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Found 11 results

  1. I purchased a built in coffee machine in May 2013 from Appliance City. I am going to find out how I paid for the item in the next couple of days-hopefully on my credit card. It had an initial problem but this was sorted promptly. The item came with a two year warranty. The machine started giving problems in February 2015 whilst still under warranty. This started a series of various faults and at least 8 visits (possibly more!) over an 18 month period ,from a variety of technicians sent direct from Miele who manufactured the item. The last visit was Autumn 2016 and at that point I told Miele I did not want the machine as it was far too troublesome. Miele said that they would apply a further years warranty which I agreed to. The machine then broke down again December just gone and was out of warranty at that stage so now Miele want to charge for a repair and will only offer a 20% on any parts needed. I then turned to Appliance City from whom I purchased the machine and it was the same story from them. I purchased the machine as Miele had a good reputation for longevity and trouble free running of their products. Can anyone clarify how I might get a result on this? Ideally I would like my money back or a new machine from Appliance City. If this machine had run trouble free for four years then I would not have minded so much paying for a repair but the machine has been a nightmare for breakdowns over a prolonged period and I suspect it has a few inherent faults that Miele won't admit to. I intend to get some sort of satisfaction from this as I am not at all happy with either Miele or Appliance City. Currently I have asked Appliance City to look at the matter again and if the are a member of any trade association that would handle an independent appeal. All advice on this matter is greatly appreciated.
  2. hello i have a cover for my kitchen electric goods my dryer stopped working on 2/10/17 i rang to report this and book a repair this was then booked for the 10/10 repairman said he would have to order the part, came on the 12/10 and fetched wrong part and would contact me when part becomes available, i did not hear from them again so i rang D n G back up on 25/10 said they would replace product and be in touch within 24 hours ive not heard from them, ive tried to ring them but left for over half hour on phone. a month without a dryer, can i cancel my cover. its a rolling cover and only just started 02/10 when i added a new appliance same day i reported the dryer
  3. I signed up for a year of cover on a washer dryer and have just found out that they have been taking the payments since 2011 without me realising or indeed authorising it. I spoke to them and they were incredibly unhelpful - a rude and arrogant woman on the phone who said that they were not regulated by anyone and fundamentally they could do what they liked. They claim to have been sending me renewal notices each year which I have not received - I moved property so cannot verify this. Their main line of defence is that when they sent the first renewal letter it said that unless you cancel then it will automatically renew. I cannot believe that this is allowed?!? Can anyone please help me claim my hundreds of pounds back? I could have purchased about 3 new machines now for the amount they have charged!!! Any help greatly appreciated.
  4. Can someone help me please. I agreed verbally (on the phone) to an insurance cover with Appliance Direct LTD. After a couple of days, I decided to cancel the policy, which I did on the phone also. The person I spoke to say I could cancel, but I said I knew I could as I know have 14 days cooling off period. I also cancelled the direct debit I had set up to pay the monthly payment. A couple of weeks later, I had another phone call to ask why I had cancelled. I told them I didn't require the policy as my other insurance also covered the same as they were offering. The lady was quite abrupt, but I held my ground and said I didn't require the policy. I never received an agreement from them and heard no more up to a couple of weeks ago, when they called me on the phone again. This time they told me I owed them £150. I said I owed them nothing as I cancelled the agreement within the cooling off period. In reply I was told they would take me to court. This Friday, I received court papers from the county court bulk centre and have to return the acknowledgement of service with 14 days. Some questions I need answers to are; where do I stand legally with this so called agreement if I never signed any contract with them, or received any agreement and was I within my rights to cancel the agreement 2-3 days after agreeing to it. Thank you
  5. I have an ISE appliance which was purchased from them directly last year. The machine comes with a 10 year warranty and suffice to say it is a very expensive machine at £900. Within half a year of owning it I had to call out an engineer to fix a fault. Again, 2 months after that, the same fault plus another warranted a further call out. In March I made a call out for an intermittent, but serious problem. As luck would have it the engineer couldn't simulate the problem. I did, however take a video of the problem after his visit. Now I have received an invoice from ISE for the callout with a letter saying that since no fault was found, it is not covered by the warranty and I am liable to pay it. The letter continued to say that until the invoice is settled in full, no further repairs shall be entertained under the warranty. I have a little experience with consumer rights, and to me this does not smell right. Firstly, just because the engineer couldn't find the fault at the time, it doesn't mean there isn't a problem. When I called in the fault I made it clear that it was intermittent. Also, if the machine has needed 3 call outs within it's first year, this seems to indicate something more serious, especially one of this caliber. Secondly, the fact that there is an invoice to pay should have no effect to the warranty. The warranty is a binding agreement or contract with its Terms and Conditions clearly laid out on the back of it. There is nothing within those T&C's that indicate anything about unpaid invoices. I have put this in an email and a letter to ISE, stating that should they not cancel the invoice and sort the machine out, I will seek legal action with regards to the warranty and attempt to claim under goods not fit for purpose under SOGA. Can anyone comment as to whether I am incorrect with any of the above?
  6. Washing machine delivered late afternoon today. Guy removed the old one and plumbed and plugged in the new one. He said it was ready to go, so I assumed he'd switched it on and off to confirm this to himself. Once he'd left I tried it but there's no power whatsoever. I've changed the fuse but it's not that. I'll be on the phone first thing tomorrow, but what are my rights? Surely I'll get a replacement? They can't have the brass neck to to take it away to repair or order a new part when it's not worked from the word go? Any advice or experience like this from Currys from anyone?
  7. I have an all over stainless steel Miele Fridge Freezer, 4 years old, insured for repair or replacement through D & G. It developed a fault. The engineer attended and wrote it off. Said we would get a replacement. Replacement arrived today, but only door is stainless steel, sides are epoxy coated in a satin grey. One side is completely visible as you walk into kitchen. Rest of kitchen has stainless appliances. Neither I or the wife are happy. Apparently they only do one all over stainless fridge now which they have offered to us for a £250 upgrade, although the shelf arrangement is not so suitable for my wife as she isn't very tall. What rights do we have? Could we ask for a different make which is stainless all over?
  8. Hi Can someone please help me? I have home appliance cover with a large company and when I called them out to look at my American fridge freezer, they informed me that they could not repair it but offered me 30% of its value against a replacement. I found a product which was the same size as mine and the product replacement asked me to pay the balance which I did (on my debit card). They said they would order the product for me and that I would receive delivery details from the "supplier". Delivery was due last Wednesday so I had to take unpaid time off work. Delivery men arrived (3rd party national home delivery company) and my new fridge freezer was tail-lifted down off the vehicle. To cut a long story short(ish), one of the delivery men was used to these types of delivery and one wasn't. They unpacked my new fridge/freezer in the road and then attempted to carry it to my house. They dropped it more than twice. They damaged my laminate flooring and internal architrave. One man badly cut his hand in the process and the blood splattered through my hall and on walls. The fridge freezer was damaged (incl dents on front door). I have video/audio footage of the event. As soon as they left, I called the home appliance company which I have a contract with to inform them of the above. They said they would inform the "supplier" and that I would hear back from them within an hour. I didn't. I telephoned again on Friday and was told the same thing and I still haven't heard from the "supplier". Can someone please tell me where I stand? What should I do? Which of the 3 companies 'in the chain' is responsible for the damage to my house and new appliance? I can ill-afford to take more unpaid time from work - can I add this to a claim? Thank you for reading.
  9. Hi I have rented a house for the past four years and am happy with the conduct of the estate agent and response to issues I have highlighted during this time. Within the last week both the washing machine and fridge freezer have broken down. The estate agent has told me that the landlord will not be repairing or replacing these items and I will need to go and buy my own new appliances. These two were in the property when I moved in and are listed on the inventory. I selected this house as semi furnished as I didn't and still don't have the money to go and buy my own. I don't want to make an issue of this if its going to result in my rent going up but id like to know where i stand on this issue. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks Steve
  10. My parents recently had their Council house renovated by the Council. They made a complete mess of their home which they have spent years and lots of their own hard earned money improving. They are Pensioners and have retired. Basically, during the renovations, their fridge had to be moved several times by workmen, which, in doing so caused damage to it. They were left without a Fridge for the best part of two weeks and had to fork out £300 for a new one. Albeit their old Fridge was some years old, but it was in excellent working order and was clearly damaged by the workmen moving it. Have submitted a complaint but the Council point out that they will not be paying up as they sent a letter out prior to work being carried out saying that they would not be held responsible for any damage. This I think is a complete farce and insult. They are clearly liable for the damage. Anyway, just wondering what is the best steps to take to reclaim cost for a new Fridge and the inconvenience caused by my parents not having a Fridge for 2 weeks. Personally I think the Council are complete and utter **** for doing this and my Parents are willing to take this all the way through to small claims court and the local media as this is totally unacceptable. The bit that got me was the fact they say they are not liable as they said so in the letter they couldn't be held liable for any damage. Next we are going to have burglars write letters to their prospective victims saying that they won't be held responsible for breaking in and damaging their homes. See where I am coming from, just aint right!
  11. I bought a yoghurt maker from amazon UK, It was from Amazon not some one selling on amazon. It is a severin yoghurt Maker with 14 jars. I received it this morning and when opened it I discovered that It had a European 2 pin plug. Not a British standard 3pin plug. And no adapter or any thing was included, so can't use it. No where in description on there website does it state that it comes a euro 2pin plug. Can they legally sell kitchen appliances like this with just a European 2 pin plug. I have searched on Google and came up with this THE PLUGS AND SOCKETS etc. (SAFETY) REGULATIONS 1994 REQUIRES most electrical appliances intended for domestic use to be supplied pre-fitted with a standard 3-pin plug that is independently certificated as complying with British Standard BS1363. There are some exceptions to this such as electric cookers intended to be permanently connected to the main wiring in a house. Items fitted with a non-UK plug (e.g. a 2 pin Europlug) may be supplied provided they have been fitted with an approved 3 pin conversion plug which must enclose the fitted plug and can only be removed with the use of a tool. Should the yoghurt maker have been supplied with just a 2 pin plug and no adapter or any thing. Is there any way to safely use yoghurt maker. My husband says he will cut off 2 pin plug and re wire a 3 pin plug but im not sure about this. As im not sure it would be safe would it and it would void warranty. So if after doing this we plug it in and find machine does not work we would not be able to return it. Is there a adapter that we could buy that would be safe. Should I just return yoghurt maker to Amazon. And If it is illegal to sell such a appliance like this with just 2 pin plug who would I report it to. Is it trading standards. Any advice would be much appreciated thanks in advance
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