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Found 13 results

  1. At last, CFO Lending (Capital Finance One) have had their comeuppance This is fantastic news and I am so happy that possibly the worst of all the lenders have been put to rights FCA Article here: https://www.fca.org.uk/news/press-releases/payday-firm-cfo-lending-pay-34-million-redress
  2. Hi all There seems to be a glitch in the other sub forum i wanted to post in so posting in here I was wondering if anyone has had any success with asking the creditor who issued the CCJ that if i agree to pay will they agree to the set aside. Just a bit of background: (short and sweet) was issued this back in Nov 14, i never received the original claim but received the default CCJ. After some research i understand this cant be a reason to have the CCJ set aside by going down the normal route. I'm still very new as to what to do to be honest many thanks for taking the time to read
  3. Morning All, Hope you can help. Rossendales due today! Debt council tax relates to 2014/15, I was signed off by G.P for stress and anxiety after suffering post traumatic stress following a dreadful experience. I have all doctors sickness notes. The debt is due and I accept full responsibility for not acting correctly, I was not dealing with anything to be honest. Was on ESA now on JSA. O.k Sums outstanding to council £232.00, Rossendales added £75.00 compliance stage fee total due £307.00. I phoned Rossendales ofice explained my position, office refused to speak to me as now with an agent. Phoned spoke to the Baliff, he refused to accept a payment arrangement over phone and insisted on coming to see me in order to make a levy of goods and would then enter an agreement, however they would charge a £235.00 levying distress fee, making balance now due at £542.00. I phoned the council asking if I could make an arrangement, they advised "now with Rossendales, we cannot intervene." After my bad time, I am now trying to take control and I'm going down to the council personally this morning, what I found and I need help with please is the following:- Council tax guidance - Rt Hon Eric Pickles, "Local authorities should remain and prepared to deal directly with individuals at any point" Does this mean I can insist that the Council call back action from the Baliffs and make an agreement with me? I also have Guidance regulations 45 (b) section 5 (admin & enforcement) regulations 1992 (amended 2006), from these I am a little confused regarding how much the Baliff can charge for the Levy, section 2 a) does not exceed £100 = £12.50, b) 12.5% on the first £100, 4% on next £400, I don't need to go any further, are these charges based on original balance owed to the Council of £232.00 or to include Rossendale fee of £75.00. I may be wrong but I don't see how Rossendales can insist on coming into my home to charge this £235.00 ? I am willing to fight and pay but don't want to quote anything which is incorrect and look an idiot. Baliff due back today, can anyone advise please. Thanking you in advance.
  4. Lib Dem leader Nick Clegg has defended his opposition to the so-called snoopers' charter, insisting "blanket" data retention is "not very British". Nick Clegg branded a 'w****r' by Home Office. Mr Clegg was ridiculed by the Home Office after demanding an apology for Mrs May's claims the Lib Dems behaved 'outrageously irresponsible' for blocking new data laws. http://no1forum.co.uk/showthread.php?489-Lib-Dems-Support-Isis-Terrorism-and-the-Islamist-Murders&p=859#post859
  5. I am part way through a claim for Psychological damage in the workplace, which is being funded via a CFA. I have seen one expert witness, whose report was very favourable to me, with regard to the cause of my mental health. The defendants have now requested that I see an expert witness appointed by themselves, which is due to take place shortly, and I am happy to do so. The mental health team, who have been working with me for the last 3 years, are confident that the 2nd expert witness will not find an alternative reason for my illness, either via my medical notes or discussion with myself. I was rather surprised to receive a letter from my solicitor, suggesting that he makes an offer to the defendants under Section 36. This offer would be for 60% of the lowest amount which I would be likely to be awarded if successful in Court. At this stage, I had not anticipated that we would be offering a low settlement figure, as my solicitor had indicated that we have a strong case, with paperwork and witness statements from colleagues to evidence what happened. My own thinking is that it is better to wait a couple of weeks for the 2nd expert witness report, as this is likely to strengthen our case. As this case is funded via CFA, do I have to agree with the action proposed by my solicitor, or risk losing the CFA funding? Thank you.
  6. Hi i have recently cheked my credit file and seen a ccj on there the guys i owe the debt to are arrow global. After getting in contact wth them and telling them that at the time of your letters being sent regarding this matter i had fell out with family and was not living there. They have agreed to set the judgment aside . They said they will send a consent form to me and i need to sign and return it to them and they will send it to the courts. Does this mean it will completly remove from my credit file. Thanks
  7. I obtained a charging order in the high court on a debtor's rental property (ie not his home). The mortgage company have first charge. The property may be in negative equity, but house prices are currently increasing. 1 - Is either creditor obliged (or likely) to inform the other how much they are owed? This would obviously help in deciding whether to force a sale. 2 - Can either creditor force a sale against the wishes of the other? 3 - Can either creditor stop a sale by the debtor? 4 - Until the debt is repaid I understand the charging order will stand indefinitely. Will the statutory 8% interest also run indefinitely? Thanks.
  8. Hopefully good news for Gym members at LA Fitness and Dave Whelan Sports (DWS) and those with other gyms whose Admin is handled by Harlands :- These gyms have agreed to make cancellations easier for folks when their circumstances change. See The OFT report here - http://www.oft.gov.uk/news-and-updates/press/2013/62-13 Extract from The OFT press release on 10th September :- The undertakings to the OFT from LA Fitness, DWS and Harlands Group include: * Extended rights for members to cancel their contracts early should their circumstances change in a way that makes attendance at the gym difficult or unaffordable - for example if they lose their job or suffer an injury * A commitment not to describe membership as being of a fixed duration, if the contract automatically continues on a rolling basis after the initial membership period has expired * Greater transparency about key membership features, including initial membership periods and cancellation rights, and for these to be provided upfront as part of the sales process. It will be interesting to see how well the gyms or gym admin Co's stick to the new undertakings. This is in addition to the agreement that The OFT reached earlier this year with Bannatyne Fitness Limited, David Lloyd Leisure Limited and Fitness First Clubs Limited, to change their contract terms. Time will tell ...............
  9. The Association of British Insurers and the Government today struck a new deal to develop a not-for-profit scheme called Food Re to make sure flood insurance remains widely available and affordable. The new agreement will put a cap on flood insurance premiums and link them to council bands. Flood re will charge member firms an annual £180 million, representing a levy of £10.50 on annual household premiums. The aim is that Flood Re will be up and running by summer 2015 and last at least 20 years. Until then, ABI members will voluntarily continue to meet their flood cover commitments under the current Flood Insurance Statement of Principles. http://www.independent.co.uk/property/government-and-insurers-agree-deal-on-flood-insurance-for-atrisk-homeowners-8676701.html Flood insurance deal sees fears recede over future cover http://www.guardian.co.uk/money/2013/jun/27/flood-insurance-deal-industry-government Flooding deal 'to cap insurance premiums' http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-23082174
  10. HSBC is to allow customers to use the Post Office counter network for basic transactions following criticism by the government. Most UK banks, except for HSBC and Santander, allow customers to make withdrawals and deposits at post offices. A previous consumer minister last year accused the duo of "holding out" against offering the service. HSBC said that it was changing its policy owing to customer demand. A year ago it had claimed that fewer than three in 10 of its customers actually wanted such access. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-19623327
  11. I have been chasing London Mortgage Co / Acenden for mis-sold PPI for about 4 year I was given same old reasons ie not regulated in 2003. Eventually I passed this to FOS. I have this morning received a letter from FOS informing me that underwriters have now agreed to accept responsibility for mis- selling. FOS will now look at cases again in order they were recieved.
  12. Watchdog got wonga to agree to pay customers that have had money taken out of there bank without them knowing interest at there rate.http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p00yhpzg
  13. Hi all, I please need some advice re a PPI complaint questionnaire I am currently filling in. It's been calculated by my credit company that I have potentially been mis-sold nearly 4k of PPI over the years and I would like to claim it back. I unfortunately don't know the full details of how I took out the credit card. I have got a copy of the credit agreement I signed from Barclaycard and on the form, neither the "I agree" or "I decline" box in the PPI section has been ticked by myself, but there appears to be a small computer-printed "X" about 1 inch below the "I agree" box. This has been pre-printed before I signed the agreement. It states above the boxes that I should read the enclosed leaflet about PPI before ticking a box. Is the fact that I haven't physically ticked the box a case for PPI mis-selling? It has been applied to my account without my consent. I can't remember the full conversation with the staff at the bank when I applied as it was almost 10 years ago, but I know if I had been given the choice or if it was explained to me correctly I wouldn't have opted for it. And was it right for Barclaycard to assume I wanted PPI without my explicit consent? Is this a strong case for a PPI claim? If anyone has had anything similar, how did you approach the questions on the complaint questionnaire and any recommendations on what to put to help fight my case. much appreciated!
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