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  1. Just to draw a line under this saga. In the end, having had a discussion with the most aggressive person I have ever spoken to, the matter was, that as I had only sent them tax returns they refused to accept any figures on there, and insisted that I fill in their actual income/expense forms going back 6 years. I did this, and included enough additional expense (£14 for one year and £500 for another) under the section of money paid out for someone to 'babysit' my wife. The result was that they accepted I had not broken the income limits and the matter was closed.
  2. I had a phone call today, from the boss of the lady who had told me that she was my case officer. I agree with everyone, that it was up to me to inform them and I did not. However, a shard of light has been thrown to me, in as much as the only figures they have are my tax returns and that if I re-submit the figures on their forms, then there may be further mitigation of expenses available to me.
  3. Thanks for all of your thoughts. On reflection, the Revenue accounts do not reflect the additional costs I might have incurred through caring. I will explore that avenue. Many thanks
  4. Irrelevant from the context that the hours you work and not at a per hour rate, not from your angle that being self employed means you do not have to care for 35 hours per week. The Carers Team have already admitted verbally that they are at fault for never having verified or requested to verify my self employed income in 6 years. It is not a declaration like an employed person has to make. abc123def, are you self employed by any chance?
  5. When you are self employed, the hours you work are irrelevant. It is only once you prepare the figures for your tax return, that you are in a position to see whether or not you have exceeded any limits, which is why the money I earned last tax year will affect my eligibility to benefits next year. When you are self employed, they are supposed to request confirmation of self employed earnings to verify this, and they did not and have admitted that fact. If you are paid an hourly rate, then it is easy to see and understand, that if you for arguments sake are eligible to work on average 12 hours per week across the year, and you work 14 then there will be a problem. This in itself is a ridiculous rule as you either Care or not for your loved one. I do the same amount of caring in a week, whether I earn £20 or £200.
  6. There is no cross department issue here. I have had no involvement with anyone but the carers Team. I submit my accounts as such, to the Revenue like any self employed person. But, the point seems to be that on the carers system, someone has put me down as employed and not self employed. This would explain why they have never asked me to verify my income in the last 6/7 years.
  7. I completed a tax return every year and submitted them correctly to the Revenue. I have not had to pay tax (until this year) for 10 years or more. My accounts were supplied when I made the application, but I have never been asked for any further information since 2007. Until I rang them and volunteered a few months ago.
  8. DWP Debt management. I am challenging them, believe me. It is just as this is my first experience at this, I hoped others might point small things out which are obvious once you l realise them! At this point in time, I am not unduly worried about things. They will either hold their hands up to the error or not. They will have to work out how much it will cost them to recover, and I am exceedingly good at playing the red tape brigade at their own game!
  9. I supplied all information including accounts in 2006, but since then, I have had no requests for any information. They told me that they ought to have requested this on an annual basis but had failed to do so.
  10. Hi Andy, any chance of a link since I do not know which is the correct forum:wink: Found it after all!
  11. Hi All, my situation is that I have been self employed for many years, working from home on a part time basis whilst acting as a carer from y wife. In 2005 I attempted to claim carers Allowance but at the time my taxable earnings were marginally too great to receive the benefit. I waited and applied again the following year, and was successful this time. Since 2007, all I have ever received, was a letter telling me I would continue to receive benefit and if my circumstances had changed, to inform them. My earnings stayed fairy constant, being around the limit. I contacted the carers team in April this year to tell them that my earnings for last year (next years benefit) will have exceeded the allowed limit. The chap I spoke to quite rightly suspended my payments there and then. I then received a pack asking me for accounts covering the previous 6 years. I rang into ask why and was told a variety of non plausible reasons. Eventually I was passed to a lady in a different department who introduced herself s the case manager and person responsible for making decisions affecting me. She explained that in actual fact, the department had not requested any financial information from me since my original application and therefore they would not be seeking to recover any money should there have been an overpayment. I was still asked to send in 6 years of figures that I did. On Friday gone, without any further correspondence, I received a demand from the Debt recovery arm for £17000! I have spoken to the Carers Team and written to lodge an appeal. I have always been honest as I am that sort of person. My view is that at any point had they asked me for any financial information I would have supplied it, and that would have nipped this continued overpayment system in the bud. I just wonder if there is any practical advice that others may offer. I am quite prepared to request copies of telephone conversations etc under the freedom of Information Act and will use my MP as well, if needs be. But, others might have experienced this before and have some information to share cheers David
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