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  1. Hi, I have recently turned 18 and have tried opening a bank account however I was declined. I was told in the branch to check my credit report at Experian and Equifax. I have been able to check Equifax and have discovered there are 5 defaults from different companies. All these defaults are from quite some time ago and show the wrong date of births. I have disputed these defaults with the Equifax but they have come back and said the companies have said the information is accurate and they cannot change it. The companies that the defaults are from Lowell, Tesco, Virgin and Shop direct. Please, can you advise me to what to do next and how to approach the companies involved? Should I communicate by Letter or Email and also is there any templates I could use? I have already reported this to the police and action fraud and have a crime reference number. Thanks for your help.
  2. There was an article in todays paper that sums up what is wrong with charging for hospital parking. A private security guard has been jailed for stealing with others over £200k from the parking machines at Wythenshawe Hospital over a period f just under a year. To pick through whty this is a particularly rotten endictment of what is wrong lets start with his employment, he worked for a subcontractor security firm and he was stealing £30k a month in cash he was handling for the parking co/hospital. He was only caught because a student working part time there dobbed him in. Now that means the cashiers and accountants hadnt noticed a shortfall of £7.5 k a WEEK in their cash takings, the security staff were not supervised in any aspect of their cash handling and it took a volunteer to point all of this out. A hospital spokesmand said that the money could hve paid the slaries of 6 nurses blah blah.- NO IT COULDNT, that wouldnt be allowed so not only do the management of the hospital not know what they are doing they then tell lies to try and deflect their dreadful greed and incompetence into some sympathy for their plight. The obvious point is what was happening to all the money in the first place then if no-one noticed it had gone missing? Why charge for parking in the first place. At the time this was going on the Chief Exec of the hospital was in a court battle with his own trust over plans to cease certain functions and he was forced out of his job. Well, that says all you really need to know. Anyone suffering demands from the parking co there should just claim they paid cash to the the security people and the parking co can find the money in a box behind the telly of their employee. That will see them laughed out of court
  3. Ace and Studio customers who purchased optional accidental damage and theft insurance are entitled to a refund Through our own review we have identified concerns with this insurance, which was sold through the Ace and Studio brands, and have notified the FCA. We concluded, along with the FCA that the insurance did not provide adequate value to customers. Therefore, together with Assurant General Insurance Limited and ANV (which is now part of AmTrust at Lloyd's) who were at various times the underwriters of the insurance, we wish to put customers back in the position that they would have been in had they not purchased the insurance. What we're doing to put things right We have designed and agreed a customer contact and refund programme and will refund Ace and Studio customers the premium they paid for the insurance together with interest. The average premium amount to be refunded will be approximately £38. We have identified approximately 330,000 affected customers. https://www.express-gifts.co.uk/looking-after-our-pp-customers And ... https://www.thinkmoney.co.uk/news-advice/bought-cover-from-a-catalogue-company-how-to-get-a-refund-0-8575-0.htm
  4. Hi, I was caught shoplifting in boots today with my partner. He had no involvement in it at all. He was just with me. As we left, the street ranger came after us and told us the security of Boots would like to talk to us. We went back with him, thought there's no point in trying to fight it and admitted to what I did, and gave him the goods I had taken. I've never stolen before. It was a one off. I am on lots of medication for a long term disability, and have (mental health) BPD, which makes me impulsive, and silly sometimes. I told the security guard this, but he didn't respond. He was really lovely, not intimidating at all, and handled it really discretely. However, we were held in the room, which had a code to get into, and I asked to go to the toilet and was told no, and that I could go after. I was crying & shaking, and on the verge of having a panic attack (from feeling claustrophobic) he took our details, and "distinguishing features" (my tattoo on my leg) and then asked me to sign something to confirm I / we wouldn't return to the store. Now, he's said we will receive a fine each, from RLP, and threatened that if this wasn't paid, it would escalate further to the police. I asked him when we would receive this letter by, and he said he had no idea. now I'm just sat anxiously waiting. has anyone got any advice? I'm also signed off sick, so have next to no income, and my partner is supporting me. I'm awaiting disability allowance, but haven't heard from them yet. I was wondering if my mental health could be mentioned at all to them? I don't know what to do. Please help in anyway possible! is it right my boyfriend will receive a separate fine just because he was stood with me? Thanks so much. Oh I'm 21, and he's 22 by the way x Oh and i also signed to say I acknowledged I was banned from the store (I don't know how long for or if they actually recognise me?)
  5. Hello, as embarrassing as this is too say, I’m in the same position as you. the police weren’t contacted and I didn’t sign anything/take photos that said I consent to my details being shared to the police etc and I wasn’t told they’d get involved. I wanted to know if you’ve gotten an invite from them yet? Also I think I’m gonna pay my fine cause I don’t want the hassle of receiving the letters and having a family member see them; have you received lots of letters?
  6. This seemed like the best forum for this question, mods please move it if it should be somewhere else. Fraudsters obtained access to a friend of mine's online bank accounts and stole a lot of money. They did it by first stealing her mobile phone number. They submitted a fake PAC request to my friend's mobile phone provider and managed to convince them they were her. They then moved my friends mobile number to a different mobile provider, then managed to gain access to the online bank accounts and reset passwords. The bank sent verification codes to my friend's mobile number to check the requests were genuine but of course the mobile number was by that time under the control of the fraudsters. What I've learnt from all that is that PAC theft is a real weak link in online banking security unless mobile phone companies are as rigorour in ID verification for PAC requests as banks are. I don't think phone companies are. that's just background. After much time in meetings at the bank etc the bank has refunded all the money stolen without any quibbling and the phone company has apologised and offered (a small amount of) compensation and has closed down the stolen number. My friend now has a brand new number and as added security has had her account with mobile phone co restricted to say that no PAC code can be issued unless she goes in person to one of their stores with appropriate ID. I've advised her that she ought to check with the three Credit Reference Agencies to make sure the fraudsters didn't try to set up any fake accounts in her name during the time they were in control of her phone number. To find out what credit searches have been done on her will it be sufficient to just to get the statutory report from the three CRAs? eg this one from Experian https://www.experian.co.uk/consumer/statutory-report.html She doesn't particularly want to pay for wider access to her CRA information - she isn't interested in knowing her credit score for example - if the statutory report will tell her what she needs. (They used to cost £2 didn't they? I see Experian's is free now under GDPR) She's also changed her passwords on her email and every online site she uses. Anything else she should be doing? I've told her the fraudsters probably harvested a lot of the information they used from what she's posted on social media so to be very careful about that.
  7. Hi all, I resigned from my part-time job in Sainsbury's on 4th June 2018 for theft of Nectar points on the till, i.e. crediting my Nectar card with £110 worth of points. I was in absolute bits when I was hauled in and questioned over it because it was only then that it hit me, although at the time of course I knew what I was doing. I was a genuine dickhead for doing what I did because he was a decent manager and I abused his trust. At first the store manager wasn't sympathetic and alluded to the fact that police might be involved. However later on because of the dates (I had been working there for more than a year and the first occurrence of this was on 21st May 2018) and because he knew my character and that I really didn't enjoy working there at all we had a chat was very kind and advised me to resign so I wouldn't have to attend the investigatory meetings during my contracted working hours (I also had a holiday booked at that time so it couldn't have been worse timing). My Nectar card (registered with a false name and details) and colleague discount card were also taken. I've gotten back from holiday today to a letter form the DWP stating that I must pay £150 within 14 days to cover 'security costs' (by 25th June), however a breakdown of the sum I am supposed to pay back doesn't detail figures of any sort, simply £ signs, and then underneath this sum they say I'm supposed to pay. in addition it states that it was one incident that occurred on 4th June when I wasn't even in the country let alone still working there, as opposed to when it actually first occurred on 21st May, I used the points on a small number of basic groceries in store which to my understanding is what they could legitimately pursue me for (£12/£13 at stretch), but vast majority of the points were spent on eBay so I'm wondering if it would go that far since my Nectar card was taken. From what I've read so far I'm supposed to ignore the letters however as I was a former employee I don't know what could happen if i don't pay up. Also I would like to know what sort of reference would be given in this instance when applying for jobs (I have a degree and have been applying for jobs for the past year but with no joy). there is nothing stated relating to police charges and fines I haven't received any direct correspondence from Sainsbury's themselves. I'm already out of a job, can't seem to find something that utilises my degree and my parents are always extremely unhelpful and always demanding unreasonable amounts of money for unclear reasons directly and indirectly so paying the fine would put me in an even tighter spot financially. They do not know about this and of course would kick up an almighty fuss if they did, so any advice on what to say in terms of my newfound availability of time would be great. This was a hard lesson learned and although I grew to hate working there, I'm more disappointed in myself for letting down my former boss and the people I worked with (a couple of who contacted me afterwards and said they thought it wasn't a big deal, but I'm still paranoid about it). At no point did I take money from any till and have never done so in any previous job. I have attached a picture of the letter for reference. Any help would be greatly appreciated and thank you to CAG and co for what is already available.
  8. Hello, hopefully i am in the right area to ask the question... A ex-employee had stolen nearly £9k from the company and was arrested and charged. He has pleaded guilty and is awaiting sentencing. He has assets namely a house, and obviously we want the money back. According to the police, they aren't sure how the judge will play it awarding compensation or it will be a case of a small amount over X amount of years - providing he doesn't go to prison that is. He could I think go bankrupt when it all comes on top and we want to get in first. There are no charging orders on his property at the moment. What we would like to do is issue a civil county court claim against him, and if he doesn't pay ultimately a charging order against his property. He is separated from his ex but the land registry still shows them both as joint owners. Would this be advisable or be thrown out because of the crown court case? We are a small company and has hit us hard - but we will survive. Any advise appreciated thanks guy's.
  9. I know it's not clever but I was chosen to have a random check and they found items not scanned so needed a full scan. Went to a till and put my shopping up with obviously extras but left some clothes in a bag. They took a copy if the receipt. I was racked with guilt so 30 mins later went back and paid for clothes. What will happen Now? Will they check cctv as they have my club card and account details? I'm totally fretting that the police will come knocking on my door! I paid for all the items in my bag just worried about the clothes Now! TIA
  10. I am very ashamed, I have been very stupid and don't know what possessed me. I feel sick and scared, can't eat. This is the first time I have ever done any thing like this, it is not me, so I am very ashamed. I'm 50 female and worked part time . Been working there nearly 2 yrs. I was called into an investigation meeting at work ( i work in a large retail chain) and then a few days later a disciplinary meeting. At the first meeting Firstly, I have been accused of buying online from our store with my discount and then returning without making sure the discount had been taken off. This has happen numerous times, I didn't notice the discount hadn't been deducted. Sometimes it is sometimes it isn't. I stupidly assumed that it is the person behind tills responsibility to press the button. (I work there so they know I'm an employee ) but apparently it's my responsibility. I didn't realise they have examples going back a year, mainly in the last few months, I had pointed out a couple of times that they need to press button, when I was just bringing one thing back. Usually I am returning number of items, busy getting sorted to check button is pressed. Secondly, I should return to card paid with but often forget my credit card so use my debit card (also used to have 3 months to return so credit card would have already been paid). Thirdly, I had some items that were past their return date and I got my husband to bring them in to me for return (no one knows my husband) which I nervously did as I knew I shouldn't serve my husband. ( he was not happy doing it) stupidly used my debit card, and used a false name and address. the thing I am most ashamed of, i realised I had returned something to my husband at the reduced price rather than price I paid, got it in my head that I needed the difference ( god knows why) did a suspended transaction so that I could take it to the till at my break, for some reason I had a gift card in my pocket for use with customers I loaded the amount onto the gift card for me! (£20) not even worth it. As I said I don't know why I did it, what possessed me. All so very stupid, but done now so can't change. I said I would pay back what I had got in error as not my intention. in the investigation meeting I explained my reasoning for the first 3 things, said I couldn't remember the final thing - when I was asked about the transaction. I got suspended unsurprisingly. I didn't sleep at all, all I could think was 'that they knew'. I was called back in the next day and asked to clarify a few things including the refund, I broke down and admitted it was for me, and didn't say yesterday as ashamed. I was told they would be in touch. I left and went and got replacement gift card from another shop and in an enveloped dropped it in addressed to investigating manager. I know it doesn't put it right. Few days later I received letter inviting me to disciplinary meeting. I went, I could have taken someone but was too ashamed. Haven't even told my husband about gift card. At the meeting I said how ashamed and sorry I was, how it wasn't my intention to abuse my position. Said I had stress at home, but no excuse. Had already submitted my resignation, (but have to give 2 weeks notice ) He said he had to go through process and ask questions. He wanted factual reasons that I couldn't give , asked if had any mitigating circumstances , i didn't even know what that was. Then he and note taker left room for 30 minutes. I asked several times if I could leave and he said no they had to go through process. When they came back he listed what I was accused of . Then said they would accept my resignation with immediate effect, which I wrote there and then. He ended the meeting. Then said "off the record" - I had said I would repay what taken, if I work out what I owe back, (central protection can go back 18 months) then they may take that into account when/if they contact police. I said I didn't have copy of receipts but I could do what I could - looking at my bank /credit card ins and outs and orders placed. I just want to die at the moment, i have been so stupid. I am so ashamed of my actions . I now can't sleep or eat with fear that the police are going to come knocking at my door. I have spent two days going through my accounts and worked out in the last 8 months that there have been about £550 ( mostly in the last couple of months with sale stuff and handbags ) I haven't a clue about 18 months ago but I've spent more on clothes and shoes and bags lately and there have been a lot of new staff in last few months . I am going to write to them offering a payment of what I have calculated I owe and apologise for my actions . I am so humiliated . I don't know who I can talk to. There's not even a CAB I can call in my area.
  11. Hiya Asking for some advice on behalf of a friend. On Tuesday 23rd May he upgraded (previously with O2, contract expires shortly) and took out a new EE mobile contract which included a new phone (Samsung S8 plus), on Thursday 25th May the phone is delivered. However upon taking receipt of the parcel, signing for it and the courier disappearing he noticed the package had appeared to been re-sealed with sellotape. he proceed to open the package and found the phone box partially ripped, after opening the box the phone was missing however all the accessories included with this new phone still remained. Now he has contacted UK Mail and EE who have said they will investigate but want all the packaging and contents returned. EE have blacklisted the handset on UK Networks, and it has been reported to the police with a crime reference number issued. He has returned all the packaging and contents as requested, photos of the packaging and contents have been taken also. He is concerned that has a new contract with the phone he does not have as it was stolen. EE and UK Mail are unwilling to do anything else until its been thoroughly investigated. He has asked to cancel the contract also under the cooling off period but that has been declined as a theft has occurred. Now where does my friend stand? Is there anything he can do? Regards Matt
  12. Evening I have recently resigned and am on garden leave I was in commission based sales I copied my sales data to a USB drive and left it in a cupboard at work My employer has said I copied data and is threatening legal action but the info has never left the premises I cannot go into work now to prove it How can it be theft when I have not removed it from work?
  13. Hello everyone I hope someone can give me some advice, I am a loss as to what I can do. In February I went to purchase my prescription and do a bit of shopping at a local Sainsbury's supermarket. Whilst at the pharmacy counter I noticed there were some avocados in a clear bag left by the side of the counter. I took this to mean someone had changed their mind and decided not to purchase them. I thought just what I had been looking for. I took the avocados (2) along with the rest of my shopping and proceeded to go to a cashier at the check out who scanned all my items and took payment. A short while later I was on the bus making my way home when an unknown number showed up on my phone. It was the pharmacist from Sainsbury's store asking if I was still in the store, for a minute I panicked thinking I had left my bank card or wallet instore. The cashier proceeded to ask me if I had taken the avocados that were by the counter, I informed her I had and had paid for them, only to be put through to the security officer who accused me of stealing even though I informed them I had the receipt with the name of the cashier who had scanned my shopping showing the 2 avocados. My initial reaction was anger because my personal information had been misused. I have since resolved this with the pharmacy, however Sainsbury's apologised and agreed their security officer had not followed store guidelines/policies when there is suspicion of theft. I was left humiliated on the bus as other passengers could hear me arguing that I had not stolen anything whilst the security officer informed me should this happen again the police will be called. Sainsbury's initially offered me a goodwill gesture for £30 vouchers which I thought was adding insult to injury, they then offered me £100 vouchers which I refused to accept. I feel the stress I went through on that day which raised my anxiety levels warrants more than a £100 voucher. I have not been able to return to that Sainsbury's supermarket because I feel my every move will be monitored. this incident affected my health for a while. I have sent them a LETTER BEFORE COURT but Sainsbury's responded by stating I did not have a case. I am sure the way I was treated was wrong as their own guidelines were not followed by the security guard?...Can someone help please...
  14. Hi, I'm hoping someone can offer me some advice. A few years ago I was the victim of identity theft. I was made aware of this and checked my credit report, someone had applied for several credit cards in my name at a previous address. This had left several defaults on my credit I made contact with these companies through Experian and all these companies confirmed i had been the victim of identity theft and cleared theses defaults from my credit report. I also as advised reported this fraud to the police via action fraud. One of these companies was barclaycard. I have a letter from barclaycard confirming I did not make an application and any fraudulent spending has been removed from this account. I believed the matter settled. However I've recently noticed a default on my credit report for £1351. It had been placed there by Hoist Portfolio holding 2 limited. I disputed this via experian and was told to call barclaycard fraud team. Which I did, they confirmed that I did not owe any money and the only record of myself was the fraudulent application previously mentioned. I then as advised by experian wrote to Hoist Portfolio/Robinson way stating that the date of birth on the default record was incorrect and I was not living at this address at the time the account was created and enclosed a copy of the letter Barclaycard had sent me confirming that i had been a victim of fraud. A week later i received a letter with a Barclaycard letter head stating that this account had been transferred to HPH2 in October 2015 and all payments shall be paid to HPH2. This was 3 months after i received a letter from barlcaycard confirming I'd been a victim of fraud. How do I deal with this? This is adversely effecting my credit rating?!
  15. Hello all i was recently called into work and was suspended for false accusation of theft cut a long story short my father in law is a motor trader who has an ebay account he gets my partner his daughter to advertise and sell items on ebay for him my company has got a third party investigation firm in to investigate as my company is in the motor trade also the only link to these items is me being in a relationship with my partner they have hacked my father in laws ebay gone rather in depth despite account being registered at his home address but post address and returns being my partners were I am not registered they have also hacked mine and my partners facebook to show we're in a relationship and gone in depth in both accounts i know this as both accounts are set to friends and not public domain also took pictures of our children off facebook and shared them made copies (is this allowed without parents consent) in my eyes ebay hacked facebook hacked childrens pictures take off fb ( not on front page) children pictures copied and shared between investigation team and my company help help help as i have done nothing wrong neither has father in law or partner
  16. Hi All, I have just received a call from the Police regarding an accusation of the theft some photographs by a previous employer. I worked for this lady for 10yrs and in this time there has been a high turn over of staff due to her behaviour. I finally had enough and left in November of last year and since then she has had several staffing changes (one of which she accused of stealing her money). Last week she sent me an email almost accusing me of the theft of her photographs, which I ignored with no longer working for her and it being quite snotty. Today the police called to advise that she had been in touch with them and named only myself as having possibly taken them. She told them I had only given my notice in last week (I have been working for my new employers for over a fortnight, having taken Christmas off. I gave my notice in November, took my holiday entitlement and also sick leave as she made me ill) and the police were lovely, advising me that as far as they are concerned the items may not actually be missing, but that they had to follow up on the call. I know that she is doing this out of spite as that is the kind of woman she is, but where do I actually stand if she persists? The police are welcome to check my home, but this is beginning to make me ill again and I do not want it to effect my new employment? Thank you
  17. I met Mr Toussaint Davy ("Mr Davy") whilst in Spitalfields Market, London. Mr Davy was purchasing sugar cane for his business "Jamaicadeli.com", which sells, amongst other things, sugar cane juice. I agreed to assist Mr Davy with selling sugar cane juice at Nottinghill Carnival and thereafter I occasionally assisted Mr Davy with his stand in a local food market As part of his business, Mr Davy supplies sugar cane juicers and advertises the same on his website. Mr Davy suggested I should purchase a sugar cane juicer for my own personal use and I agreed to order a juicer from one of his contacts in the Far East. On 12 April 2016, I paid £750.00 to Mr Davy by way of bank transfer. Mr Davy confirmed that the brand new sugar cane juicer would be delivered to me and he would test this before delivering it to me. Mr Davy advised that this process would take in the region of one month. Approximately one month after paying for the juicer, Mr Davy informed me that the juicer had arrived but it had been taken apart by HM Customs and damaged in the process; he was not therefore satisfied with the condition and he was awaiting a refund from HM Customs. Mr Davy assured me that he had ordered a new juicer that would arrive on or around the middle of June 2016. I tried to contact Mr Davy on numerous occasions but received no response. On 14 June Mr Davy informed me via text message that he was not satisfied with the response from HM Customs, and so he would give me a full refund. On 15 June 2016 I sent Mr Davy a letter requesting a refund of the £750 by no later than 5pm on 17 June. Mr Davy acknowledged this letter, but admitted that he would not be able to refund the money within such a short timescale. He confirmed that the money would be refunded by 19 June 2016 at the latest. On 20 June I had still not received a refund and so I sent a further letter to Mr Davy. Mr Davy acknowledged receipt of all of my correspondence the following day, and explained that he had had three juicers which had been damaged by HM Customs. He implied that a 'guy in Malaysia' was currently holding my money. I asked for proof of this and although Mr Davy initially agreed to provide the same, this has never been supplied. On 24 June Mr Davy agreed to transfer £250 to me and confirmed that the balance would be transferred the following week. I received the £250 on 27 June, but I had not received the outstanding £500, despite numerous telephone calls and text messages. Mr Davy failed to provide me the full refund, to which I am entitled and the outstanding balance amounts to £500. I entered into an oral contract with Mr Davy for the provision of a juicer and Mr Davy failed to provide the goods contracted for. He is thereby in breach of contract and accordingly, he is under an obligation to refund to me the cost of the goods. Additionally or in the alternative, by virtue of Section 28 of the Consumer Rights Act 2015, it can be argued that Mr Davy has refused to deliver the goods (the sugar cane juicer) and I may therefore treat the contract as having come to an end. Mr Davy is under an obligation to reimburse all payments made under the contract without undue delay and he has failed to do so to date. Due to being messed around by Mr Davy, I took it upon myself to employ solicitors. Having received various letters from solicitors Mr Davy decided to partly pay the outstanding £500 in various parts I can confirm that I received £100 on 3 August 2016 In addition, received a further £200 from Mr Davy on 18 October 2016. Lastly I received £50 from Mr Davy on 29 November 2016. This leaves a total of £150 outstanding, after 6 months and many solicitors letters. Seeing as any legal fees will now far exceed the value of my claim, I now have no other option then to issue proceedings myself against Mr Davy in the Small Claims Court. Please can fellow Caggers be so kind as to advise me of this process? Can I claim costs in the small claims court? What happens if I receive the £150 after lodging the claim with the small claims court. Sorry for the length of this post for a first post. Best wishes and seasonal greetings to all and thanks for taking the time out of your schedules to read my thread. Regards
  18. Hello, I have recently found out that there could be an investigation going on about me, concerning time theft. In total it could be around 2-3 hours. I would like to know beforehand what to expect, and how the procedure should be handled by my employer. I tried googling and nothing really came up. I found an old thread here dealing with a different case of time theft, and it said that anyone accused should first receive a written statement about the charges. Many of my colleagues have been investigated, however, I have not heard of anyone receiving a written statement. Is this true? Thank you.
  19. Hello everyone, first timer on this forum and looking for your advice. Sorry it is a bit long and I hope not too complicated. I am also trying to make things clear thinking about a FOS complaint. My wife and I are both EU citizens and moved to the UK in 2012 because I took a job in London. We both held EU driving licenses: I exchanged mine for the full UK one in 2013 as my work commute is by Tube and did not care about gap times during the exchange. My wife, instead, needed to commute to work by car and did not feel like driving around with documents being processed or in the post - what if she had an accident? Her EU driver license was due to expire on the 24th of May 2016 so she applied for a Provisional one to the DVLA on May 6th, expecting to receive it in 2-3 weeks - as stated by the DVLA website. She was not driving anymore after the expiry date. My car was stolen on the morning of the 27th of May, they came into the house, searched the groundfloor for my car keys and drove it away, also taking away both our wallets with all the driving licenses and bank cards, her ipad and handbag. They did not take my wife's car. Police came, report written, Crime Reference Number provided. We have a multicar insurance for which I am the policy holder since 2013. The V5c of the stolen car is at my name, as well the financing, my wife is the named driver. Same for her car: she is the registered keeper and the finance is at her name, I am the named driver. When I called the insurance to report the car stolen, it emerged that in their files I still held the EU license but DVLA confirmed the full UK: when I bought the stolen car (mid 2014) I also changed address and called them to let them know about this changes but clearly I forgot to tell them about the change of license. A few month later my wife changed her car (the one that wasn't stolen) and I notified the insurance about the new car. Still I forgot about the UK driver license but it was not intentional as I did not consider that EU to UK would be a major game changer. Now the the insurance is stalling my claim: they have not been very forthcoming about the reason until we squeezed out of them that they need want of my wife's EU license. With the original stolen in her wallet, we have requested a certificate from the issuer state. What I am worried about is that they will void my claim on the ground she was not covered by any legal driving license at the date of the car theft. We honestly did not call the insurer to inform them that her EU was expiring on the 24th as we expected the Provisional to reach her shortly and would have informed them upon its arrival, as it happened. Her provisional license was delivered to us the week after the theft - after the bank holiday, as expected - and issued from May 28th. She informed the insurer of that the same day, as her car is still covered by policy. Any advice would be welcome!
  20. Vodafone have put a default on my credit report and are causing me undue stress and anxiety due to a phone I had stolen in Barcelona. The thieves stole my phone and within a few hours racked up a bill over £2,000 by ringing premium numbers and putting them on hold to ring the same numbers - over 900 calls were made. It is clear that my phone was used as some sort of organised crime activity and there have been many cases in the press of Vodafone lumping other people with bills like this, only to waive the bill when brought to the attention of the press. I am now at the point of contacting press as this seems the only way Vodafone comes to a fair decision. I have not long graduated and instead of enjoying being young I am beginning to get depressed - I have debt collectors after me, a ruined credit report and no idea of how to get out of this situation. anyone got any other tips on how to deal with this situation or anyone had a similar experience? Forgot to mention that the incident occurred in September 2014, a default was registered on my report May 2015 and the account was apparently sold on to a DCA in the last few weeks
  21. I hope I'm posting this in the right place, it involves quite a few different debt related topics so this seemed as relevant as anything! I've recently split up from my husband and I'm looking to divorce him shortly, in the process of splitting up I've needed to apply for credit for the first time in years and it's become apparent that I've got a poor credit rating as a result of a number of payday loans that have been taken out over the past few years, and a credit card that I paid off years ago and haven't used since is also showing an active balance. I had no idea about these until now, as we've been living abroad and it looks as though my old address was used. I have no proof that this was his doing at all, but he would have known all of my personal details to enable him to apply, and he has a pretty severe gambling problem as well. He has in the past stolen money from me by using my debit card so I absolutely wouldn't put it past him. I reported this to the bank who refunded the money, but it was never proven that it was him. The payday loans were taken out over a short period in 2013, and this is the first I knew of them. I knew about the credit card but as far as I was concerned it was paid off then lost (admittedly, never cancelled). In addition to this, there are 2 loans showing on there as 'lowell' these were from much longer ago, around 2007 and 2009, but I believe these were Welcome Finance loans that I did take out but paid back by around 2011. I can only assume that the fact these are still showing on there is a mistake and somehow they have incorrect records. I should be able to dispute these using bank statements though. It all seems like a lot to deal with on top of the divorce etc. if anyone could point me in the right direction I'd be so grateful. I want to move forward and look into mortgages eventually but having all of this on my file will make that nearly impossible I think
  22. Hi all, Thanks for giving this a read. Please let me know if this is not in the correct sub-forum and I'll flag for it to be moved. I'll try and keep this short and succinct: We have just returned home from our time away in another city for work and we kept our car in the private residential basement car park for our building - key fob / building access is required for entry. We noted that a number of external components had been stripped off our car and taken. The interior was not broken into as far as we could tell. Additionally, the wires to the CCTV unit which overlooks the whole car park had been cut and the unit taken away. The car park itself is quite small - fits about 8 cars and is rectangular in layout. We did what we could on a weekend: informed the police, put up posters and notices around the car park, and spoke to our neighbours. One person reported that the CCTV unit had been missing for more than a month. We also e-mailed management with regards to this footage and to also inform them that the security of this car park is compromised. The question: would 'management' be liable in this incidence? We pay a fairly significant monthly premium to them - £50 (an official letting agent) - in addition to rent, for a parking spot in this car park yet we were not warned to park at our own risk, nor are there any signs to highlight this. Plus no signs to highlight active CCTV monitoring. One would think that for such an additional amount, there would perhaps be more attention to maintaining the security of this car park (occasional checks of CCTV camera for faults, for example). I agree that parking the car down there for 4 weeks without checking it is questionable, but in consideration of the fact that we were away for work and such a car park requires key-fob access, there was a CCTV, it is private and in the basement, this may perhaps be forgivable. We are waiting for management's reply - hopefully by today, but just posting this in preparation for the direction we hope to take. Thanks in advance for your thoughts.
  23. Hi there im hoping someone can help me. A few months ago, I did a silly thing and took 1 plaster from a damaged box in sainsbury's. I was caught and came back into the store. They took my details even though the manager knew i was sincerely apologetic and HE EVEN SAID NO LETTERS WOULD BE SENT TO MY HOUSE. They said im banned for life and that i should leave. No police were called. They even let me appeal the ban and their security guard has been LETTING ME SHOP IN THE STORE, SO THE BAN HAS BEEN LIFTED! 2 months later i received a threatening letter from DWF requesting £154.40! Im just a 16 year old boy who couldnt afford for his family to find out so I did all the wrong possible things and did the following: Called up DWF. Begged them to close this case (they said no ) Accepted the offer of installments of £30 a month. So far i have paid 90 so 2 payments left. Was this the right thing to do? Do they actually take people to court? I actually cannot afford to pay anymore money, would they take me to court if i stopped paying halfway? Now they see me as gullible i dunno what to do? i cant afford to keep up these payments! What should i have done and what should i do next? if i pay the rest will they try come back and ask for more ? Any help is appreciated
  24. Hi, Last month, I placed an order with a company called NutriSun. I brought 2x iron tablets, which came to roughly £13.00, making me eligible for free delivery (on orders over £10.00). The following week, I received a delivery card from Royal Mail stating 'not enough postage' on the package - so I had to pay £1.50 to receive my order, as NutriSun hadn't paid! Finally, when the delivery did arrive, it turns out they only sent 1x iron tablet instead of 2. I wrote several emails, and also called them several times over the next few weeks, even letting the phone ring for half an hour on one occasion. No response, no callback, nothing. I've received absolutely no response whatsoever. I realise this is a 'small' issue but the principle is shocking. This is theft, and surely a company guilty of this should not be allowed to trade? What can I do in this situation? Thanks
  25. Hello, I've been caught shoplifting a ring and necklace from topshop. Don't know why I did but it happened and never felt worst in my life. I've had sleepless nights since and not sure what to do about it. The security guard took me to the back, took my details - i gave them an address which is now old because I've just moved house - so not sure if i would get any RLP letter, though i shouldn't. While waiting in the room they put me in they went to find out the price for items which was about £22. They came back and said I could pay for the products or they can call police and of course accepted to pay for them. I apologised and after they took my picture, i paid for items and was escorted out the back. they gave me a letter saying I am banned from all arcadia group stores which confused me, I asked how long for and somebody said for life, then another security guard said 2 years and then another one said 1 year. Im not really sure what to believe?? As no length of time is stated on the letter.. My most important question I have arises from the fact that I have been banned from Arcadia group shops, and so I have to find excuses for my husband so that we do not go in there. I have since been in contact with the loss prevention team and I did firstly thank them for not getting police involved, then apologised and asked if I could be forgiven as my intentions are to shop in those shops. He emailed back a bit rudely (which I guess i understand why) and said he will pass on my email to the manager and its at his discretion whether I can go back. I have literally been so stressed out and it has been over 2 weeks and have not heard anything else from them. I just want to ask if anybody knows how long the ban is for and if there is anything I can do as I feel like my stupid stupid actions could literally break my marriage . Worst thing is my husband can sense something is wrong and i literally wake up shaking sometimes I feel so so sorry and so ashamed for the incident. Anyone has any advice?
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