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Found 11 results

  1. Does anyone know if we would be entitled to a discount for poor service from an estate agent? We were duped into thinking we could get a lot more for our property with Haart estate agents Their fees were more than anyone else we had value our place but as they were so sure in getting more for us, we agreed to go with them From the very start there were problems. The photographer didn't turn up when he should, the pictures didn't go straight on Rightmove, we wasn't getting any viewings and then when I queried it, we were getting viewings booked and the person wouldn't turn up I was having to come home from work for a supposed viewing only to be telephoned right at the time of the appointment to tell me they wasn't coming or I'd sit and wait and they never showed up I kept calling Haart to ask why this kept happening, like asking for feedback from their viewers but was told this happens and there's nothing they could do about it. In this time we'd decided to drop our price twice to try and attract more viewings, actually dropping it down to what the other 4 agents had said we'd probably get for it. I was arranging my mortgage through an independent mortgage advisor but who is based in their offices, I was telling him about it 1 day and he rang someone he knew who was looking for a property to rent. His words were 'I'll try and get your place sold, don't worry about them' His viewer actually arrived but didn't want it I never heard from them until I'd been and found a property I wanted and had my offer accepted so I rang them and said you need to sell my place and fast. Within 3 days I had 2 viewings and 1 of them made an offer. Great I thought! Then that was it..... I've been chasing up the solicitors, our freeholder, asking questions from the other agent we're buying through. I've had nothing from Haart this was over 4 or 5 weeks. I'd ring them and leave messages and they didn't get back to me Eventually I wrote to them making this complaint I then received a phone call saying our agent had been on holiday for a week and that was the reason he hadn't contacted me I said I'd been doing all the chasing up and asked what exactly I was paying them for He tried to sweet talk me saying he was sorry and he'd get on the case now he was back and get back to me Another couple of days passed and I'd heard nothing so my husband emailed a complaint, he stated he wasn't able to talk on the phone as he works shifts and drives for a living. He also said not to contact me as i was getting very stressed. The manager responded asking for a number to call him on and the next day I received 3 phone calls which I ignored. My husband responded to the email again stating he couldn't be contacted on the phone and any answer would have to be done by email, he also asked for the contact details for head office or complaints depth. 3 days it took for a response and all it was was an apology, no offer of the information requested. I've been chasing everyone myself again as not heard from Haart so I emailed to tell him that and he came back with the exact update I'd already got myself I feel their fee of £3300 is extortionate especially when I've been doing their job!
  2. hello, not long ago I thought I'd get myself a second job and thought doing pizza delivery wasn't such a bad idea seen as I'd be getting free pizza's every night (sad i know) So I went and got my CBT, purchased a bike got it taxed and bought courier insurance to go along with it and away I went. A few weeks back I was involved in a head on collision with a van, it decided to cut in front of me from the opposite lane to turn into a side street with no indication as I was doing about 30mph thus I ended up smashing into his bonnet at full speed and straight onto the ground knocking me out for a bit. I woke up in hospital hours later. Later that day the police arrived and oddly enough kept asking me about insurance. I said I had insurance but they told me that I didn't. I told them that is impossible as the payment was made in full etc and I never canceled my insurance. They came back to me shortly after speaking to the insurance firm and they told me that the insurance company canceled my insurance because I apparently failed to provide them my CBT. I contested and showed that I have a CBT etc, but the police where not interested and slapped me with the offense of driving without insurance, then they nicked the keys and took the bike away to a pound. After I got out of hospital I got on the phone to the insurance company, and they told me it states in their T&C that they have the right to cancel my insurance randomly at any point in the event that I fail to provide a copy of my CBT. They never sent me any letters, nor did they telephone or text me and I certainly have no emails from them asking me for a copy of my CBT. Do I have any hope in fighting the insurance company in court for the outright idiocy for not even having the courtesy to call the customer to tell them the insurance has been canceled and to stop riding the bike? They never even sent me a cancellation email, NOTHING! Any letters they may have sent would have been clogged up in the Christmas break, which is when they apparently canceled the insurance. (btw, still have not received any letters.) I am sure I now have a criminal record because of this, thus, ruining any future jobs in which a criminal background check is asked, which is almost everything these days. I was about to apply for a bus driving job and it specifically said, regardless of the offense, if you have a criminal record, you application will be automatically rejected. I am mortified right now. Any advice is appreciated at this point, thanks! MCE Insurance - https://www.mceinsurance.com/
  3. Hi Everyone! I have recently found a suitable property to rent in my local area via Rightmove and, after reading the information provided regarding fees, (Admin charge £50 and Referencing fee £75 plus vat) I contacted the letting agent for a viewing. I contacted the agent following my viewing, to express my interest in renting the property, who explained the fees had increased to £200 because, I insisted that I was only willing to pay £150, as advertised, initially and the letting agent reluctantly accepted. I have now been informed that my application has failed due to adverse credit and I will require a guarantor to continue with my application. After checking my credit file online, I have not found any adverse credit which would affect my application. Furthermore, I do not have anybody to act as a guarantor ...not that I'd be rude enough to ask in the first place! The agent has also informed me that they cannot refund the £150. Is there anything I can do?
  4. I've had a few issues with my EE Account that I opened in April Last Year. Most of which have got resolved but it was the handling and managing of the account which seriously got my back up. So I decided enough was enough and sent an email to EE's Executive Office as a final resort before CISAS complaints. Anyhow the complaints and incidents were as follows: BTOpenzone addon worked for about a week, moment I gave EE my PAC code from Three Mobile it stopped working and over a year on, still continues to be troublesome and works 2/10 times Added a Sharer SIM which was registered as a Data only SIM. Que my sister running up a £200 bill without any knowledge by her or me. HSBC declined the payment on my Credit Card for Fraud Prevention reasons. I first became aware of the above when I was discharged from hospital having been an inpatient for a week for bowel surgery. I needed to contact the hospital after noticing something unusual and found services suspended. I made that phone call via Skype. EE took a duplicate payment from the My EE App of £82. I discovered this on a Saturday and was told I needed to wait 7 - 10 days for the funds to be credited back to my account. I did a chargeback for 1 of the payments as I wanted the funds that day in my account. HSBC oblidged after a 50 minute phone call and quoting FCA Guidelines I contacted EE the same day and advised them of my actions as I was told that "Common Sense would prevail" Anything but that then happened. EE then blocked card payments on my account for fraud prevention. After contacting them multiple times to resolve this and being told by 4 agents that my services would not be suspended. Exactly that happened. I was promised several callbacks over all issues which were never received. In a previous complaint EE had admitted "That this had happened on more than 1 occasion" EE Suspended my services over £10 after giving me an Ex VAT figure for a Bill on the phone which I paid immediately. After contacting them I was told the agent had made an error and that it was just "Tough" I paid the VAT amount again being clever and adding an extra £10 so their was no margin for error and to show I was not withholding payments. You get the idea... Pretty poor show. Anyhow I wrote to the EE Office in pure frustration and made sure I was in a foul mood when I did so. With a 3 Hour Train Delay on the Great Western Main Line and a lack of a Restaurant Service was the perfect moment to do so. However here comes the biggest concern of all. At no point did I refuse payments or otherwise. But EE kindly littered my credit file with Late Payment Markers which the Executive Office kindly offered to remove... Whilst all that was going on, I contacted BTOpenzone to request the purchase of a 12 month WiFi Subscription which is £15 per month. EE agreed to credit my bill by £15 per month continuously after I threatened to send them the bill for BTOpenzone. However BTOpenzone declined my application due to data with the credit reference agencies. I found this out BEFORE EE told me about the late payment markers. So I was refused credit by their errors. On all occasions I made sure I overpaid the bill to show commitment and it looks like this was all a complete waste of time. The executive office also told me that they would inform me once card payment restrictions were removed. I had to chase this just like every other phone call they promised which I never received. EE also gave me a credit of £80 which was increased to £150 after I told them I was not satisfied. So, they late payment marked my credit file, suspended my services 4 times, promised to call me back and never did, lie to me on whats going to happen, mess me about and cause my blood pressure to rise increasingly. And offer £150 Compensation + £15 reoccuring when my bills total around £100 per month every moth. Should I just accept that? Or should I escalate to CISAS or do something more sinister? Any advise or constructive criticism would be welcomed. Thanks
  5. Hi all, I hope that some one can give me some advice on an issue that has arisen with a policy we took out last Oct with EON to cover our boiler. I had the boiler serviced by a local company at the beginning of Oct as it hadn't been done in 18 months due to money being tight. Everything was given a clean bill of health and I have the paperwork and receipt to show this. Then after discussing it we decided to take out some cover at the end of the month and EON were offering a deal of £9.99 a month for the first 12 months. This covers me for an annual service and parts and repairs upto about £500 I think (i'd have to check the small print, I think it actually covers a replacement boiler) This was quite fortunate as a few weeks later in November the heating side stopped working, but we still had hot water. EON sent some one round (from whatever 3rd party contractor they were using) and he diagnosed that the wireless receiver on the boiler had failed and needed replacing. This is a £50 part as I know for a fact, because I had the original mechanical one replaced with a wireless one in 2009. It took them the better part of a month to actually fix the problem, giving me loads of excuses about being able to find the part and so forth... In the end after I gave them an ultimatum (I could have ordered what I needed online myself in minutes and had it delivered within 48hrs) they finally sent some one round with a new receiver and transmitter unit... which is far inferior to the one I had... But I just wanted some heating to work, so put up with the silly new clunky boxy transmitter that came with it. I watched the gas fitter the entire time he was here, all he did was drop the front panel down, remove the old one and fit the new one. He then unscrewed something on the exhaust pipe and tested the emissions. Gave me a bit of paper and left. This was last December. Cut to Sept this year and it's been nearly 12 months since the last service (start of Oct), and I want to book a service for the end of the month. I call up EON, only to be told that it had a service in December 2013.... I can state for absolutely certain that this is not true. I watched what the guy servicing the boiler did, and he stripped it down completely, cleaned it all out and tested everything, emissions, sniff tests... the whole works. They guy repairing it never took any of it apart or did anything other than replace the receiver and check the emissions. They're telling me that I have to wait until Dec for a service, which is actually 14 months since the last one... and more importantly.. 2 months into the next year and 2 months after they double the payments for the cover. Now I shopped around for better buildings and contents insurance, and managed to find cover that included essential boiler servicing and emergency repairs... Eliminating the need for a separate policy. That cover started in August and the only reason we didn't cancel the other cover right away was because we knew they had to service the boiler before the price doubled... That's what we paid for. But now they are trying to screw us out of the service we are due as part of that contract, saying that they fully serviced the boiler last December... Which is an outright lie. The mindless drone in customer services is only capable of saying 'computer says no' So I've been paying for 12 months for a service that they won't do and are lying about having done already. I'm not looking for some long and protracted fight here... I either want them to service it as they are supposed to under the contract or a partial refund of the policy to cover the cost of getting it serviced locally... which is about £60. So... what's my next step?
  6. Hi everyone this is my first time posting on these forums and i find myself in need of some advice! i took out a payday loan with mini credit which was due to be paid back on the 25th of October 2013, i started college and had a reduced income for that month and the forseeable future. after looking around mini credits website i realized there was hardly any way to contact them! i requested a call from them on the 20th of october and also sent an email asking for a repayment plan that same night only to have an automated response saying: Dear Sir/Madam Please use ww. minicredit .co. uk /contact page to send Your question. Kind regards Mini Credit .co . uk Customer Support Team As i had already done that i searched around these forums to find an alternative email address to use other than the info @minicredit one and found one for collections @minicredit.co.uk on the 23rd of October i against sent an email to mini credit stating: Dear minicredit. I am not in a position to make a lump sum payment to pay off my mini credit loan debt. This is not a decision that i have taken lightly and realize my obligation to pay back this sum of money of £243.18 due on the 25/10/2013. This is due to me starting full time education and now receiving lower wages than i originally anticipated. I did try to contact you earlier but received no response after trying though your website I am hoping that we can come to a repayment agreement that meets the interests of both of us where you get your money back at monthly payments that i can afford and so continue to pay my priority debts and living expenses I would also kindly ask that you suspend any interest chargers occurred in my repayment plan so i can pay you back the £243.18 that i owe in a fast and timely manner. i understand the impact this will have on my credit report and deeply sorry for the in convince caused I also kindly ask that you contact me by email only as this is the only way i will communicate. Kind regards i then went to bank and asked them to cancel the cpa for mini credit, i didnt inform mini credit of this i wasnt sure i was suppose to or not?! on the 25th the due date mini credit took the £243.18 i owed them and a few days later the bank refunded me, in this period i had no emails or phone calls off mini credit till i woke up to text message today saying: We have the right to start legal action and inform the national chargeback database about your fraudulent chargeback to reduce your credit rating. i rang them up after this message to say i have had no communication off them and that i had emailed asking for a repayment plan they claimed they had email me but the only email i have received was the auto response one i posted above and that it had been passed on to collections and i couldnt set up any plan till my bank informs mini credit of the charge back or something along those lines. So please any advice about what i can do next im very stressed with this whole cycle and just want to get out of this mess so i can concentrate on work and my studies.
  7. Hi All, my situation is that I have been self employed for many years, working from home on a part time basis whilst acting as a carer from y wife. In 2005 I attempted to claim carers Allowance but at the time my taxable earnings were marginally too great to receive the benefit. I waited and applied again the following year, and was successful this time. Since 2007, all I have ever received, was a letter telling me I would continue to receive benefit and if my circumstances had changed, to inform them. My earnings stayed fairy constant, being around the limit. I contacted the carers team in April this year to tell them that my earnings for last year (next years benefit) will have exceeded the allowed limit. The chap I spoke to quite rightly suspended my payments there and then. I then received a pack asking me for accounts covering the previous 6 years. I rang into ask why and was told a variety of non plausible reasons. Eventually I was passed to a lady in a different department who introduced herself s the case manager and person responsible for making decisions affecting me. She explained that in actual fact, the department had not requested any financial information from me since my original application and therefore they would not be seeking to recover any money should there have been an overpayment. I was still asked to send in 6 years of figures that I did. On Friday gone, without any further correspondence, I received a demand from the Debt recovery arm for £17000! I have spoken to the Carers Team and written to lodge an appeal. I have always been honest as I am that sort of person. My view is that at any point had they asked me for any financial information I would have supplied it, and that would have nipped this continued overpayment system in the bud. I just wonder if there is any practical advice that others may offer. I am quite prepared to request copies of telephone conversations etc under the freedom of Information Act and will use my MP as well, if needs be. But, others might have experienced this before and have some information to share cheers David
  8. Hi there. My husband and I are tenants who signed an Assured Shorthold Tenancy for a 3 bedroom house in the summer of 2011, and we terminated the agreement on at the end of March 2013. I have highlighted the "backstory" in case it is relevant. I would really appreciate it if someone in the know could read it and let us know if it’s relevant enough to be included in our submission to the DPS. I have given each part of our deposit nightmare a sub-heading so it's easier to digest what's going on. BACKSTORY. Had a reasonably friendly relationship with our LL's, who were also our next door neighbours, and we also, got on well with the Estate Agents. Our decision to move elsewhere came when in January 2013 we received a letter from the Agents saying the LL was planning to increase our monthly water charge from £25.00 to £71.00. Not a big deal, you might think, but we have had a faulty toilet flush since we moved in (the toilet was a concealed-cistern type, hidden behind tiles). Every time we flushed (which was multiple times per day with 4 of us in the house) the flow of flushing water would continue for a good 45-60 minutes. We calculated that it would have cost well over £500.00 in water wastage. Being new to renting, we had "chats" with our LL's over the garden fence about the problem, but never put anything in writing to our Agents. We did telephone the Agents about the problem several times, though. So, we handed our notice to terminate at the end of February, and we received a very snotty note through our letterbox from Mrs. LL, explaining that the price hike was due to the frequent visits from our son and his girlfriend and their use of the loo over the last 12 months. When I checked the contract I couldn't see any clauses about guests staying, and associated additional costs. In our last month of occupancy we paid the increased water fee and decided it was worth it just so we could get away without hassle. Wrong! Mrs. LL started ignoring us in person, refusing to even acknowledge us as we spent our last month there. It was pretty awkward when you are connected next-door neighbours! So, we found ourselves a new place and moved the bulk of our belongings out 3 weeks before our tenancy agreement ended. During this time, I assume the LL's husband (a builder) let himself into the property without giving us 24 hours’ notice, or indeed any notice, and he fixed the faulty toilet for the new tenants. A small amount of grout dust was present in the WC, that wasn't there before. Annoying, considering everything that has happened, but we had already moved to a nice, new place so didn't care. ROOF. When we were moving out, my husband clipped the guttering at the front of the house with the hired removal van while reversing. This shattered about a foot of horizontal guttering, and the shifting guttering had nudged 4 of the roof pan tiles out of place (they didn't fall to the ground or break, just needed re-aligning). This was at about 10pm so we made our way to the new home after checking it wasn't too serious. We decided we would return the next day and check it out in the daylight. Next AM we received a phone call from the Agents telling us we had damaged the roof and the LL wanted it fixed ASAP. My husband told them it was fair, and asked how much the Agent's maintenance guy (he also happens to co-own the Agency) would charge for the repair. He quoted "about £100.00 or you can fix it yourself". Decided to do it ourselves, so we bought a new length of matching guttering, clips and fixed it ourselves to a good standard, realigning the tiles to their previous positions. All done. Or so we thought. At the final inspection the Agent made no mention, or note on the Condition and Inventory list, of any problems or issues with the guttering/roof or outside of the property. However, we received the final inspection report letter from the Agents a few days later and they were claiming a cost of £70.00 for a "roofer to check the condition of the roof". At no time were we told of any hidden, additional charges associated with fixing the roof ourselves, and if we knew about it, we would have let the Agency guy fix it himself. I feel this is a totally unfair cost, and can't see clauses in my tenancy agreement mentioning any costs involved with a professional checking any repairs made to the property. I asked for a copy of the invoice for this job, in case we needed to present it to the DPS, and what came back was a hand written "invoice" from a gentleman with no business name and no presence on the internet/yellow pages/etc. for our area. There wasn't a unique invoice ref. number, no date for the service, no vat amounts or numbers. Just a scribbled letter from Joe Cowboy saying "JOB: CHECKING OF ROOF, TILES AND FELT. AMOUNT DUE £70.00." and a paid stamp mark. This is not what legally constitutes an invoice. CARPET CLEANING. A clause in the contract states that if you have a dog, you must get the carpet in the lounge professionally cleaned prior to your vacation, and submit a receipt for proof of the service. In November 2012 I did speak to the LL's (again, over the fence) about housing a small Shih-Tzu cross that belonged to a family friend who couldn't afford to house it any longer herself. I didn't submit anything in writing stating I would be housing a dog, but we did received a letter from the Agents saying that the LL's had notified them that we wished to house a dog, and that if we did, the carpets must be professionally cleaned, etc., etc. We had the dog infrequently over 4 months, as it went back and forth between our house and a family member's. CARPET - FINAL INSPECTION. I telephoned the Agents, during our last month of tenancy, and asked if I indeed needed to have a professional carpet cleaning service, due to our circumstances with the dog, or if we could use our "Vax" carpet cleaning machine (a good quality piece of kit) with Vax brand concentrated carpet cleaning fluid, and clean it to a good standard ourselves. The Agent confirmed that would be "fine" and that the professional cleaning service wasn't necessary. Again, we didn't get it in writing. I should add that the carpet was already over a year old when we moved in. It is cheap, loop-pile polypropylene stuff and was burned, worn and really filthy with dead bugs everywhere when we started our tenancy. The last tenants left it in a state. So, we cleaned it and it looked good/smelled fresh/etc. Quite worn in the areas of heavy traffic, but other than that it was as it was when we entered the place. I insisted to be present at the Agent's final inspection, and took along my son's girlfriend as a witness. The agent seemed to be slightly annoyed by our presence. We discussed the carpet and he verbally agreed that the carpet was sufficiently clean and in a good enough condition, but noted the slightly lighter, thinner areas of heavy traffic, particularly in front of the large living room windows, as "Could be fading due to sun, could be damaged. Will check with LL and go from there". This note is written on the final check condition and inventory list, which we signed in 2011 when we started our contract. He said he would get in touch with the LL about this, and tell us of their decision. I didn't see what my LL's opinion had to do with the results of the Agent's final inspection findings, and asked him what would happen if they decided they wanted to make a deduction from our deposit because of the carpet. The agent said "Well, if they do, I'll clean it myself and will bill them". I took "them" to mean the landlords. My son's partner was present and witnessed him saying this. Now, I thought the point of final inspection was for the Agent, as a 3rd party, to make decision there and then, based on visual evidence and investigation, and make a note of it... NOT add a statement like "Could be this, could be that, I'll see what the LL's think and make something up later when the tenants aren't about". Obviously our LL's pay the Agents a monthly fee for their service - so naturally the Agents want to keep them satisfied if they want to keep them as clients. I feel like there is a serious question of a lack of impartiality for this process and the subsequent events. Again, the final inspection report letter showed they wanted to deduct £50.00 from our deposit for a professional cleaning, despite the conversation saying otherwise and the inconclusive notes on the Agent's Condition Inventory check list made at the final inspection. I told them I wanted to see a copy of the receipt, and again, the Agents sent an incomplete "invoice". No date for the service undertaken. No unique invoice ref. number for the service. No VAT details. Again, to my mind, this is not a legal invoice. The household cleaning company name on the letter has zero presence on the internet, yellow pages, etc. but the payee name is, after a quick Google search, the son of another owner of an Estate Agency in town. A very unique name considering the small size of our rural town, so it's definitely the same individual. Is this young lad being paid cash in hand to do odd cleaning jobs for Agencies in town? Or is his setup operating as a front for defrauding tenants of their deposits in the town by offering false invoices for jobs never completed, in order to substantiate claims made by LL's and backed-up by Agents? SECOND LETTER FROM AGENTS - LL'S NOW WANT US TO BEAR COST OF AN ENTIRE NEW CARPET. A covering letter from the Agents, along with these incomplete "invoices" also said that the LL had requested for us to bear the cost of replacing the entire living room carpet due to "chemical damage" (again, no idea what this is about. No mention of it in the final inspection Condition and Inventory checklist). They had no firm figures, but said they would write again with details of the full cost to be deducted from our deposit for the new carpet. Included was a copy of a hastily written, and signed, compliments slip from a local carpet shop staff member, who stated the "Carpet has not been professionally cleaned. Residue of cleaning solution left in carpet from cleaning solution". It seems as if the LL has had a visit from the carpet shop salesman, dated recently on 10.04.2013, and roped him into writing some sort of assessment of our own cleaning standards. The carpet was over a year old when we moved in, and was already dirty, burned, etc. by the previous tenants (all noted on the move-in checklist we signed) so how can they even suggest that we purchase a new carpet? I thought tenants only had to pay for the cost of a like-for-like replacement if things were damaged. I would like to point out that the carpet was not damaged by us, chemically or otherwise, during the cleaning process or our occupancy. It was thoroughly rinsed, cleaned, etc. It was fine. We completely dispute all of these claims of damage to the carpet. On the incomplete copy of invoice from the carpet cleaning service they sent me, there is no mention of the date on which the service was carried out. The carpet store's compliment slip is dated. 10.04.2013, so did the professional carpet cleaner cause this damage? Who knows! ELECTRICAL SOCKETS. The final "cost" they mention in the second letter, but quote no firm figures about, is a problem with an electrical socket. We had no problems with any of the electrical sockets upon our vacancy of the place, and dispute this too. There was no note made at the final inspection about any faulty or damaged sockets. They said they would inform us on the costs associated with repair of the electrical sockets in their next letter. For all I know, the new tenants could have damaged the sockets on the day they moved in. Same goes for the mysterious carpet damage. QUESTIONS. What should I do? It seems like we're being penalised by the LL's for daring to disagree with their proposed increase in utilities fees and making the decision to leave their property. They let two other properties, and she once described in great detail a problem they had with a tenant and the windows of one of their properties, some 5 years ago. The way she described this dispute to me (at LENGTH) made it seem like it only happened yesterday. She's one of those sorts of people. The agents have been telling me one thing, disappearing to speak with the LL's, and returning to us with more and more problems with the condition of the house which were never outlined by the agent in the final inspection. I'm on anti-depressant medication and this is really starting to make me feel ill. My husband and I can't afford to lose our £975.00 deposit because of all these claims for mystery damage that seem to get worse and more expensive with each letter from the Estate Agents. We have been reasonable, compliant tenants during our time there. If I was renting out a place, I would have been more than happy to have had tenants like us. I'm not out to cheat anyone and i'm being made to feel like some sort of criminal. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Sorry for the length of this, but I wanted to explain the situation in its entirety so we don't get caught out in any future adjudication process that may happen. Thank you very much.
  9. Hello all, My flatmate has recently moved out of our 2 bedroom flat. We moved in Sept this year and both signed a joint tenancy agreement. I have informed the letting agency who have informed me that: "The tenancy you have both signed means you are jointly and severely liable for all rent for the duration of the tenancy term. In order to be released from your contract you would have to find tenants to replace yourselves or the property is relet. You are responsible for all rent to the point of changeover and the ‘assignment of tenancy’ charge." I intend to reside in the property and i'm currently advertising for a replacement housemate. However, I can only afford to pay my share of the rent and therefore the property is now accumulating arrears. Can someone please advise me of the best course of action? P.S I am aware that this thread has been posted in the wrong forum section however I was unable to access the correct forum to post this in. Apologies.
  10. OK Background. I rented a house off Gumtree from a private agent on 01.05.12 The rent is £450 pm and I paid £450 deposit. The house is fully furnished. Ive had problems with the landlord from day 1. I dont know how to deal with her, she is very nice but very passive agressive and I dont want to anger her but Ive got a feeling im going to get reamed when I leave (1 yr tenancy). So I am preparing myself now. Upon moving in, I was never shown safety certificates. But managed to get her to pay for some electrical repairs. (the copper pipes have not been earthed which was advised when I last had an electrician in) I also was not given an inventory which I was worried about. She came round one day and asked if she could have her pyrex, I told her there was no pyrex when I moved in, and she found mine and insisted it was hers. I told her where to stuff it because It was given to me by my grandmother and eventually she left pyrex-less. But she has done this numerous times. (1). If there is no inventory there is no way for her to try and claim my stuff? the majority of things i have reciepts for but some heirlooms i dont and im worried. (2). A few things (lamps) were broken when I moved in, she cant charge my deposit if there is no inventory? The major thing for me is the deposit. I dont think she has protected my deposit in an approved scheme. (3). When I have rented previously I have had letters from the scheme telling me they have recieved my deposit. I havent this time, is there anyway I can check? This woman really is a nuisance, she used to let herself into the house whenever she felt like it, until my partner argued with her. Even now she still lets herself in if she thinks no ones home (I have hidden upstairs once when I suspected this). And she has let herself in when my partner has been sleeping off nights. I know she doesnt have a front door key (her son does but wont let her have it), so I started leaving the back door key in the lock at an angle so she couldnt open it and she even had the cheek to bollock me for doing that! She comes round my house at 5am on bin days and puts my bin on the kerb because she is convinced I wont do it. Because one week i didnt put the bin out - it was empty. Advice please?
  11. I am currently undergoing a Employment Tribunal against my former employers for constructive dismissal as a result of a broken franchise agreement between two companies. In short, company A (franchisee) was set up to trade as company B (Franchisor). Disputes occurred between the two companies which ultimately ended their agreement with each other. All staff, including myself, signed contracts of employment with company A trading as company B. I have received correspondence from a tribunal judge who was happy to issue a default judgement against company A Ltd, however this company has stopped trading, and is unlikely to have any monetary value or assets due to it's sole purpose of trading as company B in the knowledge that it would be highly unlikely to retrieve any money from this company, I submitted a detailed schedule of evidence which outlined the situation that occurred between company B and company A Ltd. The response I received today informs me that "If you wish for a judgement agaisnt someone other than company A Ltd you will have to establish that you were an employee of that other person" Here is my dilemma: 1) As a franchise, was I employed by both companies or just one? 2) I have evidence of my direct correspondence with company B head office which outlines my interview process and also my concerns about the business whilst employed. Such correspondence would not have taken place if I was not in capacity as an employee of company B? 3) I received on the job training at company B as part of training for my employment, does this prove my capacity of employment by company B? 4) As company B dismissed company A Ltd, surely they made all staff redundant and therefore should be held ultimately responsible? I'm starting to feel I have just wasted my time these past 3 months and would very much appreciate any help or advice regarding this matter. Kind Regards, Perks30
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