfoot. Not as bad as before but still to the point of leaving dents. I really have no idea what to do or who to approach next. It's so stressful and incredibly difficult trying to deal with them now I've actually handed over my money! Any advice or comments would be great.
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